Other pages about the topic: Administrative & Accounting Resources

Direct Pay


Direct Pay, also referred to as Elective Pay, was passed in the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) in 2022 and allows tax-exempt entities such as states, local governments, and nonprofit organizations to access federal clean energy tax credits for the first time. Direct pay has finally given tax-exempt public and nonprofit entities a real opportunity to bring clean energy’s job-creating and energy cost- and pollution-cutting benefits directly to more communities.

Travel restrictions

These current travel restrictions are in effect, as issued by the governor:


State Administrative and Accounting Manual improvements

The State Administrative and Accounting Manual (SAAM) contains statewide policies and procedures and are the minimum requirements that state agencies must meet. The Office of Financial Management is required by the Budget and Accounting Act (RCW 43.88.160) to establish a Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)-based accounting system and procedures, as necessary, to provide for accountability of the state's assets and compliance to its laws and regulations. All agencies of the state of Washington must comply with this manual, unless otherwise exempted by statute.


This page contains the most current list of valid sub-subobjects (SSO) and their definitions, decision flowcharts to assist with coding certain subobjects, and a list of subobjects and sub-subobjects that require project type X or Y to capture IT costs. The statewide form to request a new SSO or request a change to an existing SSO is also on this page.

Federal Grants Community of Practice

OFM established the Federal Grants Community of Practice workgroup and has been holding bi-monthly meetings to discuss federal issues and share best practices. The workgroup’s main objectives are to create a community of resources, develop federal grant training curriculum, and identify and address ongoing grant management needs.

The workgroup currently has representatives from a variety of state agencies who manage federal grant programs of various nature and sizes. Members include grant program management staff, internal auditors and fiscal staff.


Below are instructions and worksheets to help agencies reconcile the state payroll revolving account and federal tax deposits.

The Statewide Accounting (SWA) Payroll Unit is offering virtual “Office Hours” the last Tuesday and Friday of each month to assist state agencies who utilize HRMS with their reconciliations.

Individuals can book 1-hour one on one appointments with a member of the SWA Payroll Unit. To book an appointment:

Purchase cards

These resources help state agencies fulfill purchase card requirements as they relate to proper internal control procedures and disbursements of electronic funds in the State Administrative & Accounting Manual (SAAM).


Washington state per diem rates

Current rates - as of Oct. 1, 2024 (POV mileage rate effective January 1, 2025)

Past rates
