Other pages about the topic: One Washington

One Washington provides orientation to budget, HR and payroll stakeholders

Throughout the month of February 2019, One Washington began orientation sessions for state employees who serve in the budget, human resource and payroll divisions of agencies. The orientation was developed in response to the November 2018 One Washington reset, which was based on stakeholder feedback and new information acquired from the enterprise systems marketplace.

One Washington program update, summer 2018

One Washington provided an update to state employees in a live presentation on July 30 and a repeat presentation on July 31, 2018. The update provided a fresh orientation to the effort.

One Washington budget requests

Budget guidance for agencies - December 2018 Governor's budget

One Washington Program Blueprint is released

The One Washington Program Blueprint

The final edition of the One Washington Program Blueprint was released June 29, 2018. This document is the go-to resource to understand where the state is headed. At the time of publishing, no other state has implemented a complete Software as a Service (SaaS) enterprise resource planning system across all of its core business domains – so Washington will be leading the curve.

New system to streamline, modernize state budgeting processes

A new system that will both streamline and modernize budget development and reporting operations for Washington state agencies and for state government as a whole was launched today.

The new Agency Budget System (ABS) is a collaborative project between the state’s Office of Financial Management (OFM), which manages the state’s budgeting processes, and Washington Technology Solutions (WaTech), which lent about two dozen staff to the project through its inception in September 2016.
