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2010 Census Quick Tables via American FactFinder

Quick Tables are predefined tables with frequently requested information for a single geographic area.

Click on one of the links below to be taken to American FactFinder. Select a geography from the drop down list to find a Quick Table for your area of interest.

Please note: The new American FactFinder does not work with all browsers. The Census Bureau is working on this problem.


What is inflation?

Inflation has been defined as a process of continuously rising prices, or equivalently, of a continuously falling value of money. In other words, inflation causes the buying power of a dollar to decrease over time. A 15 cent hamburger in 1966 seems to us a lot cheaper than the 79-cent hamburger of today. But when the price of that 1966 burger is adjusted for inflation, the price is comparable.

Population density

Population density is the average number of people per unit of land area. In the U.S., the most common unit of population density is persons per square mile. The land area measurement excludes lakes and other water areas within.
