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HRMS data definitions resource guide



Action Reasons

Definition: The specific reason for performing an action.

Infotype: Actions (0000) – included in HRMS F1 Help

Abandonment of Position

Definition: Use Abandonment of Position to separate an employee who has been absent without authorized leave for a period of 3 consecutive working days. The 3 consecutive working days rule does not apply to non-permanent or probationary employees.

Applies to action type(s): Separation (U5)

Example: An employee fails to notify their supervisor they will be absent, fails to report to work, and does not obtain authorization for their absence for 3 consecutive working days. The employer then follows the procedure to separate the employee for reason of abandonment of position.

Adjust Hours Worked

Definition: Use Adjust Hours Worked when an employee's assigned number of work hours or employment percentage changes.

Applies to action type(s): Appointment Change (U3)

Example: A supervisor approves a temporary reduction of an employee's full time work schedule to 90%.

Alternative Assignment

Definition: Use Leave of Absence - Active > Alternative Assignment for an employer-initiated action to assign an employee work that is different than their normally assigned tasks, or to assign an employee to a different work location, while the employee is under investigation for alleged misconduct. While on Alternative Assignment, the employee will continue to receive regular pay and benefits.

Use Return from Leave of Absence > Alternative Assignment when the employee returns to their normal work assignment or location. A Return from Leave of Absence action is not necessary if an employee separates from state service prior to ending their alternative assignment; a Separation Action is sufficient.

Applies to action type(s): Leave of Absence - Active (U8), Return from Leave of Absence (UA)

Example: An employee is assigned work tasks that do not involve patient interaction during an investigation regarding patient abuse. The employee will continue the alternative assignment until a decision is made determining whether the employee may return to their normal job duties.


Definition: Use Leave of Absence - Active > Assault for an employee who is a victim of assault and works for agencies who approve Assault Leave, or the employee works for Washington State Patrol (WSP) and has Temporary Disability Leave.

Use Return from Leave of Absence > Assault when the employee returns to work.

Applies to action type(s): Leave of Absence – Active (U8), Return from Leave of Absence (UA)

Example: A Mental Health Technician 1 has been assaulted on the job and is out on assault leave due to injuries sustained.

Change in EE Group

Definition: Use Change in EE Group when the status of the employee differs from the status of the position and must be changed. The Employee Group should reflect the status of the Position.

Applies to action type(s): Appointment Change (U3)

Example: An agency runs a report that indicates an exempt position erroneously coded as permanent. After correcting the position's EE Group, the agency then changes the EE Group on the employee's Organizational Assignment from Permanent to Civil Service Exempt.

Change in EE Subgroup

Definition: Use Change in EE Subgroup when the Employee Subgroup of a position is set to monthly and the employee in the position is to be compensated at an hourly rate, or the position is set to hourly and the employee is to be compensated at a monthly rate. This action reason is also used to change the overtime eligibility designation for an employee.

Applies to action type(s): Appointment Change (U3)


  • An employee in a full-time, salaried position is approved to work a variable part-time schedule during their child's summer vacation.
  • A represented employee requests to work a part-time schedule for 3 months. Their position is full-time and they remain represented, even though they are working a part-time schedule temporarily.

Conditions Not Met

Definition: Use Conditions Not Met for the non-disciplinary separation of a permanent employee for:

  • Failing to comply with the conditions of employment which may or may not have existed at the time of initial appointment.
  • Failing to authorize or pass a background check required by the position.
  • Failing to comply with union security provisions.

Use Separation > Conditions Not Met - Vax Reqrd to separate an employee who failed to comply with a COVID-19 vaccination requirement.

Use Separation > End of Appointment to separate a non-permanent employee from state service who does not meet the conditions of employment.

Applies to action type(s): Separation (U5)

Example: A permanent employee fails to pass a new requirement for a background check for working with children. The employee is separated since they did not meet the new conditions of employment.

Conditions Not Met - Vax Reqrd

Definition: Use Conditions Not Met - Vax Reqrd for an employer-initiated, non-disciplinary separation of an employee:

  • for failing to comply with a COVID-19 vaccination requirement.
  • when the employer is unable to provide a reasonable accommodation to an approved COVID-19 vaccination exemption, unless the separation qualifies as a disability separation. See Disability - Involuntary.

Do not use Conditions Not Met - Vax Reqrd for employee-initiated resignations or retirements as a result of a vaccination requirement.

See Conditions Not Met for other non-disciplinary separations.

Applies to action type(s): Separation (U5)

Example: An employee fails to provide proof of vaccination for the required COVID-19 vaccination and does not qualify for an exemption. The employee is separated since they did not meet the new conditions of employment.

Convert to Permanent Appt

Definition: Use Convert to Permanent Appt:

  • When the employer converts a non-permanent appointment to permanent.
  • When the employer converts an exempt position to permanent classified service. 
  • (Represented Only) when the employer converts a project appointment into a “non-project” permanent appointment.

Applies to action type(s): Appointment Change (U3)

Example: An employee is selected through a competitive process to fill a non-permanent appointment while the permanent incumbent takes a 7-month trip to Europe. The permanent incumbent decides not to return to the U.S. and resigns. The agency converts the non-permanent appointment to a permanent appointment.

Example: An agency converts an exempt Program Manager position into a permanent, WGS Program Specialist 5 position.

Example: (Represented Only): An employer converts a project position into a “non-project” permanent Office Assistant 3 (OA3). The collective bargaining agreement requires the employee to serve a trial service period, even though the employee successfully completed an OA3 trial service period during their project appointment.


Definition: Use Death for an employee who dies while employed by an agency.

Applies to action type(s): Separation (U5)

Example: An employee has passed away and the employing agency separates the employee due to death.

Demotion - Disciplinary

Definition: Use Demotion - Disciplinary for a demotion for cause which results in the movement of an employee from a position in one class to a position in another class which has a lower salary range maximum.

(WMS Only) Use Demotion - Disciplinary for a demotion for cause which results in:

  • the reassignment of duties in the same position that results in a lower salary standard and/or evaluation points, or
  • the reassignment of duties which results in the position being placed in the WGS with a lower base salary, or
  • movement to a different WMS position with a lower salary standard and/or lower evaluation points, or
  • movement to a WGS position with a lower base salary.

Applies to action type(s): Appointment Change (U3)

Example: An employee is demoted for cause from a Human Resource Consultant 3 position to a Human Resource Consultant 1 position.

Example: An employee is demoted for cause from a WMS Band 2 position to a Fiscal Analyst 4 position.

Demotion - In Lieu of Layoff

Definition: Use Demotion - In Lieu of Layoff for an employee who is appointed to a position with a lower salary range maximum than the position currently held, rather than being laid off.

Applies to action type(s): Appointment Change (U3)

Example: An employee in a position that is being abolished due to layoffs accepts a position in a lower class since they have no option to take a position at the same salary range.

Demotion - Non-Disciplinary

Definition: (WMS Only) Use Demotion - Non-Disciplinary for involuntary downward movement of a WMS employee due to the non-disciplinary reassignment of duties that results in a lower salary standard and/or lower evaluation points for the employee's current position.

(Washington State Patrol Only) Use Demotion – Non-Disciplinary for the involuntary demotion of a commissioned officer from a higher to a lower rank for non-disciplinary reasons.

Note: For Classified Washington General Service employees, see Reallocation - Downward, Demotion - Disciplinary, or Demotion - Voluntary instead.

Applies to action type(s): Appointment Change (U3)

Example: A WMS Band 3 employee's duties changed due to non-disciplinary purposes. The reevaluation of the position resulted in downward movement to WMS Band 2.

Example: After serving in a higher capacity for several years, a Captain is demoted to the rank of Lieutenant for non-disciplinary reasons by the WSP Chief.

Demotion - Voluntary

Definition: Use Demotion - Voluntary for a permanent employee who voluntarily moves from a position in one class to a position in another class that has a lower salary range maximum.

(WMS Only) Use Demotion - Voluntary for a permanent WMS employee who voluntarily moves to a position that has a lower salary standard and/or lower evaluation points, or who voluntarily moves to a WGS position at a lower pay level. 

Applies to action type(s): Appointment Change (U3)

Example: A Fiscal Analyst 3 (Range 50) requests to voluntarily demote into an open Human Resource Consultant 1 (Range 46) position for which she meets the required skills and abilities.

Disability - Involuntary

Definition: Use Disability - Involuntary to separate an employee from state service when the employer determines the employee is unable to perform the essential functions of the employee's position or class with or without reasonable accommodation due to mental, sensory, or physical incapacity.

Applies to action type(s): Separation (U5)

Example: An employer determines an employee is no longer able to perform the essential functions of their position and class. After following appropriate HR/EO procedures, a separation of the employee is deemed necessary.

Disability - Voluntary

Definition: Use Disability - Voluntary for an employee who requests separation from state service due to a mental, sensory, or physical incapacity.

Applies to action type(s): Separation (U5)

Example: An employee determines he is no longer able to perform the essential functions of his job and resigns, providing his employer medical information which documents his inability to perform the essential functions of his position.

Disability Pay 50% (WSP)

Definition: (Washington State Patrol Only) Use Leave of Absence – Active > Disability Pay 50% (WSP) for leave of absence granted to officers injured or incapacitated to such extent as to be mentally or physically incapable of active service.

Note: Officers on disability status receive one-half compensation at the existing wage, less any compensation received through the department of labor and industries.

Use Return from Leave of Absence > Disability Pay 50% (WSP) when the officer returns to active service.

Applies to action type(s): Leave of Absence - Active (U8), Return from Leave of Absence (UA)

Example: The chief of the Washington State Patrol determines that an active Washington State Trooper who became severely injured six months ago in an automobile accident is unable to return to active duty and is placed on disability status.


Definition: Use Dismissal to terminate an employee from state service for disciplinary purposes.

Note: For non-disciplinary separations, see End of Appointment.

Applies to action type(s): Separation (U5)

Example: An employee continually violates his agency's misuse of state resources policy and is dismissed for non-compliance.


Definition: Use Leave of Absence - Active/Inactive > Educational for employees who have been approved for a leave of absence for educational purposes.

Use Return from Leave of Absence > Educational when the employee returns to work.

Applies to action type(s): Leave of Absence – Active (U8), Leave of Absence – Inactive (U9), Return from Leave of Absence (UA)

Example: An employee is furthering his education and is granted a leave of absence to complete his graduate studies.

Elective Office/Leg Service

Definition: Use Leave of Absence - Active/Inactive > Elective Office/Leg Service when:

  • an employee requests a temporary leave of absence for having been elected or appointed to an elective office; or
  • an employee who is also a member of the state legislature takes a temporary leave of absence to perform official duties during regular and special legislative sessions.

Use Return from Leave of Absence > Educational when the employee returns to work.

Applies to action type(s): Leave of Absence – Active (U8), Leave of Absence – Inactive (U9), Return from Leave of Absence (UA)

Example: An employee at the Office of the Attorney General is granted a temporary leave of absence to perform duties related to being appointed to an elective office.

Example: An employee at the Department of Revenue is granted a temporary leave of absence while they perform their official duties as a member of the state legislature during legislative session.


Definition: Use Elevation for an employer-initiated action moving a permanent employee to a position in either a higher class in which the employee held permanent status prior to a demotion, or a class in the same class series which is between the current class and the class from which the employee demoted.

Applies to action type(s): Appointment Change (U3)


  • An employee is elevated to a Human Resource Consultant 4 position after being demoted to a Human Resource Consultant 2 position.
  • Twelve months after a permanent Office Assistant 3 (Range 34) voluntarily demoted to a permanent Office Assistant 2 (Range 32) position in a different division, she is hired into a new permanent Office Assistant 3 (Range 34) position.

Employee Business Unit

Definition: Use Employee Business Unit for the appointment or separation of a classified employee hired as part of a group of employees who successfully bid and receive an awarded contract to perform services for an employer.

Applies to action type(s): Appointment Change (U3), Concurrent Employment (UM), New Hire (U0), Rehire (U6), Separation (U5)

Example: A group of classified employees bid on and are awarded a contract to perform services for an agency. The individual employees are hired as part of an employee business unit and may be separated as a business unit.

End of Appointment

Definition: Use End of Appointment to separate an employee from state service for non-disciplinary reasons or to separate a probationary employee for reasons other than resignation. This may include WGS, WMS, EMS, or non-permanent employees who do not hold permanent state status.

Notes: Use End of Appointment only when no other applicable separation action reason applies.

For disciplinary separations, see Dismissal.

Applies to action type(s): Separation (U5)

Example: An employee serving a probationary period fails to meet the employer's standards and is separated prior to completing the probationary period.

End of Appt - Erroneous Appt

Definition: Use End of Appt - Erroneous Appt to separate an employee from state service who was hired in error.

Applies to action type(s): Separation (U5)

Example: An employee is hired but it is then discovered the supervisor did not receive the proper authorization to fill the position.


Definition: Use Exempt to appoint an employee into a position not covered under state civil service law or any at-will employee who is serving at the pleasure of the appointing authority and not covered under a bargaining agreement or regulation.

Note: Exempt should be used for appointments into and within exempt service.

Use Separation > End of Appointment to separate an exempt employee, who does not hold permanent state status, from state service.

Applies to action type(s): Appointment Change (U3), Concurrent Employment (UM), New Hire (U0), Quick Hire (U1), Rehire (U6), Rehire Quick Hire (UK)

Example: The Department of Corrections hires a new Chief Information Officer. Since this position is part of the Exempt Management Service (EMS), they are appointed as Exempt.

Example: An exempt HR Director accepts a new appointment to an exempt Deputy Director position.

Family Care Act

Definition: Use Leave of Absence - Active > Family Care Act for an employee who requests temporary leave under Washington's Family Care Act to care for a spouse, registered domestic partner, child, parent, parent-in-law, or grandparent with a serious health condition, or short-term care of a pregnant spouse or registered domestic partner, during or after childbirth as needed.

Use Return from Leave of Absence > Family Care Act when the employee returns to work.

Applies to action type(s): Leave of Absence – Active (U8), Return from Leave of Absence (UA)

Example: An employee requests a leave of absence to care for his grandmother who has a serious health condition.


Definition: Use Leave of Absence - Active/Inactive > FMLA for a leave of absence under the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 for qualifying employees.

Use Return from Leave of Absence > FMLA when the employee returns to work.

Applies to action type(s): Leave of Absence – Active (U8), Leave of Absence – Inactive (U9), Return from Leave of Absence (UA)

Example: An employee that qualifies for the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 is going to have surgery and will be unable to work for a period of time.


Definition: Use GGTP to appoint an employee from the General Government Transition Pool. If the employee has been separated from state service, a Rehire action is required.

Applies to action type(s): Appointment Change (U3), Concurrent Employment (UM), Rehire (U6)

Example: An agency considers and appoints an employee from the Government Transition Pool Program.

Gnl Gvt to Higher Ed

Definition: Use Gnl Gvt to Higher Ed to indicate an employee has moved to a higher education institution without a break in service.

Note: All dates, leave balances, and state status transfer to the higher education institution with the employee; however, they will not be paid or administered through the HRMS system.

Applies to action type(s): Separation (U5)

Example: A general government employee accepts a position at a higher education institution. Since higher education employees are not tracked in HRMS, they must be separated and given a reason to moving to Higher Ed.

Government Service

Definition: Use Leave of Absence - Active/Inactive > Government Service for an employee taking leave for government service in the public interest.

Use Return from Leave of Absence > Government Service when the employee returns to work.

Applies to action type(s): Leave of Absence – Active (U8), Leave of Absence – Inactive (U9), Return from Leave of Absence (UA)

Example: An employee is granted a leave of absence without pay for government service in the Peace Corps. Since the employee will not be receiving benefits or pay, they are put on Leave of Absence - Inactive.

Higher Ed - Temporary

Definition: (Higher Ed Only) Use Higher Ed - Temporary to appoint an employee into a Higher Education position on a temporary basis in which the employee's hours worked will not exceed one thousand fifty hours (1,050) in any 12 consecutive month period from the original date of hire.

Applies to action type(s): Appointment Change (U3), Concurrent Employment (UM), New Hire (U0), Rehire (U6)

Example: A higher education institution hires an Office Assistant 3 to work 3 days per week from July through September to help with registration.

Higher Ed to Gnl Gvt

Definition: Use New Hire/Rehire > Higher Ed to Gnl Gvt to appoint an employee from a higher education institution to a state agency without a break in service. If the employee does not have a personnel number in HRMS, use New Hire > Higher Ed to Gnl Gvt; otherwise use Rehire > Higher Ed to Gnl Gvt

Applies to action type(s): New Hire (U0), Rehire (U6)

Example: A professor at Central Washington University accepts a position as a Human Resource Consultant 4 with Department of Enterprise Services to work in their training division.

Home Assignment

Definition: Use Leave of Absence - Active > Home Assignment for an employer-initiated action to assign an employee to their home. The employee must remain available during their designated work schedule while on home assignment; employee will continue to receive regular pay and benefits and may or may not be assigned work.

Use Return from Leave of Absence > Home Assignment when the employee returns to work. A Return from Leave of Absence action is not necessary if an employee separates from state service prior to ending their home assignment; a Separation Action is sufficient.

Applies to action type(s): Leave of Absence – Active (U8), Return from Leave of Absence (UA)

Example: An employee is sent home pending an investigation that requires the employee to remain available for contact during their regularly scheduled work time.


Definition: Use Internship for the appointment of a student through the State Internship program with the purpose of gaining work experience and knowledge of state government.

See also Non-Employee for students participating in the Work Study program.

Applies to action type(s): Concurrent Employment (UM), New Hire (U0), Rehire (U6)

Example: An agency hires an intern/student to assist in the Accounting Office.


Definition: Use In-Training to appoint an employee to a permanent position which has a documented training plan identifying steps for advancement to the goal class.

Applies to action type(s): Appointment Change (U3), Concurrent Employment (UM), New Hire (U0), Rehire (U6)

Example: A Fiscal Analyst 2 is appointed to a position with a documented training plan for advancement to an Fiscal Analyst 4. Phase one of the plan begins with the Fiscal Analyst 2 job class.

In-Training Level - Complete

Definition: Use Appointment Change > In-Training Level - Complete upon successful completion of a step in the training requirements and there is a change to the appointment date on the Date Specifications Infotype or basic pay.

Use Change in Status > In-Training Level - Complete upon successful completion of a step in the training requirements and there is no change to the appointment date on the Date Specifications Infotype or basic pay.

Applies to action type(s): Appointment Change (U3), Change of Status (UJ)

Example: An agency hires a Human Resource Consultant 2 in training to a Human Resource Consultant 4. The employee has completed their first step of the in-training process and is now at the Human Resource Consultant 3 level.

In-Training Series - Complete

Definition: Use Appointment Change > In-Training Series - Complete upon an employee's successful completion of all steps in the training requirements and there is a change to the appointment date on the Date Specifications Infotype or basic pay.

Use Change in Status > In-Training Series - Complete upon an employee's successful completion of all steps in the training requirements and there is no change to the appointment date on the Date Specifications Infotype or basic pay.

Applies to action type(s): Appointment Change (U3), Change of Status (UJ)

Example: An agency hires a Human Resource Consultant 2 in training to a Human Resource Consultant 4. The employee has completed all steps of the in-training process and is now at the Human Resource Consultant 4 level.


Definition: Use Layoff to separate an employee due to:

  • Lack of funds
  • Lack of work
  • Lack of positions
  • Organizational change
  • Termination of a project

Layoff may also be used when an employer involuntary separates an employee who does not successfully complete the transitional review following a layoff option.

Applies to action type(s): Separation (U5)

Layoff - Temp Reduction of Hrs

Definition: Use Layoff – Temp Reduction of Hrs when the employer temporarily reduces an employee’s work hours as a result of an unanticipated loss of funding, or other reasons as provided in Title 357 WAC or collective bargaining agreement. This action may also be used when an employee has volunteered, and the employer has agreed to allow an employee to reduce their hours of work in order to reduce layoffs.

Applies to action type(s): Appointment Change (U3)

Use Appointment Change > Adjust Hours Worked when returning the employee to their normal schedule.

Example: An employee volunteers to reduce his or her work hours to 24 hours per week in order to reduce layoffs. Based on staffing needs, the Appointing Authority agrees and allows the employee to work 24 hours per week.

Layoff - Temporary

Definition: Use Leave of Absence - Active/Inactive > Layoff - Temporary when an employee will be temporarily laid off.

Use Return from Leave of Absence > Layoff - Temporary when the employee returns to work.

Applies to action type(s): Leave of Absence – Active (U8), Leave of Absence – Inactive (U9), Return from Leave of Absence (UA)

Example: An agency temporarily lays off a represented employee for 20 calendar days due to an unanticipated loss of funding.

Layoff - Voluntary

Definition: Use Leave of Absence - Active/Inactive > Layoff - Voluntary for an employee who volunteers to go on a leave of absence to reduce the effects of a layoff. If the employee will be retaining some form of pay or benefits during Leave of Absence, use Leave of Absence - Active.

Use Return from Leave of Absence > Layoff - Voluntary when the employee returns to work.

Separation: (Represented Only) Use Separation > Layoff - Voluntary to separate a represented employee who volunteers to be laid off from their position.

Applies to action type(s): Leave of Absence – Active (U8), Leave of Absence – Inactive (U9), Return from Leave of Absence (UA), Separation (U5)


  • Leave of Absence: An employee volunteers to take 6 months leave without pay to reduce the effect of their agency's layoffs.
  • Separation: As a result of budget cuts, a represented employee learns that their agency is planning to eliminate 4 positions. The employee notifies HR that they are volunteering to be one of the positions eliminated.

Layoff List

Definition: Use Layoff List for appointing an employee from the employer's internal or statewide layoff list.

Applies to action type(s): Appointment Change (U3), Concurrent Employment (UM), Rehire (U6)

Example: An employee, who was laid off from a Management Analyst 3 position due to a lack of positions in February 2010, is hired by another agency in November 2011 from the Statewide Management Analyst 3 Layoff List.

Layoff Option Accepted

Definition: Use Layoff Option Accepted to appoint an employee whose position is scheduled for layoff but they are offered and accept another position as a layoff option.

Applies to action type(s): Appointment Change (U3)

Example: An employee receives a notice of layoff from her Management Analyst 3 position due to an organizational change. She accepts her option to move to a permanent Management Analyst position in a different unit.


Definition: Use Leave of Absence - Active/Inactive > LWOP for an employee who is taking an approved leave of absence without pay.

Use Return from Leave of Absence > LWOP when the employee returns to work.

Applies to action type(s): Leave of Absence – Active (U8), Leave of Absence – Inactive (U9), Return from Leave of Absence (UA)

Example: An employee wins a 3 month, all-expense paid trip to Europe and is approved to take leave without pay for time off.


Definition: Use Leave of Absence - Active/Inactive > Medical for a leave of absence for medical related purposes that does not otherwise qualify under FMLA or other medical-related leave of absence reasons.

Use Return from Leave of Absence > Medical when the employee returns to work.

Applies to action type(s): Leave of Absence – Active (U8), Leave of Absence – Inactive (U9), Return from Leave of Absence (UA)

Example: An employee is not eligible, or has exhausted all other medical leave type entitlements and is approved by the agency for additional medical leave.


Definition: Use Leave of Absence - Active/Inactive > Military for an employee who will be reporting for required military duty, training duty in the Washington National Guard or the Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, or Marine Corps reserves of the United States or any organized reserve or armed forces of the United States, or to report for drills including those in the National Guard under Title 10 U.S.C. or state active status.

Use Return from Leave of Absence > Military when the employee returns to work.

Applies to action type(s): Leave of Absence – Active (U8), Leave of Absence – Inactive (U9), Return from Leave of Absence (UA)

Example: An employee receives orders to report for active military duty and serve 6 months overseas.


Definition: Use Non-Employee for actions related to individuals in HRMS that are excluded from statewide personnel headcounts, such as AmeriCorps, Reservists, Retired Firefighters, Emergency Firefighters and Mobility Units, student workers, Pages, etc. Leave of Absence - Inactive > Non-Employee and Return from Leave of Absence > Non-Employee may also be used to deactivate and activate Reservists.

Applies to action type(s): Appointment Change (U3), Change of Status (UJ), Concurrent Employment (UM), Leave of Absence – Active (U8), Leave of Absence – Inactive (U9), New Hire (U0), Quick Hire (UI), Rehire (U6), Rehire Quick Hire (UK), Return from Leave of Absence (UA), Separation (U5)

Non-Perm In Lieu of Layoff

Definition: Use Non-Perm in Lieu of Layoff for an employee who accepts a non-permanent appointment as a layoff option.

Applies to action type(s): Appointment Change (U3)

Example: An employee receives a notice of layoff from his Management Analyst 3 position due to an organizational change and accepts his option of a non-permanent Management Analyst 3 position in a different unit.

Non-Perm Limited

Definition: Use Non-Perm Limited when appointing an employee into a non-permanent appointment.

(Represented Only) If the work is sporadic and does not fit a particular pattern, use Non-Perm On Call instead.

Note: Refer to Title 357 WAC or collective bargaining agreement for more information on allowed use of non-permanent appointments.

Use Non-Perm In Lieu of Layoff when an employee accepts a non-permanent appointment as a layoff option.

Use Separation > End of Appointment to separate a non-perm limited employee from state service.

Applies to action type(s): Appointment Change (U3), Concurrent Employment (UM), New Hire (U0), Quick Hire (UI), Rehire (U6), Rehire Quick Hire (UK)

Example: An agency hires an employee into a 3-month, non-permanent appointment to fill in for a Contract Specialist who is out on FMLA.

Non-Perm On Call

Definition: (Represented Only) Use Non-Perm On Call for an appointment where the nature of the work is sporadic and does not fit a particular pattern. Use Non-Perm Limited for non-represented employees.

Use Separation > End of Appointment to separate a non-perm on call employee from state service.

Applies to action type(s): Appointment Change (U3), Concurrent Employment (UM), New Hire (U0), Quick Hire (UI), Rehire (U6), Rehire Quick Hire (UK)

Example: An agency authorized to use Non-Perm on Call hires a represented custodian to fill in as needed when other custodial staff are absent.

Non-Perm Period - Extend

Definition: Use Appointment Change > Non-Perm Period - Extend if the extension of the non-permanent appointment requires an update to the employee's date specifications or basic pay infotype.

Use Change of Status > Non-Perm Period - Extend to extend a non-permanent appointment beyond the original end date or with State HR Director approved extension beyond 24 months.

Applies to action type(s): Appointment Change (U3), Change of Status (UJ)

Example: A non-permanent employee has been hired for the summer to fill in for a permanent employee while the permanent incumbent is out of the country. The permanent employee requests an additional leave of absence, so the agency extends the non-permanent appointment.


Definition: Use Leave of Absence - Active or Leave of Absence - Inactive > Parental for qualifying employees to take time off for:

  • the birth, bonding, and care of a newborn child, or
  • the placement of a minor/dependent child for adoption or foster care during the first year following birth or placement.

If an employee will be retaining some form of pay or benefits during Leave of Absence, use Leave of Absence - Active.

Use Return from Leave of Absence > Parental when the employee returns to work.

Applies to action type(s): Leave of Absence – Active (U8), Leave of Absence – Inactive (U9), Return from Leave of Absence (UA)

Example: An employee requests and is granted an additional twelve weeks of unpaid time off to care for their newborn child following three weeks of Leave of Absence - Active > FMLA.

Permanent Appt

Definition: Use Permanent Appt:

  • for an employee who completes their probationary, trial service, transitional, or other review period.
  • when the director confers permanent status to an employee under remedial action provisions.
  • for the rehire of an employee with permanent state status following a layoff who was not hired from the GGTP or a layoff list.

Note: For hires from GGTP or layoff list, use GGTP or Layoff List instead.

Applies to action type(s): Appointment Change (U3), Concurrent Employment (UM), Change of Status (UJ), Rehire (U6)

Example: An employee successfully completes their 6 month probationary review period and gains permanent status in the job class.


Definition: Use Leave of Absence - Active or Leave of Absence - Inactive > PFML for a leave of absence under the Washington Paid Family & Medical Leave Program for qualifying employees. The Employment Security Department will notify the agency once an employee is approved for paid family and medical leave and a partial wage replacement.

Use Return from Leave of Absence > PFML when the employee returns to work.

Applies to action type(s): Leave of Absence – Active (U8), Leave of Absence – Inactive (U9), Return from Leave of Absence (UA)

Example: An employee who is approved for the Washington Paid Family & Medical Leave Program is going to have surgery and will be unable to work for a period of time and has been approved by the Employment Security Department to receive a partial wage replacement for a designated period of time.


Definition: Use Probationary for:

  • employees who are in the initial period of employment following certification and appointment to a permanent position in classified service, or
  • an employee currently in a permanent classified position and serving a probationary period who moves to a different permanent position prior to completion of their probationary period.

(Represented Only) Use Probationary when the employer converts a project appointment into a “non-project” permanent appointment and the employee is required to serve a probationary period.

Use Separation > End of Appointment to separate a probationary employee from state service.

Applies to action type(s): Appointment Change (U3), Concurrent Employment (UM), New Hire (U0), Rehire (U6)


  • A Human Resource Consultant 1 is hired from the private sector and must serve a six-month probationary period prior to gaining permanent state status and permanent status in the Human Resource Consultant 1 classification.
  • A Customer Service Specialist 2 is currently serving a probationary period then accepts a permenent Customer Service Specialist 3 appointment and is required to serve a new probationary period.
  • Project Conversion (Represented Only): An Office Assistant 2 is hired from the private sector to serve a twelve-month project appointment. Prior to the end of the appointment, the employer converts the project position into a “non-project” permanent position and the employee’s collective bargaining agreement requires him to serve a probationary period.

Probationary Period - Extend

Definition: Use Probationary Period - Extend to extend an employee's probationary period prior to granting permanent status in the position. The extension is granted to continue training and aiding the employee in adjusting to the position.

Applies to action type(s): Change of Status (UJ)

Example: A probationary employee misses 12 days of work due to an illness and has to use leave without pay during this time because they did not have enough accrued leave. The probationary period is extended by 12 days.


Definition: Use Project to appoint an employee to a classified position established for the purpose of a defined project for which the employer expects the work to be of a time-limited nature with an expected end date or contingent on special funding.

Applies to action type(s): Appointment Change (U3), Concurrent Employment (UM), New Hire (U0), Rehire (U6)

Example: An employee is hired to work on a Time and Leave project. The project is expected to last two years.


Definition: Use Promotion to appoint a permanent employee to a job class with a higher salary range maximum that results in a salary increase.

(WMS Only) Use Promotion for:

  • the assignment of additional responsibilities, which results in higher evaluation points and/or higher salary standard for the same position, or 
  • movement to a different position that has a higher salary standard and/or higher evaluation points.

Applies to action type(s): Appointment Change (U3), Concurrent Employment (UM)

Example: A Legal Secretary 1 is hired into a Legal Secretary 2 position.

Example: A WMS Band 1 employee is appointed into a WMS Band 2 position.

Reallocation - Downward

Definition: Use Reallocation - Downward to change the appointment of an employee when their position is assigned to a different class that has a lower salary range maximum.

Applies to action type(s): Appointment Change (U3)

Example: A Human Resource Consultant 3 is reallocated to a Human Resource Consultant 2 after a desk audit determines the duties of the position meet a Human Resource Consultant 2 allocation.

Reallocation - No Sal Change

Definition: Use Reallocation - No Sal Change to change the appointment of an employee when their position is assigned to a different class that has the same salary range maximum.

Applies to action type(s): Appointment Change (U3)

Example: A Human Resource Consultant 4 is reallocated to a Fiscal Analyst 3 after a desk audit determines the duties of the position meet a Fiscal Analyst 3 allocation.

Reallocation - Upward

Definition: Use Reallocation - Upward to change the appointment of an employee when their position is assigned to a different class that has a higher salary range maximum.

Applies to action type(s): Appointment Change (U3)

Example: A Human Resource Consultant 2 is reallocated to Human Resource Consultant 3 after a desk audit determines the duties of the position meet a Human Resource Consultant 3 allocation.


Definition: Use Reassignment for an employer initiated move of employee from one position to another position in the same class within the agency.

(WMS Only) Use Reassignment for an employer initiated move of a WMS employee from one position to a different position within WMS with the same salary standard and/or evaluation points, or from one section, department, or geographical location to another.

(Represented Only) Also use Reassignment for an employer initiated move to reassign an employee to a different class with the same salary range maximum.

Applies to action type(s): Appointment Change (U3)


  • (Non Represented) A Human Resource Consultant 1 assigned to the agency's HR Employee Relations Office is reassigned to a Human Resource Consultant 1 position in the agency's HR Operations Office.
  • (Represented) A Secretary Senior is reassigned to an Administrative Assistant 1 position.


Definition: Use Reclassification when a Job Class series is reclassified by the Office of the State HR Director with a class code, title change, or salary range update, and enterprise-wide updates are not automatically made. Reclassifications are typically in response to a board decision, collective bargaining or legislative action.

Applies to action type(s): Appointment Change (U3)

Reduction in Pay - Disciplinary

Definition: Use Reduction in Pay - Disciplinary to reduce an employee's pay for disciplinary reasons.

Applies to action type(s): Appointment Change (U3)

Example: Per agency policy, a permanent employee's base salary is reduced due to a disciplinary action.

Note: For returning an employee to their previous salary following a reduction in pay, use the corresponding action reason that fits the current appointment status.


Definition: Use Reinstatement to reinstate a permanent employee following an employer-initiated separation. Reinstatement should only be used by the same agency that separated the employee.

Use Rehire > Reinstatement to reappoint a permanent employee who was separated by the employer and is being reinstated. The rehire appointment action should only be used if there has been a break in service and the employee's current employment status is "Withdrawn" in HRMS.

Use Appointment Change or Concurrent Employment > Reinstatement if an employee who was separated is currently employed by another agency; for example, if they began working for a new agency before their petition for reinstatement was approved.

Applies to action type(s): Appointment Change (U3), Concurrent Employment (UM), Rehire (U6)

Example: An employee is dismissed for abandonment of position; however, the agency reinstates the employee after receiving a written request from the employee and proof that the unauthorized absence was involuntary and unavoidable.


Definition: Use Resign for an employee who initiates a separation from state service.

Applies to action type(s): Separation (U5)

Example: A Washington State employee accepts a position in California and submits their resignation from state service.


Definition: Use Retiree to appoint an employee after their effective retirement date. An individual becomes a retiree on their effective retirement date which is the first of the month following meeting the age and service requirements for retirement, filing an application for retirement with the Department of Retirement Systems, and terminating all employment and severing all future contractual agreements with covered employer(s).

Applies to action type(s): Concurrent Employment (UM), New Hire (U0), Rehire (U6)

Example: An agency rehires a previously retired Management Analyst 5 with exceptional expertise to help complete a critical enterprise-wide project.


Definition: Use Retirement to separate an employee who meets the age and service requirements for retirement, or is eligible for a disability retirement, and filed an application for retirement with the Department of Retirement Systems.

Applies to action type(s): Separation (U5)

Example: A Washington State employee applies for retirement through the Department of Retirement Systems and is separated from state service.

Retirement - Incentive Pay

Definition: Use Retirement - Incentive Pay to separate an employee who meets the age and service requirements for retirement and filed an application for retirement with the Department of Retirement Systems, and is receiving a taxable cash payment incentive as part of a Voluntary Retirement Incentive Program.

Applies to action type(s): Separation (U5)

Example: An eligible employee takes advantage of the Voluntary Retirement Incentive Program, and retires from state service.


Definition: Use Reversion for the voluntary or involuntary movement of an employee during their review period resulting in their placement in a position. If no positions are available, the reversion may result in separation. Involuntary reversion reasons may include, but are not limited to, the result of the employee failing to:

  • Satisfactorily complete the trial service or review period.
  • Satisfactorily complete the WMS review period.
  • Progress to the next step of an in-training plan.

Note: Refer to Title 357 WAC or collective bargaining agreement on determining which position(s) the employee would have rights to revert to following a voluntary or involuntary reversion.

Applies to action type(s): Appointment Change (U3), Separation (U5)


  • Involuntary Reversion: An employee is not successful performing the higher-level duties as a Human Resource Consultant 2 during the trial service period and is reverted to a vacant Human Resource Consultant 1 position. The employee may or may not have previously held permanent status as an HRC 1.
  • Voluntary Reversion: An employee makes a request to revert to a lower-level position.

Return to Permanent Appt

Definition: Use Return to Permanent Appt to return a permanent state employee to a permanent appointment following a non-permanent or acting appointment.

Note: Refer to Title 357 WAC or collective bargaining agreement on whether a review period is necessary.

Applies to action type(s): Appointment Change (U3)

Example: An employee's non-permanent appointment as an HRC 4 ends and they are returned to their permanent appointment as an HRC 3. The employee has already completed their trial service period at the HRC 3 classification, the work contract is set to Permanent.

Example: An employee was in the middle of serving a six-month trial service period as an Office Assistant 3 when they take a non-permanent appointment as an HRCA 1. The non-permanent appointment ends, and they are returned to their permanent appointment as an Office Assistant 3. The employer had decided to suspend the trial service period during the non-perm appointment. Upon return to the permanent appointment, the employee’s trial service period resumes and the work contract is set to Trial Service.

