Wahkiakum County

Project ID
Project Title
Estimate Total Prior Expenditures Reapprop. 2025-27 New Approp. 2025-27 Estimated New Approp. 2027-29 Estimated New Approp. 2029-31 Estimated New Approp. 2031-33 Estimated New Approp. 2033-35

477 Department of Fish and Wildlife

Beaver Creek Hatchery - Renovation
66,536,000 402,000 2,429,000 14,066,000 21,812,000 27,827,000
Elochoman Hatchery Demolition and Restoration
250,000 250,000
SRKW Nemah Hatchery Expansion
92,000 92,000
Total for Department of Fish and Wildlife 66,878,000 402,000 2,679,000 14,066,000 21,812,000 27,919,000
Wahkiakum County Total 66,878,000 402,000 2,679,000 21,812,000 27,919,000