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Contact Labor Relations and Compensation Policy staff

The State Human Resources/Labor Relations and Compensation Policy Section is under the administrative arm of the Office of Financial Management. This allows for close coordination with all aspects of budget development, revenue forecasting and public compensation and benefit systems, which are all important resources to the collective bargaining process. Contact us with questions about various aspects of public sector collective bargaining and labor relations.

Labor Relations and Compensation Policy Section

P.O. Box 47500
Olympia, WA 98504-7500

Labor Relations and Compensation Policy Section Staff

View assignments by agency

View support assignments by staff

Each labor negotiator is assigned state agencies and/or colleges to serve as the resource for labor relations management on interpretation and application of labor agreements and on a variety of labor relations issues.

Staff Title Phone
Abbie Hart Labor Negotiator 360-890-6749
Allesha Beaulieu Compensation Policy Analyst 360-870-9153
Allie Kohlhorst Compensation Policy Analyst 360-790-8493
Angie Gill Compensation Policy and Planning Manager 360-791-9796
Brenda Moen Labor Negotiator 360-810-0665
Connya Sheatsley Labor Relations Support Supervisor 360-480-5992
Courtney Potter Compensation Policy Analyst 360-890-5427
Damien Valadez Compensation Policy Analyst 360-688-3376
Gina Comeau Labor Relations Section Chief 360-810-0166
Inti Tapia Labor Negotiator 360-890-1118
James Dannen Labor Negotiator  360-890-0523
Jeff Duncan Labor Negotiator 360-890-2370
Jenny Sheehan Senior Labor Negotiator  360-280-3391
Kelly Woodward Deputy Chief Human Resources Officer  360-688-3905
Lane Hatfield Labor Negotiator 360-870-6185
Melanie Kelley Labor Negotiator 360-522-2786
Patricia Foshaug Labor Negotiator 360-819-6168
Rachel Barckley-Miller Labor Negotiator 360-890-6291
Scott Lyders Senior Labor Negotiator 360-480-3612
Tanya Aho Labor Relations  Manager 360-742-8859

Support Staff/Labor Relations Assistants

Administrative Staff
Assistant for
Beki Parvin
Labor Relations Assistant
James Dannen
Inti Tapia
Brittney Schouviller Labor Relations Assistant


Brenda Moen
Melanie Kelley

Daniela Webster
Labor Relations Assistant
Scott Lyders
Lane Hatfield
Olivia May Labor Relations Assistant


Patricia Foshaug
Sara Courtney Labor Relations Assistant


Rachel Barckley-Miller
Tatiana Karpov
Labor Relations Assistant
Jenny Sheehan
Abbie Hart
Jeff Duncan


Assignments by agency

Agency LRS Contact Phone
Administrative Hearings, Office of Brenda Moen 360-810-0665
Adult Family Homes Council Brenda Moen 360-810-0665
Agriculture, Department of Scott Lyders 360-480-3612
Archeology & Historic Preservation Melanie Kelley 360-522-2786
Arts Commission Abbie Hart 360-890-6749
Attorney General's Office Brenda Moen 360-810-0665
Board of Industrial Insurance Appeals Jenny Sheehan 360-280-3391
Center for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Youth Scott Lyders 360-480-3612
Child Care Providers
Abbie Hart 360-890-6749
Children, Youth, and Families, Department of Abbie Hart 360-890-6749
Commerce, Department of Brenda Moen 360-810-0665

Corrections, Department of (DOC) Teamsters 117 (GG & WMS)


Corrections, Department of (DOC) WFSE

Criminal Justice Training Commission Lane Hatfield 360-870-6185
Ecology, Department of Abbie Hart 360-890-6749
Employment Security Department Abbie Hart 360-890-6749
Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council (EFSEC) Scott Lyders 360-480-3612
Enterprise Services, Department of Abbie Hart 360-890-6749
Ferries Division (DOT): 
Rachel Barckley-Miller - Lead 360-890-6291
  •  MM&P Masters, MM&P Mates, MM&P WCS
Rachel Barckley-Miller 360-890-6291
  • IBU
Rachel Barckley-Miller 360-890-6291
  • Carpenters, Metal Trades
James Dannen 360-890-0523
Rachel Barckley-Miller 360-890-6291
Melanie Kelley 360-522-2786
  • OPEIU 8, SEIU 6
Patricia Foshaug 360-819-6168
Financial Institutions, Department of Jeff Duncan 360-890-2370