Review Period - Extend

Definition: Use Review Period - Extend to extend the review period of a permanent, represented employee following an employee-initiated transfer, demotion or elevation from a different agency. Extension may not cause the total period to exceed 12 months.

Applies to action type(s): Change of Status (UJ)

Example: A permanent employee serving a six-month review period has not successfully met the position's requirements following their transfer from another agency. The employer extends the review period to 12 months to provide more training opportunities.

School Closure

Definition: Use School Closure for an employee who is employed by a school and will be on paid or unpaid time off during school breaks. If an employee will be retaining some form of pay or benefits during Leave of Absence, use Leave of Absence - Active.

Use Return from Leave of Absence > School Closure when the employee returns to work.

Applies to action type(s): Leave of Absence - Active (U8), Leave of Absence – Inactive (U9), Return from Leave of Absence (UA)

Seasonal - Career

Definition: Use Seasonal - Career for the appointment of an employee in a position that is:

  • Cyclical in nature.
  • Recurs at approximately the same time each year.
  • Lasts for a minimum of five months but less than twelve months in duration during any consecutive twelve-month period.

Use Separation > End of Appointment to separate a seasonal - career employee, who does not hold permanent state status, from state service.

Applies to action type(s): Appointment Change (U3), Concurrent Employment (UM), New Hire (U0), Rehire (U6)

Example: The School for the Blind hires a Teacher’s Assistant to work during the school year.

Seasonal - Career Layoff 3-8 m

Definition: Use Seasonal - Career Layoff 3-8 m for granting a leave of absence (active or inactive) or separation of a Seasonal Career employee in which the period of work in a seasonal capacity is 3 to 8 months. If an employee will be retaining some form of pay or benefits during Leave of Absence, use Leave of Absence - Active.

Use Return from Leave of Absence > Seasonal - Career Layoff 3-8 m when the employee returns to work following a Leave of Absence.

Use Rehire > Seasonal - Career if the employee was Separated and returns to work in a seasonal capacity.

Applies to action type(s): Leave of Absence - Active (U8), Leave of Absence – Inactive (U9), Return from Leave of Absence (UA), Separation (U5)

Example: An employee is hired in November to operate a snow plow on the mountain passes and then separated (or put on a leave of absence) in February. The employee will return the following November to do the same job.

Seasonal - Career Layoff 9+ mo

Definition: Use Seasonal - Career Layoff 9+ mo for granting a leave of absence (active or inactive) or separation of a Seasonal Career employee in which the period of work in a seasonal capacity is 9 months or more. If an employee will be retaining some form of pay or benefits during Leave of Absence, use Leave of Absence - Active.

Use Return from Leave of Absence > Seasonal - Career Layoff 9+ mo when the employee returns to work following a leave of absence.

Use Rehire > Seasonal - Career if the employee was separated and returns to work in a seasonal capacity.

Applies to action type(s): Leave of Absence - Active (U8), Leave of Absence – Inactive (U9), Return from Leave of Absence (UA), Separation (U5)

Example: An employee is hired to work as a Custodian during the school year and is separated (or put on a leave of absence) in July and will return in September to do the same job.

Settlement Pay

Definition: Use Settlement Pay to appoint, and then separate, an employee for the purpose of processing settlement pay as the result of a settlement agreement.

Applies to action type(s): Concurrent Employment (UM), New Hire (U0), Rehire (U6), Separation (U5)

Example: A separated employee is rehired as an employee for one day in order to process settlement pay following an appeal. The employee is immediately separated from state service once the settlement pay is processed.

Special Employment

Definition: Use Special Employment to appoint individuals into programs designated by the director that are designed to reduce unemployment or provide training opportunities to persons to become more employable. Special Employment appointments may be funded in total or in part from sources other than the normal sources available to the employer.

Applies to action type(s): Appointment Change (U3), Concurrent Employment (UM), New Hire (U0), Rehire (U6)

Supported Employment

Definition: Use Supported Employment to appoint an employee with severe disabilities as part of the DSHS Supported Employment program.

Applies to action type(s): Appointment Change (U3), Concurrent Employment (UM), New Hire (U0), Rehire (U6)

Example: An agency hires an eligible employee with special needs who has the skills and abilities to perform basic filing into a part-time Office Assistant 1 position.


Definition: Use Suspension for an employee on a leave of absence without pay for disciplinary purposes. If an employee will be retaining some form of pay or benefits during Leave of Absence, use Leave of Absence - Active.

Use Return from Leave of Absence > Suspension when the employee returns to work.

Applies to action type(s): Leave of Absence - Active (U8), Leave of Absence – Inactive (U9), Return from Leave of Absence (UA)

Example: An employee is suspended for 2 weeks for disciplinary reasons.

Training Incentive Advancement

Definition: Use Training Incentive Advancement to accelerate the periodic increment date of an employee based on the nature of work or training requirements, or for qualified Assignment Pay due to extra education.

Applies to action type(s): Appointment Change (U3)


Definition: Use Transfer for a permanent employee-initiated move from one position to another position within or between employers in the same class or different class with the same salary range maximum, or same salary standard and/or same evaluation points (WMS).

Note: Transfer also applies to permanent employees who transfer between WMS and WGS if the employee’s salary is within the salary range of the WGS position or within the management band and/or salary standard assigned to the WMS position. 

Applies to action type(s): Appointment Change (U3)

Example: A permanent Human Resource Consultant 4 (Range 59) is transferred to a Fiscal Analyst 5 position (Range 59) in a different office.

Transitional Rev Per - Extend

Definition: Use Transitional Rev Per - Extend to extend the transitional review period of an employee prior to granting permanent status in the position. The employer must extend the transitional review period by one work day for each work shift of leave without pay taken during the transition review period.

(Represented Employees) The employer may extend the transition review period for represented employees prior to granting permanent status in the position as long as the extension does not cause the total period to exceed 12 months.

Applies to action type(s): Change of Status (UJ)

Example: A represented employee is serving a 6 month transitional review period following his layoff appointment and the employer is extending the review period to 12 months.

Trial Service Period - Extend

Definition: Use Trial Service Period - Extend to extend the trial service period of an employee prior to granting permanent status in that position. Extension may not cause the total period to exceed 12 months.

Applies to action type(s): Change of Status (UJ)

Example: An employee serving a 6 month trial service period has not successfully met the position's requirements following his promotion into the new job class. The employer extends the trial service period to 12 months to provide more training opportunities.


Definition: Use Unauthorized for an employee who is put on leave without pay for unauthorized absences.

Use Return from Leave of Absence > Unauthorized when the employee returns to work.

Applies to action type(s): Leave of Absence – Inactive (U9), Return from Leave of Absence (UA)

Example: An employee continues to miss work and has been told their leave is unauthorized. They are then put on an unauthorized leave of absence and are not receiving pay during that time.

Union Employment

Definition: Use Union Employment when an employee accepts temporary employment with the Union for a specific duration, not to exceed 12 months. The employee will not be paid during this time. If an employee will be retaining some form of pay or benefits during Leave of Absence, use Leave of Absence - Active.

Use Return from Leave of Absence > Union Employment when the employee returns to work.

Applies to action type(s): Leave of Absence – Active (U8), Leave of Absence – Inactive (U9), Return from Leave of Absence (UA)

Example: An employee accepts temporary employment with the Washington Federation of State Employees for 6 months.

Voluntary - Incentive Pay

Definition: Use Voluntary - Incentive Pay to separate an employee who is eligible to participate in a Voluntary Separation Incentive Program and has been offered a taxable cash payment as incentive to resign.

Applies to action type(s): Separation (U5)

Example: An eligible employee voluntarily resigns from state service in exchange for a $10,000 payment.

Volunteer Firefighting

Definition: Use Volunteer Firefighting for an employee who is a volunteer firefighter called to duty to respond to a fire, natural disaster, or medical emergency. If the employee will be retaining some form of pay or benefits during Leave of Absence, use Leave of Absence - Active.

Use Return from Leave of Absence > Volunteer Firefighting when the employee returns to work.

Applies to action type(s): Leave of Absence – Active (U8), Leave of Absence – Inactive (U9), Return from Leave of Absence (UA)

Example: A volunteer firefighter is called to duty to respond to a natural disaster and has requested a leave of absence from his position.

Volunteer/Community Service

Definition: Use Volunteer/Community Service for an employee who goes on an unpaid leave of absence to volunteer or perform community service. If the employee will be retaining some form of pay or benefits during Leave of Absence, use Leave of Absence - Active.

Use Return from Leave of Absence > Volunteer/Community Service when the employee returns to work.

Applies to action type(s): Leave of Absence – Active (U8), Leave of Absence – Inactive (U9), Return from Leave of Absence (UA)

Example: An Employee is granted three weeks of leave without pay to participate in a habitat for humanity build in Mexico.

WMS Acting Appt

Definition: Use WMS Acting Appt when appointing an employee into an acting WMS appointment.

Applies to action type(s): Appointment Change (U3), Concurrent Employment (UM), New Hire (U0), Rehire (U6)

Example: An agency hires an employee into a four-month, acting appointment to fill in for a WMS Band 2 Budget Manager who is out on FMLA.

WMS Acting Appt - Extend

Definition: Use Change of Status > WMS Acting Appt - Extend to extend an acting appointment beyond the original anticipated end date.

Use Appointment Change > WMS Acting Appt - Extend if the extension of the acting appointment requires an update to the employee's date specifications or basic pay infotype.

Applies to action type(s): Appointment Change (U3), Change of Status (UJ)

Example: An employee has been hired into an acting WMS appointment for six months to fill in for a permanent WMS employee while the permanent incumbent is on an approved leave of absence. The permanent employee requests an additional leave of absence, so the agency extends the acting appointment.

WMS Review Appt

Definition: Use WMS Review Appt when an employee who does not have permanent status in the classified service is appointed to a permanent WMS position.

Note: WMS Review Appt should only be used for employees who do not hold permanent status in the classified service. An employee who promotes, transfers, voluntarily demotes, accepts a layoff option to another WMS position, or is appointed to a WMS project position may be required to serve a WMS review period; however, use the appropriate action reason for Promotion, Transfer, Demotion – Voluntary, Layoff Option Accepted, or Project instead. 

Applies to action type(s): Appointment Change (U3), Concurrent Employment (UM), New Hire (U0), Rehire (U6)

Example: A new employee is hired as the Diversity Equity & Inclusion Manager (WMS Band 2) for the State Health Care Authority. Because the individual does not have permanent status in the classified service, they must serve a 12-month review period.

WMS Review Period - Extend

Definition: Use WMS Review Period - Extend to extend the review period of a WMS employee prior to granting permanent status in that position. The WMS Review Period extension is to ensure the WMS employee meets the requirements and performance standards of the position and may not cause the total period to exceed 18 months. An extension may also be necessary for time spent on leave without pay or shared leave in excess of 174 hours.

Applies to action type(s): Change of Status (UJ)

Example: A WMS program manager has not met the performance standards of his position during his 12 month review period due to an extended absence. Because of this, he is required to serve an additional 3 month review period.

Worker’s Compensation

Definition: Use Worker's Compensation for a leave of absence during which an employee is receiving Time Loss Compensation from the Department of Labor & Industries for an on-the-job injury. If an employee will be retaining some form of pay or benefits in HRMS during Leave of Absence, use Leave of Absence - Active.

Use Return from Leave of Absence > Worker's Compensation when the employee returns to work.

Applies to action type(s): Leave of Absence – Active (U8), Leave of Absence – Inactive (U9), Return from Leave of Absence (UA)

Example: A Registered Nurse 2 was lifting a patient and injured her back and is unable to work due to the injury. The employee files a claim with the Department of Labor & Industries and is receiving Time Loss Compensation.

Action Types

Definition: Transaction which groups infotypes according to the type of action you are performing.

Infotype: Actions (0000) – included in HRMS F1 Help

Appointment Change (U3)

Definition: An action type to indicate a change to an employee's appointment within the agency or movement of an employee between different agencies without a break a service. Appointment Changes may include, but are not limited to, new appointments for existing employees, movement to another position, adjustment of hours worked, changes to the status of an employee's position, changes from salaried to hourly or hourly to salaried, appointments following the reallocation of a position, and reinstating a separated employee without a break in service.

Infotype: Actions – 0000

Appointment Change Action Reasons

Obsolete Appointment Change Action Reasons

To retain data integrity in reporting, the following obsolete Appointment Change reasons must not be used under any circumstance. Where applicable, Alternate Options are provided.

Obsolete Action Reasons

Alternate Option

ZDNU - Classified to Exempt (10)

Exempt (24)

ZDNU - Dual Assign to Higher C (17)


ZDNU - Dual Assign to Lower Cl (16)


ZDNU - Extend Probationary Per (25)

Change of Status (UJ) action > Probationary Period - Extend (12)

ZDNU - Extend Trial Service (26)

Change of Status (UJ) action > Trial Service Period - Extend (10)

ZDNU - Full-Time Year Round (09)


ZDNU - GGTP Transition Rev App (60)

GGTP (48) [Work Contract (Appt Status) = Transitional (10)]

ZDNU - Non-Perm to Perm (80)

Convert to Permanent Appt (84)

ZDNU - Pay Adjust-Align, Dev&T (29)


ZDNU - Permanent (71)

Convert to Permanent Appt (84)
Permanent Appt (82)
Return to Permanent Appt (83)

ZDNU - Realloc/Reclass Appt (31)

Reallocation - Downward (73)
Reallocation - No Sal Change (74)
Reallocation - Upward (72)or
Reclassification (75)

ZDNU - Rtn Career Seasonal (35)

Return to Permanent Appt (83), or

Use the appropriate Appointment Change (U3) action reason for the new appointment.

The Work Contract (Appt Status) from the old appointment will indicate the type of appointment from which the employee returned, and will be available for employment history reporting.

ZDNU - Rtn fr GGTP Trans Ap (43)

ZDNU - Rtn fr Exempt Appt (38)

ZDNU - Rtn fr Informal Layoff (39)

ZDNU - Rtn fr Non-Perm Limited (61)

ZDNU - Rtn fr Non-Perm On Call (40)

ZDNU - Rtn fr Project Appt (41)

ZDNU - Rtn fr Temporary (42)

ZDNU - Rtn fr WMS Acting Appt (44)

ZDNU - Rtn fr WMS to Classifie (45)

ZDNU - Status Change (54)

Change of Status (UJ) action and appropriate reason for action

ZDNU - Temporary Appt (02)

Non-Perm Limited (59)
Non-Perm On Call (28)

ZDNU - WMS (07)

Use the appropriate Appointment Change (U3) action reason for the new appointment.

Change of Status (UJ)

Definition: Use Change of Status when an employee’s Work Contract (Appt status) changes and/or the Contract Type (state status) changes from non-permanent to permanent. Change of Status actions may include extension of a non-permanent appointment or extension of a probationary, trial service, transitional or review period, changing an appointment from non-permanent to permanent, or completion of an in-training level/series.

If the change in the employee's status also requires a change to date specifications or basic pay infoytpes, use Appointment Change action instead.

Infotype: Actions – 0000

Change of Status Action Reasons

Obsolete Change of Status Action Reasons

To retain data integrity in reporting, the following obsolete Change of Status reasons must not be used under any circumstance. Where applicable, Alternate Options are provided.

Obsolete Action Reasons

Alternate Option

ZDNU - Non-Perm to Perm (04)

Convert to Permanent Appt (18)

ZDNU - Permanent (14)

Permanent Appt (17)

ZDNU - Probationary Period-Com (06)

Permanent Appt (17)

ZDNU - Transitional Rev Per Co(05)

Permanent Appt (17)

ZDNU - Trial Service Period C (07)

Permanent Appt (17)

ZDNU - WMS Review Period Comp (08)

Permanent Appt (17)

Concurrent Employment (UM)

Definition: Use Concurrent Employment for an employee who:

  • works in more than one position at the same time in different agencies or personnel areas
  • works in more than one position in the same personnel area when one appointment is hourly and the other appointment is monthly.

The concurrent appointment will assign a new personnel number for the employee's additional position.

Infotype: Actions – 0000

Concurrent Employment Action Reasons

Obsolete Concurrent Employment Action Reasons

To retain data integrity in reporting, the following obsolete Concurrent Employment reasons must not be used under any circumstance. Where applicable, Alternate Options are provided.

Obsolete Action Reasons

Alternate Option

ZDNU - App of Retiree PERS 2/3 (08)

Retiree (07)

ZDNU - Permanent (27)

Permanent Appt (30)

ZDNU - Reemployment (20)


ZDNU - Temporary Appt (01)

Non-Perm Limited (18)
Non-Perm On Call (12)

ZDNU - Volunteer Assignment (16)


ZDNU - WMS (05)

Use the appropriate Concurrent Employment (UM) action for the new appointment.

ZDNU - Work Study (17)

Non-Employee (29)

Leave of Absence – Active (U8)

Definition: Use Leave of Absence - Active when an employee is on a leave of absence for a significant period of time. The employee's Active status indicates the system will still allow the employee to receive compensation and/or use a combination of paid leave and leave without pay.

Note: This Action Type was previously titled "Paid Leave of Absence". The Office of the State HR Director recommends agencies only use this action type for absences in excess of 15 days, or for circumstances that require additional tracking outside the leave system.
See also Leave of Absence - Inactive.

Infotype: Actions – 0000

Leave of Absence - Active Action Reasons

Obsolete Leave of Absence - Active Action Reasons

To retain data integrity in reporting, the following obsolete Leave of Absence - Active reasons must not be used under any circumstance. Where applicable, Alternate Options are provided.

Obsolete Action Reasons

Alternate Option

ZDNU - Administrative (01)


ZDNU - Collective Bargaining (10)

Do not use action; Use existing leave codes

ZDNU - Family Leave Act of WA (36)


ZDNU - Disability Due to Pregn (32)

FMLA (03)
Medical (18)

ZDNU - FMLA Temp Dis Leave (30)

FMLA (03)

ZDNU - LWOP Dis Due to Pregnan (33)

FMLA (03)
Medical (18)


FMLA (03)

ZDNU - LWOP Gov’s Exch Progr (13)

LWOP (16)

ZDNU - LWOP Legislative (17)

LWOP (16)

ZDNU - LWOP Military (19)

Military (05)

ZDNU - LWOP Parental (29)

Parental (08)

ZDNU - LWOP Peace Corps (20)

LWOP (16)

ZDNU - LWOP Sabbatical (21)

LWOP (16)

ZDNU - LWOP School Closure (22)

School Closure (06)

ZDNU - LWOP US Public Health S (25)

Government Service (14)

ZDNU - Marine Inactive/Layoff (00)


ZDNU - Shared Leave (07)

Use appropriate Leave of Absence - Active code and use the Shared Leave time type

ZDNU - Temp Dis Leave (31)


ZDNU - Unauthorized (24)


ZDNU - Voluntary LWOP (26)

LWOP (16)
Layoff - Voluntary (34)

Leave of Absence – Inactive (U9)

Definition: Use Leave of Absence - Inactive when an employee is on a leave of absence for a significant period of time and will not receive any compensation. The employee's Inactive status indicates the system will not allow the employee to receive compensation or use leave during the absence.

Note: This Action Type was previously titled "Unpaid Leave of Absence". The Office of the State HR Director recommends agencies only use this action type for absences in excess of 15 days, or for circumstances that require additional tracking outside the leave system. Do not use Leave of Absence - Inactive if the employee plans to submit at least 8 hours of leave per month to maintain insurance benefits.
See also Leave of Absence - Active.

Infotype: Actions – 0000

Leave of Absence - Inactive Action Reasons

Obsolete Leave of Absence - Inactive Action Reasons

To retain data integrity in reporting, the following obsolete Leave of Absence - Inactive reasons must not be used under any circumstance. Where applicable, Alternate Options are provided.

Obsolete Action Reasons

Alternate Option

ZDNU - Collective Bargaining (01)

Do not use action; Use existing leave codes

ZDNU - Disability Due to Pregn (21)

FMLA (03)
Medical (09)

ZDNU - Family Leave Act of WA (22)


ZDNU - LWOP Gov’s Exch Progr (04)

LWOP (07)

ZDNU - LWOP Legislative (08)

LWOP (07)

ZDNU - LWOP Peace Corps (11)

LWOP (07)

ZDNU - LWOP Sabbatical (12)

LWOP (07)

ZDNU - LWOP US Public Health S (16)

Government Service (05)

New Hire (U0)

Definition: Use New Hire for an employee who does not have an existing personnel number in HRMS, such as an employee who has never worked for the State of Washington or was employed prior to HRMS implementation.
See also Rehire.

Infotype: Actions – 0000

New Hire Action Reasons

Obsolete New Hire Action Reasons

To retain data integrity in reporting, the following obsolete New Hire reasons must not be used under any circumstance. Where applicable, Alternate Options are provided.

Obsolete Action Reasons

Alternate Option

ZDNU - Appointment from Layoff (21)


ZDNU - Reemployment (19)


ZDNU - Reinstatement (08)


ZDNU - Temporary Appt (01)

Non-Perm Limited (18)
Non-Perm On Call (12)

ZDNU - Trial Service (25)


ZDNU - Volunteer Assignment (16)


ZDNU - WMS (05)

WMS Acting Appt (03)
WMS Review Appt (04)

ZDNU - Work Study (17)


Quick Hire (UI)

Definition: (DFW, DNR, MIL, REP, SEN, & WSP) Use Quick Hire for the appointment of an employee such as a page or emergency firefighter who does not have an existing personnel number in HRMS.
See also Rehire - Quick Hire.

Infotype: Actions – 0000

Quick Hire Action Reasons

Obsolete Quick Hire Action Reasons

To retain data integrity in reporting, the following obsolete Quick Hire reasons must not be used under any circumstance. Where applicable, Alternate Options are provided.

Obsolete Action Reasons

Alternate Option

ZDNU - Temporary Appt (01)

Non-Perm Limited (18)
Non-Perm On Call (12)

Rehire (U6)

Definition: Use Rehire for an employee who previously worked for the State of Washington, has a personnel number in HRMS, and currently has a “Withdrawn” status. The rehire action should be used following a break in service.
See also New Hire.

Infotype: Actions – 0000

Rehire Action Reasons

Obsolete Rehire Action Reasons

To retain data integrity in reporting, the following obsolete Rehire reasons must not be used under any circumstance. Where applicable, Alternate Options are provided.

Obsolete Action Reasons

Alternate Option

ZDNU - App of Retiree PERS 2/3 (08)

Retiree (07)

ZDNU - Permanent (31)

Permanent Appt (32)

ZDNU - Reemployment (15)


ZDNU - Reversion Appointment (17)


ZDNU - Temporary Appt (01)

Non-Perm Limited (23)
Non-Perm On Call (12)

ZDNU - Trial Service Apptmt (24)


ZDNU - Volunteer Assignment (21)


ZDNU - WMS (05)

Use the appropriate Rehire (U6) action reason for the new appointment.

ZDNU - Work Study (22)


Rehire Quick Hire (UK)

Definition: (DFW, DNR, MIL, REP, SEN, & WSP) Use Rehire Quick Hire for the appointment of an employee such as a page or emergency firefighter who previously worked for the State of Washington, has an existing personnel number in HRMS, and currently has a “Withdrawn” status.
See also Quick Hire.

Infotype: Actions – 0000

Rehire Quick Hire Action Reasons

Obsolete Rehire Quick Hire Action Reasons

To retain data integrity in reporting, the following obsolete Rehire Quick Hire reasons must not be used under any circumstance. Where applicable, Alternate Options are provided.

Obsolete Action Reasons

Alternate Option

ZDNU - Temporary Appt (01)

Non-Perm Limited (18)
Non-Perm On Call (12)

ZDNU - Work Study (22)

Non-Employee (11)

Return from Leave of Absence (UA)

Definition: Use Return from Leave of Absence for employees who are returning to work after an active or inactive leave of absence.
See also Leave of Absence – Active and Leave of Absence – Inactive.

Infotype: Actions – 0000

Return from Leave of Absence Action Reasons

Obsolete Return from Leave of Absence Action Reasons

To retain data integrity in reporting, the following obsolete Return from Leave of Absence reasons must not be used under any circumstance. Where applicable, Alternate Options are provided.

Obsolete Action Reasons

Alternate Option

ZDNU - Administrative (14)


ZDNU - Collective Bargaining (02)


ZDNU - Family Leave Act of WA (39)


ZDNU - LWOP Disability Due to Pregn (34)


ZDNU - Disability Due to Pregn (35)


ZDNU - FMLA Temp Dis Leave (31)

FMLA (16)


FMLA (16)

ZDNU - LWOP Military (09)

Military (18)

ZDNU - LWOP Parental (25)

Parental (26)

ZDNU - Rtn fr MarineInact/Layo (33)


ZDNU - Rtn LWOP Gov Exch P (05)

LWOP (01)

ZDNU - Rtn LWOP Legis App (08)

LWOP (01)

ZDNU - Rtn LWOP Peace Corps (10)

LWOP (01)

ZDNU - Rtn LWOP US Public Hea (12)

LWOP (01)

ZDNU - Sabbatical Leave (19)

LWOP (01)

ZDNU - Shared Leave (20)


ZDNU - Temp Dis Leave (32)


Separation (U5)

Definition: Use Separation when an employee is leaving Washington State service for voluntary or involuntary reasons such as resignation, retirement, dismissal, or layoff, or because of death.

Infotype: Actions – 0000

Separation Action Reasons

Obsolete Separation Action Reasons

To retain data integrity in reporting, the following obsolete Separation reasons must not be used under any circumstance. Where applicable, Alternate Options are provided.

Obsolete Action Reasons

Alternate Option

ZDNU - Exempt Separation (10)

End of Appointment (54)

ZDNU - Failed to Comply W/Unio (11)

Conditions Not Met (17)

ZDNU - FMLA New Born Child Ca (12)


ZDNU - Formal Union Layoff (13)

Layoff (55)

ZDNU - Lack of Position (38)

Layoff (55)

ZDNU - Layoff Lack of Funds (39)

Layoff (55)

ZDNU - Layoff Lack of Work (40)

Layoff (55)

ZDNU - Layoff Organization Ch (43)

Layoff (55)

ZDNU - Layoff Term of Project (41)

Layoff (55)

ZDNU - Moving from Vicinity (15)

Resign (21)

ZDNU - Non-Disciplinary Sep (16)

End of Appointment (54)

ZDNU - Non-Perm Limited Sep (36)

End of Appointment (54)

ZDNU - Non-Perm On Call Sep (14)

End of Appointment (54)

ZDNU - Probationary Separation (18)

End of Appointment (54)

ZDNU - Project Apptmt Sep (19)

End of Appointment (54)

ZDNU - Reall Down-Ineligible i (42)


ZDNU - Resign Illness (20)

Resign (21)

ZDNU - Resign With RIF Rights (22)

Layoff – Voluntary (33)

ZDNU - Retirement W/ RIF Rights (24)

Retirement (23)

ZDNU - RIF Reduction in Force (26)

Layoff (55)

ZDNU - Season RIF Separation (28)

Layoff (55)
Seasonal - Career Layoff 3-8 m (02)
Seasonal - Career Layoff 9+ mo (03)

ZDNU - Seasonal Separation (29)

End of Appointment (54)

ZDNU - Temp Layoff Inclm Weath (48)


Layoff (55)
Use Leave of AbsenceActive (U8)/Inactive (U9) action with appropriate Layoff reason for action code

ZDNU - Temp Layoff Lack of Wor (45)

ZDNU - Temp Layoff Loss of F (46)

ZDNU - Temp Layoff Mat/Equip S (49)

ZDNU - Temp Layoff Unexp Circ (50)

ZDNU - Temporary Layoff (44)

ZDNU - Temporary Union Layoff (32)

ZDNU - Temp Layoff Reduced Hou (47)

Appointment Change (U3) action > Layoff – Temp Reduction of Hrs (78)

ZDNU - Temporary Apptmt Sep (31)

End of Appointment (54)

ZDNU - Term of Spec Employment (51)

End of Appointment (54)

ZDNU - Trans Review Per Not Met (27)

Layoff (55) following a Layoff Option
End of Appointment (54) following appointment from Layoff List or GGTP

ZDNU - WMS Acting Apptmt Sep (34)

End of Appointment (54)

ZDNU - WMS Separation (35)

End of Appointment (54)

Additional Time ID

Definition: Determines the type of leave an employee will accrue.

Note: This field will default to normal vacation and sick leave accrual (00) if left blank.

Infotype: Planned Working Time (0007) – included in HRMS F1 Help


Definition: Use 00 for employees who are eligible for normal vacation and sick leave accrual.


Definition: Use 01 for employees who are not eligible for leave accrual.


Definition: Use 02 for employees who are eligible for sick leave accrual only.

Address Type

Definition: Identifies the type of address entered for an employee.

Note: It is strongly recommended that you use the USPS Address Lookup Tool to ensure addresses are entered correctly.

Be aware that Pay1 address lines have shorter character limits than HRMS. HRMS will allow up to 35 characters in Address Lines 1 and 2, while Pay1 will only allow 30. Consider limiting the HRMS address to 30 characters so the complete address can be transferred to Pay1.

Infotype: Addresses (0006) – included in HRMS F1 Help

Permanent residence (1)

Definition: The physical address of the employee’s permanent residence; typically, their primary domicile. 

Notes: In order to process payroll, employees must have an active Permanent residence address record. 

Agency HR offices may make exceptions if the employee does not have a physical address.

At this time, the permanent residence address must have the Country Key set to USA. Do not enter an out of country address here.

See SAAM glossary for Official Residence. 

Employees can update their permanent residence address on the My Addresses tile in MyPortal. An address change through MyPortal does not qualify as notifying the employer of an address change. Notification to the employer is required when the move affects benefits availability, tax liability, or when specified in agency policy.

Example: An employee lives at 123 Sesame Street, Olympia, WA 98501. This address is entered as their Permanent residence address.

Mailing address (5)

Definition: The address where the employee receives mail if different than their permanent residence address.

Note: At this time, the mailing address must have the Country Key set to USA. Do not enter an out of country address here.

Example: An employee receives mail at a post office box instead of their permanent residence address. PO Box 789, Olympia, WA 98504 is entered as their Mailing address. 

Out of State Work Location (9)

Definition: The physical address where the employee is working when they have been approved to work outside of Washington. 

All employees must have approval from their employer prior to working outside of Washington. 

Notes: All employees who are working outside of Washington should have an Out of State Work Location address record. This address type will be the primary source of data for identifying employees who work out of state. 

If the employee is working out of state at their permanent residence, then that address should be entered under both the Permanent residence (1) and Out of State Work Location (9) address types. 

The out of state work location address is the only address type that will support an out of country address.

Example: An employee has been approved to work from their relative’s house in Colorado for six months. The relative’s address, 456 Main Street, Denver, CO 80220, is entered as the Out of State Work Location address. 

Obsolete Address Types

The following Address Types are not set-up for use by the State of Washington and should not be used:

  • Paycheck Location

Affordable Care Act (ACA) Status Codes

Definition: Status code to identify anticipated average hours per month for new employees, returning employees, or employees who experience a change in employment status for annual reporting under the Affordable Care Act.

Note: Definitions in this section only pertain to the ACA Status Codes as defined by the ACA. The ACA defines an employee as anyone who is paid for service; this may include employees such as students, board members, etc. that may be specifically excluded as eligible for PEBB benefits. For guidance on determining which status code to use, please visit Health Care Authority’s PEBB Tools for PERS/PAY website.

Infotype: Planned Working Time (0007)

Average 130 Hrs or more per month (Y1)

Definition: An employee who is anticipated to work an average of at least 130 hours per month over the next 12 months. An “employee” is an employee who does not meet the definition of “educational organizational” or “seasonal” employee.

Average 130 Hrs or more per month (Edu Org Employee) (Y2)

Definition: An educational organization employee who is anticipated to work an average of at least 130 hours per month over the next 12 months. An “educational organization employee” is an employee employed by an educational organization such as a primary, secondary, preparatory or high school and colleges and universities.

Average 130 Hrs or more per month (Seasonal Employee) (Y3)

Definition: A seasonal employee who is anticipated to work an average of at least 130 hours per month over the next 12 months. A “seasonal employee” is an employee who the employer reasonably expects to perform labor or services on a seasonal basis (e.g. at a specific time of the year), for six months or less.

Average less than 130 Hrs per month (N1)

Definition: An employee who is anticipated to work an average of less than 130 hours per month over the next 12 months. An “employee” is an employee who does not meet the definition of “educational organizational” or “seasonal” employee.

Average less than 130 Hrs per month (Edu Org Employee) (N2)

Definition: An educational organization employee who is anticipated to work an average of less than 130 hours per month over the next 12 months. An “educational organization employee” is an employee employed by an educational organization such as a primary, secondary, preparatory or high school and colleges and universities.

Average less than 130 Hrs per month (Seasonal Employee) (N3)

Definition: A seasonal employee who is anticipated to work an average of less than 130 hours per month over the next 12 months. A “seasonal employee” is an employee who the employer reasonably expects to perform labor or services on a seasonal basis (e.g. at a specific time of the year), for six months or less.

Not Assigned (Blank)

Definition: Default status code. Do not leave default of “Not Assigned” for new employees or returning employees hired on or after January 1, 2014, or employees who had a change in employment status since January 1, 2014.

Annual Salary (Ann.salary)

Definition: The annualized amount of wages entered on an employee’s Basic Pay (0008) infotype. This field includes most wage type amounts entered on the Basic Pay (0008) infotype. Wage types paid only once per month are not included in Annual Salary.

Note: The Annual Salary field is not used in payroll calculations; it is used for reporting on planned salary only.

Annual Salary should reflect the employee’s Capacity Utilization Level percentage and Working Hours per Payroll Period. For employees with Capacity Utilization Level set to less than 100%, the annual salary should reflect the reduced amount. If additional wage type amounts are added to the employee’s Basic Pay (0008) infotype (such as assignment pay or shift differential), the system will re-calculate the Annual Salary field appropriately.

The Annual Salary for employees with a daily Employee Subgroup will always be $0.00.

Indirectly Valued Employees
For indirectly valued employees with a monthly Employee Subgroup, enter the Pay Scale Group and Level (range and step). These fields, in conjunction with Capacity Utilization Level, will calculate the Annual Salary and Pay Period Salary Amount.

For indirectly valued employees with an hourly Employee Subgroup, enter the Pay Scale Group and Level (range and step). These fields, in conjunction with the Working Hours per Payroll Period, will calculate the Annual Salary and Base Rate / Hourly Wage Amount.

Use the validity period fields at the bottom of the Basic Pay (0008) infotype to view historical Annual Salary, Pay Period Salary, and Base Rate / Hourly Wage amounts.

Directly Valued Employees
For directly valued employees, enter the employee’s appropriate pay in the Wage Type Amount field and the system will calculate and populate the Annual Salary.


  • An employee with a monthly Employee Subgroup is paid range 50, step E on the non-represented standard progression salary schedule plus a two-range assignment pay. They work full-time; their Capacity Utilization Level is 100% and Working Hours per Payroll Period is 87.00 semi-monthly. Their Pay Scale Group is 50 and Level is E. Annual Salary will automatically calculate to the annual equivalent of range 52, step E on the current non-represented standard progression salary schedule.
  • An employee with an hourly Employee Subgroup is paid range 54, step L on the non-represented standard progression salary schedule. They have a varying schedule but are estimated to work approximately thirty-two hours per week; their Capacity Utilization Level is 80% and Working Hours per Payroll Period is 69.60 semi-monthly. Their Pay Scale Group is 54 and Level is L. Annual Salary will automatically calculate to the annual equivalent of 80% of range 54, step L on the current non-represented standard progression salary schedule.
    Note: This employee’s Capacity Utilization Level and Working Hours per Payroll Period fields can be reduced to reflect the approximate work schedule because they do not receive any additional pay on their basic pay infotype. If they received additional pay, their Capacity Utilization Level should be set to 100% and their Working Hours per Payroll Period set to 87.00 semi-monthly.
  • A WMS Band 2 employee with a monthly Employee Subgroup is paid $60,000 annually ($2,500 per pay period) while working full-time. The employee was approved to temporarily reduce their schedule to 60% time. Their Capacity Utilization Level is changed to 60% and Working Hours per Payroll Period is changed to 52.20 semi-monthly. Annual Salary is changed to $36,000, which will automatically change their Pay Period Salary to $1,500.

Infotype: Basic Pay (0008) – included in HRMS F1 Help

Assignment Pay

Definition: Use Assignment Pay to identify positions and/or jobs eligible for assignment pay. 

Assignment pay is a premium added to base salary to recognize specialized skills, assigned duties, and/or unique circumstances that exceed the ordinary; it is not typically granted for duties that are already encompassed in the job classification. Assignment pay is intended to be used only as long as the skills, duties, or circumstances it is based on are in effect.

Refer to Assignment Pay References or Wage Type definitions for more information. 

