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Washington State Glossary for Inclusive & Equitable Workplaces

Welcome to the 4th version of the Glossary for Inclusive & Equitable Workplaces, previously known as the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging glossary!

The intent of this glossary is to provide state employees with a compilation of equity-related terms and their meanings. When we have a shared vocabulary and agree on the meaning of the words we use, we are better able to collaborate across departments, teams, and the communities that we serve.

Words carry meaning, power, and impact. It is important that we understand the meanings, recognize the power, and demonstrate reflection, continual learning, and accountability for the impact of the words we use in Washington State government. It is also important to understand that the human beings who are educating us about these terms are living the identities and experiences described in this glossary.

Because people are continually evolving, the words we use to describe them need to evolve as well. This resource is meant to support the work of improving access, advancing equity, and eliminating systemic racism and other forms of oppression from the work we do. This is not meant to serve as a primary resource in any specialized area such as law, medicine, or academia.

Thank you to the Washington State Business Resource Groups, the Washington State DEI Council Glossary Workgroup, The Department of Health, Department of Enterprise Services, Office of Equity, OFM Communications for your hard work and dedication to this body of work. The work that was poured into this version will directly impact those who experience disparities, exclusion, and systemic oppression in the workplace. Thanks to your vital contribution to this work our state will have a practical resource guiding us to maintain a growth mindset while affirming and embodying diversity, equity, inclusion, antiracism, and belonging every step of the way.

You may request a Glossary Edit if you would like a term added to or a definition edited in this glossary. Please note that the review committee meets quarterly to review these submissions and is committed to the shared-power process, so these edits make take several months to research and to respond to.

2 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | W | X

Any form of action, policy, system, or practice on the part of a person or people in positions of authority that limits or restricts another individual’s liberty, free-will, autonomy, and responsibilities of those subordinate to those in authority in the subordinate’s supposed best interest. The intent is to supply needs or regulate conduct of subordinates in matters affecting the subordinates as individuals, as well as in their relations to authority and to each other. It is often done without the subordinate’s consent or input. The term originates from the 19th century legal structure of a father as head of household and final authority on all family matters. 

A system of society or government in which men hold the power; control a disproportionately large share of social, economic, political, and religious power; typically pass down this power by inheritance through the male line; and women or those perceived as feminine are largely excluded from it. Such societies and governments are male-dominated, male-identified, male-centered, organized around an obsession with control and involve as one of their key aspects the oppression of women. In these societies or governments, men hold most positions of leadership and control resources in both public and private spheres, while women play a secondary role and are considered weaker and better suited to domestic labor. Additionally, in these societies or governments, these perpetuated beliefs favoring men over women are held by the majority of people in that society, whatever their gender. 

Acronym for Pro-Equity Anti-Racism.

Collective term for referring to non-white racial groups.

People of the Global Majority (PoGM) is a collective term for people of Indigenous, African, Asian, Latin American descent, who constitute approximately 85% of the global population. Some may prefer the terms “People of Global Majority” (PoGM or “Black, Indigenous, People of Color” [BIPOC] as it can help decenter whiteness as the default.

Approach to communicating with a goal of avoiding language that dehumanizes or stigmatizes people. This developed from the disability rights movement of the 1970s, though language and societal values are always evolving. Person-first language is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Though not preferred in all cases, person-first language is still best practice when writing about people who have defined diseases or mental health disorders. Ask an individual’s preference when writing about one person. See Identity-First Language20. Examples: People with AIDS, a child who has an intellectual disability, people who use wheelchairs, a woman with a physical disability, children with epilepsy, men with diabetes, people with chronic illnesses, those with substance use disorder Terms to avoid: Wheelchair-bound, victim of [condition], cancer patient, addict, handicapped, handi-capable, differently abled, diff-abled

  • 20. Wording about a person that leads with a description of them in the context of a disability, acknowledging that the person holds the condition as an important piece of their identity.

The ability to decide who will have access to opportunity and resources; the capacity to direct or influence the behavior of others, oneself, and/or the course of events.

The ability to impact others without respect or their permission. Exercising control over another person or people through the use of force, authority, or position, and the dissemination of punishment and reward.

Using or exercising one’s power to work with others equitably for common good, showing respect, leveraging strengths, and providing guidance.

A negative attitude toward another person or group formed in advance of any experience with that person or group. Prejudices can include an affective component (e.g., nervousness, anger, contempt, pity, hatred) and a cognitive component (assumptions and beliefs about groups, including stereotypes). Prejudice is typically manifested behaviorally through discriminatory behavior. Prejudicial attitudes tend to be resistant to change because they distort our perception of information about the target group. Prejudice based on racial grouping is racism; prejudice based on perceived sexual orientation is homophobia and biphobia; prejudice based on sex or gender (including transphobia) is sexism; prejudice based on chronological age is ageism; and prejudice based on disability is ableism. See Stereotype21.

  • 21. Characteristics attributed to an individual or group based on generalization, oversimplification, or exaggeration that may result in stigmatization and discrimination.

Privilege is any unearned benefit, position, power, right, or advantage one receives in society because of their identity. In the United States, privilege is prevalent in the following areas:
• Ability privilege
• Age privilege
• Christian privilege
• Cis privilege
• Class or economic privilege
• Hetero privilege
• Male privilege
• National origin
• White privilege

Privilege is often invisible or imperceptible to those who have it. Having a privilege does not mean the person did not work hard or that their life was not difficult, merely that it was not difficult in the way it was for those without that privilege.

The proactive way of doing equity work with the knowledge that we live in a society permeated by racism and bigotry, combat, or control in every action.

A pronoun that a person chooses to refer to themselves. These include, but aren’t limited to: she, her, hers, herself; he, him, his, himself; they, them, theirs, themselves; and ze, hir or zir, hirs or zirs, hirself or zirself. For those who use pronouns, they are not preferred — they are essential.
• Neopronouns – A pronoun created to be specifically gender neutral. These include, but are not limited to: xe, xem, xyrs; ze, zir, zirs; fae, faer, faers; and ey, em, eirs.