Fish and Wildlife, Department of


FWOG, Teamsters 760


Melanie Kelley

Inti Tapia




Health Care Authority Jenny Sheehan 360-280-3391
Health, Department of Brenda Moen 360-810-0665
Historical Society Melanie Kelley 360-522-2786
Home Care Individual Providers Brenda Moen 360-810-0665
Horse Racing Commission Patricia Foshaug 360-819-6168
Human Rights Commission Patricia Foshaug 360-819-6168
Insurance Commissioner, Office of Patricia Foshaug 360-819-6168
Labor and Industries, Department of Melanie Kelley 360-522-2786
Language Access Providers James Dannen 360-890-0523
Licensing, Department of James Dannen 360-890-0523
Liquor and Cannabis Board Jenny Sheehan 360-280-3391
Lottery Commission Patricia Foshaug 360-819-6168
Military Department Scott Lyders 360-480-3612
Minority and Women's Business Enterprises, Office of Abbie Hart 360.890.6749
Natural Resources, Department of James Dannen 360-890-0523
Parks and Recreation Commission Patricia Foshaug 360-819-6168
Recreation and Conservation Office Scott Lyders 360-480-3612
Retirement Systems, Department of Brenda Moen 360-810-0665
Revenue, Department of Rachel Barckley-Miller 360-890-6291
School for the Blind Patricia Foshaug 360-819-6168
Secretary of State Scott Lyders 360-480-3612
Services for the Blind  Melanie Kelley 360-522-2786
Social and Health Services, Department of 

Brenda Moen - Lead

Jenny Sheehan
Melanie Kelley
Patricia Foshaug
Abbie Hart



Social and Health Service, Department of

Eastern/Western State Hospital

Scott Lyders - Lead 360-480-3612
State Patrol  Jeff Duncan 360-890-2370
Superintendent Of Public Instruction, Office of (OSPI) Jenny Sheehan 360-280-3391
Transportation, Department of James Dannen 360-890-0523
Utilities and Transportation Commission Scott Lyders 360-480-3612
Veterans Affairs, Department of Jenny Sheehan 360-280-3391
Abbie Hart 360-890-6749
Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board Scott Lyders 360-480-3612



Higher Ed-Community Colleges (WFSE and WPEA) LRS Contact Phone
Bellevue College (WFSE & WPEA) Jenny Sheehan 360-280-3391
Big Bend Community College  Inti Tapia 360-890-1118
Cascadia Community College Patricia Foshaug 360-819-6168
Centralia College Patricia Foshaug 360-819-6168
Clark College Inti Tapia 360-890-1118
Columbia Basin College Inti Tapia 360-890-1118
Community Colleges of Spokane Jenny SheehanJenny SheehanJenny SheehanInti Tapia 360-890-1118
Edmonds Community College Inti Tapia 360-890-1118
Everett Community College Jenny Sheehan 360-280-3391
Grays Harbor College Patricia Foshaug 360-819-6168
Green River College Patricia Foshaug 360-819-6168
Lower Columbia College Patricia Foshaug 360-819-6168
Olympic College Inti Tapia 360-890-1118
Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Jenny Sheehan 360-280-3391
Peninsula College Patricia Foshaug 360-819-6168
Pierce College Inti Tapia 360-890-1118
Seattle Colleges District Jenny Sheehan 360-280-3391
Shoreline Community College Patricia Foshaug 360-819-6168
Skagit Valley College Inti Tapia 360-890-1118
South Puget Sound Community College Patricia Foshaug 360-819-6168
Tacoma Community College (WFSE and WPEA) Jenny Sheehan 360-280-3391
Walla Walla Community College Inti Tapia 360-890-1118
Wenatchee Valley College Inti Tapia 360-890-1118
Whatcom Community College Jenny Sheehan 360-280-3391


Last updated
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
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