Abbreviation: Assign Pay

Infotype: Position Relationships (1001)

Relationship Type: Is assigned to (A 108)


Definition: Select Budgeted for a position that is funded; leave this box blank for unfunded positions. 

Notes: The budgeted field is shared with a few downstream systems, including but not limited to Salary Projection System (SPS) and Compensation Impact Model (CIM), and used in financial projections and budget calculations.

Examples: types of positions that might not be funded:

  • non-perm limited positions
  • non-perm on-call positions

Infotype: Position Acct. Assignment Features (1008) – included in HRMS F1 Help

Capacity Utilization Level (Cap.util.lvl)

Definition: The percentage an employee is scheduled to work of a full-time schedule.

For employees with an hourly Employee Subgroup who also receive additional pay on their basic pay infotype, such as assignment pay, the Capacity Utilization Level should be set to 100%. Setting the Capacity Utilization Level below 100% may erroneously reduce the employee’s additional pay.

For indirectly valued employees with a monthly Employee Subgroup, this field calculates their Annual Salary and Pay Period Salary once the range and step are entered.

For part-time employees with a monthly Employee Subgroup, this field is used in various calculations during payroll processing, such as determining hours in calculating assignment pay and determining full-time salary equivalent in calculating leave buyout rates.

Notes: For directly valued employees, the Annual Salary should reflect the employee’s Capacity Utilization Level percentage. Capacity Utilization Level and Working Hours per Payroll Period should be aligned. The Employment Percent and Capacity Utilization Level should match, except when the employee’s Employment Percent remains at 100% because reducing it would reduce the employee’s daily work schedule beyond their maximum daily hours worked. Capacity Utilization Level is used in Enterprise Reporting to calculate planned salary information (annual salary) and part-time employee percentages.


  • A full-time employee has a Capacity Utilization Level of 100%. Their Working Hours per Payroll Period is 87.00 semi-monthly, and their Annual Salary should reflect 100% of the full-time salary.
  • A part-time employee with a monthly Employee Subgroup is expected to work thirty-two hours per week. Their Capacity Utilization Level is 80%, and their Working Hours per Payroll Period is 69.60 semi-monthly. Their Annual Salary and Pay Period Salary (wage type 1003) should reflect 80% of the full-time salary.
  • A part-time employee with an hourly Employee Subgroup has a varying schedule but is estimated to work approximately twenty-four hours per week. The employee also receives a 2-range group C assignment pay. Their Capacity Utilization Level is 100%, and their Working Hours per Payroll Period is 87.00 semi-monthly. Their Annual Salary should reflect the full-time equivalent salary, their Base Rate / Hourly Wage (wage type 1001) should reflect their full hourly rate, and their assignment pay amount should reflect the full hourly rate equivalent of two-ranges.

Infotype: Basic Pay (0008) – included in HRMS F1 Help

Communication Type

Definition: Identifies the type of communication entered for an employee.

Note: Only the communication types defined below are supported by OFM.

Infotype: Communication (0105)

E-mail (0010)

Definition: Use E-mail (0010) to record the employee's email address.

Notes: It is highly recommended to use an employee’s work email address to allow for single sign-on (SSO) access to MyPortal. This email address is also used for password resets and the leave request notification process in MyPortal. Employees are able to update their email address on the My Communication Data tile in MyPortal.

System user name (SY-UNAME) (0001)

Definition: Identifies the employee's HRMS user name account.

Notes: This record is created systematically upon entering a New Hire Action. Do not create or maintain System user name (SY-UNAME) (0001) records. This record is required for all employees, whether they have security access to HRMS or not.

WD Financials Phase 1a Conversion (WD1A)

Definition: Use WD Financials Phase 1a Conversion (WD1A) to identify employees whose job duties require a Workday account within OneWA Phase 1a – Core Financials.  

Enter the employee’s 8-digit personnel number in the System ID field. 

Notes: Workday Phase1a – Core Financials is replacing the Agency Financial Reporting System (AFRS). WD Financials Phase 1a Conversion (WD1A) records should be created and maintained during OneWA project conversion activities and beyond implementation. Personnel processors should work with agency staff whose roles are identified below, along with the agency’s One Washington Agency Support Team (AST) lead, to identify employees who need a WD1A record. If an employee no longer needs access to Workday, be sure to delimit their WD1A record. 

Employees who are performing the following tasks and will need access to Workday, should have an active WD1A record:

  • Employees who use AFRS today to perform job duties and will perform their work in Workday Phase1A – Core Financials once AFRS functionality is ended.
  • Budget control
  • Interagency billing
  • Vendor management (Enterprise Level – OFM team)
  • Customer management (Enterprise Level – OFM Statewide Registration team)
  • Supplier management
  • Accounts payable
  • Accounts receivable
  • Fixed assets
  • Financial accounting
  • Cash receipts

Refer to the OneWA program for more information.

Compressed Workweek (EE)

Definition: A compressed workweek is an alternative schedule that allows full-time employees to eliminate at least one work day every two weeks by working longer hours during the remaining days. Compressed workweeks result in less commute trips for an employee.

Infotype: Telework/Flex Work (Employee) (9106) – included in HRMS F1 Help

Employee Participating (EP)

Definition: Use Employee Participating if the employee’s current work schedule allows for them to reduce the number of days they are commuting.

Example: An employee’s work schedule is Monday through Thursday working 10 hours per day. This schedule results in the employee having Friday off – one less commute day for the employee.

Not Participating (NP)

Definition: Use Not Participating if the employee’s work schedule is a full 5 days per week.

Compressed Workweek (POS)

Definition: A compressed workweek is an alternative schedule that allows full-time employees to eliminate at least one work day every two weeks by working longer hours during the remaining days. Compressed workweeks result in less commute trips for an employee.

Infotype: Telework/Flex Work (POS) (9901) – included in HRMS F1 Help

Position Eligible (PE)

Definition: Use Position Eligible if it has been determined the position’s current work schedule allows for an employee to reduce the number of days they are commuting.

Not Participating (NE)

Definition: Use Not Eligible if the position’s work schedule is required to work a full 5 days per week.


Definition: Status of the appointment – called Work Contract in Washington Workforce Analytics

Infotype: Organizational Assignment (0001) – included in HRMS F1 Help

Acting (09)

Definition: (WMS Only) Use Acting for a non-permanent appointment into a WMS position.

Example: An HRC 4 is appointed to a WMS 1 position while the current WMS 1 employee is out on an extended leave of absence.

Apprentice (06)

Definition: Use Apprentice for an appointment of an individual to an approved apprentice job class who is employed to learn an apprenticeship occupation and is registered with a sponsor in an apprenticeship program approved by the Washington Apprenticeship and Training Council. If a review is required, set Contract to Apprntc/Prob, Apprntc/Trl Srv, or Apprntc/Trnstnl.

Example: An agency hires an Apprentice – Workers’ Compensation Adjudicator 2 and the employer does not require the completion of a probationary or trial service period.

Apprntc/Prob (07)

Definition: Use Apprntc/Prob when a person appointed to an apprenticeship position does not have permanent state status.

Example: An agency hires an Apprentice - Auditor who is new to state government and requires the completion of a probationary period.

Apprntc/Trl Srv (08)

Definition: Use Apprntc/Trl Srv when an apprentice must serve a trial service period at each training step within the apprenticeship agreement or the period following completion of an apprentice's probationary period.

Example: An agency hires a Marine Apprentice who has completed their probationary period and their appointment requires a trial service period at each level in the apprenticeship agreement.

Apprntc/Trnstnl (13)

Definition: (For use in Layoff situations only) Use Apprntc/Trnstnl for an appointment into an apprenticeship position as a layoff option, or from a layoff list or the general government transition pool (GGTP), in which the employer requires a transition review period. If no review is required, set Contract to Apprentice.

Example: Due to lack of work, an employee’s position is eliminated and she accepts her layoff option into an apprentice Corrections Specialist 1 position, and will serve a twelve month transition review.

Board/Comm (25)

Definition: Use Board/Comm for an appointment to serve on a board or commission, regardless of the appointing authority.

Example: An employee is appointed to serve on the Investment Board.

Exempt (16)

Definition: Use Exempt for an appointment into a position not covered under state civil service law.

Example: An agency hires an Assistant Attorney General (AAG) which is exempt from state Civil Service law.

In Training (00)

Definition: Use In Training for an appointment to a permanent position which has a documented training plan for advancement to the goal class. This code is used when the employee is in a phase of an in-training plan where they already have gained permanent status in the job class of that phase of the plan.

Example: A Fiscal Analyst 2 is appointed to a position with a documented training plan for advancement to a Fiscal Analyst 4. Phase one of the plan begins with the Fiscal Analyst 2 job class.

InTrng/Prob (04)

Definition: Use InTrng/Prob for an appointment to a permanent, in-training position and the person being appointed does not have permanent status in classified service, and must serve a probationary period.

Example: An agency hires a HRC 3 in training to an HRC 4 who has never worked for the state of Washington. The employee must serve a six-month probationary period.

InTrng/Trl Srv (05)

Definition: Use InTrng/Trl Srv:

  • For an appointment of a permanent state employee to a permanent, in-training position in a different job class.
  • Following a transfer or voluntary demotion to an in-training appointment.
  • For an elevation to an in-training position when a trial service period is required by the employer.
  • Following advancement to the next step of the training plan when a trial service period is required at each step.
  • For represented employees only: Following completion of the probationary period when the entire in-training plan has been designated as the trial service period.


  • A Social Worker 2 has permanent status and is appointed to a Social Worker 3 position with an in training plan to Social Worker 4.
  • An employee advances from a Management Analyst 3 to a Management Analyst 4 job class, in a position with a documented training plan to a Management Analyst 4, and a trial service period is required at each step of the plan.
  • A represented employee in a Chemist 1 position with a documented training plan to a Chemist 2 where the entire in-training plan has been designated as the trial service period has completed their probationary period.

Non-Employee (24)

Definition: Use Non Employee for individuals who are not considered state employees and should be excluded from statewide personnel headcounts, such as Work Study students, AmeriCorps, Reservists, etc.

Example: An agency hires a work study student to assist with a summer project.

NonPerm Limited (15)

Definition: (Non-Represented) Use NonPerm Limited for an appointment that is intended to address a short term immediate workload peak, or other short term need, or if the work is sporadic and does not fit a particular pattern (intermittent).

(Represented) Use NonPerm Limited for an appointment that is intended to address a short term immediate workload peak, or other short term need. If the work is sporadic and does not fit a particular pattern (intermittent), use NonPerm On Call.

Example: An agency hires an employee into a 3 month, non-permanent appointment to fill in for a Contract Specialist who is out on FMLA.

NonPerm On Call (14)

Definition: (Represented Only) Use NonPerm On Call for an appointment where the nature of the work is sporadic and does not fit a particular pattern (intermittent). Use NonPerm Limited for non-represented employees.

Example: An agency hires a custodian to work on-call as needed to fill in when other custodial staff are absent.

Permanent (#)

Definition: Use Permanent for the following:

  • Completion of a probationary, trial service, or transition review period.
  • Reassignment of a permanent employee who is not in trial service status.
  • Transfer, demotion, reversion, or elevation when the employee is not required to serve a trial service period.
  • Rehire from layoff or appointment to a position as a layoff option when a transition review period is not required.

Example: An agency hires an employee into a HRC 3 position and the employee completes their 6 month probationary review period. The Contract should change from Probationary to Permanent.

Probationary (02)

Definition: Use Probationary for an appointment to a permanent position when the person appointed does not have permanent status in classified service and must serve a probationary period. Upon completion of the probationary period, change Contract to Permanent.

Example: An agency hires a HRC 3 who has never worked for the state of WA and must serve a 6 month probationary period. The agency uses this code while the employee serves their probationary period, and then changes the Contract to Permanent upon completion.

Project (20)

Definition: Use Project for an appointment to a classified position established for the purpose of a defined project for which the employer expects the work to be of a time-limited nature with an expected end date. If a review is required, set Contract to Project – Probationary or Project – Trial Service.

Example: An agency hires an employee to work on a Time and Leave project that is expected to last two years.

Project – Prob (22)

Definition: Use Project - Prob for an appointment of an individual who does not have permanent status in classified service to a classified position established for the purpose of a defined project.

Example: An agency hires an employee into a project position who is new to state government.

Project TrSvc(21)

Definition: Use Project TrSvc for the promotional appointment of a permanent employee to a classified position established for purpose of a defined project. Voluntary transfers or voluntary demotions to project positions may require a trial service by the employer.

Example: A permanent project Administrative Assistant 2 is promoted to a Customer Service Specialist 3 project position within the same project. The employee will serve a 6 month trial service period.

Review Period (26)

Definition: (Represented Only) Use Review Period following a permanent employee initiated transfer, voluntary demotion or elevation from a different agency when required by bargaining agreement.

Example: A permanent Human Resource Consultant 4 voluntary demotes to a Human Resource Consultant 3 position in a different agency. The employee has previously held permanent status as a Human Resource Consultant 3.

Seasonal (17)

Definition: Use Seasonal for an appointment that is cyclical in nature, recurs at approximately the same time each year, and lasts for a minimum of five months but less than twelve months in duration during any consecutive twelve-month period.

Example: One of the schools hires a Teacher’s Assistant to work during the school year.

Seasonal – Prob (19)

Definition: Use Seasonal - Probationary for an appointment into a seasonal position when the person does not have permanent status in classified service and must serve a probationary period. Probationary period may be served in consecutive seasonal appointments.

Example: An employee new to Washington State is hired to work in the winter to plow snow and maintain roads on the mountain pass, and will serve a 12 month probationary period.

Seasonal TrSvc (18)

Definition: Use Seasonal TrSvc for the initial period of employment for a permanent employee following promotional appointment to a seasonal position in a new class or the initial period of employment following a transfer or voluntary demotion, or elevation.

Example: A permanent seasonal employee is promoted from a Maintenance Technician 2 to a seasonal Equipment Technician 2. He will serve a 6 month trial service period.

Temporary (01)

Definition: (Higher Ed, WSF Ferries Division, and Exempt Only)

(Higher Ed) Use Temporary for an appointment to a Higher Education position intended to be filled on a temporary basis. The hours worked by the employee in this position should not exceed 1,050 hours in any 12 consecutive month period from the original date of hire.

(WSDOT Ferries Division) - Use Temporary for any assignment that is not defined as a year round assignment and is not on-call or defined as anything else within a Bargaining Agreement. For use in some Temporary openings/assignments of 30 days or more and is based on seniority. See various Bargaining Agreements for usage.

(Exempt) Use Temporary for an appointment to a Civil Service Exempt position that is not intended to be part of the agency’s permanent workforce. If the Exempt Employee is intended to be part of the agency’s permanent workforce, use Exempt.

Example: Department of Natural Resources hires an Exempt Fire Fighter who is expected to work for three months during fire season.

Trial Service (03)

Definition: Use Trial Service:

  • When a permanent employee is promoted or appointed to a position in a different job class.
  • Following a transfer, voluntary demotion, or elevation when a trial service period is required by the employer.
  • When a reallocation is the result of a change in the duties of the permanent employee's current position and the employee has not performed the higher level duties for 6 months or more and competes and is appointed.

Example: A permanent Maintenance Mechanic 1 is appointed to a Maintenance Mechanic 2 position and must complete a trial service period.

Transitional (10)

Definition: (For use in Layoff situations only) Use Transitional for an appointment into a position as a layoff option or appointment to a position from a layoff list or the general government transition pool (GGTP) and the employer requires a transition review period. If no review is required, code as Permanent.

Example: An Administrative Assistant 2 position is eliminated due to a layoff. As a layoff option, the employee accepts a position as a Secretary Senior and the employer requires completion of a transition review period.

WMS Review (23)

Definition: (WMS) Use WMS Review for an appointment that will allow the employer a period of time to ensure a WMS employee meets the requirements and performance standards of the position.

Example: An agency appoints a WMS employee into a new position, but decides to place them on a 6 month review period to ensure they have the abilities to do the work required.

Obsolete Contracts

To retain data integrity in reporting, the following obsolete Contracts must not be used under any circumstance:

  • ZDNU-Tran Intra (11)
  • ZDNU-Tran Nonpr (12)

Contract Type

Definition: Employee’s State Status

Infotype: Contract Elements (0016) – included in HRMS F1 Help


Definition: Use Permanent for an employee who has completed their required probationary or review period in classified service (WGS and WMS) and has gained permanent state status.

Example: The Office of Financial Management hired an employee into a HRC 3 position and the employee completed their initial 6 month probationary review period. The Contract Type should be changed from Non-Permanent to Permanent.


Definition: Use Non-Permanent for an employee who has not completed a probationary or review period and is hired into either a permanent position or non-permanent appointment. For employees in permanent positions serving a probationary or review period, the Contract Type will be changed to Permanent once the probationary or review period is complete.

Example: The Office of Financial Management hires a new employee into an Exempt position. Because the employee has not gained permanent state status in any classified position, the Contract Type will be set to Non-Permanent.

Note: Typically, once an employee has gained Permanent state status, their Contract Type should remain Permanent as long as they are continuously employed with the State of Washington. There may be some exceptions, such as language specified in collective bargaining agreement.

Cost Center

Definition: A component of cost distribution, equivalent to AFRS Agency Code (3-digits) + AFRS Organizational Index (4-digits) + 000. 

An organizational unit to cost center relationship is necessary for all organizational units. This relationship establishes the financials for all positions that belong to the org unit.

Infotype: Organizational Unit Relationships (1001)

Relationship Type: Cost center assignment (A 011)

Date Type

Definition: Defines the meaning of a particular date that may be important for the employee’s personnel record or system functionality.

Infotype: Date Specifications (0041) – included in HRMS F1 Help

AAG Hire Date (A4)

Definition: (AGO Only) The date an employee is initially hired as an Assistant Attorney General with the Office of the Attorney General.

Example: An employee is hired as an Assistant Attorney General on September 1, 2021. Their AAG Hire Date is set to 09/01/2021.

Agency Hire Date (03)

Definition: The most recent date an employee began employment in their current agency. For employees eligible to accrue vacation leave, this date is necessary for HRMS to process leave accruals. This date is also used when extracting absences to BI.

Example: An employee transfers from the Office of Financial Management to the Department of Retirement Systems on October 16, 2016. Their Agency Hire Date is set to 10/16/2016.

Agency Service Date (22)

Definition: Agency Hire Date adjusted for prior agency service (cumulative time at the current agency).

Example: An employee transfers from the Department of Natural Resources to the Washington State Patrol on May 1, 2016. The employee previously worked for WSP from November 1, 2009 through February 16, 2011. Their Agency Service Date is set to 01/14/2015.

ALJ Hire Date (A5)

Definition: (OAH Only) The date an employee is initially hired as an Administrative Law Judge with the Office of Administrative Hearings.

Example: An employee is hired as an Administrative Law Judge with the Office of Administrative Hearings on September 16, 2021. Their ALJ Hire Date is set to 09/16/2021.

Anniversary Date (01)

Definition: The unbroken service date adjusted for prior state service (cumulative time in state service). For employees eligible to accrue vacation leave, this date is necessary for HRMS to calculate the rate of their accruals and determine when vacation leave is lost.

Note: This date may or may not be adjusted for leave without pay; refer to collective bargaining agreements and WAC 357 for more information.


  • A new employee was hired at the Department of Ecology on January 28, 2016, with no prior state service. Their anniversary date is set to 01/28/2016.
  • An employee was rehired at the Liquor and Cannabis Board on June 16, 2016, and previously worked for Washington State Patrol from March 16, 2007 through October 22, 2013. Their anniversary date is set to 11/7/2009.

Anticipated End Date (42)

Definition: The anticipated end date of an employee’s appointment.

Example: An employee was hired into a non-permanent limited appointment on November 1, 2016 to assist during a workload peak. The appointment is expected to last through the end of February. Their Anticipated End Date is set to 02/28/2017.

Appointment Date (02)

Definition: The date an employee is appointed to their current job class and/or position, or the date an employee is converted from a non-permanent or project appointment status to a permanent appointment status.

Note: A new bid or assignment change (a change in post, shift, or schedule) that results in movement to a different position in the same job class within the agency does not require a new appointment date.

Appointment Date is not used in any system calculations. Agencies may possibly use this date to track when training, expectations, or reviews are due.

In many cases, converting a non-perm appointment to a permanent appointment will result in a new appointment date. However, there may be scenarios where the agency chooses to keep the original appointment date, depending on business needs.


  • An Office Assistant 2 is reallocated to an Office Assistant 3 effective September 1, 2016. Their appointment date is set to 09/01/2016.
  • A Management Analyst 4 transfers to a different Management Analyst 4 position effective March 1, 2016. Their appointment date is set to 03/01/2016.
  • An employee is hired into an in-training appointment effective February 1, 2016 at the Fiscal Analyst 1 level and advances to the goal class of Fiscal Analyst 2 on August 1, 2016. Their appointment date is originally set to 02/01/2016; upon advancement to the Fiscal Analyst 2 job class, their appointment date is set to 08/01/2016.
  • An employee holding an acting appointment in a WMS Band 2 position is appointed to the position permanently on October 1, 2016 and will serve a WMS review period. Their appointment date is set to 10/01/2016.
  • A new employee is hired as an Administrative Assistant 3 effective April 4, 2016. The employee completed their probationary period on October 4, 2016. Their appointment date remains 04/04/2016.

Cadet Hire Date (23)

Definition: (WSP Only) The date an employee is hired as a Washington State Patrol Trooper Cadet.

Example: An employee is hired as a Washington State Patrol Trooper Cadet on April 12, 2016. Their Cadet Hire Date is set to 04/12/2016.

Commission Date (12)

Definition: (WSP Only) The date authority is given to a Washington State Patrol (WSP) officer by the Governor to enforce the laws of the state of Washington.


  • A Trooper Cadet completes required training and is sworn in as an RCW Trooper on June 1, 2016. Their Commission Date is set to 06/01/2016.
  • A Trooper Cadet completes required training and is sworn in as an RCW Trooper on December 31, 2013. On December 12, 2015 they resign from the WSP. On March 1, 2016 they return to the WSP and are recommissioned as an RCW Trooper. During the probationary period, the Commission Date is set to 03/01/2016. Once the probationary period is complete, their Commission Date is set to their original commission date of 12/31/2013.

DFW Commission Date (A6)

Definition: (DFW Only) The date an enforcement officer begins commissioned service at the Department of Fish & Wildlife.

Note: This date is used to determine eligibility for longevity premium pay.

Example: A Fish & Wildlife Enforcement Officer began commissioned service with DFW on June 1, 2018. Their DFW Commission Date is set to 06/01/2018.

First Working Day (40)

Definition: The first day an employee reports for work.

Example: The Department of Transportation hires an employee effective May 1, 2016. Their first scheduled day of work is Monday, May 2, 2016. Their First Working Day is set to 05/02/2016.

In Job Class Since (PJ)

Definition: The date an employee began work in their current job classification.

Example: An Administrative Assistant 4 was promoted to an Administrative Assistant 5 effective November 2, 2016. Their In Job Class Since date is set to 11/02/2016.

JEV Begin Date (16)

Definition: The first date an employee’s vacation leave accruals can be deferred in excess of 240 hours, following agency approval.
For employees approved to defer their vacation leave, this date is necessary for HRMS to begin transferring vacation leave accruals to the Justified Excess Leave (34) quota type.

Example: An employee was approved to defer vacation leave accruals above 240 hours from June 1 through their anniversary date of August 1, 2016. Their JEV Begin Date is set to 06/01/2016.

JEV End Date (17)

Definition: The last date an employee’s vacation leave accruals can be deferred in excess of 240 hours, following agency approval.
For employees approved to defer their vacation leave, this date is necessary for HRMS to stop transferring vacation accruals to the Justified Excess Leave (34) quota type.

Example: An employee was approved to defer vacation leave accruals above 240 hours from June 1 through their anniversary date of August 1, 2016. Their JEV End Date is set to 08/01/2016.

PD Completed (A3)

Definition: The completion date of a position’s current position description.

PDP Eval Completed (A2)

Definition: The date an employee received their most recent Performance Development Plan (PDP) Evaluation.

PDP Expectations Set (A1)

Definition: The date an employee received their most recent Performance Development Plan (PDP) Expectations.

PID (04)

Definition: The date an employee received their final periodic increment (such as moving to step L), or the date they received their last periodic increment before becoming no longer eligible (such as moving from pay scale to pay band).

(Represented Only) Also use PID when initially setting an employee's periodic increment date when they are hired and not eligible for a periodic increment at that time (such as hired at step L).


  • An employee received their periodic increment on November 16, 2016, advancing to step L. Their PID date type is set to 11/16/2016.
  • An employee moves from WGS to WMS effective December 1, 2016. The last periodic increment was received on August 16, 2016. Their PID date type is set to 08/16/2016.
  • A represented employee is newly hired into a classified general service position on June 16, 2019, and their periodic increment date is set at the time of hire. The employee is placed at Step L and, therefore, not eligible for a periodic increment. Their PID date type is set to 06/16/2019 for reference purposes.

Prsnl HolidayElgblty (18)

Definition: The date an employee is eligible to use one personal holiday per calendar year.
For employees eligible to receive a personal holiday, this date is necessary for HRMS to generate their accruals.


  • An employee is hired effective December 1, 2016 and is scheduled to be continuously employed for more than four months. Their Prsnl HolidayElgblty date is set to 12/01/2016.
  • A non-permanent employee is hired effective November 1, 2016 and is scheduled to be continuously employed for three months. On January 16, 2017, the employee’s non-permanent appointment is extended an additional three months. Their Prsnl HolidayElgblty date is set to 01/16/17.

Prsnl LV Day Elgblty (26)

Definition: (Represented Only) The date an employee is eligible to use one personal leave day per fiscal year.
For employees eligible to receive a personal leave day, this date is necessary for HRMS to generate their accruals.

Example: A WPEA-represented employee is hired at the Department of Revenue effective December 16, 2016. Their Prsnl LV Day Elgblty date is set to 04/16/2017.

Recommission Date (20)

Definition: (WSP Only) The date a former officer returns to WSP as a commissioned officer.

Example: A Trooper resigns their position from the WSP on November 10, 2016. On January 1, 2017 they return to the WSP and are sworn in as an RCW Trooper. Their Recommission Date is set to 01/01/2017.

RetirementEligbltyDt (21)

Definition: (WSP Only) An estimated date a commissioned officer is eligible to retire.

  • A Trooper is commissioned on July 16, 2011. They are eligible to retire after 25 years of service. Their RetirementEligbltyDt is set to 07/16/2036.
  • A Trooper is commissioned on January 1, 2011. They were hired as a Trooper Cadet on March 1, 2010 and transferred their Trooper Cadet retirement to their new retirement plan. Their RetirementEligbltyDt is set to 03/01/2035.
  • A Trooper is commissioned on February 1, 2017 at the age of 45. They are eligible to retire at the age of 55. Their RetirementEligbltyDt is set to 02/01/2027.

Seniority Date (05)

Definition: A full-time employee’s most recent date of hire into state service. A part-time employee’s seniority date is calculated based on actual hours worked.

(WSDOT Marine Only): The date an employee is hired into the Marine Division.

Notes: This date is used in enterprise reporting for length of service. All employees should have a Seniority Date.

Refer to collective bargaining agreements or WAC 357 to determine what is included in “actual hours worked” for part-time calculations.

This date may or may not be adjusted for leave without pay; refer to collective bargaining agreements and WAC 357 for more information.

For Teamsters employees, Seniority Date is used as layoff seniority. See Teamster Seniority for overtime, extended duty assignment, bid system, and vacation selection seniority.


  • An employee is hired effective January 16, 2017. Their Seniority Date is set to 01/16/2017.
  • An employee is rehired into state service effective December 1, 2016. They previously worked for the state from June 16, 2010 through August 31, 2014. Because of their break in service their Seniority Date is set to 12/01/2016.

Seniority w/ Military (29)

Definition: An employee’s seniority date adjusted for military service for layoff purposes.

Example: An employee was hired effective April 16, 2016 and has their Seniority Date set to 04/16/2016. After review of the employee’s appropriate military documents with six and a half years of service, it is determined they qualify for the maximum of five years of military credit. Their Seniority w/ Military date is set to 04/16/2011.

Separation Eff. Date (06)

Definition: The first date of separation from state service.

Note: This date is automatically populated by HRMS when a separation action is entered.

Example: An employee retires from state service. Their last day in paid status is September 30, 2016. Their Separation Eff. Date is set to 10/01/2016.

Shift Bid Date (30)

Definition: The date used for shift bidding purposes.

Note: Refer to collective bargaining agreements for more information.


  • An employee is hired as a Communications Officer Assistant on January 1, 2012. Their Shift Bid Date is set to 01/01/2012.
  • An employee is hired as a Communications Officer 1 with the Washington State Patrol on January 1, 2012. They promote to Communications Officer 2 on June 1, 2014, then demotes to Communications Officer 1 on September 16, 2015. Their Shift Bid Date is set to 04/16/2013.
  • An employee is hired as a Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Officer (CVEO) 1 on January 1, 2012. They promote to a CVEO 2 on June 1, 2014, then demote to a CVEO 1 on September 16, 2015. Their Shift Bid date is set to 01/01/2012.

Sick Lv Frozen Up To (10)

Definition: (WSDOT Marine Only) The date an employee is eligible to begin using sick leave.
For employees who have a waiting period before they can use sick leave, this date is necessary for HRMS to prevent premature use.

Teamster Seniority (28)

Definition: (Teamsters Only) Seniority for full-time employees appointed after July 1, 2009, will be defined as the employee’s length of unbroken state service less any time spent in state service appointments outside of Teamsters DOC bargaining units. Employees appointed from other bargaining unit positions within DOC will have their Teamsters seniority credited for time served in other DOC bargaining units, not to include non-permanent appointments.

Seniority for part-time or on-call employees appointed after July 1, 2009, will be based on straight time hours worked, less any time spent in state service appointments outside of Teamsters DOC bargaining units. Employees appointed from other bargaining unit positions within DOC will have their Teamsters seniority credited for time served in other DOC bargaining units.

Example: An employee was hired into a Teamsters represented position on January 1, 2013. The employee is appointed to a permanent position outside of the Teamster’s contract, beginning January 1, 2014. The employee then is appointed to a Teamster’s represented position effective June 1, 2015. Their Teamster Seniority is set to 06/01/2014.

Unbroken Srvc. Date (07)

Definition: The date a general government employee began current continuous state service. For employees eligible to accrue vacation leave, this date may be necessary for HRMS to calculate the rate of their accruals. Refer to collective bargaining agreements and Title 357 WAC for more information.

Note: This date may or may not be adjusted for leave without pay; refer to collective bargaining agreements and WAC 357 for more information.


  • A new employee is hired at the Department of Ecology on April 18, 2016. Their Unbroken Srvc. Date is set to 04/18/2016.
  • An employee was hired at the Department of Transportation on July 1, 2016. They previously worked at the Department of Labor and Industries, but separated from state service on March 31, 2015. Their Unbroken Srvc. Date is set to 07/01/2016.
  • A Human Resource Consultant 3 transfers from Evergreen State College to the Department of Licensing on June 16, 2022 without a break in service. The employee began continuous state service with Evergreen State College on August 1, 2015 with no other prior continuous state service. Their Unbroken Srvc. Date is set to 08/01/2015.

WMS Review Date (08)

Definition: The date an employee’s next WMS review is due.

Example: An employee is hired into a WMS 1 position effective January 10, 2017 and is expected to serve a 12-month review period. Their WMS Review Date is set to 01/10/2018.

Obsolete Date Types

To retain data integrity in reporting, the following obsolete Date Types must not be used under any circumstance:

  • ZDNU Comm Tenure Dt (13)
  • ZDNU Eligibility401K (1K)
  • ZDNU End prob Period (45)
  • ZDNU HSA Term Date (HS)
  • ZDNU Leave year ent (25)
  • ZDNU Length of Serv (15)
  • ZDNU OriginalCommDt (19)
  • ZDNU Other Agncy Com (14)
  • ZDNU Person Group En (11)
  • ZDNU TSR LV Elig (27)
  • ZDNU Vac Lv Frozen (09)


Definition: Persons with Disabilities: For affirmative action data reporting purposes, people with disabilities are individuals with a permanent physical, mental, or sensory impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.

Major life activities include, but are not limited to, caring for oneself, performing manual tasks, seeing, hearing, eating, sleeping, walking, standing, lifting, bending, speaking, breathing, learning, reading, concentrating, thinking, and communicating. A major life activity also includes the operation of a major bodily function, including but not limited to, functions of the immune system, normal cell growth, digestive, bowel, bladder, neurological, brain, respiratory, circulatory, endocrine, and reproductive functions.

The impairment must be both permanent and material rather than slight, but not necessarily require a workplace accommodation. An impairment that is episodic or in remission is still a disability if it would substantially limit a major life activity when active. The determination of whether an impairment substantially limits a major life activity shall be made without considering temporary improvements made through mitigating measures such as medication, therapy, reasonable accommodation, prosthetics, technology, equipment, or adaptive devices (but not to include ordinary eyeglasses or contact lenses).

Note: Medical documentation is not required to confirm a disability for affirmative action purposes. The employee’s attestation of the disability is sufficient.

Data for persons with disabilities comes solely from the Disability selection Has a Disability (or previously had one) and does not consider the Special Disabled Veteran box.

Infotype: Additional Personal Data (0077) – included in HRMS F1 Help

Disability Date

Definition: This field is not used by the state of Washington; however, HRMS requires an entry if the Disability Status is set to Has a disability (or previously had one) (X). If you know the employee's disability date, you can enter that date; otherwise, enter the date you learned of the disability (same date as the Date Learned field).

Date Learned

Definition: The date an individual disclosed in writing his or her disability to the employer; such as the date the employee signed the Employee Affirmative Action and Demographic Data form.

Does Not Have a Disability (N)

Definition: A person who indicated they do not have a disability or who indicated they previously had a disability which no longer exists.

Has a Disability (or previously had one) (X)

Definition: A person who indicated they currently have a disability. Do not include those who previously had a disability since they no longer meet the definition – use Does Not Have a Disability instead.

Not Informed/Unknown (#)

Definition: A person who has not provided their disability status.

Obsolete Disability Status Codes

To retain data integrity in reporting, the following obsolete Disability Status codesmust not be used under any circumstance:

  • Does Not Wish to Answer (A)

Dual Language

Definition: Use Dual Language to identify positions and/or jobs eligible for dual language pay. 

Dual language is one of the group B assignment pay references. Dual language pay is only provided when the employer requires the employee to perform or provide dual language skills. 

Refer to Assignment Pay References or Wage Type definitions for more information. 

Abbreviation: Dual Lang

Infotype: Position Relationships (1001)

Relationship Type: Is assigned to (A 108)

Duty Station County

Definition: Prior to the addition of the UFI address fields in HRMS in 2016, Duty Station County was the primary field for identifying the position’s assigned duty station. As long as a Unique Facility Identifier (UFI) address exists for the position, the Duty Station County field can be considered obsolete. The Duty Station County field remains in various reports for historical reporting purposes. 

See Unique Facility Identifier (UFI) Code.

Infotype: Position Job Attributes (1660) – included in HRMS F1 Help

Employee Group

Definition: Status of the Position

Infotype: The following codes are available in HRMS for Employee Group (Infotype 0001 – Organizational Assignment) unless otherwise noted. Employee Group is assigned to the position (Infotype 1013 – Employee Group/Subgroup) and is inherited by any employee assigned to that position. In some situations, the Employee Group of the position may be overridden for the employee on Infotype 000 – Actions. In most instances, Employee Group for both the position and employee should be the same. – included in HRMS F1 Help

Appointed (9)

Definition: Use Appointed for a position that is intended to be filled by an employee that is appointed by the Governor or appointed by an independent Board or Commission. Do not use Appointed for positions where the employee is appointed to serve on a board or commission; they should be coded as Board/Commission.

Example: The Office of Financial Management creates a new position that is appointed by the Governor.

Board/Commission (A)

Definition: Use Board/Commission for a position that is intended to be filled by an employee that serves on a board or commission, regardless of the appointing authority.

Example: The Washington State Investment Board creates a position for a member who will serve on the Investment Board.

Civil Service Exempt (B)

Definition: Use Civil Service Exempt for a position that is intended to be filled by an employee who is not covered under state civil service law.

Example: The Office of Financial Management creates a position which is exempt under the provisions of RCW 41.06 (State Civil Service law).

Elected (8)

Definition: Use Elected for a position that is intended to be filled by an employee that is a Washington State elected official.

Example: The Office of Superintendent for Public Instruction creates a position for the elected Superintendent of Public Instruction.

Non-Employee (J)

Definition: Use Non-Employee for a position that is filled by an individual who is not considered a state employee and should be excluded from statewide personnel headcounts, such as Work Study students, AmeriCorps, Reservists, etc.

Example: An agency hires a work study student into a Non-Employee position to assist with a summer project.

Non-Perm. Limited (H)

Definition: (Non-Represented) Use Non-Perm. Limited for a position that is intended to address a short term immediate workload peak, or other short term need, or if the work is sporadic and does not fit a particular pattern (intermittent).

