Other pages about the topic: Forecasting & Research
Value of Washington exports
2022 ($ Millions)
Manufacturing employment as a percent of total, 1980
- State average: 17.8%
- Highest county: Wahkiakum at 37.5%
- Lowest county: Whitman at 1.6%
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Per Capita Personal Income, 1980
Inflation-Adjusted to 2022 Dollars
This file contains long-term population, nonagricultural employment, and personal income projections for Washington state. In contrast to the short-term economic forecasts that focus on assessing business cycle conditions, these long-term projections examine structural changes in industries, changes in production factors such as labor supply and capital investment and technology/productivity advances. Data are now forecast to 2050.
Driver |
Change |
Share* |
(Ages 12-17) |
1.0% |
0.4% |
(Males Ages 18-39) |
0.6% |
4.5% |
This report is prepared pursuant to Section 708 of Third Engrossed Substitute House Bill 2127 (Sec. 708 3ESHB 2127). The overall objective of this study is to provide information on the distribution of income, wealth and taxes across Washington households as well as changes in the distribution of income, and wealth over time.
The 2012 Washington State Input-Output model is a 52-sector model of the state economy using the North American Industrial Classification System definition of industries. The Model contains six final demand categories and provides estimates of payments of labor income, other value added and purchases by Washington industries from elsewhere in the United States and from foreign countries.
An asterisk (*) denotes that the race/ethnic group does not meet the minimum population threshold of 100 persons at the state level.
The most common tables are highlighted in bold.
State economic, demographic, and social trends are related to one another and, in turn, affect government policies on spending and taxation. A strong economy, for example, attracts more people to the state, which in turn boosts state tax collections. At the same time, however, increases in population also put additional pressure on such areas of state responsibility as public schools, prisons, and social services. Social developments, such as crime rates and the incidence of teenage pregnancies, also contribute to demands on public resources.