Twenty-Eighth Legislative District
Project ID Project Title |
Estimate Total | Prior Expenditures | Reapprop. 2025-27 | New Approp. 2025-27 | Estimated New Approp. 2027-29 | Estimated New Approp. 2029-31 | Estimated New Approp. 2031-33 | Estimated New Approp. 2033-35 |
245 Military Department |
30000591 Joint Force Readiness Center: Replacement |
42,000,000 | 42,000,000 | ||||||
30000591 Joint Force Readiness Center: Replacement |
12,300,000 | 252,000 | 12,048,000 | |||||
40000190 Camp Murray Bldg 47 and 48 Barracks Replacement |
3,000,000 | 172,000 | 2,828,000 | |||||
40000191 Camp Murray Bldg 65 Barracks Replacement |
3,000,000 | 304,000 | 2,696,000 | |||||
40000192 Camp Murray Bldg 34 Renovation |
5,410,000 | 81,000 | 5,329,000 | |||||
40000192 Camp Murray Bldg 34 Renovation |
4,589,000 | 69,000 | 4,520,000 | |||||
40000196 JBLM Non-Organizational (POV) Parking Expansion |
1,895,000 | 578,000 | 1,317,000 | |||||
Total for Military Department | 72,194,000 | 1,456,000 | 70,738,000 | |||||
300 Department of Social and Health Services |
30002765 Western State Hospital-Forensic Services: Two Wards Addition |
30,500,000 | 27,522,000 | 2,978,000 | |||||
30003122 WSH-Multiple Buildings: Masonry Repointing & Sealing |
3,657,000 | 3,657,000 | ||||||
30003211 DOC/DSHS McNeil Island-Infrastructure: Repairs & Upgrades |
1,955,000 | 1,043,000 | 912,000 | |||||
30003234 DOC/DSHS McNeil Island-Main Dock: Float & Dolphin Replacement |
250,000 | 67,000 | 183,000 | |||||
30003235 DOC/DSHS-McNeil Island Barge Slip: Wing Walls Replacement |
16,782,000 | 2,240,000 | 14,542,000 | |||||
30003324 Child Study and Treatment Center: CLIP Capacity |
12,944,000 | 12,931,000 | 13,000 | |||||
30003569 State Psychiatric Hospitals: Compliance with Federal Requirements |
2,000,000 | 1,933,000 | 67,000 | |||||
30003571 Western State Hospital: Master Plan Update |
525,000 | 456,000 | 69,000 | |||||
30003579 Western State Hospital-Multiple Buildings: Fire Suppression |
1,000,000 | 945,000 | 55,000 | |||||
30003582 Western State Hospital-Multiple Buildings: Elevator Modernization |
5,100,000 | 5,062,000 | 38,000 | |||||
30003586 Special Commitment Center-Campus: HVAC Units Replacement |
3,911,000 | 3,911,000 | ||||||
30003603 Western State Hospital-Forensic Services: Roofing Replacement |
1,955,000 | 1,930,000 | 25,000 | |||||
40000392 Western State Hospital-Multiple Buildings: Fire Doors Replacement |
5,100,000 | 2,399,000 | 2,701,000 | |||||
40000398 Special Commitment Center-Multiple Buildings: Roofing Replacement |
3,382,000 | 3,382,000 | ||||||
40000402 Special Commitment Center-Pierce County SCTF: Roofing Replacement |
3,211,000 | 3,211,000 | ||||||
40000411 Child Study and Treatment Center-Ketron: LSA Expansion |
3,000,000 | 261,000 | 2,739,000 | |||||
40000413 DOC/DSHS McNeil Island-Still Harbor Dock: Replacement |
8,993,000 | 350,000 | 8,643,000 | |||||
40000553 Child Study & Treatment Center: New Resident Cottage |
19,904,000 | 19,904,000 | ||||||
40000554 Child Study & Treatment Center: New Treatment & Recreation Bldg. |
8,978,000 | 1,500,000 | 7,478,000 | |||||
40000555 Child Study & Treatment Center-Gymnasium: Floor Replacement |
1,925,000 | 1,153,000 | 772,000 | |||||
40000559 Child Study & Treatment Center-Emergency Power: Replacement |
800,000 | 800,000 | ||||||
40000589 Western State Hospital-Building 29: Roofing Replacement |
5,035,000 | 3,975,000 | 1,060,000 | |||||
40000594 Western State Hospital-Multiple Bldgs: Sprinkler Head Replacement |
1,394,000 | 133,000 | 1,261,000 | |||||
40000888 Western State Hospital-Building 27: Roofing Replacement |
1,200,000 | 764,000 | 436,000 | |||||
40000955 DOC/DSHS McNeil Island-Infrastructure: Repairs & Upgrades 2023-25 |
2,451,000 | 2,451,000 | ||||||
40000965 Special Commitment Center-Campus: Fire Alarm Replacement |
5,115,000 | 5,115,000 | ||||||
40001089 Western State Hospital-Water System: Assessment and Improvements |
29,652,000 | 180,000 | 2,310,000 | 27,162,000 | ||||
40001091 Western State Hospital-Building 29: Staff Dining Area |
11,339,000 | 11,339,000 | ||||||
40001095 Western State Hospital-Multiple Buildings: Modernization |
120,545,000 | 120,545,000 | ||||||
40001096 Child Study & Treatment Center-Firwood School: Classrooms Additio |
4,660,000 | 4,660,000 | ||||||
40001097 Child Study & Treatment Center-Administration: Renovation & Addit |