(Represented) Use Non-Perm. Limited for a position that is intended to address a short term immediate workload peak, or other short term need. If the work is sporadic and does not fit a particular pattern (intermittent) for represented positions use Non-Perm. On Call.

Example: The Department of Fish and Wildlife creates a CSS 2 position to fill in for a short period of time while staff is on leave.

Non-Perm. On Call (6)

Definition: (Represented Only) Use Non-Perm. On Call for a position where the nature of the work is sporadic and does not fit a particular pattern (intermittent). Use Non-Perm. Limited for non-represented positions.

Example: The Health Care Authority creates a Medical Assistance Specialist 2 position to assist with peak workloads processing health insurance claims.

NWSpeclEmplymntComp (F)

Definition: Use NWSpeclEmplymntComp for a position that is part of a special employment compensation program, such as Washington Conservation Corps, Ecology Youth Corps, etc. See the OFM State Administrative and Accounting Manual (SAAM) for information on special employment compensation.

Example: The Department of Ecology creates a crew member position in the Washington Conservation Corps.

NW SupportedEmplymnt (G)

Definition: Use NW SupportedEmplymnt for a position that is part of a supported employment program. See the OFM State Administrative and Accounting Manual (SAAM) for information on supported employment.

Example: The Department of Enterprise Services creates a custodian position that will be filled in accordance with supported employment guidelines.

Permanent (0)

Definition: Use Permanent for a position intended to be filled permanently by an employee, when the position is not seasonal, project, or exempt.

Example: The Department of Revenue creates a new, permanent position for a Tax Information Specialist.

Project (C)

Definition: Use Project for a position that is intended to be filled by an employee to work on a project that is contingent on funding and of a time-limited nature with an expected end date.

Example: The Department of Transportation creates a Transportation Engineer position that is funded by a federal highway project that is scheduled to end in 24 months.

Relief (7)

Definition: (WSDOT Marine Only) Use Relief for a Washington State Ferry position that is intended to be filled by a relief worker employee. A relief worker employee works on a year-round basis and is guaranteed at least forty (40) hours of straight time work per week to relieve year-round employees who are not scheduled for work.

Example: Washington State Ferries creates a relief Chief position that fills in for other staff when they are on leave.

Retired FireFighters (E)

Definition: (State Board for Volunteer Firefighters and Reserve Officers Only) Use Retired FireFighters for a position to administer the Volunteer Firefighters’ and Reserve Officers’ Relief and Pension Act (RCW 41.24).

Example: The Board for Volunteer Firefighters and Reserve Officers create a position titled Retired Firefighter or Related Personnel.

Seasonal (4)

Definition: Use Seasonal for a position that is intended to be cyclical in nature, recurs at approximately the same time each year, and lasts for a minimum of five months but less than 12 months in duration during any consecutive twelve-month period.

Example: The School for the Blind creates a Teacher’s Assistant position to work during the school year.

Temporary (1)

Definition: (Higher Ed, WSDOT Marine, and Exempt Only)

(Higher Ed) Use Temporary for a Higher Education position intended to be filled on a temporary basis. The hours worked by the employee in this position should not exceed one thousand fifty hours (1,050 hours) in any 12 consecutive month period from the original date of hire.

(WSDOT Marine) Use Temporary for any assignment which is not defined as a year-round assignment and is not on-call or defined as anything else within a Bargaining Agreement.

(Exempt) Use Temporary for short-duration exempt positions that are not intended to be part of the agency’s permanent workforce. If the exempt position is intended to be part of the agency’s permanent workforce, use Civil Service Exempt.

Example: The Student Achievement Council creates a part-time, Office Assistant 2 position to fill for six months.

WSP NonEE Disab (K)

Definition: (Washington State Patrol Only) Use WSP NonEE Disab for a position filled by an individual where it is determined they must receive compensation set-forth in RCW 43.43.040 but are not considered an employee of the Washington State Patrol.

Example: As a result of legal action, the Washington State Patrol must continue payment to an individual in accordance with RCW 43.43.040 who is no longer considered an employee of the WSP.

Obsolete Employee Groups

To retain data integrity in reporting, the following obsolete Employee Groups must not be used under any circumstance:

  • ZDNU-Volunteer (3)

Employee Subgroup

Definition: Identifies the type of pay (daily, flat, hourly, or monthly) and eligibility to receive additional pay for overtime. 

The employee’s Employee Subgroup field is used in various system calculations and processes, such as sick leave accruals and some payroll calculations, and should align with the Wage Type field on their Basic Pay (0008) infotype record. 

Note: Refer to any applicable laws, Title 357 WAC, or collective bargaining agreements for determining overtime eligibility. 

Not all Employee Subgroups are available for use with all Employee Groups.  

Infotype: Position: Employee Group/Subgroup (1013)

Employee: Actions (0000), Organizational Assignment (0001)

Employee Subgroup is assigned to the position on the Employee Group/Subgroup (1013) infotype, and is inherited by any employee assigned to that position. In some situations, the Employee Subgroup of the position may be overridden for the employee on the Actions (0000) infotype. – included in HRMS F1 Help

Daily OT Exempt (02)

Definition: Use Daily OT Exempt for positions and employees exempt from or not covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act or other overtime laws or agreements and paid a daily rate for sporadic or infrequent service, such as stipend board and commission members and Military Department State Active Duty National Guard.

Note: Employees with a daily Employee Subgroup should have their Time Management Status set to Time evaluation of actual times (1) on the Planned Working Time (0007) infotype and their Wage Type set to 1006 Base Rate / Daily Wage on the Basic Pay (0008) infotype.

H-OT Elig Law En>160 (09)

Definition: Use H-OT Elig Law En>160 for law enforcement positions or employees eligible for overtime compensation for time worked in excess of one-hundred sixty hours in a twenty-eight day period and paid an hourly rate.

Note: Employees with an hourly Employee Subgroup should have their Time Management Status set to Time evaluation of actual times (1) on the Planned Working Time (0007) infotype and their Wage Type set to 1001 Base Rate / Hourly Wage on the Basic Pay (0008) infotype.

H-OT Elig Law En>171 (11)

Definition: Use H-OT Elig Law En>171 for law enforcement positions or employees eligible for overtime compensation for time worked in excess of one-hundred seventy-one hours in a twenty-eight day period and paid an hourly rate.

Note: Employees with an hourly Employee Subgroup should have their Time Management Status set to Time evaluation of actual times (1) on the Planned Working Time (0007) infotype and their Wage Type set to 1001 Base Rate / Hourly Wage on the Basic Pay (0008) infotype.

H-OT Elig Nrs>80h/2w (15)

Definition: Use H-OT Elig Nrs>80h/2w for hospital positions or employees eligible for overtime compensation who are assigned a fourteen-day work period and paid an hourly rate.

Note: Employees with an hourly Employee Subgroup should have their Time Management Status set to Time evaluation of actual times (1) on the Planned Working Time (0007) infotype and their Wage Type set to 1001 Base Rate / Hourly Wage on the Basic Pay (0008) infotype.

H-OT Elig>40hrs/wk (05)

Definition: Use H-OT Elig>40hrs/wk for positions or employees eligible for overtime compensation for time worked in excess of forty hours in one workweek and paid an hourly rate.

Note: Employees with an hourly Employee Subgroup should have their Time Management Status set to Time evaluation of actual times (1) on the Planned Working Time (0007) infotype and their Wage Type set to 1001 Base Rate / Hourly Wage on the Basic Pay (0008) infotype.

H-OT Elig>Daily Sche (03)

Definition: Use H-OT Elig>Daily Sche for positions or employees eligible for overtime compensation for time worked in excess of their daily work schedule / work shift and paid an hourly rate.

Note: Employees with an hourly Employee Subgroup should have their Time Management Status set to Time evaluation of actual times (1) on the Planned Working Time (0007) infotype and their Wage Type set to 1001 Base Rate / Hourly Wage on the Basic Pay (0008) infotype.

H-OT Elig>Sched WSF (19)

Definition: Use H-OT Elig>Sched WSF for Washington State Ferries positions and employees eligible for overtime compensation defined by their designated collective bargaining agreement and paid an hourly rate.

Note: Employees with an hourly Employee Subgroup should have their Time Management Status set to Time evaluation of actual times (1) on the Planned Working Time (0007) infotype and their Wage Type set to 1001 Base Rate / Hourly Wage on the Basic Pay (0008) infotype.

H-OT Elig>WSP Shift (17)

Definition: Washington State Patrol: Use H-OT Elig>Shift for positions and employees eligible for overtime compensation for time worked in excess of their scheduled shift and paid an hourly rate.

Note: Employees with an hourly Employee Subgroup should have their Time Management Status set to Time evaluation of actual times (1) on the Planned Working Time (0007) infotype and their Wage Type set to 1001 Base Rate / Hourly Wage on the Basic Pay (0008) infotype.

Hourly (H) OT Exempt (00)

Definition: Use Hourly (H) OT Exempt for positions and employees exempt from or not covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act or other overtime laws or agreements and paid an hourly rate.

Note: Employees with an hourly Employee Subgroup should have their Time Management Status set to Time evaluation of actual times (1) on the Planned Working Time (0007) infotype and their Wage Type set to 1001 Base Rate / Hourly Wage on the Basic Pay (0008) infotype.

Before using Hourly (H) OT Exempt, ensure that paying the employee hourly will not jeopardize their exempt status under FLSA or other applicable overtime laws or agreements.

M-Flat Rate Retiree (07)

Definition: Use M-Flat Rate Retiree for persons who receive a monthly pension from the Board for Volunteer Firefighters.

Monthly(M) OT Exempt (01)

Definition: Use Monthly(M) OT Exempt for positions and employees exempt from or not covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act or other overtime laws or agreements and paid based on a monthly salary.

Note: Employees with a monthly Employee Subgroup should have their Time Management Status set to Time evaluation of planned times (9) on the Planned Working Time (0007) infotype and their Wage Type set to 1003 Pay Period Salary on the Basic Pay (0008) infotype.

M-OT Elig Law En>160 (10)

Definition: Use M-OT Elig Law En>160 for law enforcement positions and employees eligible for overtime compensation for time worked in excess of one-hundred sixty hours in a twenty-eight day period and paid based on a monthly salary.

Note: Employees with a monthly Employee Subgroup should have their Time Management Status set to Time evaluation of planned times (9) on the Planned Working Time (0007) infotype and their Wage Type set to 1003 Pay Period Salary on the Basic Pay (0008) infotype.

M-OT Elig Law En>171 (12)

Definition: Use M-OT Elig Law En>171 for law enforcement positions and employees eligible for overtime compensation for time worked in excess of one-hundred seventy-one hours in a twenty-eight day period and paid based on a monthly salary.

Note: Employees with a monthly Employee Subgroup should have their Time Management Status set to Time evaluation of planned times (9) on the Planned Working Time (0007) infotype and their Wage Type set to 1003 Pay Period Salary on the Basic Pay (0008) infotype.

M-OT Elig Nrs>80h/2w (16)

Definition: Use M-OT Elig Nrs>80h/2w for hospital positions or employees eligible for overtime compensation who are assigned a fourteen-day work period and paid based on a monthly salary.

Note: Employees with a monthly Employee Subgroup should have their Time Management Status set to Time evaluation of planned times (9) on the Planned Working Time (0007) infotype and their Wage Type set to 1003 Pay Period Salary on the Basic Pay (0008) infotype.

M-OT Elig>40hrs/wk (06)

Definition: Use M-OT Elig>40hrs/wk for positions or employees eligible for overtime compensation for time worked in excess of forty hours in one workweek and paid based on a monthly salary.

Note: Employees with a monthly Employee Subgroup should have their Time Management Status set to Time evaluation of planned times (9) on the Planned Working Time (0007) infotype and their Wage Type set to 1003 Pay Period Salary on the Basic Pay (0008) infotype.

M-OT Elig>Daily Sche (04)

Definition: Use M-OT Elig>Daily Sche for positions or employees eligible for overtime compensation for time worked in excess of their daily work schedule / work shift and paid based on a monthly salary.

Note: Employees with a monthly Employee Subgroup should have their Time Management Status set to Time evaluation of planned times (9) on the Planned Working Time (0007) infotype and their Wage Type set to 1003 Pay Period Salary on the Basic Pay (0008) infotype.

M-OT Elig>Sched WSF (20)

Definition: Use M-OT Elig>Sched WSF for Washington State Ferries positions and employees eligible for overtime compensation defined by their designated collective bargaining agreement and paid based on a monthly salary.

Note: Employees with a monthly Employee Subgroup should have their Time Management Status set to Time evaluation of planned times (9) on the Planned Working Time (0007) infotype and their Wage Type set to 1003 Pay Period Salary on the Basic Pay (0008) infotype.

M-OT Elig>WSP Shift (18)

Definition: Washington State Patrol only: Use M-OT Elig>Shift for positions and employee eligible for overtime compensation for time worked in excess of their scheduled shift and paid based on a monthly salary.

Note: Employees with a monthly Employee Subgroup should have their Time Management Status set to Time evaluation of planned times (9) on the Planned Working Time (0007) infotype and their Wage Type set to 1003 Pay Period Salary on the Basic Pay (0008) infotype.

WSP NonEE Disab Flat (21)

Definition: Use WSP NonEE Disab for persons who receive compensation and benefits under RCW 43.43.040 and are considered non-employees by the Washington State Patrol.

Obsolete Employee Subgroups

To retain data integrity in reporting, the following obsolete Employee Subgroups must not be used under any circumstance:

•    ZDNU H-OT Elig>8/day (13)
•    ZDNU M-OT Elig>8/day (14)
•    ZDNU Not Paid (08)

Employer Identification Number

Definition: A unique number assigned to an employer by a tax entity upon registering as an employer in that jurisdiction.

Notes: May also be referred to as a business identification number or tax identification number.

Each agency must work directly with any state or local tax entity for which they collect or pay taxes to obtain an employer identification number (EIN). 

EINs are assigned to a tax company for each tax authority and tax type that the agency is collecting or reporting tax information. Having EINs assigned to tax companies is necessary: 

  • Prior to saving tax areas and/or tax authorities on employee Residence Tax Area (0207), Work Tax Area (0208), and/or Unemployment State (0209) infotype records, for system automated tax collection. 
  • When manually collecting out-of-state taxes via wage types and the agency would like to have the state’s tax information listed on the employee’s form W-2.

See Tax Company, Tax Authority, and Tax Type for more information.

Infotype: Not applicable

Employment Percent

Definition: The percentage of time an employee is scheduled to work of their Work Schedule Rule. If the employee’s scheduled hours will vary, enter an approximation.

This field, in conjunction with Work Schedule Rule, establishes the employee’s daily work schedule. The daily work schedule sets the number of hours available for work or leave taken each day.

For employees with Work Schedule Rule 24/7: M-Sn, 24 hpd (R030) or working less than full-time, the Employment Percent may remain at 100% if reducing the percentage would reduce the employee’s daily work schedule beyond their maximum daily hours worked.

Note: The Employment Percent and Capacity Utilization Level should match, except when the employee’s Employment Percent remains at 100% because reducing it would reduce the employee’s daily work schedule beyond their maximum daily hours worked. In enterprise reporting, the Employment Percent is combined with position attributes such as Vacancy Status and Position Percentage to create various types of occupancy rates.


  • A full-time employee assigned Work Schedule Rule 2Wk:M-Th 9, F 8, 2nd F 0 (R045) is scheduled to work 80 hours over two weeks. Their Employment Percent would be 100% and their daily work schedule would be Sun 0, Mon 9, Tues 9, Wed 9, Thurs 9, Fri 8, and Sat 0 the first week and Sun 0, Mon 9, Tues 9, Wed 9, Thurs 9, Fri 0, and Sat 0 the second week.
  • A part-time employee assigned Work Schedule Rule 5-8s: M-F 8 hpd (FULL) is scheduled to work 4 hours per day Monday-Friday. Their Employment Percent would be 50% and their daily work schedule would be Sun 0, Mon 4, Tues 4, Wed 4, Thurs 4, Fri 4, and Sat 0 each week.
  • A part-time employee assigned Work Schedule Rule 24/7: M-Sn, 24 hpd (R030) will have an unpredictable schedule, but is estimated to work approximately 30 hours per week. Their Employment Percent would be 100% and their daily work schedule would be Sun 24, Mon 24, Tues 24, Wed 24, Thurs 24, Fri 24, and Sat 24 each week.

Infotype: Planned Working Time (0007) – included in HRMS F1 Help

Employment Status

Definition: Status of a person's employment with the state of Washington in HRMS.

Notes: The Employment Status field identifies the employee's status within HRMS. A person could be employed by a state agency or higher education institution that does not use HRMS.

This field is system-populated during PA40 personnel actions and cannot be manually changed.

Most all enterprise reports include both active and inactive employees.

Infotype: Actions (0000) – included in HRMS F1 Help

Active (3)

Definition: Indicates a person is employed by an agency in HRMS.

Inactive (1)

Definition: Indicates a person is employed by an agency in HRMS while on an unpaid leave of absence.

Withdrawn (0)

Definition: Indicates a person is separated from an agency in HRMS; no longer actively employed.

Obsolete Employment Status Codes

The following obsolete Employment Status codes are not used by the state of Washington:

  • Retiree (2)

Ethnic Origin

Definition: Category for consolidating multiple race and ethnicity responses for an employee.

Note: This field will be the primary source of data for “persons of color” headcount in enterprise reports.

Infotype: Additional Personal Data (0077) – included in HRMS F1 Help

American Indian/Alaskan (05)

Definition: A person who has not indicated a Hispanic/Latino ethnicity and selected the race category American Indian or Alaskan Native, or the race category American Indian or Alaskan Native in combination with any of the following races: Black or African American, Asian, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander and/or White.

Asian or Pacific Islander (04)

Definition: A person who has not indicated a Hispanic/Latino ethnicity and selected either the Asian race category or the Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander race category, or selected any combination of the following races: Asian, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander and/or White.

Black/Not Hispanic Origin (02)

Definition: A person who has not indicated a Hispanic/Latino ethnicity and selected the race category Black or African American, or the race category Black or African American in combination with any of the following races: Asian, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander and/or White.

Hispanic (03)

Definition: A person who has indicated a Hispanic/Latino ethnicity.

White/Not Hispanic Origin (01)

Definition: A person who has not indicated a Hispanic/Latino ethnicity and selected the race category White, or has not selected any race category.

Note: This is currently the default Ethnic Origin for non-disclosure.

Ethnicity (New)

Definition: Indicates the ethnicity as selected by the employee.

Note: This field, along with Race, will be the primary sources of data for "persons of color" headcount in federal EEO-4 reports.

Infotype: Additional Personal Data (0077) – included in HRMS F1 Help

Hispanic/Latino (E1)

Definition: A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin regardless of race.

Not Hispanic/Latino (E2)

Definition: All persons not of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin regardless of race.

Note: This is currently the default Ethnicity (NEW) for non-disclosure.

Exempt from EEO

Definition: Individuals exempted from the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972 reporting:

  • State and local elected officials
  • Such official’s immediate secretary, administrative, legislative or other immediate or first-line aide
  • Such official’s legal advisor
  • Appointed cabinet officials in the case of a Governor, or heads of executive departments in the case of a mayor or County Council.

No other persons appointed by an elected official are exempt under this interpretation. In no case is any person exempt who is appointed by an appointed official, whether or not the latter is exempt. Furthermore, as specified in Section 701 (f), the exemption does not include employees subject to the civil service laws of State government, governmental agency or political subdivision.

Note: The EEO Exemption only applies to federal reports to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Affirmative action reports within the State of Washington include all employees – including those marked Exempt from EEO.

Infotype: Additional Personal Data (0077) – included in HRMS F1 Help

Flex Work Hours

Definition: The employees start and end times according to their typical work schedule.

Infotype: Telework/Flex Work (Employee) (9106) – included in HRMS F1 Help

End Time

Definition: (Optional) Enter an employee's end time according to their typical work schedule. If an employee work schedule has multiple end times, agencies should choose the most frequent end time. This field is based on military time (24 hours). If the employee ends at 12:00 am, HRMS will automatically change the entry to 00:00 - agencies need to override this entry with 24:00.

Start Time

Definition: (Optional) Enter an employee's start time according to their typical work schedule. If an employee work schedule has multiple start times, agencies should choose the most frequent start time. This field is based on military time (24 hours). If the employee starts at 12:00 am, HRMS will automatically change the entry to 00:00 - agencies need to override this entry with 24:00.

Flextime (EE)

Definition: Flextime allows the employee to have flexible start and end times that are outside the agency’s normal work hours.

Infotype: Telework/Flex Work (Employee) (9106) – included in HRMS F1 Help

Employee Participating (EP)

Definition: Use Employee Participating if the employee’s current starting and/or ending times are outside of the agency’s normal work hours.

Example: An agency’s normal work hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. An employee has been approved to work a flexible work schedule of Monday through Friday, 7:30 am to 4:00 pm.

Not Participating (NP)

Definition: Use Not Participating if the employee’s work schedule is within the agency’s normal work hours.

Flextime (POS)

Definition: Flextime allows the employee to have flexible start and end times that are outside the agency’s normal work hours.

Infotype: Telework/Flex Work (POS) (9901) – included in HRMS F1 Help

Position Eligible (PE)

Definition: Use Position Eligible if it has been determined the position’s work schedule allows for an employee to start or end their working day outside the agency’s normal work hours.

Not Eligible (NE)

Definition: Use Not Eligible if the position’s work schedule is required to be within the agency’s normal work hours.

Gender Designation for Health Ins

Definition: Indicates the employee’s gender designation for health insurance purposes, as selected by the employee.

Note: This data is used to meet current requirements for Medicare federal reporting and eligibility determination, meet health plan vendor requirements, ensure coordination of benefits and efficient claims processing. This data may be used to determine insurance coverage and facilitate claims processing for gender specific health care services. This field shall not be used by state agencies for any workforce planning or internal reporting (see Gender Identity).

Infotype: Additional Personal Data (0077) – included in HRMS F1 Help


Definition: A person who is Female for health insurance purposes.


Definition: A person who is Male for health insurance purposes.

Gender Identity

Definition: Indicates the gender as selected by the employee. Gender identity is a person's innermost concept of self as male, female, a blend or neither. How individuals perceive themselves and what they call themselves. A person's gender identity can be the same or different from their gender designation for health insurance purposes.

Note: This field will be the primary source of data for "gender" head count in enterprise reports.

Infotype: Personal Data (0002) – included in HRMS F1 Help

Female (2)

Definition: A person who identifies as female gender.

Male (1)

Definition: A person who identifies as male gender.

Unspecified (4)

Definition: A person who has not provided their gender.

X/Non-Binary (X)

Definition: A person who identifies as a gender that is not exclusively male or female. Gender X is intended to be an inclusive category to recognize the real diversity of gender identity.

Indirect Valuation (Ind.val.)

Definition: A system-populated field that indicates whether the employee’s pay is derived from a salary schedule or directly entered on this infotype record. 

Infotype: Basic Pay (0008) – included in HRMS F1 Help 

Indirectly Valued (I)

Definition: The pay for indirectly valued employees is automatically populated once the Pay Scale Group and Level (range and step) fields are entered, and is derived from a standard, incremental salary schedule table.

Note: Indirectly valued employees’ pay amounts will automatically update when salary schedule tables are changed.

Use the validity period fields at the bottom of the Basic Pay (0008) infotype to view historical Annual Salary, Pay Period Salary, and Base Rate / Hourly Wage amounts.

Example: An employee assigned a range and step on the standard progression salary schedule is indirectly valued.

Directly Valued (Blank)

Definition: The pay for directly valued employees is manually entered into the Annual Salary or Wage Type Amount field and is based on a non-standard pay schedule.

Note: If amounts are manually entered into the Annual Salary or Wage Type Amount fields, employees who should be paid on a standard, incremental salary schedule will be directly valued and will not receive automatic updates when salary schedule tables are changed. An employee paid above the maximum of their salary range would be directly valued.


  • An employee assigned a WMS Band is directly valued.
  • An employee assigned to range 54 and step J on the non-represented standard progression salary schedule was reallocated downward to a job classification assigned to range 48. The employee’s salary remains at an amount equal to their previous salary. Since the employee’s salary exceeds the top of range 48, they are directly valued.


Definition: Identifies the level of work assigned. Job classifications are assigned to different positions with similar tasks and characteristics. 

In HRMS, Job is an object that classifies duties or functions, and carries certain attributes down to its assigned positions and employees. 

State Human Resources creates and maintains all Jobs in HRMS. However, agency organizational management processors can create and maintain certain relationships on a Job.

Relationship Type: The following table lists the objects that can be related to a Job:

Relationship Type

Type of Object


Is assigned to (A 108)

Job Group (03)

A Job to Job Group relationship can be used to categorize the job in a different way than the EEO Category. This allows agencies to report job groups in a more customized way. This relationship is maintained by agency organizational management processors. Also see Job Group for the corresponding relationship: Job Group Is assigned to (B 108) Job relationship.

Is carried out by (A 017)

Person (P) A Job to Person relationship is needed when an employee is performing a different job than that assigned to their position (such as in-training or under fill appointments). This relationship is maintained by agency organizational management processors.

Describes (A 007)

Position (S) A Job to Position relationship identifies the positions allocated to the job. This relationship is viewable on the job, but is not maintained directly on the job. This relationship is maintained on the position by agency organizational management processors. Also see Position for the corresponding relationship: Position Is described by (B 007) Job relationship.

Assigned To (A Z11)

Statewide Job Grouping (11)

A Job to Statewide Job Grouping relationship is used to categorize jobs into skill-related groups. This allows agencies and the enterprise to identify the availability of that type of work and can be used in workforce planning. This relationship is maintained by State Human Resources.

Is assigned to (A 108)

Workforce Indicator (06)

A Job to Workforce Indicator relationship is used to identify the job's type of employment (Workforce Indicator). This relationship is maintained by State Human Resources.

Other job relationships are not supported at this time. 

Job Group

Definition: Job groups are groups of job classes that are linked by a common purpose, skill set, or education or certification requirement. 

Agencies can create job groups to satisfy reporting requirements (such as affirmative action plan reports mandated by state and federal laws) that are different from the enterprise affirmative action reporting job groups. This allows agencies to be able to identify and report job groups in a more customized way.

Relationship Type: The following table lists the objects that can be related to a Job Group:

Relationship Type

Type of Object


is assigned to (B 108)

Job (C)

A Job Group to Job relationship can be used to categorize the job in a different way than the EEO Category. This allows agencies to report job groups in a more customized way. This relationship is maintained by agency organizational management processors. Also see Job for the corresponding relationship: Job Is assigned to (A 108) Job Group relationship.

Other job group relationships are not supported at this time. 


Definition: Use JVAC to identify the appropriate Job Value Assessment Chart (JVAC) rating assessed by the agency for WMS and EMS positions. A JVAC rating should be assigned to all WMS and EMS positions.

The position’s rating will be provided by the banding committee. For WMS positions, use the JVAC that begins with “M” for positions that were assigned a rating from the Traditional Manager WMS JVAC Chart #1 and use the JVAC that begins with “IC” for positions that were assigned a rating from the Individual Contributor WMS JVAC Chart #2. Refer to the WMS web pages for more information, including the JVAC Charts and Handbook.

Infotype: Position Relationships (1001)

Relationship Type: Assigned To (A Z09)


Definition: LGBTQ+ is an abbreviation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer/Questioning. The + allows space for other diverse sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression groups.

Note: This field will be the primary source of data for “LGBTQ+ people” head count in enterprise reports.

Infotype: Additional Personal Data (0077) – included in HRMS F1 Help 

No (2)

Definition: A person who does not identify as LGBTQ+.

Unspecified (0)

Definition: A person who has not provided their LGBTQ+ status.

Yes (1)

Definition: A person who identifies as LGBTQ+.

Management Type

Definition: Use Management Type to identify the position's management category. A Management Type should be assigned to all positions that have management duties.

Management Type is the primary source of data for "managers" and "nonmanagers" headcounts in enterprise reports.

Infotype: Position Relationships (1001)

Relationship Type: Is assigned to (A 108)

Consultant (80096314)

Definition: Positions exist based on expertise necessary for an agency’s specific operational area. Serves as a consultant or technical expert for a recognized discipline, which may be acquired through an advanced degree or a field of expertise. Positions are not typically in charge of staff.

Abbreviation: CNSLT

Management (80096312)

Definition: Positions manage program(s), budget(s) and staff; this is a traditional managerial role.

Abbreviation: MGMT

Policy (80096313)

Definition: Positions have significant authority for policy development, implementation, and interpretation within a designated program area. Provides expert consultation or advice to executive management with significant policy impact. Positions are not typically in charge of staff.

Abbreviation: POLICY

Management Type and Inclusion Criteria Crosswalk

Inclusion Criteria

Management Type Code

Formulates statewide policy or directs the work of an agency or agency subdivision


Is responsible to administer one or more statewide policies or programs of an agency or agency subdivision


Manages, administers, and controls a local branch office of an agency or agency subdivision, including the physical, financial, or personnel resources


Has substantial responsibility in personnel administration, legislative relations, public information, or the preparation and administration of budgets


Functionally is above the first level of supervision and exercises authority that is not merely routine or clerical in nature and requires the consistent use of independent judgment.


Market Segment

Definition: Use Market Segment to identify a position’s primary market or industry category. A Market Segment should be assigned to all WMS and EMS positions.

Infotype: Position Relationships (1001)

Relationship Type: Is assigned to (A 108)

Administrative (80121913)

Definition: Positions in this market/industry segment typically determine and formulate policies and provide overall administrative activities to include the development and implementation of records management policies and procedures for an organization within broad policy guidance set by top management consistent with state and federal law.

Abbreviation: Admn

Criminal Justice,Enforcement&Homeland SC (80121918)

Definition: Positions in this market/industry segment typically develop and implement criminal justice, enforcement, or homeland security policies and programs strategically aligned with agency/employer business needs and consistent with state and federal laws. Positions will typically require specialized education and/or licensure or certification in that field.

Abbreviation: CJEHS

Engineering (80121914)

Definition: Positions in this market/industry segment typically determine and formulate policies and provide overall engineering activities for an organization within broad policy guidance set by top management consistent with state and federal law.

Abbreviation: Engr

Finance (80121915)

Definition: Positions in this market/industry segment typically determine and formulate policies. They also provide overall financial and budget activities/program management for an organization consistent with policy, state and federal law.

Abbreviation: Fin

Health Care Administration (80121912)

Definition: Positions in this market/industry segment are responsible for the administration of clinical/direct program delivery medical or health programs that provide clinical services. Positions will typically require an advanced degree in a specific field or specialized education and/or licensure or certification in that field.

Abbreviation: HC Admn

Human Resources (80121916)

Definition: Positions in this market/industry segment typically develop and implement human resource policies and programs strategically aligned with agency/employer business needs and consistent with state and federal laws. Positions may manage training & oversee the design of training materials and media, course enrollment, budgets for training or educational programs.

Abbreviation: HR

Information Technology (80120828)

Definition: Positions in this market/industry segment typically function in one of two roles:
1.    Executive or senior administrative manager with limited or no professional technical duties. Serves as one of the highest-levels of authority (second level supervisor or higher) for some or all of the organization's information technology staff. Positions may also manage other functional areas. OR
2.    Chief Information Officer or Deputy above the senior IT manager level, overseeing the development and implementation of IT services and products within an agency. They possess a degree and/or technical certifications as well as technical and business knowledge. Positions advise executive management on solutions, project methodologies, capabilities, cost and timeframes.  

Abbreviation: IT

Insurance (80121917)

Definition: Positions in this market/industry segment are all, or a major component, of an insurance company, health insurance or medical assistance program, banking institution, financial institution or FDIC. This includes setting operational and business policy and overseeing major program areas. 

Abbreviation: Ins

Legal (80121919)

Definition: Positions in this market/industry segment are licensed to practice law or possess a law degree. They may conduct, provide representation at, or manage agency participation in pre-hearing conferences and hearings to decide or recommend decisions on issues in state government. Positions may determine or offer advice concerning penalties or the existence and the amount of liability, recommend the acceptance or rejection of claims, or compromise settlements. They may facilitate negotiation and resolve conflicts outside of the system by mutual consent of parties involved. They may conduct, provide representation at, or manage agency participation in hearings to review and decide claims, rule on exceptions, motions, and admissibility of evidence.

Abbreviation: Legal

Licensing, Regulation, & Safety (80121923)

Definition: Positions in this market/industry segment carry responsibility for the administration of programs intended to protect the safety and health of the public and workers; and/or oversee major program areas of utility and transportation regulation. This includes regulatory, policy setting, and enforcement activities such as education, licensing, inspection, investigation, auditing, financial analysis, compliance, issuing of sanctions & discipline, and other enforcement activities of program mandates and other requirements. These positions manage public safety professionals, safety and health professionals and/or other regulatory professionals.

Abbreviation: Lic Reg Saf

Maintenance (80121921)

Definition: Positions in this market/industry segment typically determine and formulate policies and provide overall Maintenance and Facilities supervision activities for an organization within broad policy guidance set by top management consistent with state and federal law.

Abbreviation: Maint

Marketing & Communications (80121924)

Definition: Positions in this market/industry segment are responsible for an organization’s communications or marketing program and policies. Positions provide guidance to the organization’s leadership in the area of public relations and communication with print and broadcast journalism, and electronic media; or manages marketing and sales programs and activities for an organization within policy guidance set by top management. They may function as the chief spokesperson for the organization; or direct or manage marketing functions.

Abbreviation: Mkt/Comm

Natural Resources/Science (80121920)

Definition: Positions in this market/industry segment typically plan, direct, and/or coordinate the operations of natural resource programs and/or functional organizational units within a natural resource agency. Duties and responsibilities include formulating policies, managing daily operations, and planning the allocation and use of materials and human resources where such management is not specialized in any one functional area of management or administration, such as personnel, purchasing, or administrative services.

Abbreviation: Nat Res/Sci

Public Health & Medical Sciences (80121922)

Definition: Positions in this market/industry segment typically manage a variety of program activities, act as the senior technical specialist, or function as the agency expert in a specific subject matter related to medical or public health fields. Positions typically require an advanced degree in specific field or specialized education with commensurate experience, and/or licensure or certification in that field. They may direct and participate in the development, and or implementation of client-focused policies, treatment, or programs; monitor the quality of services provided to agency clients.

Abbreviation: Pub H/Med Sc

Social Services (80121976)

Definition: Positions in this market/industry segment are responsible for the administration of programs that provide social services. Some positions may require an advanced degree in a specialized area. They may coordinate services with external entities such as community or tribal providers. Positions direct the work of social workers, case managers, or other direct care staff.

Abbreviation: Soc Serv

Military Spouse

Definition: A Military Spouse or Registered Domestic Partner is a person currently or previously married to a military service member during the service member’s time of active, reserve, or National Guard duty.

Note: This field will be the primary source of data for “Military Spouse” head count in enterprise reports

Infotype: Additional Personal Data (0077) – included in HRMS F1 Help

No (2)

Definition: A person who is not a military spouse or registered domestic partner.

Unspecified (0)

Definition: A person who has not provided their military spouse status.

Yes (1)

Definition: A person who is a military spouse or registered domestic partner.

Military Status

Definition: Indicates whether or not an employee may be eligible for veteran’s preference in regard to layoffs and subsequent reemployments (per RCW 41.06.133 Section M). Completion of this field systematically triggers the infotype 0081 Military Service.

Infotype: Additional Personal Data (0077) – included in HRMS F1 Help

1 yr + w/honor disc <$500 (14)

Definition: A person with more than one year and less than 20 years of service in any branch of the armed forces of the United States honorably discharged from active military service.

Discharge w/dis<1yr Srvc (12)

Definition: A person with less than one year of service and discharged with a disability incurred in the line of duty.

Non/Unspec Vet’s Status (15)

Definition: A person who does not qualify for Veteran’s Status or has not disclosed any military service.

Rtrd Vet > $500 (19)

Definition: A veteran retired from active military service in any branch of the armed forces of the United States receiving more than $500 per month retirement pay.

Note: Persons who voluntarily retired with twenty or more years of active military service and whose military retirement pay is in excess of five hundred dollars per month are not eligible for veteran’s preference in regard to layoffs and subsequent reemployment.

Sep/Retired Vet < $500 (11)

Definition: A veteran retired from active military service in any branch of the armed forces of the United States receiving less than $500 per month retirement pay.

Unmrrd Spose of Dcsd Vet (13)

Definition: An unmarried spouse of a deceased veteran. For purposes of providing recognition of preference in regard to layoffs and subsequent reemployment, the surviving spouse or surviving registered domestic partner or an eligible veteran is entitled to the benefits of RCW 41.06.133 Section M regardless of the deceased veteran’s length of active military service.

Obsolete Military Status Codes

To retain data integrity in reporting, the following obsolete Military Status codes must not be used under any circumstance:

  • Rtrd Dis Vet > $500 (18)
  • Rtrd Dis VtnmVet > $500 (16)
  • Rtrd VtnmVet > $500 (17)
  • Sep/Rtrd Dis VtnmVet<$500 (9)
  • Sep/Rtrd VtnmVet<$500 (10)

Next Increase Date (Next inc.)

