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State of Washington Classified Job Specification


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Class Code: 454P
Category: Regulatory Services


Serves as a senior specialist in providing professional expertise on complex transportation issues that require setting new policy guidelines. Researches, analyzes and makes recommendations regarding unprecedented transportation issues. As designated by the Division Director serves as Hearings Officer conducting rate docket hearings and making recommendations to the Commissioners. Trains new staff.

Typical Work

Provides technical knowledge and expertise to agency staff for regulated transportation activities, including revision of complex state tariffs and assistance to agency staff in general rate filings;

Trains agency staff in transportation regulatory issues; coordinates and/or facilitates training for transportation division staff; develops and implements programs to educate the regulated industry in Commission issues;

Participates with revenue requirements and legal staff in interpretation of the most complex tariffs and operating authorities; equally participates with lead staff from other divisions in the analysis of complex regulatory problems; recommends solutions to solve problems;

Reviews and analyzes carrier proposals for tariff changes with less than statutory notice (LSN); recommends disposition of LSN requests to the Commissioners;

Acts as hearings examiner for docket hearings; develops findings of fact and conclusions of law; prepares orders resulting from docket hearings for the Commissioners' signatures;

Works with applicants for operating authority and existing carriers in resolving differences in order to avoid litigation; negotiates and mediates disputes on behalf of the Commission in the operating authority process;

Works with agency management to develop transportation laws, rules and policies; recommends changes to existing laws, rules and policies; presents staff position to the Commissioners, either at a formal public meeting or in a more informal manner;

Works with carriers, shippers, other state agencies and the public in complex rate and/or authority matters before the Utilities and Transportation Commission; answers inquiries from carriers and the public regarding complex tariff and/or operating authority issues;

Performs other work as required.

Knowledge and Abilities

Knowledge of: principles and practices of transportation, transportation regulations and rate construction; laws, rules, regulations and leading decisions of the Utilities and Transportation Commission and the Interstate Commerce Commission; economic and financial factors influencing the transportation industry; rules of evidence; history of transportation regulation.

Ability to: analyze rate filings using reasonable and logical judgment; assist in the conduct of economic and financial analysis of carriers; evaluate evidence objectively; examine or cross-examine witnesses; assist in the gathering and preparation of and presentation of evidence before the Utilities and Transportation Commission and the Interstate Commerce Commission; assist other state agencies; speak informatively to public and private groups on freight rates and other work of the Commission; write and speak clearly, concisely, accurately, and informatively.

Legal Requirement(s)

There may be instances where individual positions must have additional licenses or certification. It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure the appropriate licenses/certifications are obtained for each position.

Persons legally authorized to work in the U.S. under federal law, including Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals recipients, are eligible for employment unless prohibited by other state or federal law.

Desirable Qualifications

Three years of experience as a Transportation Specialist, two years of which must be at the Specialist 2 level or above.


Four years of experience with the Transportation Division of the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission at the Motor Carrier Law Enforcement Investigator 2 level or above.

Equivalent education/experience.

Class Specification History

New class: 10-10-86
Revised definition, minimum qualifications, general revision, title change (formerly Transportation Tariff Specialist 4): 6-10-94
Revised new class code: (formerly 47170) effective July 1, 2007

Revised Legal Requirements; effective June 6, 2024, due to adopted legislative action.