Department of Ecology

2025-27 Waste Tire Pile Cleanup and Prevention


Funds prevention and removal of waste tire piles, and enforcement and education on tire storage and hauling regulations.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 1,000,000 4,000,000 5,000,000
Funds: Waste Tire Removal Account - State 5,000,000

2025-27 Coastal Wetlands Federal Funds


Expenditure authority is provided for National Coastal Wetland Conservation Program grants to protect coastal and estuarine areas.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 10,000,000 40,000,000 50,000,000
Funds: General Fund - Federal 50,000,000

2025-27 Freshwater Aquatic Invasive Plants Grant Program


Funding is provided for grants and technical assistance to local and state governments, tribes, and special purpose districts to reduce the propagation of freshwater aquatic invasive plants and manage the problems they cause.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 1,300,000 4,800,000 6,100,000
Funds: Freshwater Aquatic Weeds Account - State 6,100,000

2025-27 Freshwater Algae Grant Program


Funds grants and technical assistance to local and state governments, tribes, and special purpose districts to prevent and manage blue-green algae, with priority for treating lakes where harmful blooms have occurred within the past three years. Includes public education, technical assistance, a toxicity-testing program, and pass-through grants that address toxic freshwater blooms.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 468,000 2,000,000 2,468,000
Funds: Aquatic Algae Control Account - State 2,468,000

2025-27 Water Pollution Control Revolving Program


Provides funding to plan, design, acquire, construct and improve water pollution control facilities and related non-point source activities to meet state and federal water pollution control requirements. The Clean Water State Revolving Fund is a low-interest loan program that finances water quality facilities and activities. The state matches and administers federal funding, providing loans to local governments, special purpose districts and federally recognized tribes for high-priority water quality projects statewide

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 614,000,000 1,600,000,000 2,214,000,000
Funds: Water Pollution Control Revolv Acct - Federal 614,000,000
Funds: Water Pollution Control Revolv Acct - State 1,600,000,000

2025-27 State Match – Water Pollution Control Revolving Program


The 20% state match requirement for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund annual federal capitalization grant is funded.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 41,000,000 48,000,000 89,000,000
Funds: Public Works Assistance Account - State 89,000,000

2025-27 Protect Investments in Cleanup Remedies


Funding is provided to meet legal requirements, protect public investments in cleanup, and protect human health and the environment from remedy failure under the Superfund State Contract that provides financial assurance and a legal commitment for the state to share costs.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 4,450,000 20,000,000 24,450,000
Funds: Model Toxics Control Capital Account - State 24,450,000

2025-27 Eastern Washington Clean Sites Initiative


Funding for remediation activities on contaminated sites with hazardous wastes that have been abandoned or have owners unwilling or unable to pay for site investigation and cleanup is provided. Includes cleanup work related to metals contamination, leaking underground storage tanks, landfills, salvage yards and wood treatment facilities.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 4,250,000 20,000,000 24,250,000
Funds: Model Toxics Control Capital Account - State 24,250,000

2025-27 Cleanup Settlement Account Projects


Provides funding to support cleanup work associated with one toxic site previously operated by ASARCO. The account ensures settlement funds are used to support specific site cleanup activities or address injuries to natural resources from the settled liability.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 650,000 0 650,000
Funds: Cleanup Settlement Account - State 650,000

2025-27 ASARCO Everett Smelter Plume Cleanup


Funding continues the cleanup and remediation of contaminated soil from operation of the ASARCO smelter site in Everett.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 7,239,000 14,939,000 22,178,000
Funds: Model Toxics Control Capital Account - State 22,178,000

2025-27 Centennial Clean Water Program


Grants to public entities for the construction of water pollution control facilities, and planning and implementing nonpoint pollution control activities are provided.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 40,000,000 160,000,000 200,000,000
Funds: State Building Construction Account - State 177,500,000
Funds: Model Toxics Control Capital Account - State 22,500,000

2025-27 Stormwater Financial Assistance Program


Funding continues to support constructing stormwater retrofit projects and implementing associated source control activities with high water quality and ecological benefit. This program provides a streamlined grant and loan application process for local governments seeking state funding for water quality improvement projects.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 68,781,000 280,000,000 348,781,000
Funds: State Building Construction Account - State 2,000,000
Funds: Model Toxics Control Stormwater Account - State 346,781,000

2025-27 Affordable Housing Cleanup Grant Program


Funding will allow the department to work directly with affordable housing developers on cleanup projects that support the governor’s priorities on housing and homelessness.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 9,654,000 40,000,000 49,654,000
Funds: Model Toxics Control Capital Account - State 49,654,000

2025-27 Product Replacement Program


Provides financial incentives to Washington businesses to remove or replace consumer products containing toxic chemicals through technology and infrastructure upgrades, best management practices, disposal programs and the use of safer chemicals.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 9,000,000 36,000,000 45,000,000
Funds: Model Toxics Control Capital Account - State 45,000,000

2025-27 Reducing Toxic Wood Stove Emissions


Funding to replace wood stoves with cleaner home heating options and deploy cleaner-burning emission control solutions is provided.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 4,164,000 16,656,000 20,820,000
Funds: Model Toxics Control Capital Account - State 20,820,000

2025-27 Clean Up Toxic Sites-Puget Sound Initiative


This funding supports projects that integrate shoreline habitat restoration opportunities with cleanup projects to protect public and environmental health, create jobs and promote economic development.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 3,150,000 16,000,000 19,150,000
Funds: Model Toxics Control Capital Account - State 19,150,000