Definition: The date an employee is scheduled to move to a higher salary step within the salary range of their current job class. Periodic and Longevity pay increases are automatically generated for employees who are paid on a standard salary schedule and who are not at the top of their range. These pay increases are based on rules built into the system. A Next Increase Date override will be necessary when there are exceptions to the rules built into the system, or if an agency prefers to manually enter the Next Increase Date. Enter a date in the Next Increase Date field to override the automatic increases in situations such as:

  • An employee starts at the first step of their range and should receive their first step increase at six months.
  • An employee is directly valued but assigned a standard, incremental salary schedule, and should not have their Pay Scale Level (step) changed by the automated PID process.
  • An employee is eligible for a periodic increment or longevity increase after moving to a new Pay Scale Level (step).
  • An employee has been assigned a particular Pay Scale Group (range) in the past, moves out of that Pay Scale Group, and then returns to the previous Pay Scale Group.
  • Special rules or provisions that advance, postpone, or adjust an employee’s periodic increment date.


  • A non-represented employee is hired effective November 1, 2016 at range 44, step A on the standard progression salary schedule. A Next Increase Date override is needed and is set to 05/01/2017, to ensure they receive their first incremental increase after six months.
  • An employee transferred to a new position within the same job class and salary range, effective November 16, 2016. Due to agency policy, they received a salary increase moving them from step D to step F in their current range. Their periodic increment date is March 16, 2017. A Next Increase Date override is needed and is set to 03/16/2017, to ensure they receive their next step increase on their periodic increment date.

Infotype: Basic Pay (0008) – included in HRMS F1 Help

Organizational Unit

Definition: Represents departments, regions, divisions, units, or other groupings within an agency. 

In HRMS, organizational unit is an object used to depict the basic structure of an organization. Reporting relationships are created and maintained to form the agency’s organizational hierarchy.  

Relationship Type: The following table lists the objects that can be related to an Organizational Unit:

Relationship Type

Type of Object


Cost center assignment (A 011)

Cost Center (K)

An Organizational Unit to Cost Center relationship is necessary for all org units. This relationship establishes the financials for all positions within the org unit. This relationship is maintained by agency organizational management processors. 

Report (Line) (A 002)

Organizational Unit (O) An Organizational Unit to Organizational Unit relationship is necessary for all org units (except the 1st level hierarchy). This relationship identifies where the org unit fits in the agency’s organizational structure and is needed for the system’s role-based security. This relationship is entered or viewed on the org unit with the higher level hierarchy and is maintained by agency organizational management processors. Also see the corresponding relationship: Organizational Unit Is line supervisor (B 002) Organizational Unit relationship.

Is line supervisor (B 002)

Organizational Unit (O) An Organization Unit to Organizational Unit relationship is necessary for all org units. This relationship identifies where the org unit fits in the agency’s organizational structure and is needed for the system’s role-based security. This relationship is entered or viewed on the org unit with the lower level hierarchy and is maintained by agency organizational management processors. Also see the corresponding relationship: Organizational Unit Report (Line) To (A 002) Organizational Unit relationship.

Is managed by (B 012)

Position (S) This Organizational Unit to Position relationship is necessary for agencies that use MyPortal for leave processing. This relationship identifies the Leave Approver (Chief) position. This relationship is maintained by agency organizational management processors. Also see Position for the corresponding relationship: Position Manages (A 012) Organizational Unit relationship.
Incorporates (B 003) Position (S) This Organizational Unit to Position relationship identifies where the position fits in the agency’s organizational structure and is needed for the system’s role-based security. This relationship is necessary for all positions. This relationship is maintained by agency organizational management processors. Also see Position for the corresponding relationship: Position Belongs to (A 003) Organizational Unit relationship.

Other organizational unit relationships are not supported at this time. 

Part-time Employee

Definition: Select Part-time employee for an employee who is scheduled to work less hours than that required of a full-time employee. Leave this field blank for full-time employees. This field determines how hours are calculated for monthly employees during payroll processing.

Notes: This field will be used in determining new employee eligibility for auto-enrollment in the Deferred Compensation Program (DCP). New employees with the Part-time employee box checked will not be automatically enrolled in the DCP. This field is also used in enterprise reporting to identify part-time employees. Check the Part-time employee box if the employee’s Employment Percent and/or Capacity Utilization Level are less than 100%.


  • An employee is scheduled to work less than 40 hours per work week; the Part-time employee box should be checked.
  • An employee in a law enforcement position is scheduled to work less than 160 hours per 28-day work period; the Part-time employee box should be checked.
  • An hourly employee is assigned Work Schedule Rule 24/7: M-Sn, 24 hpd (R030), but they are scheduled to work full-time; the Part-time employee box should be left blank.

Infotype: Planned Working Time (0007) – included in HRMS F1 Help

Pay Adjust Reason (Reason)

Definition: Indicates why a salary adjustment was made.

Infotype: Basic Pay (0008) – included in HRMS F1 Help

Add Additional Pay (13)

Definition: Use Add Additional Pay when an employee is given additional pay for reasons including, but not limited to, temporary higher level duties, assignment pay, specialty pay, education incentive pay, and shift differential.

Example: A Customer Service Representative 3's duties have changed and will begin to receive dual language pay as a full-time assignment.

Appointment Change (20)

Definition: Use Appointment Change when a change is made to an employee’s appointment, including reasons not covered by other reason codes such as adjustment of hours worked and change in employee subgroup.


  • A Legal Secretary 1 is reallocated to a Legal Secretary 2 and receives a salary increase.
  • An employee's Employee Subgroup is changed, resulting in also changing the wage type used for salary/hourly rate.
  • A WMS employee was given additional responsibilities, resulting in higher evaluation points in the same position (promotion).

Employee off Disability Pay (12)

Definition: Use Employee off Disability Pay when an employee is taken off disability pay.

Example: A Fish and Wildlife Enforcement Office 2 returns to active duty after being on disability pay due to an injury.

Employee on Disability Pay (11)

Definition: Use Employee on Disability Pay when an employee is put on disability pay.

Example: A Fish and Wildlife Enforcement Officer 2 is injured in the performance of their official duties and is relieved from active duty.

Initial/Rehire Appointment (19)

Definition: Use Initial/Rehire Appointment when entering a new employee’s salary through the new hire or rehire action. Do not use this code for employees transferring into your agency; instead use the Appointment Change code.

Example: A Custodian 1 has been hired with no prior state service.

Longevity (26)

Definition: Use Longevity when an employee advances to the longevity step of their pay scale.

Note: HRMS will assign this reason when advancing employees to the longevity step during the automated periodic increment and longevity increase process. It can also be used by agencies during manual updates.

Do not use this code for any reason other than advancing an employee to their longevity step. Use Appointment Change (20) for adding, removing, or changing the next increase date.

Example: After being at step L for six years, an Administrative Assistant 5 receives a longevity increase to step M.

Non-Employee (25)

Definition: Use Non-Employee for all record changes for non-employees (such as Work Study Students, AmeriCorps, Reservists, Retired Firefighters, Emergency Firefighters and Mobility Units, stipend Board/Commission Members, Superior Court Judges, Pages, etc.).

Example: A new Work Study Student is hired.

Non Pay Related Correction (27)

Definition: Use Non Pay Related Correction when making a correction to an employee's Basic Pay infotype record that does not affect their pay.

Note: In general, the existing Pay Adjust Reason should be retained when using the Change button and keep the original effective dates to make a correction. The Non Pay Related Correction reason should only be used when creating or copying the previous record and making a small correction with a new effective date, such as updating the employee’s next increase date or correcting the pay scale type field (when it doesn’t affect pay).

Example: It is discovered that a manual override is needed to an employee’s next increase date field. The agency copies the record, enters a new start date, updates the next increase date field, and sets the Pay Adjust Reason to Non Pay Related Correction.

Note: If the agency uses the Change button to correct the record instead, keeping the original effective dates, the existing pay adjust reason should remain.

Example: It is discovered that an employee’s Pay Scale Type field is incorrectly set to non-represented. The agency copies the record, enters a new start date, sets the Pay Scale Type field to WFSE, and sets the Pay Adjust Reason to Non Pay Related Correction.

Note: This correction did not have an affect on pay because the non-represented and WFSE standard progression salary schedules matched.

If the agency uses the Change button to correct the record instead, keeping the original effective dates, the existing pay adjust reason should remain.

Periodic Increment (01)

Definition: Use Periodic Increment when an eligible employee receives an increment increase on their periodic increment date.

Note: HRMS will assign this reason when advancing employees to the appropriate step during the automated periodic increment and longevity increase process. It can also be used by agencies during manual updates.

Do not use this code for any reason other than advancing an employee’s step due to a periodic increment. Use Appointment Change (20) for adding, removing, or changing the next increase date.

Example: After being at step H for one year, an employee receives a two-step increase to step J.

Rdctn in Slry Discipline (03)

Definition: Use Rdctn in Slry Discipline when an employee receives a reduction in salary due to disciplinary action.

Example: A Human Resource Consultant 2 receives a reduction to base salary for cause.

Remove Additional Pay (14)

Definition: Use Remove Additional Pay when an employee will no longer receive additional pay for reasons including, but not limited to, temporary higher level duties, assignment pay, specialty pay, education incentive pay, and shift differential. This reason code may also be used to remove W Rate and Y Rate.

Example: A Security Guard 2 has been moved to day shift and will no longer receive shift differential.

Return from Rdctn in Slry Disp (04)

Definition: Use Return from Rdctn in Slry Disp when an employee’s salary is reinstated following a temporary reduction in salary due to disciplinary action.

Example: The salary is reinstated for a Human Resource Consultant 2 following a temporary reduction in salary due to disciplinary action.

Rng Inc OFM Director Action (02)

Definition: Use Rng Inc OFM Director Action when a Classified Washington General Service employee’s salary is adjusted due to action taken by the OFM State HR Director.

Note: HRMS will assign this reason when employee salaries are systematically updated by OFM Technology Services. It can also be used by agencies during manual updates.

Example: The OFM State HR Director approved a two-range increase for the Contracts Specialist 3 job classification.

Salary Adjust-Equity/Alignment (17)

Definition: Use Salary Adjust-Equity/Alignment to adjust base pay within the employee’s salary range to address business related reasons, such as issues with equity, alignment, or internal salary relationship problems.


  • A Fiscal Analyst 3 has received a salary increase within their current range to more closely align with other Fiscal Analyst 3s doing similar work (addressing an internal alignment issue).
  • A WMS Band 3 employee receives a salary increase within their band to address agency internal salary relationship problems by aligning with other similar WMS Band 3 employees.

Salary Adjust-Growth/Develop (09)

Definition: Use Salary Adjust-Growth/Develop when a WMS or Exempt employee receives a salary increase in recognition of their demonstrated growth and development.

Example: A WMS Band 2 employee receives a salary increase within their band in recognition of their demonstrated growth and development in the position.

Salary Adjust-Higher Education (16)

Definition: Salary Adjust-Higher Education is specific to the Washington Student Achievement Council.

Example: For use by the Washington Student Achievement Council.

Salary Adjust-Leg Action (05)

Definition: Use Salary Adjust-Leg Action when an employee receives a salary adjustment due to legislative action.

Note: HRMS will assign this reason when employee salaries are systematically updated by OFM Technology Services. It can also be used by agencies during manual updates when the entire salary adjustment is due to legislative action.

Example: The Legislature approved a two percent general wage adjustment for eligible employees.

Salary Adjust-Recruit/Retent (18)

Definition: Use Salary Adjust-Recruit/Retent to increase an employee’s salary due to recruitment and/or retention issues.

Example: An employee receives a salary increase within their band or range to address retention problems.

Salary Adjust-Statutory Auth (21)

Definition: Use Salary Adjust-Statutory Auth when an employee receives a salary adjustment by statutory authority. This should not be used for adjustments authorized by Legislature or OFM Director.

Example: An agency Director approves a salary increase for their exempt Deputy Director.

Y Rate / W Rate (07)

Definition: (For WGS employees) Use Y Rate / W Rate when an employee’s base salary is set above the salary range maximum.

Note: Y Rate / W Rate should remain on the employee’s Basic Pay (0008) infotype record as long as their salary is directly valued and set above the salary range maximum of their assigned job. Refer to collective bargaining agreements, Title 357 WAC, and Step M Q&As for specific language related to salaries above the salary range maximum.

(For WMS employees) Use Y Rate / W Rate when a WMS employee’s base salary is set above the salary standard maximum of the assigned management band as a result of involuntary downward movement.

Note: Y Rate / W Rate should remain on the employee’s Basic Pay (0008) infotype record as long as their salary is set above the assigned band. Refer to Title 357 WAC or OFM State Human Resources for specific rules related to WMS salaries above the assigned band.


  • An employee's exempt Program Manager position has been converted to a classified Program Specialist 5. The employee's salary at the time of conversion exceeds the Program Specialist 5 salary range maximum, and will remain at the higher salary. The employee’s pay scale group is set to the Program Specialist 5 salary range, their pay scale level is set to step L, and their salary in set to the same amount as their previous exempt Program Manager salary.
  • A WMS Band 3 employee's duties involuntarily changed, causing the position to be reevaluated. The position is re-banded to WMS Band 2, and the employee’s pay grade is set to Band 2. Because the employee's salary was towards the top of Band 3, their salary will be set above the salary standard maximum of the newly assigned Band 2. The employee’s pay grade and pay grade level are set to Band 2, and the employee’s salary is set to the same amount as their previous Band 3 salary.

Obsolete Pay Adjust Reasons

To retain data integrity in reporting, the following obsolete Pay Adjust Reasons must not be used under any circumstance:

  • ZDNU - No Reason (00)
  • ZDNU-Add WMS Extra Resp (23)
  • ZDNU-Pay Adj Align, Dev Train (22)
  • ZDNU-Range Adjust-Multi Level (15)
  • ZDNU-Remove WMS Extra Resp (24)
  • ZDNU-W Rate (WMS Only) (06)
  • ZDNU-WMS Raise - Int Slry Rel (08)
  • ZDNU-WMS Raise - Recruit/Ret (10)

Pay Scale Area / Pay Grade Area (PS Area)

Definition:   A collection of pay ranges/steps and bands – coincides with the type of Position


Pay Schedule for Position:  Non-standard pay schedules, such as Bands, are assigned to Position using Pay Grade Area in InfoType 1005 - Display Planned Compensation.   Standard, incremental pay schedules, such as steps, are assigned to Positions using Pay Scale Area in InfoType 1005 - Display Planned Compensation. – included in HRMS F1 Help

Pay Schedule for Employee:  Non-standard as well as standard pay schedules for the Employee are both assigned using Pay Scale Area in InfoType 0008 - Basic Pay. – included in HRMS F1 Help

Sub Object: Sub Objects are used in the Agency Financial Reporting System (AFRS) to classify expenditures in accordance with the OFM State Administrative & Accounting Manual (SAAM) uniform chart of accounts.  AFRS Sub Object is assigned by Pay Scale Area* coding in HRMS.  For Sub Object definitions see SAAM Chapter 75.70 (/sites/default/files/public/legacy/policy/75.70.htm)

 *Some Pay Scale Area coding is superseded by hierarchal coding in HRMS. Employee Groups F and G are assigned to Sub Object Special Employment Compensation (NW), and Personnel Sub Areas 0007, 0008, 0009 in Personnel Area 2201 are assigned to Sub Object Pension Benefits Payments (NU).

Attorney General (36)

Definition: Attorney General is unique to the Office of the Attorney General employees.

Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: State Exempt (AC)

Board Members (55)

Definition: Board Members is unique to all Board and Commission Members.

Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: State Special (AE)

DES Printing (73)

Definition: DES Printing is unique to Department of Enterprise Services “Printing” bargaining units.

Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: State Classified (AA)

DES Printing Range G (72)

Definition: DES Printing Range G is unique to Department of Enterprise Services “Printing” bargaining units. A “G” range is a standard range with the first six steps removed.  Thus, the first step of such a range is the same as Step G of the standard range having the same range number. Periodic increases through the steps of this range are made at the same intervals as through standard ranges, i.e., a two-step increase after six months at Step G and two annually thereafter up to the maximum step of the range.

Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: State Classified (AA)

DFW Captain (61)

Definition: DFW Captain is unique to Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: State Classified (AA)

DFW Chief (63)

Definition: DFW Chief is unique to Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: State Classified (AA)

DFW Deputy Chief (62)

Definition: DFW Deputy Chief is unique to Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: State Classified (AA)

DFW Lieutenant (60)

Definition: DFW Lieutenant is unique to Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: State Classified (AA)

DFW Officer (58)

Definition: DFW Officer is unique to Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: State Classified (AA)

DFW Recruit (57)

Definition: DFW Recruit is unique to Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: State Classified (AA)

DFW Sergeant (59)

Definition: DFW Sergeant is unique to Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: State Classified (AA)

Elected Official (34)

Definition: Use Elected Official for salaries determined by the Washington Citizens’ Commission on Salaries for Elected Officials.  State law requires the commission to base the state's elected officials' salaries on realistic standards and to pay them according to the duties of their offices. They set the salaries of:
The Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Treasurer, Auditor, Attorney General, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Commissioner of Public Lands, and the Insurance Commissioner; Legislators, Speaker of the House, Senate Majority Leader, House Minority Leader, and the Senate Minority Leader.

Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: Elected Officials (AR)

EMS (41)

Definition: Use EMS (Exempt Management Service) to identify positions exempt from state civil service law and under the salary setting authority of the State HR Director.  A position can be designated exempt either by statute or by the State HR Director at the request of the Governor or other elected official. All positions are “broad banded” or grouped into broad salary range categories known as Exempt Management Service (EMS) Management Bands. Management bands are a series of levels composed of a salary minimum and maximum dollar level. 
The State HR Division Classification Team recommends band placement that is approved by the State HR Director.

Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: State Exempt (AC)

GS1-Standard Prog. (74)

Definition: Use GS1-Standard Prog. for specific job classes not eligible for the 2017-19 general wage increases. The specific job classes are: Physician 2-4, Psychiatric Social Worker 1-4, and Psychiatrist. Periodic increases through the steps of this range are made at the same intervals as other standard ranges.

Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: State Classified (AA)

Higher Ed Classified (42)

Definition: Higher Ed Classified is unique to Student Achievement Council (salary structure is the same as Standard Progression 01).

Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: Higher Education Classified (AB)

Higher Ed Exempt (43)

Definition: Higher Ed Exempt is unique to Student Achievement Council Exempt employees.

Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: Higher Education Exempt (AD)

IT-Standard Prog. (11)

Definition: Use IT-Standard Prog. for the Information Technology Professional Structure Salary Schedule. Only ITPS job classes are assigned to this salary schedule. Ranges in this salary schedule are independent and not related to each other.

Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: State Classified (AA)

Justices and Judges (37)

Definition: Justices and Judges is used by all Supreme Court Justices and judges of the court of appeals, superior courts, and district courts.

Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: Justices and Judges (AN)

Legislative (35)

Definition: Use Legislative for non-elected legislative staff.

Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: State Special (AE)

Non-Pay Scale (40)

Definition: Use Non-Pay Scale for positions under Washington Citizens’ Commission on Salaries for Elected Officials as well as other “at will” employees (i.e., confidential secretaries) with a band structure up to $600,000. 

Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: State Exempt (AC)

Nurses (03)

Definition: “N” RANGE:  Use this range for classes requiring licensure as a registered nurse and having a prevailing pay range which is longer than Washington’s standard ranges.  An “N” range is a standard range, step A through L, with nine added steps, M through U.  Periodic increases through step L of these ranges are made at the same intervals as through standard ranges.  Thereafter, an employee receives a one-step increase based on years of experience up to the maximum step of the range.
The salary of employees in classes requiring licensure as a registered nurse or physician assistant is governed by the “N” Range salary schedule.  An employee’s experience as a registered nurse or physician assistant, and/or licensed practical nurse, calculated as follows, will determine the placement on the proper step within the range:
Registered nurse or physician assistant experience will be credited year for year;
Up to ten (10) years licensed practical nurse experience will be credited at the rate of two (2) years licensed practical nurse experience equals one (1) year of registered nurse or physician assistant experience, for a maximum credit of five (5) years.

“N1” RANGE:  Use this range for nurses represented by local 1199, WFSE-GG, WFSE-HE, WPEA-HE, and the Coalition and is used for classes requiring licensure as a registered nurse and having a prevailing pay range which is longer than Washington’s standard ranges.  This is a standard range, step A through L, with nine added steps, M through U.  Periodic increases through step L of these ranges are made at the same intervals as through standard ranges.  Thereafter, an employee receives a one-step increase based on years of experience up to the maximum step of the range.

“N2” RANGE:  Use this range for nurses represented by the Teamster, and is used for classes requiring licensure as a registered nurse and having a prevailing pay range which is longer than Washington’s standard ranges.  This is a standard range, step A through L, with nine added steps, M through U.  Periodic increases through step L of these ranges are made at the same intervals as through standard ranges.  Thereafter, an employee receives a one-step increase based on years of experience up to the maximum step of the range.

Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: State Classified (AA)

School fr Blind/Deaf (69)

Definition: Use School fr Blind/Deaf for certificated employees of the State School for the Blind or the Washington State Center for Childhood Deafness and Hearing Loss who are represented by WPEA.

Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: State Classified (AA)

Special Range C (06)

Definition: “C” RANGE:   Use this range for classes having a prevailing pay range that is shorter than Washington’s standard ranges.  A “C” range is a standard range with the first two steps removed.  Thus, the first step of such a range is the same as Step C of the standard range having the same range number.  Periodic increases through the steps of this range are made at the same intervals as through standard ranges, i.e., a two-step increase after six months at Step C and two annually thereafter up to the maximum step of the range.

Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: State Classified (AA)

Special Range E (05)

Definition:  “E” RANGE:   Use this range for classes having a prevailing pay range that is shorter than Washington’s standard ranges.  An “E” range is a standard range with the first four steps removed.  Thus, the first step of such a range is the same as Step E of the standard range having the same range number.  Periodic increases through the steps of this range are made at the same intervals as through standard ranges, i.e., a two-step increase after six months at Step E and two annually thereafter up to the maximum step of the range.

Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: State Classified (AA)

Special Range G (07)

Definition:  “G” RANGE:   Use this range for classes having a prevailing pay range that is shorter than Washington’s standard ranges.  A “G” range is a standard range with the first six steps removed.  Thus, the first step of such a range is the same as Step G of the standard range having the same range number.  Periodic increases through the steps of this range are made at the same intervals as through standard ranges, i.e., a two-step increase after six months at Step G and two annually thereafter up to the maximum step of the range.

Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: State Classified (AA)

Standard Progression (01)

Definition: Use Standard Progression for the General Service Salary Schedule.  This is Washington’s standard pay ranges, step A through M.

Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: State Classified (AA) – All agencies except agencies 0450, 0460, 0480, 0550
Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: State Exempt (AC) – Agencies 0450, 0460, 0480, 0550 Only

State Patrol (04)

Definition: “SP” RANGE:  Use this range for employees represented by the WFSE-HE, Local 17, WPEA-GG, WPEA-HE, and the Coalition; this range is used by the State Patrol and colleges for the commercial vehicle enforcement officer, commercial vehicle officer, and communication officer series. 

Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: State Classified (AA)

WMS (02)

Definition: Use WMS if agencies determine a position is appropriate for Washington Management Service.  All positions are “broad banded” or grouped into broad salary range categories known as Washington Management Service (WMS) Management Bands.  Management bands are a series of management levels composed of a salary minimum and maximum dollar level. 

Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: State Classified (AA)

Work Study Students (44)

Definition: Use Work Study Students for all work study students.

Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: Higher Education Students (AL)

WSF BU A (23)

Definition: WSF BU A is unique to Washington State Ferries Office and Professional Employees International Union (OPEIU) Local 8 bargaining unit.

Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: State Classified (AA)

WSF BU C (24)

Definition: WSF BU C is unique to Washington State Ferries Metal Trades bargaining unit.

Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: State Classified (AA)

WSF BU D (50)

Definition: WSF BU D is unique to Washington State Ferries Masters, Mates and Pilots (MM&P) - Mates bargaining unit.

Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: State Classified (AA)

WSF BU E (56)

Definition: WSF BU E is unique to Washington State Ferries Masters, Mates and Pilots (MM&P) Watch Center Supervisors bargaining unit.

Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: State Classified (AA)

WSF BU F (68)

Definition: WSF BU F is unique to Washington State Ferries Masters, Mates and Pilots (MM&P) Masters bargaining unit.

Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: State Classified (AA)

WSF BU G (70)

Definition: WSF BU G is unique to Washington State Ferries Pacific Northwest Regional Council of Carpenters bargaining unit.

Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: State Classified (AA)

WSF BU J (28)

Definition: WSF BU J is unique to Washington State Ferries Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 6 bargaining unit.

Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: State Classified (AA)

WSF BU L (25)

Definition: WSF BU L is unique to Washington State Ferries Marine Engineer Beneficial Association (MEBA) Licensed Engineer Officers bargaining unit.

Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: State Classified (AA)

WSF BU M (49)

Definition: WSF BU M is unique to Washington State Ferries Marine Engineer Beneficial Association (MEBA) Port Engineer bargaining unit.

Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: State Classified (AA)

WSF BU N (26)

Definition: WSF BU N is unique to Washington State Ferries Marine Engineer Beneficial Association (MEBA) Unlicensed Engine Room Employees bargaining unit.

Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: State Classified (AA)

WSF BU O (48)

Definition: WSF BU O is unique to Washington State Ferries Master Mates and Pilots (MM&P) Workforce Development Lead bargaining unit.

Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: State Classified (AA)

WSF BU P (51)

Definition: WSF BU P is unique to Washington State Ferries Ferry Agents, Supervisors and Project Administrators Association (FASPAA) bargaining unit.

Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: State Classified (AA)

WSF BU S (27)

Definition: WSF BU S is unique to Washington State Ferries Inlandboatmen’s Union of the Pacific (IBU) Shore Gang bargaining unit.

Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: State Classified (AA)

WSF BU T (52)

Definition: WSF BU T is unique to Washington State Ferries Inlandboatmen’s Union of the Pacific (IBU) Terminal bargaining unit.

Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: State Classified (AA)

WSF BU U (53)

Definition: WSF BU U is unique to Washington State Ferries Inlandboatmen’s Union of the Pacific (IBU) Deck bargaining unit.

Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: State Classified (AA)

WSF BU Z (29)

Definition: WSF BU Z is unique to Washington State Ferries Inlandboatmen’s Union of the Pacific (IBU) Information bargaining unit.

Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: State Classified (AA)

WSP Captains (14)

Definition: WSP Captains is unique to Washington State Patrol by classification.

Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: Commissioned State Patrol Officers (AG)

WSP Lieutenants (18)

Definition: WSP Lieutenants is unique to Washington State Patrol by classification.

Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: Commissioned State Patrol Officers (AG)

WSP Sergeants (16)

Definition: WSP Sergeants is unique to Washington State Patrol by classification.

Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: Commissioned State Patrol Officers (AG)

WSP Trooper Cadet (22)

Definition: WSP Trooper Cadet is unique to Washington State Patrol by classification.    

Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: State Exempt (AC)

WSP Troopers (17)

Definition: WSP Troopers is unique to Washington State Patrol by classification.

Assigned to AFRS Sub Object: Commissioned State Patrol Officers (AG)

Obsolete Pay Scale/Grade Areas

To retain data integrity in reporting, the following obsolete Pay Scale/Grade Areas must not be used under any circumstance:

  • ZDNU - DSHS (10)
  • ZDNU - HE Spcl Rng C (66)
  • ZDNU - HE Spcl Rng E (65)
  • ZDNU - HE Spcl Rng G (67)
  • ZDNU-Higher Ed Stude (45)
  • ZDNU - Liquor Board (08)
  • ZDNU – PNTR Admin
  • ZDNU - PNTR Bindery (30)
  • ZDNU - PNTR CWA (32)
  • ZDNU - PNTR Press (31)
  • ZDNU_OLD Sc fr Df/Bl (09)
  • ZDNU-Volunteers (33)
  • ZDNU-WSP Asst Chief (19)
  • ZDNU-WSP Chief (21)
  • ZDNU-WSP Dep Chief (20)
  • ZDNU-WSP Trps 0-5 yr (15)


Definition: A group of duties and responsibilities to be performed by an employee. 

In HRMS, Position is an object that represents the responsibilities that one individual fullfils in an organization. Each employee is assigned a position which contains information about where an employee fits in the organization. The employee holding the position (the incumbent) inherits many of the position’s (and job’s) attributes.

Relationship Type: The following table lists the objects that can be related to a Position:

Relationship Type

Type of Object


Is assigned to (A 108)

Assignment Pay (01) A Position to Assignment Pay relationship is used to identify positions that are eligible for assignment pay. This relationship is maintained by agency organizational management processors.

Is assigned to (A 108)

Dual Language (02) A Position to Dual Language relationship is used to identify positions that are eligible for dual language pay. This relationship is maintained by agency organizational management processors.
is described by (B 007) Job (C) The Position to Job relationship identifies the job to which the position is allocated. This relationship is needed for all positions. This relationship is maintained by agency organizational management processors. Also see Job for the corresponding relationship: Job Describes (A 007) Position relationship.
Assigned To (A Z09) JVAC (09) A Position to JVAC relationship identifies the appropriate JVAC rating assessed by the agency. This relationship is necessary for all WMS and EMS positions. This relationship is maintained by agency organizational management processors.
Is assigned to (A 108) Management Type (04) A Position to Management Type relationship identifies the type of management duties of the position. This relationship is necessary for all positions that have management duties. This relationship is maintained by agency organizational management processors.
Is Assigned to (A 108) Market Segment (05) A Position to Market Segment relationship identifies the position’s primary market segment. This relationship is necessary for all WMS and EMS positions. This relationship is maintained by agency organizational management processors.
Belongs to (A 003) Organizational Unit (O) A Position to Organizational Unit relationship identifies where the position fits in the agency’s organizational structure and is needed for the system’s role-based security. This relationship is necessary for all positions. This relationship is maintained by agency organizational management processors. Also see Organizational Unit for the corresponding relationship: Organizational Unit Incorporates (B 003) Position relationship.
Manages (A 012) Organizational Unit (O) This Position to Organizational Unit relationship is necessary for agency’s that use MyPortal for leave processing. This relationship identifies the Leave Approver (Chief) position. This relationship is maintained by agency organizational management processors. Also see Organizational Unit for the corresponding relationship: Organizational Unit Is managed by (B 012) Position relationship.
Holder (A 008) Person (P) A Position to Person relationship identifies the position’s incumbent (or holder). This relationship is not typically maintained directly on the position’s Relationships (1001) infotype; it is created and delimited systematically through personnel actions (PA40) by the agency’s personnel administration processor. 
Report (Line) To (A 002) Position (S) A Position to Position relationship identifies the position’s supervisor and the agency’s reporting structure. This relationship is needed for MyPortal MWE processing and for accurate reporting on supervisors and subordinates, including supervisor notifications in the Learning Center. This relationship is maintained by agency organizational management processors. Also see the corresponding relationship: Position Is line supervisor (B 002) Position relationship.
Is line supervisor (B 002) Position (S) A Position to Position relationship identifies subordinates reporting to the position and the agency’s reporting structure. This relationship is needed for MyPortal MWE processing and for accurate reporting on supervisors and subordinates, including supervisor notifications in the Learning Center. This relationship is maintained by agency organizational management processors. Also see the corresponding relationship: Position Report (Line) To (A 002) Position relationship.
Assigned To (A Z07) Primary Inclusion (07) A Position to Primary Inclusion relationship identifies the reason the position is included in the WMS structure. This relationship is necessary for all WMS positions. This relationship is maintained by agency organizational management processors.
Assigned To (A Z10) Retirement (10) A Position to Retirement relationship can be created to identify positions that are eligible for the PSERS retirement plan. This relationship is maintained by agency organizational management processors.
is described by (B 007) Role (AG) A Position to Role relationship identifies the security role(s) assigned to a position. This relationship is only needed for positions that are authorized for HRMS access. This relationship is maintained by the OFM HRMS Security Team.
Assigned To (A Z08) Secondary Inclusion (08) A Position to Secondary Inclusion relationship identifies the secondary reason the position is included in the WMS structure. This relationship is only necessary for WMS positions that have a secondary inclusion reason. This relationship is maintained by agency organizational management processors.

Other position relationships are not supported at this time. 

Position Sensitivity

Definition: Indicates the sensitivity level and security risk of a position.

Infotype: Job Attributes (1660) – included in HRMS F1 Help

High Risk (HR) Public Trust Position (6)

Definition: Positions which have a high risk to the enterprise and require a national level criminal background check. Agencies may require that employees maintain FBI security policy training certification. Such positions may involve, public safety and health, law enforcement duties, fiduciary responsibilities or have access to records containing personal identifiable information, with a significant risk for causing damage or realizing personal gain. 

Moderate Risk (MR) Public Trust Position (5)

Definition: Positions which have a moderate risk to the enterprise and require a standard State of Washington criminal background check, such as the Washington Access to Criminal History (WATCH) or other similar service. Such positions may involve public safety and health, fiduciary responsibilities or have access to records containing personal identifiable information, with a moderate risk for causing damage or realizing personal gain. 

Noncritical-Sensitive (NCS) National Security Risk (2)

Definition: Positions which have a moderate risk to the enterprise and/or national security and require a special background check or security clearance. 

(Department of Transportation) Indicates positions that have access to secure areas of maritime facilities and vessels. Employees in such positions are required to carry the Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) which is issued following a TSA security threat assessment (background check).

Not Designated (0)

Definition: Positions which have a low sensitivity level or security risk or do not have a sensitivity level or security risk identified.

Obsolete Position Sensitivity Codes

To retain data integrity in reporting, the following obsolete Position Sensitivity codes do not apply to the State of Washington and must not be used under any circumstance:

  • Nonsensitive (NS) National Security Risk (1)
  • Critical-Sensitive (CS) National Security Risk (3)
  • Special-Sensitive (SS) National Security Risk (4)

Primary Inclusion

Definition: Use Primary Inclusion to identify the primary reason the position is included in the WMS structure. A Primary Inclusion should be assigned to all WMS positions.

Infotype: Position Relationships (1001)

Relationship Type: Assigned To (A Z07)

Adm one or more SW Policies/Prgms (80149055)

Definition: Administers one or more statewide policies or programs of an agency or agency subdivision.

Abbreviation: Admin SWP

Form SW Policy or Dir Wk of Agy/SAgy (80149054)

Definition: Formulates statewide policy or directs the work of an agency or agency subdivision.

Abbreviation: Form SWP

Funct Abv Fst Lvl Sup /Use Indep Jdgment (80149058)

Definition: Functions above the first level of supervision and exercises authority that is not merely routine or clerical in nature and requires the consistent use of independent judgment. 

Abbreviation: Funct AFLS

Mngs, Adm, and Ctrls Local Branch Off (80149056)

Definition: Manages, administers, and controls a local branch office of an agency or an agency subdivision, including the physical, financial, or personnel resources.

Abbreviation: Mngs ACLB

Sub Resp Pers/Leg/Info Admin of Bdgt (80149057)

Definition: Has substantial responsibility in personnel administration, legislative relations, public information, or the preparation and administration of budgets.

Abbreviation: SUB RPAB

PSLF Date Effective

Definition: The date an employee's employment was last certified for the PSLF program.

Note: When the employee's PSLF Status is set to Opt In (1), this should reflect the date employment was last certified, and should be updated annually to reflect the new date.

Infotype: Additional Personal Data (0077) – included in HRMS F1 Help

PSLF Status

Definition: Indicates whether an employee has opted into the Public Student Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) employment certification process for Washington state agencies.

Notes: See OFM’s PSLF webpage for more details.

Infotype: Additional Personal Data (0077) – included in HRMS F1 Help

Opt In (1)

Definition: Use this selection for an employee who has requested PSLF employment certification.

Note: When Opt In (1) is selected, the employer should send a reminder to the employee to recertify their employment for the PSLF program one year after the last certification date.

Consider using the PSLF Recertification (45) task type to track the due date of an employee’s annual PSLF employment recertification.

Opt Out (2)

Definition: With the passage of House Bill 1950, effective June 6, 2024, agencies no longer need to track employees who have opted out of the PSLF employment certification process.

Note: Agencies can continue to use this selection value if they have a business need to do so. However, employers are required to provide PSLF awareness materials to separating employees with information on how to submit a PSLF employment certification request, including to employees who have previously opted out.

Unspecified (0)

Definition: Use Unspecified for an employee who has not requested PSLF employment certification from the employer.

Note: Unspecified (0) is the default value for this field (or blank if the record hasn’t been maintained since this field was added). 


Definition: Indicates the race as selected by the employee. Employee may select multiple races or may choose to not disclose their race.

Note: This field, along with Ethnicity (New), will be the primary sources of data for "persons of color" headcount in federal EEO-4 reports.

Infotype: Additional Personal Data (0077) – included in HRMS F1 Help

American Indian/Alaskan Native

Definition: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America) and who maintains a tribal affiliation or community attachment.


