Grants to Community Based Organizations to Support Participation in Local Planning
Commerce, Department of
Title of action
Grants to Community Based Organizations to Support Participation in Local Planning
Date significant agency action was initiated
Friday, August 25, 2023
New grant or loan program
Brief description of significant agency actions for which the agency is initiating an environmental justice assessment.
The Department of Commerce shall establish a grant program for community-based organizations for the specific purpose of advancing participation of vulnerable populations and overburdened communities in the planning process during the GMA periodic update cycle.
Methods for providing public comment for agency consideration as part of the environmental justice assessment.
The department will send GovDelivery emails and create a web-based comment form and accept comments via email or phone.
Link to agency webpage where the action is posted.
Date EJ Assessment was completed
Monday, July 22, 2024
Published EJA (If completed, you must include a link to the assessment published on your website)