Walla Walla County
Here you will find a collection of links to information about Walla Walla County in the areas of criminal justice, demographics, the economy, local government finance, and human services.
General information:
- Walla Walla County home page, Walla Walla County
- Benton-Franklin Council of Governments home page, BFCG
- Quick Facts: Walla Walla County, US Census Bureau
Criminal Justice
Criminal justice information:
- Criminal Justice Statistical Analysis Center, WA Office of Financial Management
Population and housing information:
- Estimates and forecasts, WA Office of Financial Management
- American Community Survey website, WA Office of Financial Management
- Census 2010
- Data tables, WA Office of Financial Management
- Detailed demographic profiles, WA Office of Financial Management
- Additional resources:
- Annexation, WA Office of Financial Management
- Mobility/migration resources, US Census Bureau
- Commuting (journey to work) resources, US Census Bureau
- Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates, US Census Bureau
- Geographic information:
- GIS data main page, WA Office of Financial Management
- Geographic summary: Walla Walla County, WA Office of Financial Management
- American Factfinder address-based geography search, US Census Bureau
Economic information:
- Port of Walla Walla, Port of Walla Walla
- Walla Walla County Profile, WA Employment Security Department
- Median household income, WA Office of Financial Management
- Local Unemployment Statistics,WA Employment Security Department
- Washington Regional Economic Analysis Project, PNW Regional Economic Analysis Project
- Washington Center for Real Estate Research, University of Washington
- Regional Economic Accounts, US Department of Commerce
- Economic Census, US Census Bureau
- Census of Agriculture, US Department of Agriculture
- Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics, US Census Bureau
Local government finance information:
- Financial Intelligence Tool, WA State Auditor's Office
- Federal, State, & Local Governments main page, US Census Bureau
- Finance resources, Municipal Research and Services Center of Washington
Human Services
Human services information:
- Human services resources, WA Office of Financial Management