10,711,000 | 10,711,000 | ||||||
40001119 Special Commitment Center-Multiple Buildings: HVAC Upgrades |
4,037,000 | 4,037,000 | ||||||
40001120 Special Commitment Center-Redwood Hall: Renovation |
59,994,000 | 5,150,000 | 54,844,000 | |||||
40001121 Special Commitment Center-Visiting Center: HVAC Upgrades |
1,738,000 | 1,738,000 | ||||||
40001122 Special Commitment Center-Vocational/Tech Building: Renovation |
37,302,000 | 37,302,000 | ||||||
40001149 Western State Hospital-East Campus: Well Replacement |
4,540,000 | 4,540,000 | ||||||
40001186 Western State Hospital-Campus Shower Upgrades |
35,934,000 | 1,775,000 | 29,268,000 | 4,891,000 | ||||
40001188 Western State Hospital- Buildings 28 & 29: Main Corridor Flooring |
2,671,000 | 2,671,000 | ||||||
40001189 Western State Hospital-Building 29: Wards E1 & E2 Renovation |
10,467,000 | 10,467,000 | ||||||
40001190 Western State Hospital-Building 29: Wards E5 & E6 Renovation |
10,870,000 | 10,870,000 | ||||||
40001191 Western State Hospital- East Campus: Expansion |
21,416,000 | 21,416,000 | ||||||
40001192 Western State Hospital-Multiple Bldgs: Central Campus Roof Replac |
23,906,000 | 23,906,000 | ||||||
40001193 Western State Hospital-Bldg 28: Nurse Station Improvements |
6,968,000 | 6,968,000 | ||||||
40001194 Western State Hospital-Building 6: First Floor Renovation |
26,859,000 | 26,859,000 | ||||||
40001198 Western State Hospital- East Campus: Exterior Site Improvements |
4,291,000 | 4,291,000 | ||||||
40001199 Western State Hospital- Central Campus: Paved Parking Lots |
7,592,000 | 7,592,000 | ||||||
40001200 Western State Hospital: Building 28: Trauma Informed Care Renovat |
26,683,000 | 26,683,000 | ||||||
40001201 Western State Hospital-Building 29: Clinic Improvements |
6,670,000 | 6,670,000 | ||||||
40001202 Western State Hospital-Bldg 29: Dock Entrance Sallyport Install |
3,054,000 | 3,054,000 | ||||||
40001203 Western State Hospital- Building 4: Asbestos Abatement |
4,297,000 | 4,297,000 | ||||||
40001204 Western State Hospital-Campus: Fuel Island Restoration |
4,256,000 | 4,256,000 | ||||||
40001205 Western State Hospital - Building 28: Forensic Ward Renovations |
123,674,000 | 123,674,000 | ||||||
40001291 Western State Hospital - Building 29: CMS Certification |
3,776,000 | 3,776,000 | ||||||
40001291 Western State Hospital - Building 29: CMS Certification |
157,739,000 | 157,739,000 | ||||||
40001292 Western State Hospital - Building 28: CMS Certification |
104,611,000 | 225,000 | 9,200,000 | 95,186,000 | ||||
91000067 Western State Hospital: New Forensic Hospital |
947,000,000 | 66,683,000 | 598,317,000 | 282,000,000 | ||||
91000080 Western State Hospital Treatment & Recovery Center |
24,600,000 | 18,933,000 | 5,667,000 | |||||
Total for Department of Social and Health Services | 1,992,919,000 | 146,370,000 | 632,509,000 | 314,938,000 | 201,134,000 | 493,571,000 | 180,219,000 | 24,178,000 |
303 Department of Health |
40000052 Lakewood Water District PFAS Treatment Facility |
5,519,000 | 5,402,000 | 117,000 | |||||
310 Department of Corrections |
40000418 McNeil Island Passenger Ferry Replacement |
900,000 | 137,000 | 763,000 | |||||
40000419 McNeil Island Transport Barge Replacement |
7,028,000 | 60,000 | 840,000 | 6,128,000 | ||||
40000781 McNeil Island Parcel Analysis |
522,000 | 522,000 | ||||||
Total for Department of Corrections | 8,450,000 | 197,000 | 1,603,000 | 6,650,000 | ||||
477 Department of Fish and Wildlife |
30000836 Chambers (Garrison) Creek - Fishway Repairs |
4,613,000 | 4,613,000 | ||||||
40000090 Fish and Wildlife Health and BioSecurity Facility |
884,000 | 349,000 | 535,000 | |||||
91000161 Western Pond Turtle Nest Hill Restoration |
200,000 | 60,000 | 140,000 | |||||
Total for Department of Fish and Wildlife | 5,697,000 | 409,000 | 675,000 | 4,613,000 | ||||
699 Community and Technical College System |
40000516 Pierce College Olympic South Asbestos Abatement and Restoration |
13,159,000 | 7,502,000 | 5,657,000 | |||||
40000592 Tacoma: Student Support Center |
38,878,000 | 38,878,000 | ||||||
Total for Community and Technical College System | 52,037,000 | 7,502,000 | 5,657,000 | 38,878,000 | ||||
Total for Twenty-Eighth Legislative District | 2,136,816,000 | 161,336,000 | 711,299,000 | 321,588,000 | 240,012,000 | 498,184,000 | 180,219,000 | 24,178,000 |