QA Report Guidelines
Guidelines for OneWa Content Owners for the Bluecrane Monthly Quality Assurance Report
The QA report is an assessment of project fundamentals. This report is required by state IT policy. While OneWa is the first recipient of the report, the legislature is a major consumer of the report.
By high-level topics identified by the QA contractor, the report contains the findings (observations), risks and recommendations made by the contractor. The QA contractor depends on interactions with you in order to provide timely and up-to-date reports. In order to ensure your workstream is represented adequately in the monthly report, all outreach to the QA vendor should be made before the 20th of the month.
Transparency into who is responsible for results and when results can be expected. Nothing more.
The primary audience for our response is the Legislature. Our response is public-facing.
Per state policy, upon receipt of the QA report we have five business days to post our response to QA recommendations to the OCIO website. In order to meet this deadline, all content owner edits must be returned to John Wright by the due date called out in the email notification you received.
You’ve received an email requesting review/edits to the QA report because you’re a probable responsible/interested party for one or more findings and/or recommendations identified in the current report submitted to OneWa from the QA contractor.
#1 - Validate/confirm the accuracy and crispness of what we’ve drafted on your behalf in the response column. Ultra-brevity is the goal. See report purpose above. |
#2 - Be attentive to state OCIO policy 132 14.3 which states you “…must have a finalized plan in place for each new finding and recommendation within thirty (30) calendar days of the delivery of the QA report.” Anytime you have drafted/finalized a plan to address a prior month’s QA finding/recommendation in accordance with 14.3 above, a) it is highly suggested you schedule time with Bluecrane prior to the 20th of the new month for QA awareness so that findings can be adjusted before presentation to the state, and b) also provide a diary style entry in the appropriate report section. |
No need to respond to every single detail of every recommendation. What’s the point of the recommendation? That’s what to address. You’ll see the format below used where QA has called out recommendations:
Responsible: | What role/entity is responsible for the detailed QA findings/work. This assignment is not based on the “area of assessment” but on each discrete recommendation. |
Timeframe: | When did/will the work begin and when will it end. |
Optional value statement: | USE RARELY: In one or two short sentences at the most. Resist the urge to expand/expound. |
If you have questions or need support please contact John Wright directly at