2025-27 Swift Creek Natural Asbestos Flood Control and Cleanup


Funding to continue the next phase of work on the Swift Creek cleanup and flood control is provided. This includes design, construction, and maintenance of a series of flood control and sediment management measures to reduce these threats. The Swift Creek landslide is a long-term, slow-moving debris slide that contains naturally occurring asbestos and heavy metals, affecting residents in the downstream floodplain east of Everson.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 5,000,000 10,000,000 15,000,000
Funds: State Building Construction Account - State 15,000,000

2025-27 Reducing Diesel Greenhouse Gases(GHG) and Toxic Emissions


Funds a pass-through grant program to transition from fossil-fueled to zero-emission school buses and support zero-emission vehicle infrastructure, other fossil-fueled vehicle replacement, and zero-emission vehicle vocational training programs. The department will prioritize projects that replace the oldest diesel-fueled vehicles, especially those that operate in or near vulnerable populations and overburdened communities.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 15,632,000 64,000,000 79,632,000
Funds: Model Toxics Control Capital Account - State 79,632,000

2025-27 Floodplains by Design


This project will continue flood-hazard reduction efforts addressed by the Floodplains by Design grant program. These projects restore natural floodplain conditions by preserving floodplain open space, correcting problems created due to past actions to control floods, improving long-term flood resilience, reducing flood risks to infrastructure and development, and improving habitat conditions for salmon and other fish and wildlife species.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 59,629,000 240,000,000 299,629,000
Funds: State Building Construction Account - State 299,629,000

2025-27 Sunnyside Valley Irrigation District Water Conservation


This item funds the state's share of the Sunnyside Division Water Rights Settlement Agreement in the Yakima River Basin Water Rights Adjudication. This project will implement water conservation measures that reduce diversions from the Yakima River to the Sunnyside Division. Meeting reduction requirements will provide an additional 100 cubic feet per second per year for instream flows in the Lower Yakima River.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 3,320,000 20,280,000 23,600,000
Funds: State Building Construction Account - State 23,600,000

2025-27 Columbia River Water Supply Development Program


Funding will continue on projects currently implemented and new projects managed through the Office of Columbia River. These projects include pursuing water supplies to benefit both instream and out-of-stream uses through storage, conservation and voluntary regional water management agreements.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 54,934,000 245,776,000 300,710,000
Funds: State Building Construction Account - State 293,295,000
Funds: Columbia River Basin Water Supply Revenue Recovery Acct - State 7,415,000

2025-27 Yakima River Basin Water Supply


Funds financing assessments and constructing new water projects and water conservation measures for the Yakima River Basin Integrated Water Resource Management Plan. These infrastructure investments will expand the available water supply, grant new water rights and enhance instream flows in the Yakima River and its tributaries.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 49,020,000 200,000,000 249,020,000
Funds: State Building Construction Account - State 249,020,000

2025-27 PFAS Response


This project will decontaminate fire engines across the state and conduct sampling to identify contaminated sites, initiate the cleanup process, and provide safe drinking water during cleanups. This funding will support the deep cleaning of approximately 50 fire engines.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 5,000,000 40,000,000 45,000,000
Funds: State Building Construction Account - State 45,000,000

2025-27 Puget Sound Nutrient Reduction Grant Program


This funding will build on initial planning grants to Puget Sound municipalities. It will be directed to 43 municipalities and provide grant assistance to those that move forward with planning and implementing necessary infrastructure improvements to reduce nutrient discharges and offset financial impacts that increase sewer rates. The Puget Sound Nutrient General Permit focuses on monitoring nutrient discharges from wastewater treatment facilities, optimizing operations of the facilities as they exist, and planning for future improvements. Improvements to infrastructure require multiple years of capital funding support.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 15,000,000 60,000,000 75,000,000
Funds: State Building Construction Account - State 75,000,000

2025-27 Stormwater Community-Based Public-Private Partnerships


Provides pass-through funding to local governments for pilot stormwater projects that include either a private or community partnership to maximize water quality and other public benefits. This funds phase 3 of a multi-phase approach to program development.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 10,000,000 40,000,000 50,000,000
Funds: State Building Construction Account - State 50,000,000

2025-27 Chehalis Basin Strategy


Funding the Chehalis Basin Strategy will reduce flood-related damage and restore aquatic species.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 70,029,000 280,000,000 350,029,000
Funds: State Building Construction Account - State 350,029,000

2025-27 Streamflow Restoration Program


This project will continue implementing the Streamflow Restoration Act which provides for actions in watersheds to offset potential impacts to instream flows associated with permit-exempt domestic water use.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 40,000,000 160,000,000 200,000,000
Funds: Watershed Restoration and Enhancement Bond Account - State 200,000,000

2025-27 Remedial Action Grant Program


Funds pass-through grants for ready-to-proceed projects for the 2025-27 biennium. Grants support cleanup at contaminated industrial sites that affect the air, land and water resources of the state, and the continued cleanup of Puget Sound.

Prior Biennium Current Biennium Reappropriations Appropriations Future Cost Total Costs
0 0 0 80,697,000 288,888,000 369,585,000
Funds: State Building Construction Account - State 52,126,000
Funds: Model Toxics Control Capital Account - State 317,459,000