Thirty-Fourth Legislative District

Project ID
Project Title
Estimate Total Prior Expenditures Reapprop. 2025-27 New Approp. 2025-27 Estimated New Approp. 2027-29 Estimated New Approp. 2029-31 Estimated New Approp. 2031-33 Estimated New Approp. 2033-35

103 Department of Commerce

2026 FIFA World Cup
21,800,000 10,000,000 11,800,000
2026 FIFA World Cup
10,000,000 10,000,000
Total for Department of Commerce 31,800,000 20,000,000 11,800,000

225 Washington State Patrol

Seattle Crime Laboratory Generator Replacement
450,000 450,000

465 State Parks and Recreation Commission

Fort Worden Beach Campground Electrical Upgrades
4,736,000 2,864,000 1,872,000
Total for Thirty-Fourth Legislative District 36,986,000 20,450,000 14,664,000 1,872,000