Definition: A person having origins in any of the original people of the Far East, Southeast Asia or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand and Vietnam.

Black or African American

Definition: A person having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa.

Native Hawaiian or Other Pac Islander

Definition: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa or other Pacific Islands.

Two or More Races (Optional)

Definition: A person indicating more than one race. Use this option in addition to the other race selections. This option should not be used by itself.


Definition: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East or North Africa.

Redaction Indicator

Definition: Use Redaction Indicator to indicate an agency should inquire further before releasing the employee’s personally identifying information outside the agency. The Redaction Indicator should be used only under the following conditions:

  • Employee has provided a sworn statement in accordance with RCW 42.56.250.
  • Employee has provided proof of participation in the Secretary of State’s Address Confidentiality Program (ACP) in accordance with RCW 42.56.250.
  • Employee has otherwise been identified by the agency as being at risk due to stalking, harassment, or domestic violence.
  • Employee is an undercover law enforcement officer.
  • Employee is in a position that falls under Sensitive Security Information as defined in 49 C.F.R. 1520 (Washington State Department of Transportation Marine Division).

Employees who have otherwise been identified by the agency as being at risk due to stalking, harassment, or domestic violence (third bullet above) should provide their agency’s HR Office appropriate documentation prior to receiving designation. The agency is responsible for ensuring each instance where it uses the indicator is supported by sufficient documentation.

Critical Notes: The Redaction Indicator is a flag and will not automatically redact records. The Redaction Indicator does not mean an employee’s information is categorically exempt under the Public Records Act. It is the agency’s responsibility to redact data from reports as necessary and as permitted by law. Use of the Redaction Indicator indicates only that the agency should inquire further before releasing identifying information about an employee. Each agency will need to determine on a case by case basis what information, if any, may be released, depending on the type of data request and the employee’s particular circumstances.

Agencies are responsible for internally tracking and distiguishing those employees who meet the specific criteria of RCW 42.56.250 from other uses of the Redaction Indicator. For further guidance on implementation of RCW 42.56.250, agencies should consult with their assigned counsel in the Attorney General's Office.

The agency is responsible for determining the appropriateness of redacting the personally identifiable information (PII) data of employees that meet the criteria. The agency’s Privacy Officer and/or Public Records Officer should be engaged in the decision making. In the case of public records requests or discovery requests, it is recommended that the agency consult with its assigned counsel in the Attorney General’s Office prior to redacting or withholding records.

Infotype: Personal Data (0002) – included in HRMS F1 Help


Definition: Use Retirement to identify a position’s retirement plan eligibility.

Infotype: Position Relationships (1001)

Relationship Type: Assigned to (A Z07)

Public Safety Employees Retirement Sys (80237311)

Definition: Position is eligible for the Public Safety Employees Retirement System retirement plan.

Abbreviation: PSERS

Retirement Eligible

Definition: Select Retirement Eligible for a position that is eligible for membership in a DRS retirement plan; leave this box blank for ineligibile positions.

Note: Refer to DRS for details on position eligibility rules.

Example: The Office of Financial Management establishes a new position. The agency completes the DRS Position Eligibility Worksheet and determines the new position is eligible for PERS membership. The position's Retirement Eligible box should be checked.

Infotype: Position Acct. Assignment Features (1008) - included in HRMS F1 Help


Definition: Identifies the HRMS role a position is assigned. A role is a collection of activities that can be performed in HRMS. 

A position is assigned to a role, or multiple roles, to grant transactional and view access in HRMS. The employee in the position inherits these roles and are authorized to perform functions within HRMS.

Refer to the HRMS Security web page for more information on HRMS roles and access.

Infotype: Position Relationships (1001)

Relationship Type: is described by (B 007)

Secondary Inclusion

Definition: Use Secondary Inclusion to identify the secondary reason the position is included in the WMS structure. A Secondary Inclusion is only needed for WMS positions that have a secondary reason for inclusion in the WMS structure.

Infotype: Position Relationships (1001)

Relationship Type: Assigned To (A Z08)


Definition: Administers one or more statewide policies or programs of an agency or agency subdivision.

Abbreviation: ADMIN SWP


Definition: Formulates statewide policy or directs the work of an agency or agency subdivision.

Abbreviation: FORM SWP


Definition: Functions above the first level of supervision and exercises authority that is not merely routine or clerical in nature and requires the consistent use of independent judgment.

Abbreviation: FUNCT AFLS


Definition: Manages, administers, and controls a local branch office of an agency or an agency subdivision, including the physical, financial, or personnel resources.

Abbreviation: MNGS ACLB


Definition: Has substantial responsibility in personnel administration, legislative relations, public information, or the preparation and administration of budgets.

Abbreviation: SUB RPAB

Security Clearance

Definition: Indicates whether security clearance (background checks) is required for the position.

Infotype: Job Attributes (1660) – included in HRMS F1 Help

Background Check Required (1)

Definition: Positions which require a background check be conducted.

Background Check Not Required (Blank)

Definition: Positions which do not require a background check be conducted, or the agency does not use this field to track background check requirements.

Social Security Number (SSN)

Definition: The employee’s nine-digit social security number assigned by the Social Security Administration. This number is used to identify and accurately record covered wages and earnings to the IRS and SSA. Other organizations may also use this number to uniquely identify individuals. 

Notes: It is extremely important to enter the correct Social Security Number in HRMS. There are several downstream systems that use SSN as the employee’s unique identifier, including our healthcare and retirement systems. Manual corrections by both the agency processors and OFM ITS staff will be required if an incorrect SSN is used. One way to help prevent incorrect SSNs in HRMS is to verify names and SSNs online through the SSA’s Social Security Number Verification Service.

Do not accept an IRS individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN) in place of an SSN for employee identification or for Form W-2 reporting. An ITIN is available only to resident and nonresident aliens who are not eligible for U.S. employment and need identification for other tax purposes. An individual with an ITIN who later becomes eligible to work in the United States must obtain an SSN from the Social Security Administration. There are special employer responsibilities when hiring workers who have applied for and are waiting to receive a SSN and card. Refer to the SSA’s fact sheet: Employer Responsibilities When Hiring Foreign Workers

If you have hired a worker who has applied for a Social Security Number but has not received it, contact for guidance on what to enter in the SSN field in HRMS.

The SSN is categorized as Category 3 “Confidential information” and should be safeguarded.

Infotype: Personal Data (0002) – included in HRMS F1 Help

Standard Occupational Code

Definition: Identifies the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) that has been assigned to the position.  

Notes: Beginning in January 2023, the SOC code is reported to Employment Security Department as part of the state’s quarterly reporting requirements for unemployment insurance. The Standard Occupational Classification system is a federal statistical standard used to classify workers into occupational categories for the purpose of collecting, calculating, or disseminating data.

For a complete list of SOC codes, titles, and definitions, refer to the BLS 2018 Standard Occupational Classification System webpage

Infotype: WC State, Code, Attribute (1613) - included in HRMS F1 Help

Statewide Job Grouping

Definition: Statewide Job Groupings are groups of job classes that are linked by a common purpose, skill set, or education or certification requirement. They allow agencies and the enterprise to more precisely identify the availability of that type of work. They also provide skill-related groups that can be used for workforce planning and study. 

The Statewide Job Grouping is assigned to each job class code in HRMS by State Human Resources. Positions and employees inherit the Statewide Job Grouping from the Job. State Human Resources uses the Statewide Job Groupings in enterprise affirmative action reporting.

Infotype: Job Relationships (1001) – included in HRMS F1 Help

Relationship Type: Assigned To (A Z11)

Office and Clerical (80277680)

Definition: Occupations in which workers are responsible for internal and external communication, recording and retrieval of data and/or information and other paperwork required in an office. Includes: bookkeepers, messengers, clerk-typist, stenographers, court transcribers, hearing reporters, statistical clerks, dispatchers, license distributors, payroll clerks, office machine and computer operators, telephone operators, legal assistants, sales workers, cashiers, toll collectors, and kindred workers.

Abbreviation: Office

Officials and Administrators (80277682)

Definition: Occupations in which employees set broad policies, exercise overall responsibility for execution of these policies, or direct individual departments or special phases of the agency's operations. Includes: department heads, bureau chiefs, division chiefs, directors, deputy directors, controllers, superintendents, and kindred workers.

Abbreviation: Officials

Paraprofessionals (80277683)

Definition: Occupations in which workers perform some of the duties of a professional or technician in a supportive role, which usually require less formal training and/or experience normally required for professional or technical status. Such positions may fall within an identified pattern of staff development and promotion under a "New Careers" concept. Included: research assistants, medical aides, child support workers, policy auxiliary welfare service aides, recreation assistants, homemakers aides, home health aides, library assistants and clerks, and kindred workers.

Abbreviation: Paraprof

Professional - Administrative (80277684)

Definition: Occupations which require specialized and theoretical knowledge which is usually acquired through college training or through work experience and other training which provides comparable knowledge. Work in support of the business of the agency. May include grant administration and/or consultation to outside businesses or industries. (Administrative market segment)

Abbreviation: Admin

Professional - Auditor (80277685)

Definition: Occupations which require specialized and theoretical knowledge which is usually acquired through college training or through work experience and other training which provides comparable knowledge. Requires auditor license or similar knowledge & experience (Finance market segment)

Abbreviation: Auditor

Professional - Budget and Accounting (80277686)

Definition: Occupations which require specialized and theoretical knowledge which is usually acquired through college training or through work experience and other training which provides comparable knowledge. Requires some level of education in accounting or economics (Finance market segment)

Abbreviation: Budget

Professional - Claims Adjudicator (80277687)

Definition: Occupations which require specialized and theoretical knowledge which is usually acquired through college training or through work experience and other training which provides comparable knowledge. Handles claims for benefits (Insurance market segment)

Abbreviation: Claims

Professional - Communications-Marketing (80277690)

Definition: Occupations which require specialized and theoretical knowledge which is usually acquired through college training or through work experience and other training which provides comparable knowledge. Provide information for the purposes of public relations or sales of a program (Marketing and Communication market segment)

Abbreviation: Comm

Professional - Engineering (80277692)

Definition: Occupations which require specialized and theoretical knowledge which is usually acquired through college training or through work experience and other training which provides comparable knowledge. Requires engineering degree or similar knowledge & experience (Engineering market segment)

Abbreviation: Eng

Professional - Human Resources (80277694)

Definition: Occupations which require specialized and theoretical knowledge which is usually acquired through college training or through work experience and other training which provides comparable knowledge. Human resource and labor relations jobs (Human Resources market segment)

Abbreviation: HR

Professional - Insurance Business Servcs (80277693)

Definition: Occupations which require specialized and theoretical knowledge which is usually acquired through college training or through work experience and other training which provides comparable knowledge. Requires expertise/specialization in areas relating to the administration or oversight of an insurance program. Includes actuaries. (Insurance market segment)

Abbreviation: Insurance

Professional - Investigator (80277695)

Definition: Occupations which require specialized and theoretical knowledge which is usually acquired through college training or through work experience and other training which provides comparable knowledge. Investigates a complaint of malfeasance or misconduct, responding to an allegation (Licensing, Regulation, and Safety market segment)

Abbreviation: Inv

Professional - IT (80277696)

Definition: Occupations which require specialized and theoretical knowledge which is usually acquired through college training or through work experience and other training which provides comparable knowledge. Develops and maintains information technology systems, hardware, or software (Information Technology Services market segment)

Abbreviation: IT

Professional - Legal (80277697)

Definition: Occupations which require specialized and theoretical knowledge which is usually acquired through college training or through work experience and other training which provides comparable knowledge. Provides legal services requiring a law degree or similar knowledge & experience (Legal market segment)

Abbreviation: Legal

Professional - Licensing and Regulation (80277699)

Definition: Occupations which require specialized and theoretical knowledge which is usually acquired through college training or through work experience and other training which provides comparable knowledge. Administration of licenses/certifications and regulatory review of programs and/or license holders (Licensing, Regulation, and Safety market segment)

Abbreviation: License

Professional - Medical (80277725)

Definition: Occupations which require specialized and theoretical knowledge which is usually acquired through college training or through work experience and other training which provides comparable knowledge. Provides medical services requiring medical (physical) licensing or certification - doctors, nurses, physician assistants, physical therapists, etc. Does not include social workers. (Public Health and Medical Sciences market segment)

Abbreviation: Medical

Professional - Natural Resources (80277726)

Definition: Occupations which require specialized and theoretical knowledge which is usually acquired through college training or through work experience and other training which provides comparable knowledge. Foresters, land managers, environmental/natural resource planners, outreach, and specialists, etc. (Natural Resources/Sciences market segment)

Jobs requiring a Master’s or PhD in science or Forestry are grouped under Science. Jobs requiring a degree in engineering or architecture are grouped under Engineering. 

Abbreviation: Natural

Professional - Public Health (80277727)

Definition: Occupations which require specialized and theoretical knowledge which is usually acquired through college training or through work experience and other training which provides comparable knowledge. Work that is for the purposes of public health but typically doesn’t require direct delivery of medical services. Often does not require medical certification/licensure. May include science skill requirements and/or public health expertise. (Public Health and Medical Sciences market segment)

Abbreviation: Pubhlth

Professional - Safety (80277728)

Definition: Occupations which require specialized and theoretical knowledge which is usually acquired through college training or through work experience and other training which provides comparable knowledge. Jobs that assure public safety, often in a workplace setting, but separate from homeland security. (Licensing, Regulation, and Safety market segment)

Abbreviation: Safety

Professional - Science (80277729)

Definition: Occupations which require specialized and theoretical knowledge which is usually acquired through college training or through work experience and other training which provides comparable knowledge. Work includes study and evaluation of data, with resulting decisions, often including statistical analysis. Typically requires a Master’s degree or above in a scientific area. (No market segment match)

Abbreviation: Science

Professional - Social Services (80277730)

Definition: Occupations which require specialized and theoretical knowledge which is usually acquired through college training or through work experience and other training which provides comparable knowledge. Counselors, clergy, probation & correctional treatment specialists, vocational rehab counselors and other non-medical personnel who provide aid to citizens challenged by disability, age, unemployment, probation, etc. Includes licensed social workers. Also, those who are part of an organization's social service program such as program managers, regulators reviewing only the State of WA's program, etc. (Social Services market segment)

Abbreviation: SocServ

Professional - Tax Professional (80277731)

Definition: Occupations which require specialized and theoretical knowledge which is usually acquired through college training or through work experience and other training which provides comparable knowledge. Work related to setting and collecting tax revenues. Requires specialized tax knowledge. May be financially or legally based. (Finance market segment)

Abbreviation: Tax

Protective Service Workers (80277732)

Definition: Occupations in which workers are entrusted with public safety, security, and protection from destructive forces. Includes: police patrol officers, firefighters, guards, deputy sheriffs, bailiffs, correctional officers, detectives, marshals, harbor patrol officers, game and fish wardens, park rangers (except maintenance), and kindred workers. Also includes those with managerial oversight of such workers.

Abbreviation: Protective

Service-Maintenance (80277733)

Definition: Occupations in which workers perform duties which result in or contribute to the comfort, convenience, hygiene, or safety of the general public or which contribute to the upkeep and care of buildings, facilities or grounds of public property. Workers in this group may operate machinery. Includes: chauffeurs, laundry and dry-cleaning operatives, truck drivers, bus drivers, garage laborers, custodial employees, gardeners, and groundskeepers, refuse collectors, construction laborers, park rangers (maintenance), farm workers (except managers), craft apprentices/trainees/helpers, and kindred workers.

Abbreviation: Mainten

Skilled Craft Workers (80277734)

Definition: Occupations in which workers perform jobs which require special manual skill and a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of the process involved in the work which is acquired through on-the-job training and experience or through apprenticeship or other formal training programs. Includes: mechanics and repairers electricians, heavy equipment operators, stationary engineers, skilled machining occupations, carpenters, compositors and typesetters, power plant operators, water and sewage treatment plant operators, and kindred workers.

Abbreviation: Skilled

Technicians (80277735)

Definition: Occupations which require a combination of basic scientific or technical knowledge and manual skill which can be obtained through specialized post-secondary school education or through equivalent on-the-job training. Technician jobs typically require some form of certification or training. Includes: drafters, survey and mapping technicians, licensed practical nurses, photographers, radio operators, technical illustrators, highway technicians, technicians (medical, dental, electronic, physical sciences), inspectors (production or processing inspectors, testers and weighers), and kindred workers.

Abbreviation: Tech

Task Type

Definition: A future event or task; will have a related date of task.

Infotype: Monitoring of Tasks (0019) – included in HRMS F1 Help

Annual Eval Due Date (20)

Definition: Use Annual Eval Due Date to track the due date of an employee's annual performance evaluation.

Annual Eval Ext Due (34)

Definition: Use Annual Eval Ext Due to track the due date of an employee's annual performance evaluation when it has been extended due to special circumstances.

Apprntc Lvl Complete (41)

Definition: Use Apprntc Lvl Complete to track the scheduled completion date of an employee's apprenticeship salary level. Upon completion, the employee should be moved to the next salary level according to the Apprentice Salary Schedule.

Apprentice Complete (42)

Definition: Use Apprentice Complete to track the scheduled completion date of an employee's apprenticeship appointment. Upon completion, the employee should be moved to the journey level job class and salary.

Backgrnd Ck Complete (08)

Definition: Use Backgrnd Ck Complete to track the scheduled completion date of an employee’s background check.

Board Mem End Date (16)

Definition: Use Board Mem End Date to track the scheduled end date of an employee’s appointment as a board member.

DJA End Date (17)

Definition: Use DJA End Date to track the scheduled end date of an employee’s developmental job assignment.

Dual Language Expiry (33)

Definition: Use Dual Language Expiry to track the date a required dual language certification expires.

Evaluation Due Date (35)

Definition: Use Evaluation Due Date to track the due date of an employee's performance evaluation.

Evaluation Ext Due (27)

Definition: Use Evaluation Ext Due to track the due date of an employee's performance evaluation when it has been extended due to special circumstances.

Exempt Appt End Date (14)

Definition: Use Exempt Appt End Date to track the scheduled end date of an employee's exempt appointment.

Exempt Review Period (19)

Definition: Use Exempt Review Period to track the scheduled completion date of an employee's exempt review period.

Expectations Due (21)

Definition: Use Expectations Due to track the due date of an employee's performance expectations.

Flex Work Sched End (28)

Definition: Use Flex Work Sched End to track the scheduled end date of a flexible work schedule that was granted to an employee on a temporary basis.

Interim Eval Due (25)

Definition: Use Interim Eval Due to track the due date of an employee's interim performance evaluation.

Interim Eval Ext (36)

Definition: Use Interim Eval Ext to track the due date of an employee's interim performance evaluation when it has been extended due to special circumstances.

In-Training Complete (03)

Definition: Use In-Training Complete to track the scheduled in-training series completion date of an employee’s in-training appointment.

In-Training Step Com (15)

Definition: Use In-Training Step Com to track the scheduled in-training step completion date of an employee's in-training appointment.

Leave End Date (05)

Definition: Use Leave End Date to track the scheduled end date of an employee's leave of absence.

Non-Perm End Date (09)

Definition: Use Non-Perm End Date to track the scheduled end date of an employee's non-permanent appointment.

OT Status Chng Date (32)

Definition: Use OT Status Chng Date to track the date an employee is projected to be eligible to move from overtime eligible to overtime exempt status in an overtime exempt position.

Note: This task would only be necessary for employees who meet the duties test for overtime exemption and are in a split range, where the salary threshold to make a determination on overtime eligibility falls within the middle of the salary range. For example, if the employee meets the duties test and the salary threshold is equivalent to step G within an employee's salary range, then use the OT Status Chng Date to track when the employee is projected to reach step G or higher after future periodic increases.

The salary threshold is expected to change each January 1 from 2021 through 2028, so the OT Status Chng Date may need to be reassessed each year based on a new threshold, changes to the state salary schedules, and/or changes to the employee's salary or assigned duties.

Prior to moving the employee to overtime exempt status, ensure they meet all eligibility criteria.

Prob Eval Due Date (22)

Definition: Use Prob Eval Due Date to track the due date of an employee's probationary performance evaluation.

Prob Eval Ext Due (37)

Definition: Use Prob Eval Ext Due to track the due date of an employee's probationary performance evaluation when it has been extended due to special circumstances.

Prob Period End Date (01)

Definition: Use Prob Period End Date to track the scheduled completion date of an employee's probationary period.

Project End Date (11)

Definition: Use Project End Date to track the scheduled end date of an employee's project appointment.

PSLF Recertification (45)

Definition: Use PSLF Recertification to track the due date of an employee's annual PSLF employment recertification, which should be set one year from the opt in date or one year from the last recertification.

Review Per End Date (44)

Definition: Use Review Per End Date to track the scheduled end date of a represented employee's review period following an employee initiated transfer, demotion or elevation from a different agency.

Resource Share End (31)

Definition: Use Resource Share End to track the scheduled end date of an employee's resource share assignment.

Salary Rdctn End (29)

Definition: Use Salary Rdctn End to track the scheduled end date of an employee's disciplinary salary reduction.

Step M Date (43)

Definition: Use Step M Date to track the date an employee is projected to move to Step M.

Notes: This task would only be necessary for employees currently at a step lower than L with prior time at Step L or M that counts toward their eligibility for Step M. For example, an IT employee was at Step L on June 30, 2019 and transitioned into the IT Professional Structure at Step G on July 1, 2019.

Refer to WAC 357, collective bargaining agreements, or guidance from OFM State HR for determining when prior time at Step L or M counts towards eligibility for Step M.

Suspension End Date (30)

Definition: Use Suspension End Date to track the scheduled end date of an employee's suspension.

Telework End Date (18)

Definition: Use Telework End Date to track the end date of an employee's telework agreement.

Trans Review End (12)

Definition: Use Trans Review End to track the scheduled completion date of an employee's transitional review period.

Trial Eval Due Date (23)

Definition: Use Trial Eval Due Date to track the due date of an employee's trial service performance evaluation.

Trial Eval Ext Due (38)

Definition: Use Trial Eval Ext Due to track the due date of an employee's trial service performance evaluation when it has been extended due to special circumstances.

Trial Service End (02)

Definition: Use Trial Service End to track the scheduled completion date of an employee's trial service period.

Trial/Annual Combine (24)

Definition: Use Trial/Annual Combine to track the due date of an employee's trial service and annual performance evaluation when due at the same time.

Trial/Annual Ext (39)

Definition: Use Trial/Annual Ext to track the due date of an employee's trial service and annual performance evaluation when they have both been extended due to special circumstances.

WMS Acting Appt End (13)

Definition: Use WMS Acting Appt End to track the scheduled end date of an employee's WMS acting appointment.

WMS Eval Due Date (26)

Definition: Use WMS Eval Due Date to track the due date of an employee's WMS performance evaluation.

WMS Eval Ext Due (40)

Definition: Use WMS Eval Ext Due to track the due date of an employee's WMS performance evaluation when it has been extended due to special circumstances.

WMS Review Period (10)

Definition: Use WMS Review Period to track the scheduled completion date of an employee's WMS review period.

Work Permit Expires (06)

Definition: Use Work Permit Expires to track the expiration date of an employee's work permit.

Obsolete Task Types

To retain data integrity in reporting, the following obsolete Task Types must not be used under any circumstance:

  • ZDNU Ecol apptmt end (07)
  • ZDNU Next Appraisal (04)

Tax Area

Definition: A set of tax authorities that levy taxes upon an employee and/or employer. The set may consist of a combination of federal, state, and local tax authorities.

Notes: The Tax Area identifies the tax authorities and subsequent tax types that apply to the employee based on where they live and work. However, individual tax types can be exempted if needed. See Tax Authority and Tax Type for more information.

Prior to setting a tax area for an employee, the employee’s tax company must be configured with the appropriate employer identification number(s). See Employer Identification Number and Tax Company for more information.


Residence Tax Area (0207): Enter the tax area that applies to the employee based on their residence address. 

Note: Only Washington, Oregon, and Idaho tax areas are configured in HRMS. Refer to each state’s definition of resident and associated tax laws to determine which residence tax area applies.  

Work Tax Area (0208): Enter the tax area that applies to the employee based on their work location address. 

Notes: Only Washington, Oregon, and Idaho tax areas are configured in HRMS. Refer to each state or local entity’s associated tax laws to determine which work-based taxes apply to each employee.  

Some taxes may only apply to work performed within the district, where others may be based on work localization rules. Because of this, it is extremely important that agencies know where their employees are working so you can accurately determine tax liability. Refer to state and local tax law to determine which tax areas (and tax types) apply. 

City of Canby Ltd (OR06)

Residence Tax Area (0207): Do not use City of Canby Ltd (OR06) as a residence tax area. Canby Area Transit (CAT) payroll tax is a local tax applied to the employer on employees working in the CAT transit district and is not dependent on residence status. Use State of Oregon (OR) instead.

Work Tax Area (0208): Use City of Canby Ltd (OR06) when the employee is working within the Canby Area Transit (CAT) district boundaries and the employer is subject to the CAT payroll tax on the employee’s wages earned within the transit district.

City of Canby Ltd (OR06) includes the following Tax Authorities:

Eugene-springfield Ltd Auth. (OR02)

Residence Tax Area (0207): Do not use Eugene-springfield Ltd Auth. (OR02) as a residence tax area. Lane County mass transit tax is a local tax applied to the employer on employees working in the Lane transit district and is not dependent on residence status. Use State of Oregon (OR) instead.

Work Tax Area (0208): Use Eugene-springfield Ltd Auth. (OR02) when the employee is working within the Lane Couty Mass Transit district boundaries and the employer is subject to the Lane County Mass Transit payroll tax on the employee’s wages earned within the transit district.

Eugene-springfield Ltd Auth. (OR02) includes the following Tax Authorities:

Portland Tri-met Authority (OR01)

Residence Tax Area (0207): Do not use Portland Tri-met Authority (OR01) as a residence tax area. TriMet transit tax is a local tax applied to the employer on employees working in the TriMet transit district and is not dependent on residence status. Use State of Oregon (OR) instead.

Work Tax Area (0208): Use Portland Tri-met Authority (OR01) when the employee is working within the TriMet transit district boundaries and the employer is subject to the Tri-Met transit payroll tax on the employee’s wages earned within the transit district. 

Portland Tri-met Authority (OR01) includes the following Tax Authorities:

Sandy Transit System (OR05)

Residence Tax Area (0207): Do not use Sandy Transit System (OR05) as a residence tax area. Sandy Area Metro (SAM) transit tax is a local tax applied to the employer on employees working in the SAM transit district and is not dependent on residence status. Use State of Oregon (OR) instead.

Work Tax Area (0208): Use Sandy Transit System (OR05) when the employee is working within the Sandy Area Metro (SAM) transit district boundaries and the employer is subject to the SAM payroll tax on employees’ wages earned within the transit district.

Sandy Transit System (OR05) includes the following Tax Authorities:

State of Idaho (ID)

Residence Tax Area (0207): Use State of Idaho (ID) when the employee is a resident of Idaho.

State of Idaho (ID) includes the following Tax Authorities:

Work Tax Area (0208): Use State of Idaho (ID) when the employee is working in the state of Idaho.

State of Idaho (ID) includes the following Tax Authorities:

State of Oregon (OR)

Residence Tax Area (0207): Use State of Oregon (OR) when the employee is a resident of Oregon.

State of Oregon (OR) includes the following Tax Authorities:

Work Tax Area (0208): Use State of Oregon (OR) when the employee is working in the state of Oregon and not subject to any local transit taxes in Oregon.

State of Oregon (OR) includes the following Tax Authorities:

State of Washington (WA)

Residence Tax Area (0207): Use State of Washington (WA) when the employee is a resident of Washington, or any state not configured in HRMS (any state except Oregon and Idaho).

State of Washington (WA) includes the following Tax Authorities:

Note: The State of Washington (WA) residence tax area includes the Washington (WA) tax authority, however, there are not any Washington residence-based taxes.

Work Tax Area (0208): Use State of Washington (WA) when the employee is living in Oregon or Idaho and working in Washington.

Note: While there are not any Washington (WA) tax types turned on with this infotype, when an employee is living in one state and working in a different state then a work tax area is needed to properly assign and calculate taxes for the employee. A work tax area record is not needed for employees living and working in Washington or another state outside of Oregon or Idaho. 

Wilsonville Transit District (OR04) 

Residence Tax Area (0207): Do not use Wilsonville Transit District (OR04) as a residence tax area. Wilsonville transit tax is a local tax applied to the employer on employees working in the Wilsonville transit district and is not dependent on residence status. Use State of Oregon (OR) instead.

Work Tax Area (0208): Use Wilsonville Transit District (OR04) when the employee is working within the Wilsonville South Metro Area Regional Transit (SMART) district boundaries and the employer is subject to the SMART payroll tax on the employee’s wages earned within the transit district.

Wilsonville Transit District (OR04) includes the following Tax Authorities:

Tax Authority

Definition: Identifies the tax authority; the government agency authorized to levy taxes upon employees and/or employers. 

Prior to setting a tax authority for an employee, the employee’s tax company must be configured with the appropriate employer identification number(s). See Employer Identification Number and Tax Company for more information.

Infotype: IRS Limits USA (0161), Residence Tax Area (0207), Work Tax Area (0208), Unemployment State (0209), Withholding Info W4/W5 US (0210), Payroll Results Adjustment (0221), Add. Withh. Info. US (0234), Other Taxes (0235)

City of Canby Ltd (OR06)

Definition: Identifies the City of Canby as the tax authority that levies a payroll tax for the Canby Area Transit (CAT).

City of Canby Ltd (OR06) includes the following tax types:

Note: This tax authority, and subsequent tax type, is applied to an employee when selecting the City of Canby Ltd (OR06) tax area on the employee’s Work Tax Area (0208) infotype. 

Eugene-springfield Ltd Auth. (OR02)

Definition: Identifies Lane Transit District (LTD) as the tax authority that levies a payroll tax for the Lane County Mass Transit; administered by the Oregon Department of Revenue.

Eugene-springfield Ltd Auth. (OR02) includes the following tax types:

Note: This tax authority, and subsequent tax type, is applied to an employee when selecting the Eugene-springfield Ltd Auth. (OR02) tax area on the employee’s Work Tax Area (0208) infotype. 

Federal (FED)

Definition: Identifies the U.S. federal government as the tax authority that levies income and payroll taxes administered by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

Federal (FED) includes the following tax types:

Note: This tax authority, and subsequent tax types, are applied to an employee when selecting the State of Idaho (ID), State of Oregon (OR), or State of Washington (WA) tax area on the employee’s Residence Tax Area (0207) infotype. 

Idaho (ID)

Definition: Identifies the state of Idaho as the tax authority that levies income and payroll taxes administered by the Idaho State Tax Commission,

Idaho (ID) includes the following tax types:

Notes: Idaho tax types are controlled by multiple tax infotypes.

This tax authority is applied to an employee when selecting the State of Idaho (ID) tax area on the employee’s Residence Tax Area (0207) or Work Tax Area (0208) infotypes, assigning the following Idaho tax type:

This tax authority is applied to an employee when selecting this tax authority on the employee’s Unemployment State (0209) infotype, assigning the following Idaho tax type:

Oregon (OR)

Definition: Identifies the state of Oregon as the tax authority that levies income and payroll taxes administered by the Oregon Department of Revenue.

Oregon (OR) includes the following tax types:

Notes: Oregon tax types are controlled by multiple tax infotypes.

This tax authority is applied to an employee when selecting the State of Oregon (OR) tax area on the employee’s Residence Tax Area (0207) or Work Tax Area (0208) infotypes, assigning the following Oregon tax types:

This tax authority is applied to an employee when selecting this tax authority on the employee’s Unemployment State (0209) infotype, assigning the following Oregon tax types:

Portland Tri-met Authority (OR01)

Definition: Identifies the Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon (TriMet) as the tax authority that levies a payroll tax for the TriMet Transit; administered by the Oregon Department of Revenue.

Portland Tri-met Authority (OR01) includes the following tax types:

Note: This tax authority, and subsequent tax type, is applied to an employee when selecting the Portland Tri-met Authority (OR01) tax area on the employee’s Work Tax Area (0208) infotype. 

Sandy Transit System (OR05)

Definition: Identifies the City of Sandy as the tax authority that levies a payroll tax for the Sandy Area Metro (SAM).

Sandy Transit District (OR05) includes the following tax types:

Note: This tax authority, and subsequent tax type, is applied to an employee when selecting the Sandy Transit System (OR05) tax area on the employee’s Work Tax Area (0208) infotype. 

Washington (WA)

Definition: Identifies the state of Washington as the tax authority that levies payroll taxes administered by the Washington Department of Labor and Industries and Washington Employment Security Department.

Washington (WA) includes the following tax types:

Notes: This tax authority, and subsequent tax types, are applied to an employee when selecting this tax authority on the employee’s Unemployment State (0209) infotype. 

When the State of Washington (WA) tax area is selected on the Residence Tax Area (0207) infotype, the Washington (WA) tax authority will be included. However, there are not any Washington residence-based taxes.

Wilsonville Transit District (OR04) 

Definition: Identifies the City of Wilsonville as the tax authority that levies a payroll tax for the South Metro Area Regional Transit (SMART).

Wilsonville Transit District (OR04) includes the following tax types:

Note: This tax authority, and subsequent tax type, is applied to an employee when selecting the Wilsonville Transit District (OR04) tax area on the employee’s Work Tax Area (0208) infotype. 

Tax Company

Definition: A legal entity for tax reporting purposes.

Notes: Tax companies are assigned to combinations of personnel areas and personnel subareas in HRMS. An agency may have more than one tax company. 

Tax companies can be assigned employer identification numbers for each tax authority and tax type that the agency is collecting or reporting tax information. Having EINs assigned to tax companies is necessary: 

  • Prior to saving tax areas and/or tax authorities on employee Residence Tax Area (0207), Work Tax Area (0208), and/or Unemployment State (0209) infotype records, for system automated tax collection. 
  • When manually collecting out-of-state taxes via wage types and the agency would like to have the state’s tax information listed on the employee’s form W-2.

See Employer Identification Number, Tax Authority, and Tax Type for more information.

Infotype: Not applicable

Tax Type

Definition: Identifies the type of tax levied upon an employee or employer by a tax authority. 

Notes: Each tax authority and tax type combination generate tax wage types used for tax collection and wages accumulation. 

All tax types configured for use by the state of Washington are set to apply to all employees (once assigned) unless systematically excluded or manually exempted: 

  • Groups of employees who have been identified as not subject to the tax may be systematically excluded from the tax type. 
  • Other employees who are not liable will need to be exempted manually. 

Refer to each tax type below for more information on associated wage types, reporting responsibility, and manual exemptions.

Infotype: Tax types aren’t typically part of an employee’s master data, but rather set, or “turned on”, based on the tax area and tax authority selections entered on the employee’s Residence Tax Area (0207), Work Tax Area (0208), and Unemployment State (0209) infotypes. Refer to the table or each tax type below for which infotype controls it.


Tax Description Tax Authority Tax Type Controlling Infotype

Federal Income Tax

Federal (FED) Withholding Tax (001) Residence Tax Area (0207)

Federal Medicare Taxes (HI)

Federal (FED)

Employee Medicare Tax (005)

Employer Medicare Tax (006)

Residence Tax Area (0207)

Federal Social Security Taxes (OASI)

Federal (FED)

Employee Social Security Tax (003)

Employer Social Security Tax (004)

Residence Tax Area (0207)

Idaho Income Tax

Idaho (ID) Withholding Tax (001) Residence Tax Area (0207) and Work Tax Area (0208)

Idaho Unemployment Insurance

Idaho (ID) Employer Unemployment Tax (010) Unemployment State (0209)

Oregon Income Tax

Oregon (OR) Withholding Tax (001) Residence Tax Area (0207) and Work Tax Area (0208)

Oregon Paid Leave

Oregon (OR)

EE PFML Tax State Plan (117)

ER PFML Tax State Plan (118)

Unemployment State (0209)

Oregon Statewide Transit Tax

Oregon (OR) Statewide Transit Tax (096) Residence Tax Area (0207) and Work Tax Area (0208)

Oregon Unemployment Insurance

Oregon (OR) Employer Unemployment Tax (010) Unemployment State (0209)

Oregon Workers Compensation (Workers Benefit Fund Assessment)

Oregon (OR)

Employee Worker Compensation Tax (040)

Employer Worker Compensation Tax (030)

Unemployment State (0209)

Oregon Local Transit Taxes

City of Canby Ltd (OR06)

Eugene-springfield Ltd Auth. (OR02)

Portland TriMet Authority (OR01)

Sandy Transit System (OR05)

Wilsonville Transit District (OR04)

Transit District Excise Tax (035) Work Tax Area (0208)

Washington Long Term Care / WaCares (LTSS

Washington (WA) WA Cares Fund LTC Tax - EE (113) Unemployment State (0209)

Washington Paid Family & Medical Leave (PFML)

Washington (WA)

Employee Family Leave Insurance Tax (087)

Employee Medical Leave Insurance Tx (099)

Employer Medical Leave Insurance Tx (100)

Unemployment State (0209)
Washington Unemployment Insurance Washington (WA) Employer Unemployment Insurance (010) Unemployment State (0209)
Washington Workers Compensation Washington (WA)

Employee Medical Aid Fund Tax (043)

Employee Suplmtal Pension Tax (042)

Employer Accident Fund Tax (032)

Employer Medical Aid Fund Tax (033)

Employer Suplmtal Pension Tax (034)

Unemployment State (0209)


EE PFML Tax State Plan (117)

Definition for Tax Authority Oregon (OR): Employee portion of Oregon's Paid Leave Oregon program.

