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State of Washington Classified Job Specification


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Class Code: 295L
Category: Health Care


Performs advanced pharmaceutical consultative services for patients receiving drug therapy in a hospital or extended care facility pharmacy.

Typical Work

Ensure appropriate drug therapy including indication, dosage, drug interactions and drug allergies;  

Evaluate pharmacotherapeutic regimens for effectiveness, adverse drug events and patient side effects and intervene, as needed;  

Utilize medical records and other appropriate documentation systems to communicate pharmacotherapeutic recommendations;  

Provide drug information and education to medical teams and patients; 

Routinely evaluate current updates in literature related to psychiatric and medical disorders and their treatment;  

Develop and provide in-service education as required; 

May supervise or direct the work of others consistent with state requirements; 

Works as dispensing pharmacist evaluating medication orders, preparing doses and compounding IV admixtures; 

Develop and maintain drug therapy monitoring systems for patients receiving psychotropic drugs;  

Participate in the development and implementation of quality assurance programs for pharmacy services; 

May create a system ensuring appropriate distribution of drug information related to investigational drug agents used to manage psychiatric disorders; 

Perform related duties as required.

Knowledge and Abilities

Knowledge of: pharmacology, pathophysiology, pharmacokinetics, current medical literature and techniques of critical evaluation, clinical drug usage, patient monitoring techniques, drug blood level analysis and interpretation.   

Ability to: critically evaluate drug related medical literature; effectively communicate with other professional and paraprofessional staff, both verbally and in writing, concerning appropriate drug utilization; act as an effective liaison between medical, nursing, and pharmacy staff; provide accurate drug information to physician and nurse when required; evaluate patient drug therapy; monitor drug therapy progress; prepare and deliver in-service seminars to medical, nursing, and pharmacy staff.

Legal Requirement(s)

A valid Washington State license to practice pharmacy or eligibility to obtain licensure prior to employment.  Permanent appointment will be contingent upon obtaining a valid Washington State license to practice pharmacy within 90 days following appointment.

Persons legally authorized to work in the U.S. under federal law, including Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals recipients, are eligible for employment unless prohibited by other state or federal law.

Desirable Qualifications

Graduation from an accredited college of pharmacy with a Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.). 


Board Certification in Psychiatry, Pharmacotherapy, Geriatrics, Ambulatory Care or Diabetes.    


Class Specification History

New class adopted March 12, 1981, effective July 1, 1981.
Revise class. Revises title (formerly Clinical Pharmacist), adopted May 13, 1983.
Revise class. Revises definition; adopted on an emergency basis, May 28, 1986, final adoption,
August 15, 1986.
Revise class. Revises definition, minimum qualification; adopted December 14, 1990.
Revise class. Revises minimum qualifications; adopted January 13, 1995.
Revise class. Revises class code (formerly 53730), definition, minimum qualifications, general revision, adopted May 10, 2007, effective July 1, 2007.
Base range salary adjustment adopted 6/30/2017, effective 7/1/2017.
Revised typical work, knowledge, skills and abilities and desirable qualifications; adopted June 13, 2019; effective July 1, 2019.

Revised Legal Requirements; effective June 6, 2024, due to adopted legislative action.