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Workday Auto Complete Approval

Agencies are required to establish and maintain an effective system of internal control and internal audit to reasonably assure that the transaction is valid and represents a valid business purpose. This requirement applies to agency-maintained systems as well as all operations surrounding Workday.

Some agencies start transactions within an agency system and route transactions for approval within that system. Once all approvals are applied in the agency system, the agency represents the transactions are fully approved for posting. These transactions are then sent to Workday via an integration.

In such instances, an agency may request to use Workday’s Auto Complete functionality by following the steps listed below.  

  1. Complete Request for Auto Complete for Transactions Interfaced into Workday
  2. Submit form to, and cc
  3. OFM Statewide Accounting will review the internal controls of the agency’s system.
  4. If internal controls are sufficient, OFM Statewide Accounting will approve the form.
  5. OFM Integrations team will add the auto complete flag that will allow transactions to process in Workday without a user being required to apply approval on the transactions in Workday for the approved integrations. Note: Auto Complete transactions invoke all posting rules and validations.
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