Controlling Infotype: Unemployment State (0209)

Associated wage type for tax collection: /4B7 TX EE PFML Tax State Plan

Reporting Responsibility: Agencies are responsible for satisfying Paid Leave Oregon reporting requirements with Oregon.

Exempt Status - Other Taxes (US) (0235):

•    Blank: means no exemptions entered; taxes will be collected and wages will be accumulated.
•    Y – Exempt, not reportable: using this exemption means no tax is collected and wages are not accumulated.

Employees and employers both pay into the Paid Leave Oregon program. If no taxes should be collected, be sure to exempt both the employee and employer tax types. See ER PFML Tax State Plan (118).

Note: Refer to applicable rules for when an individual is not covered or reportable under Oregon’s paid leave program and should be exempted in HRMS. 

Employee Family Leave Insurance Tax (087)

Definition for Tax Authority Washington (WA):  Washington Paid Family Leave tax. Only employees pay premiums for the Family Leave portion of the Paid Family and Medical Leave program. 

Controlling Infotype: Unemployment State (0209)

Associated wage type for tax collection: /487 TX EE Family Leave Insur

Reporting Responsibility: OFM reports PFML wages and hours to Washington Employment Security Department (ESD). Agencies may be responsible for amendments. 

Exempt Status - Other Taxes (US) (0235):

•    Blank: means no exemptions entered, taxes will be collected, and wages and hours will be reported to Washington ESD.
•    Y – Exempt, not reportable: using this exemption means no tax is collected, and wages and hours are not reported to the ESD.

There are three tax types for the paid family and medical leave program. If no taxes should be collected, be sure to exempt all the related employee and employer tax types. See Employee Medical Leave Insurance Tx (099) and Employer Medical Leave Insurance Tx (100).  

Note: Refer to RCW, Washington State Employment Security Department rules, and Employer LTSS & PFML IT0235 Decision Matrix for determining when an individual is not covered or reportable under Washington’s paid family and medical leave program and should be exempted in HRMS. 

Employee Medical Aid Fund Tax (043)

Definition for Tax Authority Washington (WA): Employee portion of the Washington Workers’ Compensation Medical Aid Fund and Stay at Work Program taxes.

Controlling Infotype: Unemployment State (0209)

Associated wage type for tax collection: /443 TX EE Medical Aid Fund Ta

Reporting Responsibility: OFM reports workers compensation taxes, wages, and hours to Washington Department of Labor and Industries (LNI). Agencies may be responsible for amendments. 

Exempt Status - Other Taxes (US) (0235):

•    Blank: means no exemptions entered; taxes will be collected, and wages and hours will be reported to Washington LNI.
•    Y – Exempt, not reportable: using this exemption means no tax is collected, and wages and hours are not reported to LNI.

There are five tax types for Washington's workers’ compensation program. If no taxes should be collected, be sure to exempt all the related employee and employer tax types; see Employer Accident Fund Tax (032), Employer Medical Aid Fund Tax (033), Employer Suplmtal Pension Tax (034), and Employee Suplmtal Pension Tax (042)

Note: The Medical Aid Fund and Stay at Work Program are two of the four funds under Washington’s workers’ compensation program. Refer to RCW and Washington Department of Labor & Industries rules for determining when an individual is not covered or reportable under Washington’s workers’ compensation program and should be exempted in HRMS. 

Employee Medical Leave Insurance Tx (099)

Definition for Tax Authority Washington (WA):  Employee portion of the Washington Paid Medical Leave tax; which is part of Washington's Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) program.

Controlling Infotype: Unemployment State (0209)

Associated wage type for tax collection: /499 TX EE Medical Leave Insur

Reporting Responsibility: OFM reports PFML wages and hours to Washington Employment Security Department (ESD). Agencies may be responsible for amendments. 

Exempt Status - Other Taxes (US) (0235):

•    Blank: means no exemptions entered, taxes will be collected, and wages and hours will be reported to Washington ESD.
•    Y – Exempt, not reportable: using this exemption means no tax is collected, and wages and hours are not reported to the ESD.

There are three tax types for the paid family and medical leave program. If no taxes should be collected, be sure to exempt all the related employee and employer tax types. See Employee Family Leave Insurance Tax (087) and Employer Medical Leave Insurance Tx (100)

Note: Refer to RCW, Washington State Employment Security Department rules, and Employer LTSS & PFML IT0235 Decision Matrix for determining when an individual is not covered or reportable under Washington’s paid family and medical leave program and should be exempted in HRMS. 

Employee Medicare Tax (005)

Definition for Tax Authority Federal (FED): Employee portion of the US Medicare tax; also known as the hospital insurance program (HI).

Controlling Infotype: Residence Tax Area (0207)

Associated wage type for tax collection: /405 TX EE Medicare Tax

Reporting Responsibility: OFM reports social security taxes and wages to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and Social Security Administration (SSA). Agencies may be responsible for amendments. 

Exempt Status - Other Taxes (US) (0235):

•    Blank: means no exemptions entered; taxes will be collected and wages will be reported to the SSA and IRS.
•    Y – Exempt, not reportable: using this exemption means no tax is collected and wages are not reported to the SSA and IRS.

Employees and employers both pay medicare taxes. If no taxes should be collected, be sure to exempt both the employee and employer tax types; see Employer Medicare Tax (006)

Note: Refer to SSA and IRS rules for determining when an individual is exempt from Medicare taxes. 

Employee Social Security Tax (003)

Definition for Tax Authority Federal (FED): Employee portion of the US social security tax; also known as the old-age, survivors’, and disability insurance program (OASI or OASDI).

Controlling Infotype: Residence Tax Area (0207)

Associated wage type for tax collection: /403 TX EE Social Security Tax

Reporting Responsibility: OFM reports social security taxes and wages to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and Social Security Administration (SSA). Agencies may be responsible for amendments. 

Exempt Status - Other Taxes (US) (0235):

•    Blank: means no exemptions entered; taxes will be collected and wages will be reported to the SSA and IRS.
•    Y – Exempt, not reportable: using this exemption means no tax is collected and wages are not reported to the SSA and IRS.

Employees and employers both pay social security taxes. If no taxes should be collected, be sure to exempt both the employee and employer tax types. See Employer Social Security Tax (004)

Note: Refer to SSA and IRS rules for determining when an individual is exempt from U.S. Social Security taxes. 

Employee Suplmtal Pension Tax (042)

Definition for Tax Authority Washington (WA):  Employee portion of the Washington Workers’ Compensation Supplemental Pension tax.

Controlling Infotype: Unemployment State (0209)

Associated wage type for tax collection: /442 TX EE Suplmtal Pension Tx

Reporting Responsibility: OFM reports workers compensation taxes, wages, and hours to Washington Department of Labor and Industries (LNI). Agencies may be responsible for amendments. 

Exempt Status - Other Taxes (US) (0235):

•    Blank: means no exemptions entered; taxes will be collected, and wages and hours will be reported to Washington LNI.
•    Y – Exempt, not reportable: using this exemption means no tax is collected, and wages and hours are not reported to LNI.

There are five tax types for the workers’ compensation program. If no taxes should be collected, be sure to exempt all the related employee and employer tax types; see Employer Accident Fund Tax (032), Employer Medical Aid Fund Tax (033), Employer Suplmtal Pension Tax (034), and Employee Medical Aid Fund Tax (043).  

Note: The Supplemental Pension Fund is one of four funds under the Workers’ Compensation program. Refer to RCW and Washington’s Department of Labor & Industries rules for determining when an individual is not covered or reportable under Washington’s workers’ compensation program and should be exempted in HRMS.  

Employee Worker Compensation Tax (040)

Definition for Tax Authority Oregon (OR):  Employee portion of the Oregon Workers Benefit Fund (WBF) assessment, which is part of Oregon's Workers' Compensation program.

Controlling Infotype: Unemployment State (0209)

Associated wage type for tax collection: /440 TX EE Worker Compensation

Reporting Responsibility: Agencies are responsible for satisfying workers' compensation and workers benefit fund reporting requirement with Oregon.

Exempt Status - Other Taxes (US) (0235):

•    Blank: means no exemptions entered; taxes will be collected and reportable hours will be accumulated.
•    Y – Exempt, not reportable: using this exemption means no tax is collected and hours are not accumulated.

Employees and employers both pay into Oregon’s workers benefit fund. If no taxes should be collected, be sure to exempt both the employee and employer tax types. See Employer Worker Compensation Tax (030)

Note: Refer to applicable rules for when an individual is not covered or reportable under Oregon’s workers’ compensation program and should be exempted in HRMS. 

Employer Accident Fund Tax (032)

Definition for Tax Authority Washington (WA): Washington Workers’ Compensation Accident Fund tax. Only employers pay into the accident fund.

Controlling Infotype: Unemployment State (0209)

Associated wage type for tax collection: /432 TX ER Accident Fund Tax

Reporting Responsibility: OFM reports workers compensation taxes, wages, and hours to Washington Department of Labor and Industries (LNI). Agencies may be responsible for amendments. 

Exempt Status - Other Taxes (US) (0235):

•    Blank: means no exemptions entered; taxes will be collected, and wages and hours will be reported to Washington LNI.
•    Y – Exempt, not reportable: using this exemption means no tax is collected, and wages and hours are not reported to LNI.

There are five tax types for the workers’ compensation program. If no taxes should be collected, be sure to exempt all the related employee and employer tax types; see Employer Medical Aid Fund Tax (033), Employer Suplmtal Pension Tax (034), Employee Suplmtal Pension Tax (042), and Employee Medical Aid Fund Tax (043)

Note: The Accident Fund is one of four funds under the Workers’ Compensation program. Refer to RCW and Washington’s Department of Labor and Industries rules for determining when an individual is not covered or reportable under Washington’s workers’ compensation program and should be exempted in HRMS.  

Employer Medical Aid Fund Tax (033)

Definition for Tax Authority Washington (WA): Employer portions of the Washington Workers’ Compensation Medical Aid Fund and Stay at Work Program taxes.

Controlling Infotype: Unemployment State (0209)

Associated wage type for tax collection: /433 TX ER Medical Aid Fund Ta

Reporting Responsibility: OFM reports workers compensation taxes, wages, and hours to Washington Department of Labor and Industries (LNI). Agencies may be responsible for amendments. 

Exempt Status - Other Taxes (US) (0235):

•    Blank: means no exemptions entered; taxes will be collected, and wages and hours will be reported to Washington LNI.
•    Y – Exempt, not reportable: using this exemption means no tax is collected, and wages and hours are not reported to LNI.

There are five tax types for the workers’ compensation program. If no taxes should be collected, be sure to exempt all the related employee and employer tax types; see Employer Accident Fund Tax (032), Employer Suplmtal Pension Tax (034), Employee Suplmtal Pension Tax (042), and Employee Medical Aid Fund Tax (043)

Note: The Medical Aid Fund and Stay at Work Program are two of the four funds under the Workers’ Compensation program. Refer to RCW and Washington’s Department of Labor and Industries rules for determining when an individual is not covered or reportable under Washington’s workers’ compensation program and should be exempted in HRMS.  

Employer Medical Leave Insurance Tx (100)

Definition for Tax Authority Washington (WA):  Employer portion of the Washington Paid Medical Leave tax; which is part of Washington's Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) program. 

Controlling Infotype: Unemployment State (0209)

Associated wage type for tax collection: /4A0 TX ER Medical Leave Insur

Reporting Responsibility: OFM reports PFML wages and hours to Washington Employment Security Department (ESD). Agencies may be responsible for amendments. 

Exempt Status - Other Taxes (US) (0235):

•    Blank: means no exemptions entered, taxes will be collected, and wages and hours will be reported to Washington ESD.
•    Y – Exempt, not reportable: using this exemption means no tax is collected, and wages and hours are not reported to the ESD.

There are three tax types for the paid family and medical leave program. If no taxes should be collected, be sure to exempt all the related employee and employer tax types. See Employee Family Leave Insurance Tax (087) and Employee Medical Leave Insurance Tx (099)

Note: Refer to RCW, Washington State Employment Security Department rules, and Employer LTSS & PFML IT0235 Decision Matrix for determining when an individual is not covered or reportable under Washington’s paid family and medical leave program and should be exempted in HRMS. 

Employer Medicare Tax (006)

Definition for Tax Authority Federal (FED): Employer portion of the US Medicare tax; also known as the hospital insurance program (HI).

Controlling Infotype: Residence Tax Area (0207)

Associated wage type for tax collection: /406 TX ER Medicare Tax

Reporting Responsibility: OFM reports social security taxes and wages to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and Social Security Administration (SSA). Agencies may be responsible for amendments.

Exempt Status - Other Taxes (US) (0235):

•    Blank: means no exemptions entered; taxes will be collected and wages will be reported to the SSA and IRS.
•    Y – Exempt, not reportable: using this exemption means no tax is collected and wages are not reported to the SSA and IRS.

Employees and employers both pay medicare taxes. If no taxes should be collected, be sure to exempt both the employee and employer tax types; see Employee Medicare Tax (005)

Note: Refer to SSA and IRS rules for determining when an individual is exempt from Medicare taxes. 

Employer Social Security Tax (004)

Definition for Tax Authority Federal (FED): Employer portion of the US social security tax; also known as the old-age, survivors’, and disability insurance program (OASI or OASDI).

Controlling Infotype: Residence Tax Area (0207)

Associated wage type for tax collection: /404 TX ER Social Security Tax

Reporting Responsibility: OFM reports social security taxes and wages to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and Social Security Administration (SSA). Agencies may be responsible for amendments. 

Exempt Status - Other Taxes (US) (0235):

•    Blank: means no exemptions entered; taxes will be collected and wages will be reported to the SSA and IRS.
•    Y – Exempt, not reportable: using this exemption means no tax is collected and wages are not reported to the SSA and IRS.

Employees and employers both pay social security taxes. If no taxes should be collected, be sure to exempt both the employee and employer tax types. See Employee Social Security Tax (003)

Note: Refer to SSA and IRS rules for determining when an individual is exempt from U.S. Social Security taxes. 

Employer Suplmtal Pension Tax (034)

Definition for Tax Authority Washington (WA): Employer portion of the Washington Workers’ Compensation Supplemental Pension tax.

Controlling Infotype: Unemployment State (0209)

Associated wage type for tax collection: /434 TX ER Suplmtal Pension Tx

Reporting Responsibility: OFM reports workers compensation taxes, wages, and hours to Washington Department of Labor and Industries (LNI). Agencies may be responsible for amendments. 

Exempt Status - Other Taxes (US) (0235):

•    Blank: means no exemptions entered; taxes will be collected, and wages and hours will be reported to Washington LNI.
•    Y – Exempt, not reportable: using this exemption means no tax is collected, and wages and hours are not reported to LNI.

There are five tax types for the workers’ compensation program. If no taxes should be collected, be sure to exempt all the related employee and employer tax types; see Employer Accident Fund Tax (032), Employer Medical Aid Fund Tax (033), Employee Suplmtal Pension Tax (042), and Employee Medical Aid Fund Tax (043)

Note: The Supplemental Pension Fund is one of four funds under the Workers’ Compensation program. Refer to RCW and Washington’s Department of Labor and Industries rules for determining when an individual is not covered or reportable under Washington’s workers’ compensation program and should be exempted in HRMS. 

Employer Unemployment Tax (010)

Definition for Tax Authority Idaho (ID): Idaho’s unemployment program; also known as unemployment insurance (UI or SUI).

HRMS is configured assuming all state of Washington agency employers are considered reimbursing employers in Idaho, meaning agencies do not pay unemployment insurance taxes or premiums and instead are billed for approved claims. This tax type is used to aid in agencies’ manual unemployment reporting to Idaho Department of Labor.

Definition for Tax Authority Oregon (OR): Oregon’s unemployment program; also known as unemployment insurance (UI or SUI). 

HRMS is configured assuming all state of Washington agency employers are considered reimbursing employers in Oregon, meaning agencies do not pay unemployment insurance taxes or premiums and instead are billed for approved claims. This tax type is used to aid in agencies’ manual unemployment reporting to Oregon Department of Revenue.

Definition for Tax Authority Washington (WA): Washington’s unemployment program; also known as unemployment insurance (UI or SUI). 

HRMS is configured assuming all state of Washington agency employers are considered reimbursing employers, meaning agencies do not pay unemployment insurance taxes or premiums and instead are billed for approved claims. This tax type is used for necessary reporting to Washington Employment Security Department.

Controlling Infotype: Unemployment State (0209)

Associated wage type for tax collection: none

Reporting Responsibility: OFM reports unemployment wages and hours to Washington ESD; agencies may be responsible for amendments. Agencies are responsible for satisfying unemployment reporting requirements with Oregon and Idaho. 

Exempt Status – Other Taxes (US) (0235):
•    Blank: means no exemptions entered and wages will be accumulated in /610 and /710 wage types for necessary reporting with the applicable tax authority.
•    Y – Exempt, not reportable: using this exemption means wages are not accumulated in /610 or /710 wage types.

Note: Refer to applicable rules for determining when an individual is not covered or reportable under the state’s unemployment insurance program (that is set on the employee’s Unemployment State (0209) infotype record) and should be exempted in HRMS. 

Employer Worker Compensation Tax (030)

Definition for Tax Authority Oregon (OR): Employer portion of the Oregon Workers Benefit Fund (WBF) assessment, which is part of Oregon’s Workers’ Compensation program.

Controlling Infotype: Unemployment State (0209)

Associated wage type for tax collection: /430 TX ER Worker Compesatn Tx

Reporting Responsibility: Agencies are responsible for satisfying workers’ compensation and workers’ benefit fund reporting requirements with Oregon. 

Exempt Status – Other Taxes (US) (0235):
•    Blank: means no exemptions entered; taxes will be collected and reportable hours will be accumulated.
•    Y – Exempt, not reportable: using this exemption means no tax is collected and hours are not accumulated.

Employees and employers both pay into Oregon’s workers benefit fund. If no taxes should be collected, be sure to exempt both the employee and employer tax types. See Employee Worker Compensation Tax (040)

Note: Refer to applicable rules for when an individual is not covered or reportable under Oregon’s workers’ compensation program and should be exempted in HRMS. 

ER PFML Tax State Plan (118)

Definition for Tax Authority Oregon (OR): Employer portion of Oregon’s Paid Leave Oregon program.

Controlling Infotype: Unemployment State (0209)

Associated wage type for tax collection: /4B8 TX ER PFML Tax State Plan

Reporting Responsibility: Agencies are responsible for satisfying Paid Leave Oregon reporting requirements with Oregon.

Exempt Status – Other Taxes (US) (0235):
•    Blank: means no exemptions entered; taxes will be collected and wages will be accumulated.
•    Y – Exempt, not reportable: using this exemption means no tax is collected and wages are not accumulated.

Employees and employers both pay into the Paid Leave Oregon program. If no taxes should be collected, be sure to exempt both the employee and employer tax types. See EE PFML Tax State Plan (117)

Note: Refer to applicable rules for when an individual is not covered or reportable under Oregon’s paid leave program and should be exempted in HRMS. 

Statewide Transit Tax (096)

Definition for Tax Authority Oregon (OR): Oregon statewide transit tax withholding. The Oregon statewide transit tax is only paid by the employee.

Controlling Infotype: Residence Tax Area (0207) and Work Tax Area (0208)

Associated wage type for tax collection: /496 TX Statewide Transit

Reporting Responsibility: Agencies are responsible for satisfying statewide transit tax reporting requirements with Oregon.

Exempt Status – Other Taxes (US) (0235):
•    Blank: means no exemptions entered; taxes will be collected and wages will be accumulated.
•    Y – Exempt, not reportable: using this exemption means no tax is collected and wages are not accumulated.

Note: Refer to Oregon laws and rules for determining when an individual is not covered or reportable under Oregon’s statewide transit tax and should be exempted in HRMS. 

Transit District Excise Tax (035)

Definition for Tax Authority City of Canby Ltd (OR06): Canby Area Transit (CAT) payroll tax. This tax is only paid by the employer.

Definition for Tax Authority Eugene-springfield Ltd Auth. (OR02): Lane County Mass Transit payroll tax. This tax is only paid by the employer.

Definition for Tax Authority City of Portland Tri-met Authority (OR01): TriMet Transit payroll tax. This tax is only paid by the employer.

Definition for Tax Authority Sandy Transit System (OR05): Sandy Area Metro (SAM) payroll tax. This tax is only paid by the employer.

Definition for Tax Authority Wilsonville Transit District (OR04): South Metro Area Regional Transit (SMART) payroll tax. This tax is only paid by the employer.

Controlling Infotype: Work Tax Area (0208)

Associated wage type for tax collection: /435 TX ER Transit District Ex

Reporting Responsibility: Agencies are responsible for satisfying local transit tax reporting requirements with the appropriate tax entity.

Exempt Status – Other Taxes (US) (0235):

Note: There shouldn’t be a need to exempt an employee from a local transit tax. If the local transit tax does not apply to an employee, then select a different tax area on the employee’s Work Tax Area (0208) infotype record instead. 

WA Cares Fund LTC Tax - EE (113)

Definition for Tax Authority Washington (WA):  WA Cares Fund, also referred to as Long Term Services and Support (LTSS), long-term care tax. Only employees pay WA Cares Fund premiums.

Controlling Infotype: Unemployment State (0209)

Associated wage type for tax collection: /4B3 TX EE WA Cares Fund LTC T

Reporting Responsibility: OFM reports LTSS wages and hours to Washington Employment Security Department (ESD). Agencies may be responsible for amendments. 

Exempt Status - Other Taxes (US) (0235):

•    Blank: means no exemptions entered; taxes will be collected, and wages and hours will be reported to Washington ESD.
•    Y – Exempt, not reportable: using this exemption means no tax is collected, and wages and hours are not reported to the ESD.
•    R – Exempt, reportable: using this exemption means no tax is collected, but wages and hours are reported to the ESD.

Note: Refer to RCW, Washington State Employment Security Department rules, Employer Long Term Services and Supports FAQ, and Employer LTSS & PFML IT0235 Decision Matrix for determining when an individual is not covered under WA Cares program and whether their wages are reportable to ESD, and enter the appropriate exemption in HRMS when applicable. 

Withholding Tax (001)

Definition for Tax Authority Federal (FED): Federal income tax withholding. Federal income tax is only paid by the employee.

Definition for Tax Authority Idaho (ID): Idaho’s state income tax withholding. Idaho income tax is only paid by the employee.

Definition for Tax Authority Oregon (OR): Oregon’s state income tax withholding. Oregon income tax is only paid by the employee.

Controlling Infotypes: Residence Tax Area (0207) and Work Tax Area (0208)

Note: Once the applicable income taxes are turned on, based on the residence and/or work tax areas, withholding amounts are set on the Withholding Info W4/W5 US (0210) infotype.

Associated wage type for tax collection: /401 Withholding Tax

Reporting Responsibility: OFM reports income taxes and wages to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and Social Security Administration (SSA); agencies may be responsible for amendments. Agencies are responsible for satisfying income tax reporting requirements with the states of Oregon and Idaho.

Tax Exempt Indicator – Withholding Info W4/W5 US (0210):

  • Blank – Not Exempt: means no exemption; taxes will be collected, and wages and hours will be accumulated and/or reported.
  • Y – Exempt, not reportable: using this exemption means no tax is collected, and wages and hours are not accumulated and/or reported.
  • R – Exempt, reportable: using this exemption means no tax is collected, but wages and hours are accumulated and/or reported.

Note: Refer to applicable federal IRS, Idaho, or Oregon rules for determining when employees are subject to income tax withholding, or when an individual should be exempted in HRMS. 

Obsolete Tax Types 

Any Tax Types not defined above are not set-up for use by the State of Washington and should not be used.

Telework (EE)

Definition: Telework is the practice of working from home or other alternative locations closer to home through the use of technology which allows the employee to access normal work material (email, telephone, electronic documents, etc.). Telework may be scheduled or done on an ad hoc basis.

Notes: Telework data, combined with position and employee UFI address data, is used to help inform the state's long-term facilities planning and modern work policy decisions and monitoring. Refer to Executive Order 16-07 Building a Modern Work Environment and OFM's Statewide Space Use Policy for more information on how this data is used.

Refer to the State Facility Space Use Guidelines to view the Telework Schedule Crosswalks. Be aware that OFM Facilities Oversight uses amounts of time spent in the office, where HRMS captures amounts of time spent teleworking.

All employees should have an active Telework (EE) participation selection value; do not leave this field blank.

See Telework (POS) for the position's eligibility to telework. If a position has been marked as Not Eligible (NE) for telework but an employee in that position is currently participating in telework, then consider updating the position's eligibility.

Infotype: Telework/Flex Work (Employee) (9106) – included in HRMS F1 Help

Four days per week (EP8)

Definition: Use Four days per week if the employee is teleworking four days per week or approximately 76-90% of working hours.

Example: An employee working a 9/80 schedule (eight nine-hour days and one eight-hour day over two weeks) works in the office one day every two weeks and from home the remainder of the week. Set the employee's telework participation to Four days per week (EP8).

Full time/near full time remote (EP9)

Definition: Use Full time/near full time remote if the employee is teleworking on a full-time basis, more than four days per week, or 91-100% of working hours.

Example: An employee working a four-ten schedule (four 10-hour days each week) works remotely every day. Set the employee's telework participation to Full time/near full time remote (EP9).

Less than one day/ad hoc (EP0)

Definition: Use Less than one day/ad hoc if the employee is teleworking less than one day per week, less than 20% of working hours, or on an ad hoc basis.

Example: An employee working a five-eight schedule (five eight-hour days each week) works remotely one day per month. Set the employee's telework participation to Less than one day/ad hoc (EP0).

Not Participating (NP)

Definition: Use Not Participating if the employee is not currently teleworking.

Example: An employee works all hours at their assigned state facility. Set the employee's telework participation to Not Participating (NP).

One day per week (EP5)

Definition: Use One day per week if the employee is teleworking one day per week or approximately 20-39% of working hours.

Example: A 60% part-time employee working four six-hour days per week works in the office three days each week and from home one day each week. Set the employee's telework participation to One day per week (EP5).

Three days per week (EP7)

Definition: Use Three days per week if the employee is teleworking three days per week or approximately 51-75% of working hours.

Example: An employee working a five-eight schedule (five eight-hour days each week) works two days each week in the office and three days each week remotely. Set the employee's telework participation to Three days per week (EP7).

Two days per week (EP6)

Definition: Use Two days per week if the employee is teleworking two days per week or approximately 40-50% of working hours.

Example: An employee working a four-ten schedule (four 10-hour days each week) alternates working one week in the office and one week remotely; over a two-week period this equates to working remotely 50%. Set the employee's telework participation to Two days per week (EP6).

Obsolete Telework (EE) codes

To retain data integrity in reporting, the following obsolete Telework (EE) codes must not be used under any circumstance:

  • ZDNU - Less than 1 day every two weeks/adhoc (EP1)
  • ZDNU - EE Participating: 1-2 days every two weeks (EP2)
  • ZDNU - EE Participating: 3-4 days every two weeks (EP3)
  • ZDNU - EE Participating: 5 or more days every two weeks (EP4)

Telework (POS)

Definition: Telework is the practice of working from home or other alternative locations closer to home through the use of technology which allows the employee to access normal work material (email, telephone, electronic documents, etc.). Telework may be scheduled or done on an ad hoc basis.

Notes: Telework data, combined with position and employee UFI address data, is used to help inform the state's long-term facilities planning and modern work policy decisions and monitoring. Refer to Executive Order 16-07 Building a Modern Work Environment and OFM's Statewide Space Use Policy for more information on how this data is used.

See Telework (EE) for the employee's telework participation.

Infotype: Telework/Flex Work (POS) (9901) – included in HRMS F1 Help

Position Eligible (PE)

Definition: Use Position Eligible if any of the work the position performs can be done remotely via telework from home or other alternative location closer to home.

Not Eligible (NE)

Definition: Use Not Eligible if the position does not perform any work that can be done remotely via telework.

Time Management Status (Time Mgmt status)

Definition: Determines how leave accruals are calculated in the time evaluation process. The selection in this field should be based on the employee’s Employee Subgroup.

Infotype: Planned Working Time (0007) – included in HRMS F1 Help

1 – Time evaluation of actual times

Definition: Use 1 – Time evaluation of actual times for employees with a daily or hourly Employee Subgroup.

Example: An employee is paid hourly with Employee Subgroup H-OT Elig>40hrs/wk (05).

9 – Time evaluation of planned times

Definition: Use 9 – Time evaluation of planned times for employees with a monthly Employee Subgroup.

Example: An employee is paid monthly with Employee Subgroup M-OT Elig>40hrs/wk (06).

Obsolete Time Management Statuses

To retain data integrity in reporting, the following obsolete Time Management Statuses must not be used under any circumstance:
0 – No time evaluation
2 – PDC time evaluation
7 – Time evaluation without payroll integration
8 – External services

Unique Facility Identifier (UFI) Code

Definition: Unique Facility Identifier (UFI) Code is assigned to all state facilities listed in the state’s Facilities Inventory maintained by the Office of Financial Management. UFI codes are also available to identify a home-based assignment or field assignment based on city. There is also a non-disclosure option for work locations that are required to be kept confidential, such as undercover officers. The non-disclosure option is not a replacement for use of the Redaction Indicator to identify records for redaction consideration. 

Position UFI: Use the position UFI code and address to identify the location of the position’s official duty station. If an employee’s home is their official duty station you may select “home based” and the city in which the home is located. Do not use the actual employee’s address. 

See the State Administrative and Accounting Manual (SAAM) glossary for Official Duty Station.

Employee UFI: Use the employee UFI code and address to identify the location where the employee primarily conducts their work if different than their position’s official duty station. If an employee UFI override does not exist, the employee inherits their position’s UFI address.

See the State Administrative and Accounting Manual (SAAM) glossary for Official Worksite.

Notes: This data, combined with telework data, is used to help inform the state’s long-term facilities planning and modern work policy decisions and monitoring. UFI data is also shared with many downstream systems including but not limited to Statewide HR Database (SWHR), Salary Projection System (SPS), Compensation Impact Model (CIM), the Washington State Learning Center, eUnion reports, WA Agency Alerts emergency notification system.  

UFI Codes are added to HRMS for state owned or leased facilities when an agency Facilities Portfolio Management Tool (FPMT) user selects the HRMS check box in the FPMT. UFI Codes are added to HRMS for home based and field assignment cities by OFM Facilities Oversight staff upon agency request. Refer to the Unique Facility Identifier (UFI) FAQs for more information on this process.

The UFI address does not need to be updated for short duration or temporary changes if the employee is reasonably expected to return to their current location. 

Refer to the State Administrative and Accounting Manual (SAAM) for further definitions and travel regulations. Also, refer to any applicable rules under Title 357 WAC or collective bargaining agreements as needed.


  • A position’s official duty station is assigned to 128 10th Ave SW, Olympia, WA. The position’s UFI Code is set to A03116. The employee primarily works at the same location, so a UFI override is not entered on the employee.
  • Using the example above, employees assigned to the office building at 128 10th Ave SW, Olympia are unable to work in the building for approximately six months because of a water leak and subsequent construction repairs needed. If the employees are expected to return to the office building once it’s operable, then changes to the UFI codes are not necessary.  
  • A position’s official duty station is assigned to 1500 Jefferson St SE, Olympia, WA. The position’s UFI Code is set to A10186. The employee has an approved telework agreement to work from their home in Tacoma, WA three days per week. The employee’s UFI Code is set to Z00320 to override the position’s code.
    Note: This example would apply to three or more days, up to and including full-time remote work, where the agency assigns the position's official duty station as a state facility worksite. This is different than the next example where the position's official duty station is assigned to the incumbent's home.
  • A position has been designated as fully remote and the official duty station will be the employee’s home. The current incumbent lives in Union Gap, WA. The position’s UFI Code is set to Z00334. A UFI override is not entered on the employee. 
  • A position’s official duty station is assigned to 1111 Washington St SE, Olympia, WA. The position’s UFI Code is set to A02641. The employee primarily works in the field in Lewis County. The employee’s UFI Code is set to Z00430 to override the position’s code. 

Infotypes: Address (1028) – included in HRMS F1 Help
Duty Station Address (9105) – included in HRMS F1 Help


Definition: Availability of the position to be filled; for example, for layoff, recruitment, and reasonable accommodation purposes.

Infotype: Vacancy (1007) – included in HRMS F1 Help

Open (0)

Definition: For positions with Employee Group Permanent, Seasonal, Elected, Appointed, Board/Commission, Civil Service Exempt, Project, NWSpeclEmplymntComp, and NW SupportedEmplymnt use Open when:

  • The position is not filled and no employees have return rights or are expected to return to that specific position; or
  • The position is filled by an employee with an Acting, NonPerm On Call, NonPerm Limited, or Temporary appointment and no employees have return rights or are expected to return to that specific position.

For positions with Employee Group Temporary, Non-Perm On Call, Relief, Retired FireFighters, Non-Perm Limited, Non-Employee, and WSP NonEE Disab always use Open.

  • An employee leaves a permanent position to accept a trial service appointment.
  • A position is filled with a non-perm limited appointment during the recruitment process.
  • A non-perm on call position is filled.

Vacancy Filled (2)

Definition: For positions with Employee Group Permanent, Seasonal, Elected, Appointed, Board/Commission, Civil Service Exempt, Project, NWSpeclEmplymntComp, and NW SupportedEmplymnt use Vacancy Filled when:

  • The position is filled by an employee with one of the following permanent or intent to become permanent appointment statuses: Permanent, In Training, Probationary, Trial Service, InTrng/Prob, InTrng/Trl Srv, Apprentice, Apprntc/Prob, Apprntc/Trl Srv, Transitional, Apprntc/Trnstnl, Exempt, Seasonal, Seasonal TrSvc, Seasonal – Prob, Project, Project TrSvc, Project – Prob, WMS Review, or Board/Comm;
  • The position is filled by an employee with an Acting, NonPerm On Call, NonPerm Limited, or Temporary appointment and an employee has return rights or is expected to return to that specific position; or
  • The position is not filled and an employee has return rights or is expected to return to that specific position.


  • A seasonal position is filled with a seasonal probationary appointment.
  • A permanent position is filled with a non-perm limited appointment, and the previous permanent holder has return rights to this specific position.
  • A civil service exempt position is not filled, but the previous holder is expected to return to this specific position after a temporary appointment.

Veteran Status

Definition: Indicates whether or not an employee has actively served in the Armed Forces of the United States.

Infotype: Additional Personal Data (0077) – included in HRMS F1 Help

Discharge Date

Definition: The most recent discharge date from active military service in any branch of the armed forces, as indicated on the employee’s Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty form DD214 or similar discharge paperwork.

Disabled Veteran

Definition: A veteran who is entitile to compensation under laws administered by the Department of Veteran Affairs or a person who was discharged or released from active duty because of a service-connected disability. This includes veterans who would be entitled to disability compensation if they were not receiving military retirement pay instead.


Definition: A person who does not qualify for Veteran’s Status or has not disclosed any military service. This includes individuals who received a dishonorable discharge or do not meet other necessary qualifications for veteran status under “Other Protected Veteran”.

Other Protected Veteran

Definition: A person who:

  • served on active duty for a period of more than 180 days and was discharged or released therefrom with other than a dishonorable discharge;
  • was discharged or released from active duty because of a service-connected disability (see also Special Disabled Veteran);
  • as a member of a reserve component, served on active duty during a period of war or in a campaign or expedition for which a campaign badge is authorized and was discharged or released from such duty with other than a dishonorable discharge; or
  • was discharged or released from active duty by reason of sole surviorship discharge.

Note: This field will be the primary source of data for “all veterans” headcount in enterprise reports. Individuals who have been coded in any other veteran category (other than Non-veteran) should also be coded in this field.

Prefers Not to Answer

Definition: A person whose veteran status is unknown or who has indicated they prefer not to provide this information.

Special Disabled Veteran

Definition: A veteran who is entitled to compensation under laws administered by the Department of Veteran Affairs for:

  • a disability rated at 30 percent or more; or,
  • a disability rated at 10 or 20 percent in the case of a veteran who has been determined under 38 U.S.C. 3106 to have a serious employment handicap; or,
  • a discharge or release from active duty because of a service-connected disability.

This includes veterans who would be entitled to disability compensation if they were not receiving military retirement pay instead.

Note: This field will be the primary source of data for "Veterans with Disabilities” headcount in enterprise reports (see also Other Protected Veteran).

