
Competencies are the measurable or observable knowledge, skills, abilities, and behaviors critical to successful job performance.

Competencies are used in:

  • Job descriptions
  • Recruitment, assessment, and selection
  • Employee performance management
  • Training and development
  • Workforce planning


Types of competencies:

Behavior refers to a pattern of actions or conduct. Behaviors are rarely broken down into mastery levels. Instead, they are typically evaluated in terms of consistent adherence to a set of behavioral standards. Lists of three to five behavioral standards are common. Examples of behavioral competencies and associated standards include:

Customer Focus - builds and maintains customer satisfaction with the products and services offered by the organization.

  • Focuses on the customer's business results, rather than own.
  • Seeks customer feedback and ensures needs have been fully met.
  • Delivers products and services when and where the customer needs them. Explores options when unable to deliver a requested product or service,and pursues solutions until the customer is satisfied.

Business Alignment - aligns the direction, products, services and performance of a business line with the rest of the organization.

  • Integrates executive direction into every decision and consultation.
  • Seeks to understand other programs in the department, including their services, deliverables, and measures.
  • Advocates for and positively represents other programs and services when working with customers and stakeholders.

Knowledge refers to the practical or theoretical understanding of a subject.

Knowledge requirements can be described in terms of mastery levels. The descriptions below outline mastery levels for the following job types: professional, clerical and administrative, and managerial positions.

Professional positions

Positions Professional knowledge can be split into three levels: paraprofessional/technical, journey, and senior. Entry-level professional positions typically require journey-level knowledge at hire, with a plan to grow the skill level.

Paraprofessional/Technician-level: Knowledge of a profession's basic principles, rules, equipment, and software. Knowledge is typically used in standardized processes.

Journey-level: Includes additional, in-depth knowledge of a profession's legal standards, generally accepted principles, theory, and best practices. Knowledge is typically used to determine the best approach to solving a complex issue or problem.

Senior-level: Includes additional knowledge of a profession's trends, research, and case law. Knowledge is typically used to create new strategies, standards, and processes.

Clerical and administrative positions

Clerical and administrative knowledge can be split into three levels: entry, journey, and senior.

Entry-level: Knowledge of clerical equipment and software, processes, techniques, and professional standards. Knowledge is typically used in routine office work.

Journey-level: Includes additional, in-depth knowledge of best practices and generally accepted professional standards. Knowledge is typically used to determine the best approach to solving moderately complex issues or problems.

Senior-level: Includes additional, in-depth knowledge of office management and business process trends, practices, and research. Knowledge is typically used to create new strategies, standards, and processes.

Managerial Positions

Some positions are 'pure' managers, while others combine line-staff and managerial duties. Regardless, if the position includes managerial duties, additional knowledge requirements should be identified. Knowledge requirements for managerial duties can be broken down as follows:

Lead Workers: Knowledge of basic employee performance management standards and practices (e.g., performance planning, coaching, and feedback).

Supervisors: Includes additional, in-depth knowledge of advanced employee performance management standards and practices (e.g., performance evaluation, recognition and reward, and corrective action and discipline).

Program Managers: Includes additional knowledge of resource management standards and practices (e.g., budget, equipment, facilities, and vehicles), and the authorizing environment (e.g., internal business partners and program customers).

Executive Managers: Includes additional, in-depth knowledge of the authorizing environment (e.g., external stakeholders, oversight boards and committees, legislative environment, and regulatory agencies). 

Mastery levels are one way to further describe and evaluate competencies. They are not required, but may be helpful when the same knowledge or skill is needed for related jobs, but at different levels of depth, scope, or application.

For example, an entry-level job in a series may require general knowledge of policies, rules, and principles of a subject. The journey-level may also require knowledge of best practices and theory related to that subject. The senior-level may also require knowledge of emerging trends or case law related to that subject.

Knowledge and skill mastery levels are often determined by the level of independence, the complexity of issues addressed, the political sensitivity of key stakeholders, and the potential impacts of failure related to a job.

Unlike knowledge and skills, behaviors are typically not described or evaluated in term of mastery levels. Rather, a set of behavioral standards is described, and people are evaluated based on how consistently they demonstrate those standards.

Accounts Payable (Technical Professional)

  • Paraprofessional / Technician Level: Basic knowledge of organization chart of accounts, accounts payable procedures, and accounting software and equipment.
  • Journey Level: Also, in-depth knowledge of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.
  • Senior Level: Also, in-depth knowledge of recent legislation, new case law, and developing accounting standards and practices.

Job Counselor (Service Professional)

  • Paraprofessional / Technician Level: Basic knowledge of interviewing techniques and principles, labor market trends, and job seeker support software and internet resources.
  • Journey-Level: Also, in-depth knowledge of public and private job seeker support organizations and systems, and legal and administrative requirements.
  • Senior-Level: Also, in-depth knowledge of research and trends in the areas of human behavior and interest and skill testing.

Auditor (Compliance Professional)

  • Paraprofessional / Technician Level: Basic knowledge of accounting principles, financial reporting standards, and accounting software and equipment.
  • Journey-Level: Also, in-depth knowledge of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, auditing principles and standards, and business and management standards.
  • Senior-Level: Also, in-depth knowledge of recent legislation, new case law, and developing financial reporting standards.

A skill or ability refers to a natural or learned capacity to perform an act.

The names and descriptions of skills and abilities vary among skilled craft, clerical, paraprofessional, professional, administrative, and technical jobs. Likewise, entry, journey, and senior positions often require the same skills, but performed at different levels of mastery. Most mastery requirements fall into one of three categories:

  • Entry-level: Works under direct or general supervision. Uses skills and abilities to complete routine tasks at the beginning, growing toward tasks of increasing complexity.
  • Journey-level: Works independently with only general direction and minimal supervision. Uses skills and abilities to complete complex tasks, including deciding which processes to use.
  • Senior-level: Works independently with only administrative direction. Uses skills and abilities to complete highly complex tasks, including developing new processes and working with high profile customers and stakeholders.

Physical, Mental, and Sensory Characteristics

Some skills and abilities are tied to personal characteristics covered under state and federal discrimination laws and should not be divided into mastery levels without consulting human resource, vocational, or Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) experts.

Examples of such personal characteristics include:

  • Physical strength, including power, endurance, and speed.
  • Physical agility, including flexibility, balance, and coordination.
  • Sensory abilities, including sensitivity, perception, and clarity of vision, hearing, and smell.
  • Gross and fine motor skills, including movement control, finger dexterity, and reaction time.
  • Mental abilities, including memory, attentiveness, reasoning, and verbal, quantitative, and spatial aptitudes.


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