Other pages about the topic: City data
The purpose of this site is to provide a convenient location where federal and state agencies, local governments, organizations, and members of the public can obtain information about annexations. State agencies that use this site include WSDOT Geographic Services, DOR Tax Payer Account Administration, and DOR Property Tax Division.
Posting on this website does not replace reporting to DOR by counties and cities. RCW requirements are still in effect.
The purpose of this site is to provide a convenient location where federal and state agencies, local governments, organizations, and members of the public can obtain information about annexations. State agencies that use this site include WSDOT Geographic Services, DOR Tax Payer Account Administration, and DOR Property Tax Division.
Posting on this website does not replace reporting to DOR by counties and cities. RCW requirements are still in effect.
The purpose of this site is to provide a convenient location where federal and state agencies, local governments, organizations, and members of the public can obtain information about annexations. State agencies that use this site include WSDOT Geographic Services, DOR Tax Payer Account Administration, and DOR Property Tax Division.
Posting on this website does not replace reporting to DOR by counties and cities. RCW requirements are still in effect.
Important: If you are conducting a census at this time, please contact OFM at pop.annexations@ofm.wa.gov or 360-902-0599 for special COVID-19 census guidance.
Per RCW 35.13.260 and RCW 35A.14.700, jurisdictions must send annexation paperwork to the Office of Financial Management within 30 days of the annexation effective date. OFM approval is necessary for a city to qualify for revenues related to population.
The purpose of this site is to provide a convenient location where federal and state agencies, local governments, organizations, and members of the public can obtain information about annexations. State agencies that use this site include WSDOT Geographic Services, DOR Tax Payer Account Administration, and DOR Property Tax Division.
Posting on this website does not replace reporting to DOR by counties and cities. RCW requirements are still in effect.