Other pages about the topic: Accounting

2019 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report

Download the 2019 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report as a single document or choose report sections below. The single document size is approximately 4.14 MB.

Table of Contents


This page contains the most current list of valid sub-subobjects (SSO) and their definitions, decision flowcharts to assist with coding certain subobjects, and a list of subobjects and sub-subobjects that require project type X or Y to capture IT costs. The statewide form to request a new SSO or request a change to an existing SSO is also on this page.

2018 Single Audit Report

Download the 2018 Single Audit Report as a single document or choose report sections below.

Table of Contents

IT systems information moves from WaTech to OFM

Web pages related to enterprise IT systems have moved from the WaTech website to the OFM website:

These web pages include instructions, reference materials, links to training and other information related to systems that are used by multiple state agencies. These include accounting systems, budget and legislative systems, reporting systems and the Employee Self-Service (ESS) system for earnings statements and leave requests.
