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State of Washington Classified Job Specification


<< Classified Job Listing

Class Code: 147C
Category: Financial Services


This is the senior, specialist, and lead worker level of the series. Positions function as a senior level budget program analyst for an agency or major program of an agency or institution. Positions may also lead other budget, fiscal, or clerical staff involved in budget program analysis requiring broad knowledge of institutional and state accounting and budget procedures. Develops long range capital project and budget plans.

Typical Work

Accomplishes detailed analysis for all assigned programs and provides consultative planning and analysis services to division management and staff;

Coordinates directly with the lead worker, budget director, and the division director of assigned programs providing them with specific information and knowledge to achieve coordinated program and budgeting planning;

Prepares and presents complex caseload and/or expenditure forecasts for budget or other management purposes;

Coordinates the fiscal note process for a major program including responsibility for operation of the system, review of fiscal notes, and coordination with Office of Financial Management staff;

Guides lower level budget specialists, fiscal, and support staff in the development of caseload and cost estimates and forecasts in one or more major programs;

Prepares reports, including findings, conclusions, and recommendations for improvement of agency operations, ensures that follow-up service is provided to divisional management to ensure compliance with indicated program changes;

Conducts analysis of proposed legislation which affects assigned and proposed programs and recommends specific modification or change of such legislation based on agency's plans and fiscal policies; recommends or reviews proposed legislation to improve statutory basis for assigned programs; prepares and reviews fiscal notes;

Directs the review of program allotment requests and position actions and recommends approval, modification, or disapproval of allotment requests and positions based on established program plans and fiscal or policy considerations;

Establishes, monitors, and maintains agency procedures for capital budget planning. Coordinates water activities connected with the development of a department capital improvement program, capital budget contracts, and public works projects;

Designs and writes contracts' specifications, prepares contracts, facilitates procedures for obtaining necessary legalizing signatures, ascertains necessary bond and insurance requirements, and coordinates contract files;

Prepares detailed outlines and establishes procedures for the preparation of projected capital improvement programs and budget;

Maintains a computerized data processing program which will provide immediate analysis of the type of facilities, location, cost, and user requirements of areas;

Coordinates capital improvement programs and public works projects with other state agencies and federal, county, and city officials;

Explains accounting and budgeting systems, procedures and processes

Positions may lead or supervise lower level staff. However, lead worker positions must lead lower level budget staff.

Legal Requirement(s)

There may be instances where individual positions must have additional licenses or certification. It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure the appropriate licenses/certifications are obtained for each position.

Persons legally authorized to work in the U.S. under federal law, including Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals recipients, are eligible for employment unless prohibited by other state or federal law.

Desirable Qualifications

Positions typically require a Bachelor’s degree in business, public administration, accounting, economics, or statistics and five to six years of professional experience in budgets, management, or program analysis. A Master’s degree can substitute for some experience.

Class Specification History

New class effective January 1, 2006; Budget Analyst 3 (replaces 3040 Budget Analyst III, 12380 Budget Program Specialist 3, 3037 Budget Analyst Lead, 12390 Budget Program Specialist 4, 3025 Budget Program Specialist II).

Revised Legal Requirements; effective June 6, 2024, due to adopted legislative action.