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Publications and Reports - Letter T

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Transit, Bicycle and Pedestrian Measures, Review of November 2011 Transportation
Transportation, Department of: Northwest Regional Traffic Management Center

Budget Evaluation Study

June 2012 Transportation
The Distribution of Income, Wealth, and Taxes Across Washington Households

Prepared Pursuant to Section 708 of Third Engrossed Substitute House Bill 2127.

September 2012 Forecasting & Research, Income, Revenue
Technical Incentive Funding Model Task Force Report December 2013 Education, Higher education
The Affordable Care Act Post 2016: What's at Stake for Washington State January 2017 Forecasting & Research, Health care, Human services, Affordable Care Act, health insurance, Medicaid
Trends in County Uninsured Rates in Washington: 2013-15

Research Brief 81

March 2017 Health care, Human services, Affordable Care Act, Research Brief, health insurance, Medicaid
The Affordable Care Act: Impacts in Washington State by Congressional District May 2017 Forecasting & Research, Health care, Human services, Affordable Care Act, health insurance, Medicaid
Three Years' ACA Impact on Washington State's Health Coverage

Research Brief 86 (Revised 2/2018)

January 2018 Health care, Human services, Affordable Care Act, Research Brief, health insurance, Medicaid
The Connection April 2018 Accounting
The Value of State and Federal Tax Preferences for Nonprofit Health Care

In 2024, the Legislature directed the Office of Financial Management (OFM) in coordination with the Department of Revenue (DOR) to conduct a study of costs to the state related to nonprofit health care providers, facilities, and insurers focused on state and federal tax preferences such as tax-preferred capital financing and other public reimbursement streams outside of health care claims payments. (Section 23, Chapter 376, Laws of 2024.) Many of these deductions are not specific to health care operations and are applicable to a broad range of businesses or nonprofits. OFM contracted with Western Washington University’s Center for Economic and Business Research in the College of Business and Economics to conduct this study. In collaboration with DOR, this report was prepared with a focus on nonprofit health care entities (NHCEs).

November 2024 Health care, Forecasting and Research Division
Transforming Washington's Children and Youth System of Care: Report on System Changes and Innovations November 2024 DC