Vietnam-era Veteran

Definition: A veteran of the U.S. military, ground, naval or air service, any part of whose service was during the period August 5, 1964 through May 7, 1975, who served on active duty for a period of more than 180 days and was discharged or released with other than a dishonorable discharge, or was discharged or released from active duty because of a service-connected disability. Includes any veteran of the U.S. military, ground, naval or air service who served in the Republic of Vietnam between February 28, 1961 and May 7, 1975 (see also Other Protected Veteran).

Note: This field will be the primary source of data for "Vietnam Era Veterans" headcount in enterprise reports.

Obsolete Veteran Status Codes

To retain data integrity in reporting, the following obsolete Veteran Status codes must not be used under any circumstance:

  • Armed Forces Service Medal Veteran
  • Not a Protected Veteran
  • Recently Separated Veteran

Wage Types

Definition: A type of payment that separates amounts and time units for various business processes.


Wage Type Long Text


How is Payment Processed?


Associates Degree


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


WSP Trooper of the year


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


WSP Cert Tech of the Year


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


Bachelors Degree


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


WSP Auto Theft of the YR


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


WSP Drug Recog Expert


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


Intern Watch Crew


Paid per hour


Qualified Assessor


Paid per hour


WSP Cert Recon


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


WSP Cert Tech Specialist


Added to Basic Pay (0008)




Paid per hour


King Co Premium Pay


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


L&I Risk Class Code


Added to Additional Payments (0015)


SCC Work Premium Pay


Paid per day


AGO Acting Division Chief


Added to Additional Payments (0015)


Shift df $2.50 Nurses


Paid per hour


State Bar Reimbursment


Added to Additional Payments (0015)


PE Licensure Lump Sum


Added to Additional Payments (0015)


Shift df $2.50 Nurses OT


Paid per hour


Standby $100/day


Paid per day


Psych Hiring Incentive


Added to Additional Payments (0015)




Paid per hour


ITPS Supervisor Premium


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


Remote Work Allowance


Added to Additional Payments (0015)


Recog Cash Equiv


Added to Additional Payments (0015)




Added to Additional Payments (0015)


Referral Incentive


Added to Additional Payments (0015)


Cash Recognition


Added to Additional Payments (0015)


EMS Performance Comp


Added to Additional Payments (0015)


MEBA Wage Supplement


Paid per day


CDL Wellness Incentive


Added to Additional Payments (0015)


Represented Lump Sum Pmt


Added to Additional Payments (0015)


5xbase Fri Harbr - 4051

5x rate of pay 

Paid per hour


Recruit/Ret Inc-No Un/Ret


Added to Recurring Payments / Deductions (0014) or Additional Payments (0015)



10% per hour

Paid per hour



10% per hour

Paid per hour


WTO R Relief Yard Oiler


Paid per hour


WTO S Relief Yard Oiler


Paid per hour


WTO R Staff Chief Eng


Paid per hour


WTO R Alt Staff Chief Eng


Paid per hour


WTO R Chief Engineer


Paid per hour


WTO R Relief Chief Eng


Paid per hour


WTO R Asst Engineer


Paid per hour


WTO R Relief Asst Eng


Paid per hour


WTO R Oiler


Paid per hour


WTO R Relief Oiler


Paid per hour


WTO R Yard Oiler


Paid per hour


WTO R Wiper


Paid per hour


WTO R Yard Wiper


Paid per hour


WTO S Staff Chief Eng


Paid per hour


WTO S Alt Staff Chief Eng


Paid per hour


WTO S Chief Engineer


Paid per hour


WTO S Relief Chief Eng


Paid per hour


WTO S Asst Engineer


Paid per hour


WTO S Relief Asst Eng


Paid per hour


WTO S Oiler


Paid per hour


WTO S Relief Oiler


Paid per hour


WTO S Yard Oiler


Paid per hour


WTO S Wiper


Paid per hour


WTO S Yard Wiper


Paid per hour


Extra Duty Hrs Workd 1.25






Paid per hour


AP REF 2 Forklift Op


Added to Basic Pay (0008)




Paid per hour


AP REF 5 Highway Equip


Paid per hour


Acting Attndt Counselor 2

2 Ranges

Paid per hour


Acting Attndt Counselor 3

3 Ranges

Paid per hour


AP REF12 Higher Lvl Eq

4 Ranges

Paid per hour


IBU Passenger Counting


Paid per hour


AP REF16 Pesticide


Paid per hour


AP REF18 Dual Lang BasePy

2 Ranges

Added to Basic Pay (0008)


AP REF18 Dual Lang Hrly

2 Ranges

Paid per hour


AP REF24B Temp Spill


Paid per hour


AP REF27 WSP Forensics


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


AP REF29 GroupC Loc 1 Rg

1 Range

Added to Basic Pay (0008)


AP REF29 GroupC Loc 2 Rg

2 Ranges

Added to Basic Pay (0008)


AP REF37A-D Train/Recert


Paid per hour


AP REF39 Class C Equip


Paid per hour


AP REF42 Train/Recert


Paid per hour


Dog/Equine Handler Day Off


Paid per day



2 Ranges

Paid per hour


Rec/Ret Up to 15% Base


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


Rec/Ret Over 15% Base


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


AP REF49 NightHazard-Hrly


Paid per hour


Rec/Ret Up to 15% Lump


Added to Recurring Payments / Deductions (0014) or Additional Payments (0015)


Rec/Ret Over 15% Lump


Added to Recurring Payments / Deductions (0014) or Additional Payments (0015)


AP VAR Exceptions Base


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


AP VAR Exceptions Hrly


Paid per hour


VAR Emergency Ops/Fire


Paid per hour


VAR Emergency Ops/Fire OT


Paid per hour


VAR Draw Duty


Paid per hour


Relief WCSupr 4% - 4051


Paid per hour


Dog Handler


Paid per hour


Higher Lvl Duties 2 Rng

2 Ranges

Added to Basic Pay (0008)


Higher Lvl Duties 4 Rng

4 Ranges

Added to Basic Pay (0008)


Higher Lvl Duties Var


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


AP REF49 Night Hazard


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


Term Lead Acting as Supv


Paid per hour


AP REF50 Train/Recert


Paid per hour


WSP BAC Technician


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


Board Certification


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


AP REF38 Def Tactics


Paid per hour


DSHS Preceptor Pay


Paid per hour


Float Pool Premium Pay


Paid per hour


Acting Charge Nurse


Paid per hour


Student Loan Repayment

up to $25,000

Added to Additional Payments (0015)


Acting PSA MHT 1

3 Ranges

Paid per hour


Acting PSA MHT 2

1 Range

Paid per hour


AP REF 1 Pat Res S/T/C


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


AP REF 4 PBX/Tel Suprvsn


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


AP REF 7 171-H/28-D


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


AP REF 9 Floor Care Crew


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


AP REF10 Out of State


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


AP REF11 Care Curriculum


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


AP REF12 Higher Lvl Eq


Paid per hour


AP REF14 Bridge Paint Ins


Paid per hour


AP REF17 Non Truck Dr


Paid per hour


AP REF18 Dual Lang BasePy


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


AP REF18 Dual Lang Hrly


Paid per hour


AP REF20 Asbestos


Paid per hour


AP REF21 Tacoma Narrows


Paid per hour


AP REF22 UBIT/Bridge Deck


Paid per hour


AP REF24A Perm Spill


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


AP REF25 CrimeLab Support


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


AP REF26 Fish Hauling


Paid per hour


AP REF29 GroupC Loc 2.5%


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


AP REF29 GroupC Loc 5%


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


AP REF29 GroupC Loc 7.5%


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


AP REF29 GroupC Loc 10%


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


AP REF29 GroupC Loc 12.5%


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


AP REF29 GroupC Loc 15%


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


AP REF29 GroupC Loc 17.5%


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


AP REF29 GroupC Loc 20%


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


AP REF29 GroupC Loc 22.5%


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


AP REF29 GroupC Loc 25%


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


AP REF29 GroupC Loc 27.5%


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


AP REF29 GroupC Loc 30%


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


AP REF29 GroupC Loc 32.5%


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


AP REF29 GroupC Loc 35%


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


AP REF29 GroupC Loc 37.5%


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


AP REF29 GroupC Loc 40%


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


AP REF30 Computer Audit


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


AP REF32 McNeil Fuel Oil


Paid per hour


AP REF33 Tech Audit


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


AP REF34 Firearm


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


AP REF35 Pres Steward


Paid per hour


AP REF36 Back Flow


Paid per hour


AP REF41 Flt/ClassB Drug


Paid per hour


AP REF43 EDL Course


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


AP REF48 Illeg Encamp


Paid per hour




Paid per hour




Paid per hour




Paid per hour




Added to Basic Pay (0008)




Paid per hour


AP REF59 Speclty Teams


Paid per hour


AP REF62 NW High Int Drug


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


AP REF63 Tree Felling


Paid per hour


AP RE64 NW Reg Traff Mgm


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


AP REF66 Pharmacists Clin


Paid per hour


Dog Handler OT


Paid per hour


ShipyrdCmpt OT 1.5-4051

15% (1.5 x 10%)

Paid per hour


ShipyrdCmpt OT 2.0-4051

20% (2.0 x 10%)

Paid per hour


AP REF67 DFW Detective


Added to Basic Pay (0008)




Paid per hour




Paid per hour


AP REF68 Instruc DT/Fire


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


AP REF69 Instruc Other


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


Training Premium-4051


Paid per hour


24/7 Facility Prem-BasePy


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


24/7 Facility Prem-Hrly


Paid per hour


AP REF71 CVEO Compl Rev


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


AP REF72 CVEO New Entrant


Added to Basic Pay (0008)



Up to 1 hour at the overtime rate (.5x)

Paid per hour


AP REF74 CVEO Cert Cargo


Paid per hour


Board Certification ARNP


Added to Additional Payments (0015)


CDL Renewal Reimb

Max $200

Added to Recurring Payments / Deductions (0014) or Additional Payments (0015)


COVID19 Up-to-Date-No Due


Added to Additional Payments (0015)


DFW Longev prem 10-14 yrs


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


DFW Longev prem 15-19 yrs


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


DFW Longev prem 20-24 yrs


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


DFW Longev prem 25 yrs+


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


DFW Longev prem 5-9 yrs


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


DFW Pierce


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


DFW Snohomish


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


Duty Pay 10% of Base-4051


Paid per hour


AAG Retent Prem 5-9 Yrs


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


AAG Retent Prem 10+ Yrs


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


Lump Sum - No Union Dues


Added to Additional Payments (0015)


Recruit/Ret Inc-No Union


Added to Additional Payments (0015)


Nurse Preceptor Premium


Paid per hour


Oiler License - 4051


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


OT Shift Df 1.50 all


Paid per hour


OT Shift Df 4.00 all


Paid per hour


Travel Notice Penalty

1.5x hrly rate/hr

Paid per hour


Community Response Unit


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


Civil Commitment Unit


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


Prison Backfill Retention


Added to Additional Payments (0015)


AP REF37E CVEO Instructor


Paid per hour


Shft Dff $2.50 all Agys


Paid per hour


Specialty Team Premium

2 ranges

Added to Basic Pay (0008)


Supplement Shift Df 1.50


Paid per hour


Supplement Shift df 2.50


Paid per hour


Supplement Shift Df 4.00


Paid per hour


Training Sergeant Premium


Added to Basic Pay (0008)




Paid per hour


AP REF75 Heavy Equip


Paid per hour




Paid per hour




Paid per hour




Paid per hour




Paid per hour


Supplement Shift Df


Added to Basic Pay (0008)




Paid per hour


Tool Allowance (Variable)


Added to Recurring Payments (0014) or Additional Payments (0015)


COVID19 Up-to-Date-Dues


Added to Additional Payments (0015)


OT Shift Df 2.50 all

$2.50 per hour

Paid per hour


AP REF75 Hvy Equip BasePy


Added to Basic Pay (0008)


WFSE-Maint of Membership


Added to Recurring Payments / Deductions (0014) or Additional Payments (0015)


5xbase Fri Harbr - 4051 (1300)

Definition: (WSDOT Marine Only) When dispatched to Friday Harbor, employees in relief status receive five (5) hours of pay for each day assigned.

24/7 Facility Prem-BasePy (1893)

Definition: (DCYF, DSHS and DVA only) Employees assigned to a 24x7 facility that provides direct care to residents, patients and/or clients and whose duties are required to be performed on identified location and meet specified requirements will receive an additional five percent (5%) premium pay for all hours worked. For 23-25 biennium only. Hours worked does not include holidays not worked and hours designated as vacation leave, sick leave and compensatory time.

24/7 Facility Prem-Hrly (1894)

Definition: (DCYF, DSHS and DVA only) Employees assigned to a 24x7 facility that provides direct care to residents, patients and/or clients and whose duties are required to be performed on identified location and meet specified requirements will receive an additional five percent (5%) premium pay for all hours worked. For 23-25 biennium only. Hours worked does not include holidays not worked and hours designated as vacation leave, sick leave and compensatory time.

AAG Retent Prem 5-9 Yrs (1910)

Definition: (Office of Attorney General only) Additional pay for AAGs who have worked as AAG for 5-9 cumulative years at AGO. Employee will receive basic salary plus five percent (5%). For 2023-25 biennium, premium is 5%.

AAG Retent Prem 10+ Yrs (1911)

Definition: Office of Attorney General only) Additional pay for AAGs who have worked as AAG for 10 or more cumulative years at AGO. Employee will receive basic salary plus five percent (5.0%).

Acting Attndt Counselor 2 (1702)

Definition: (Department of Social and Health Services Only) Additional payment given to employees in job classification Attendant Counselor 1 for performing the duties of a shift charge in an emergent situation in the absence of an Attendant Counselor 2 or 3. Employee receives basic salary range plus two (2) ranges for that shift.

Acting Attndt Counselor 3 (1703)

Definition: (Department of Social and Health Services Only) Additional payment given to employees in job classification Attendant Counselor 2 for filling behind an Attendant Counselor 3 for fifteen (15) consecutive workdays in a calendar month. Employee receives basic salary range plus three (3) ranges beginning on the 16th day of the Attendant Counselor 3 absence.

Absences related to annual leave are excluded.

Acting Charge Nurse (1808)

Definition: (Department of Social and Health Services Only) Additional payment given to Registered Nurse 2s at Eastern State Hospital, Western State Hospital and Juvenile Rehabilitation who are assigned by the employer to act as charge nurse for a full shift. Employee receives base rate plus one dollar ($1.00) per hour premium for the assigned shift as charge nurse.

Acting PSA MHT 1 (1810)

Definition: (Department of Social and Health Services Only) Additional payment given to Mental Health Technician 1 employees who work Psychiatric Security Attendant (PSA) duties. Employee receives basic salary plus three (3) ranges.

Acting PSA MHT 2 (1811)

Definition: (Department of Social and Health Services Only) Additional payment given to Mental Health Technician 2 employees who work Psychiatric Security Attendant (PSA) duties. Employee receives basic salary plus one (1) range.

AGO Acting Division Chief (1105)

Definition: (Office of the Attorney General Only) Acting pay for performing duties of a division Chief.

State Bar Reimbursmnt (1107)

Definition: (Office of the Attorney General and Office of Administrative Hearings Only) Reimbursement for annual state bar license dues paid by employee. Includes $1,200 reciprocity for OAH only.

AP REF 1 Pat Res S/T/C (1820)

Definition: (Department of Social and Health Services and Department of Children, Youth and Families Only) Assignment pay given to DSHS employees for the supervision, training, and mentoring of individuals with intellectual disabilities or individuals with symptoms and behaviors related to significant mental illness; or to DCYF employees for the supervision, training, and mentoring of Juvenile Rehabilitation Institution residents or Department of Corrections offenders residing in JR facilities. Employee receives basic salary plus five (5) percent.

Group ‘B’ Patient Resident Supervision Requirement

AP REF 2 Forklift Op (1697)

Definition: Assignment pay given for full-time assignment to forklift operators. Employees working in job class Warehouse Operator 1 receive basic salary plus ten dollars ($10.00) a month assignment pay for full-time assignment to forklift operations.

Group ‘A’ Job Class: 117I

AP REF 3B SCUBA (1699)

Definition: Assignment pay given to employees in any class for required SCUBA diving and/or serving as the Designated Person In Charge (DPIC). Employees receive basic salary plus ten dollars ($10.00) per diving or DPIC hour.

Group 'A' Job Classes: 627F, 627G or Group ‘B’ SCUBA Diving / DPIC Requirement

AP REF 4 PBX/Tel Suprvsn (1821)

Definition: Assignment pay given to employees for direct supervisory responsibility over PBX and Telephone Operators. Employees receive basic salary plus five (5) percent.

Group ‘A’ Job Class: 101H

AP REF 5 Highway Equip (1701)

Definition: (Department of Transportation Only) Assignment pay for assigned operation of highway equipment rated above the employee’s classification. Employees operating this equipment shall be paid for actual operations that continue for at least one hour. Equipment operation that lasts for less than one continuous hour shall not qualify the operator for premium pay. Employees operating this equipment in a bona fide training assignment are not entitled to the higher rate. Employees receive an additional three dollars and twenty-one cents ($3.21) per hour.

Group ‘A’ Job Classes: 596I, 596J, 596P, 596R, 596S, 597F, 597G, 597K, 597N, 626L, 653P

AP REF 7 171-H/28-D (1822)

Definition: Assignment pay for law enforcement employees assigned a 171-hour, 28-day work period. Employees receive basic salary plus ten (10) percent.

Group ‘A’ Job Classes: 387R, 388A, 388B, 388E

AP REF 9 Floor Care Crew (1823)

Definition: Assignment pay for full-time assignment to a floor care crew and the operation of heavy-duty cleaning and waxing equipment, or the designated working supervisor of the floor care crew. Employees receive basic salary plus five (5) percent.

Group ‘A’ Job Class: 678I, 678J

AP REF10 Out of State (1824)

Definition: (Department of Revenue Only) Assignment pay given to employees in the Revenue Auditor and Financial Examiner classifications that are permanently assigned to maintain an out-of-state location or are on a one-year roving assignment out-of-state. Employees receive basic salary plus ten (10) percent.

Group ‘A’ Job Classes: 155A - 155C, 161E-161H

AP REF11 Core Curriculum (1825)

Definition: (Department of Social and Health Services Only) Assignment pay given for the successful completion of the approved core curriculum which consists of 45 college quarter credit hours or its equivalent in semester hours and current participation in the development and implementation of assigned aspects of individual resident treatment activities. Employees receive basic salary plus five (5) percent.

Group ‘A’ Job Classes: 347J, 347L - 347N, 501A, 501B

AP REF12 Higher Lvl Eq (1711)

Definition: (Teamsters Local 117 Only) Assignment pay given to employees assigned to operate equipment above this level. Employees receive four (4) ranges above their base rate, and shall be credited with a minimum of four (4) hours at the higher rate on each day they operate the higher-level equipment.

Group ‘A’ Job Classes: 618R, 618S, 632I, 632J

AP REF12 Higher Lvl Eq (1826)

Definition: Assignment pay given to employees assigned to operate equipment above this level. Employees receive basic salary salary plus ten (10) percent, and shall be credited with a minimum of four (4) hours at the higher rate on each day they operate the higher-level equipment.

Group ‘A’ Job Classes: 618R, 618S, 632I, 632J

AP REF14 Bridge Paint Ins (1827)

Definition: Assignment pay given for all hours worked when assigned to bridge painting inspection duties which involve climbing and work in exposed positions at heights from which an employee might fall 30 feet or more; excludes work on bridges or overpasses within areas protected by walls or guardrails. Employee receives basic salary plus ten (10) percent.

Group ‘A’ Job Classes: 530K-530M, 538R-538T, 596S, 626J-626L

AP REF16 Pesticide (1715)

Definition: (Department of Transportation Only) Assignment pay given for mixing, record keeping, and application of pesticides by a licensed Department of Transportation spray operator. Employees who are responsible for actual mixing, record keeping, and spraying of pesticide as documented by completion and signature of a "Pesticide Application Record" shall be paid for actual hours of operation that continues for at least one hour. Mixing, record keeping, and application of pesticides that last for less than one hour shall not qualify employees for assignment pay. Employees receive an additional three dollars and twenty-one cents ($3.21) per hour.

Group ‘A’ Job Classes: 596P, 596R, 596S, 626L or Group ‘B’ Pesticide Sprayer Requirement

AP REF17 Non Truck Dr (1828)

Definition: (Department of Social and Health Service Only) Payable to staff in classification below the Truck Driver salary range when they are qualified to operate and are operating equipment which is on the DSHS equipment list calling for Truck Driver 1, 2, or 3. Assignment pay is to be paid for the greater of actual operating time or two hours. Employees receive basic salary plus ten (10) percent.

Group ‘B’ Patient Transport Requirement

AP REF18 Dual Lang BasePy (1719)

Definition: (Teamsters Local 117 Only) Assignment pay given to employees in any position whose current, assigned job responsibilities include proficient use of written and oral English and proficiency in speaking and/or writing one or more foreign languages, American Sign Language, or Unified English Braille, provided that proficiency or formal training in such additional language is not required in the specifications for the job class. Employee receives basic salary plus two (2) additional ranges.

Group ‘B’ Dual Language Requirement

AP REF18 Dual Lang BasePy (1829)

Definition: Assignment pay given to employees in any position whose current, assigned job responsibilities include proficient use of written and oral English and proficiency in speaking and/or writing one or more foreign languages, American Sign Language, or Unified English Braille, provided that proficiency or formal training in such additional language is not required in the specifications for the job class. Employee receives basic salary plus five (5) percent.

Group ‘B’ Dual Language Requirement

AP REF18 Dual Lang Hrly (1720)

Definition: (Teamsters Local 117 Only) Assignment pay given to employees on an hourly basis when current, assigned job responsibilities include proficient use of written and oral English and proficiency in speaking and/or writing one or more foreign languages, American Sign Language, or Unified English Braille, provided that proficiency or formal training in such additional language is not required in the specifications for the job class. Employee receives basic salary plus two (2) additional ranges per hour.

Group ‘B’ Dual Language Requirement

AP REF18 Dual Lang Hrly (1830)

Definition: Assignment pay given to employees on an hourly basis when current, assigned job responsibilities include proficient use of written and oral English and proficiency in speaking and/or writing one or more foreign languages, American Sign Language, or Unified English Braille, provided that proficiency or formal training in such additional language is not required in the specifications for the job class. Employee receives basic salary plus five (5) percent.

Group ‘B’ Dual Language Requirement

AP REF20 Asbestos (1831)

Definition: Assignment pay for certified asbestos workers while they are required to wear and change into or out of full-body protective clothing and pressurized respirator. Employees receive basic salary plus ten (10) percent.

Group ‘A’ Job Class: 631B, 631D or Group ‘B’ Certified Asbestos Worker Requirement

AP REF21 Tacoma Narrows (1832)

Definition: Assignment pay when assigned to perform repairs or maintenance on the Tacoma Narrows Bridge excluding routine maintenance on roadway, sidewalks, railing, bridge approaches, signs, etc. Employees receive basic salary plus ten (10) percent for a minimum of four hours per working day.

Group ‘A’ Job Classes: 596L, 596S, 597F, 597G, 597N

AP REF22 UBIT/Bridge Deck (1833)

Definition: Assignment pay while either operating an under-bridge inspection truck (UBIT) from the bucket or while serving as back-up operator on the bridge deck. Employees receive basic salary plus ten (10) percent for a minimum of four hours per working day.

Group ‘A’ Job Classes: 530L - 530O, 531E - 531J, 538R - 538T, 596P, 596R, 596S, 597F, 597G, 597K, 597N

AP REF24A Perm Spill (1834)

Definition: (Department of Ecology Only) Assignment pay for designated employees permanently assigned to the Emergency Spill Response Team. Employees receive basic salary plus ten (10) percent.

For WMS Emergency Spill Response Team, see AP VAR Exceptions Base (1775).

Group ‘B’ Emergency Spill Response Team Requirement

AP REF24B Temp Spill (1731)

Definition: (Department of Ecology Only) Assignment pay for each hour on duty in the assigned duty week outside of normal work hours to designated employees not permanently assigned to the Emergency Spill Response Team. Employees receive an additional two dollars forty-four cents ($2.44) per hour.

For WMS Emergency Spill Response Team, see AP VAR Exceptions Base (1775).

Group ‘B’ Emergency Spill Response Team Requirement

AP REF25 CrimeLab Support (1835)

Definition: (Washington State Patrol Only) Assignment pay for crime lab support staff performing evidence-handling activities. Employees receive basic salary plus five (5) percent.

Group ‘B’ Clerical Crime Lab Support Requirement

AP REF26 Fish Hauling (1836)

Definition: (Department of Fish and Wildlife Only) Assignment pay for employees with a Class A or Class B Commercial Driver’s License performing the following duties: driving CDL fish-hauling trucks to transport fish or to deliver a CDL truck for authorized maintenance, fish loading or unloading, pre and post trip inspections, fuel stops. The advanced pay level shall be for a one hour minimum and thereafter on an hour for hour basis, rounded up to an hour. Employees receive basic salary plus ten (10) percent.

Group ‘B’ Driving Fish Hauling Trucks Requirement

AP REF27 WSP Forensics (1735)

Definition: (Washington State Patrol Only) Assignment pay for designated forensic scientists assigned to the Crime Scene Response Team and/or Statewide Incident Response Team. Employees receive base salary plus three (3) percent.

Group ‘B’ CSR Team and SIR Team Requirement

AP REF29 GroupC Loc 1 Rg (1736)

Definition: (Teamsters Local 117 Only) Assignment pay authorized by the Office of Financial Management State HR for specific job classes located where the cost of living impacts the agency’s ability to recruit and/or retain employees. Employees receive basic salary plus one (1) range.

AP REF29 GroupC Loc 2 Rg (1737)

Definition: (Teamsters Local 117 Only) Assignment pay authorized by the Office of Financial Management State HR for specific job classes located where the cost of living impacts the agency’s ability to recruit and/or retain employees. Employees receive basic salary plus two (2) ranges.

AP REF29 GroupC Loc 2.5% (1837)

Definition: Assignment pay authorized by the Office of Financial Management State HR for specific job classes located where the cost of living impacts the agency’s ability to recruit and/or retain employees. Employees receive basic salary plus two and one-half (2.5) percent.

AP REF29 GroupC Loc 5% (1838)

Definition: Assignment pay authorized by the Office of Financial Management State HR for specific job classes located where the cost of living impacts the agency’s ability to recruit and/or retain employees. Employees receive basic salary plus five (5) percent.

AP REF29 GroupC Loc 7.5% (1839)

Definition: Assignment pay authorized by the Office of Financial Management State HR for specific job classes located where the cost of living impacts the agency’s ability to recruit and/or retain employees. Employees receive basic salary plus seven and one-half (7.5) percent.

AP REF29 GroupC Loc 10% (1840)

Definition: Assignment pay authorized by the Office of Financial Management State HR for specific job classes located where the cost of living impacts the agency’s ability to recruit and/or retain employees. Employees receive basic salary plus ten (10) percent.

AP REF29 GroupC Loc 12.5% (1841)

Definition: Assignment pay authorized by the Office of Financial Management State HR for specific job classes located where the cost of living impacts the agency’s ability to recruit and/or retain employees. Employees receive basic salary plus twelve and one-half (12.5) percent.

AP REF29 GroupC Loc 15% (1842)

Definition: Assignment pay authorized by the Office of Financial Management State HR for specific job classes located where the cost of living impacts the agency’s ability to recruit and/or retain employees. Employees receive basic salary plus fifteen (15) percent.

AP REF29 GroupC Loc 17.5% (1843)

Definition: Assignment pay authorized by the Office of Financial Management State HR for specific job classes located where the cost of living impacts the agency’s ability to recruit and/or retain employees. Employees receive basic salary plus seventeen and one-half (17.5) percent.

AP REF29 GroupC Loc 20% (1844)

Definition: Assignment pay authorized by the Office of Financial Management State HR for specific job classes located where the cost of living impacts the agency’s ability to recruit and/or retain employees. Employees receive basic salary plus twenty (20) percent.

AP REF29 GroupC Loc 22.5% (1845)

Definition: Assignment pay authorized by the Office of Financial Management State HR for specific job classes located where the cost of living impacts the agency’s ability to recruit and/or retain employees. Employees receive basic salary plus twenty two and one-half (22.5) percent.

AP REF29 GroupC Loc 25% (1846)

Definition: Assignment pay authorized by the Office of Financial Management State HR for specific job classes located where the cost of living impacts the agency’s ability to recruit and/or retain employees. Employees receive basic salary plus twenty five (25) percent.

AP REF29 GroupC Loc 27.5% (1847)

Definition: Assignment pay authorized by the Office of Financial Management State HR for specific job classes located where the cost of living impacts the agency’s ability to recruit and/or retain employees. Employees receive basic salary plus twenty seven and one-half (27.5) percent.

AP REF29 GroupC Loc 30% (1848)

Definition: Assignment pay authorized by the Office of Financial Management State HR for specific job classes located where the cost of living impacts the agency’s ability to recruit and/or retain employees. Employees receive basic salary plus thirty (30) percent.

AP REF29 GroupC Loc 32.5% (1849)

Definition: Assignment pay authorized by the Office of Financial Management State HR for specific job classes located where the cost of living impacts the agency’s ability to recruit and/or retain employees. Employees receive basic salary plus thirty two and one-half (32.5) percent.

AP REF29 GroupC Loc 35% (1850)

Definition: Assignment pay authorized by the Office of Financial Management State HR for specific job classes located where the cost of living impacts the agency’s ability to recruit and/or retain employees. Employees receive basic salary plus thirty five (35) percent.

AP REF29 GroupC Loc 37.5% (1851)

Definition: Assignment pay authorized by the Office of Financial Management State HR for specific job classes located where the cost of living impacts the agency’s ability to recruit and/or retain employees. Employees receive basic salary plus thirty seven and one-half (37.5) percent.

AP REF29 GroupC Loc 40% (1852)

Definition: Assignment pay authorized by the Office of Financial Management State HR for specific job classes located where the cost of living impacts the agency’s ability to recruit and/or retain employees. Employees receive basic salary plus forty (40) percent.

AP REF30 Computer Audit (1853)

Definition: (Department of Revenue Only) Assignment pay for permanent employees in Revenue Auditor classifications assigned to the Computer Assisted Audit Program Unit and who are responsible for performing the retrieval and analysis of electronic data, the development of statistical sampling plans, or the evaluations of results. Employees receive basic salary plus five (5) percent.

Group ‘A’ Job Classes: 155A - 155C

AP REF32 McNeil Fuel Oil (1854)

Definition: Assignment pay for employees located at McNeil Island Special Commitment Center who are fully trained and qualified, and perform fuel oil transfer duties at the McNeil Island Oil Transfer Facility. Entitlement to assignment pay under this reference shall be on an hour-for-hour basis for all hours while actually performing all relevant fuel oil transfer duties.

These duties include: maintenance of all tanks and affiliated systems, the transfer of fuel from bulk storage tanks to oil tankers, and relevant training. Employees receive basic salary range plus ten (10) percent.

Group ‘A’ Job Classes: 602K, 602L, 652R

AP REF33 Tech Audit (1855)

Definition: (Office of State Auditor Only) Assignment pay for employees assigned to the IT Audit Team and who are responsible for developing technical tools to address audit risks; deconstruct electronic financial transaction processes to identify risk; or conduct evaluations of technological security controls. Employees in these positions make recommendations to address the audit risk and protect the confidentiality and integrity of data and recommend security controls and receive basic salary plus five (5) percent.

Group ‘A’ Job Classes: 156C, 156D, 156E

AP REF34 Firearm (1856)

Definition: (Military Department Only) Assignment pay for employees qualified and required to carry a firearm while on duty. Employees receive basic salary plus ten (10) percent.

Group ‘A’ Job Classes: 107R, 385L, 385M

AP REF35 Pres Steward (1857)

Definition: (Washington Horse Racing Commission Only) Assignment pay for each day an eligible employee is assigned the role of the Presiding Steward. Employees receive basic salary plus five (5) percent.

AP REF36 Back Flow (1858)

Definition: Assignment pay for employees while performing back flow valve testing. Employees receive basic salary plus ten (10) percent.

Group ‘A’ Job Classes: 596P, 596R, 596S

AP REF37A-D Train/Recert (1758)

Definition: Assignment pay for certified instructors of hazardous materials, defensive tactics, tactical advanced first aid (excluding basic first aid/AED training), firearms fitness, bicycle, boating safety, MOCC, EVOC, and pistol maintenance. Employees will be compensated for every hour engaged in giving instruction to or receiving recertification training. Pistol maintenance instructors are eligible for this additional compensation when instructing in a classroom setting, providing one-on-one instruction or repairing at the firing range. Employees receive basic salary plus ten dollars ($10.00) per hour.

Refer to AP reference and collective bargaining agreement language for eligibility requirements; varies slightly among A, B, C, and D. 

Group ‘A’ Job Classes: 390I, 396E or Group ‘B’ Certified Instructors Requirement

AP REF37E CVEO Instructor (1922)

Definition: (Washington State Patrol only) Assignment pay for Commercial Vehicle Officers and Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Officers of the Washington State Patrol for instructors of Hazardous Materials/Dangerous Goods, defensive tactics, post collision/brake technician, CVSA course materials, firearms and EVOC.  For every hour engaged in giving instruction to or receiving re-certification or instructor training, employees will be compensated $10.00 (ten dollars) per hour over and above regular salary and benefits. 

Group ‘A’ Job Classes: 457E, 457K - 457N

AP REF38 Def Tactics (1798)

Definition: (Department of Social and Health Services Only) Assignment pay for Defensive Tactics Instructors with a current certification from the Criminal Justice Training Commission. Employees will be compensated an additional ten dollars ($10.00) per hour, over and above regular salary and benefits, for every hour engaged in giving instruction in defensive tactics to or in receiving defensive tactics re-certification training.

Group ‘A’ Job Classes: 355M

AP REF39 Class C Equip (1760)

Definition: Assignment pay for Construction and Maintenance Project Lead and Construction and Maintenance Project Supervisor positions assigned to marine crew. Employees receive ten percent (10%) of their base pay and will be credited with a minimum of four (4) hours at the higher rate on each day they operate Class C equipment.

Group ‘A’ Job Classes: 627F, 627G

AP REF41 Flt/ClassB Drug (1860)

Definition: (Department of Fish and Wildlife Only) Assignment pay for performing low level flight operations or chemical immobilization utilizing Schedule 2 drugs vessel-to-vessel transfers in marine waters of Columbia River below Bonneville Dam, or for employees who are licensed and engaged in set up and detonation for blasting operations. Employees receive base pay plus fifteen (15) percent while engaged in those duties.

Group ‘A’ Job Classes: 516F, 516G, 516K, 516M, 516N, 522E-522H, 523N, 523O, 523Y, 523Z

AP REF42 Train/Recert (1765)

Definition: (Department of Corrections Only) Assignment pay for certified instructors of defense tactics, firearms and fitness for every hour engaged in giving instruction or in receiving re-certification training. Employees receive an additional fifteen dollars ($15.00) per hour.

Group ‘A’ Job Classes: 384A – 384D

AP REF43 EDL Course (1861)

Definition: (Department of Licensing Only) Assignment pay for employees who have successfully completed the DOL-sponsored Enhanced Driver’s License Training Course and permanently assigned to denote US Citizenship and issue a Washington State enhanced driver’s license or enhanced identification card. Employees receive basic salary plus ten (10) percent.

Group ‘B’ Enhanced Drivers License Requirement

AP REF48 Illeg Encamp (1862)

Definition: (Department of Transportation Only) Assignment pay for Department of Transportation employees when assigned by the employer to work in or remove illegal encampments within State Right of Way. Employees receive base pay plus ten (10) percent while engaged in those duties.

Group ‘B’ Illegal Encampment Cleanup Requirement

AP REF49 Night Hazard (1786)

Definition: (Department of Transportation Only) Assignment pay for employees permanently or temporarily assigned to crews that maintain designated corridors on night shift because heavy congestion on the roadway prevents these activities from occurring during the day. Employees receive basic salary plus two dollars ($2.00) per hour. Employees temporarily assigned to night shift to perform snow and ice removal do not qualify for this premium.

Group ‘B’ Designated Corridor Night Shift Requirement

AP REF49 NightHazard-Hrly (1772)

Definition: (Department of Transportation Only) Assignment pay for employees permanently or temporarily assigned to crews that maintain designated corridors on night shift because heavy congestion on the roadway prevents these activities from occurring during the day. Employees receive basic salary plus two dollars ($2.00) per hour. Employees temporarily assigned to night shift to perform snow and ice removal do not qualify for this premium.

Group ‘B’ Designated Corridor Night Shift Requirement

AP REF50 Train/Recert (1790)

Definition: (Department of Corrections Only) Assignment pay for certified instructors of defensive tactics, firearms, taser, verbal tactics, and pistol maintenance for every hour engaged in giving instruction to or in receiving re-certification training. Excludes employees assigned to the Training and Development Unit and Emergency Operations Unit. Employees receive basic salary plus fifteen dollars ($15.00) per hour.

Group ‘B’ Certified Instructor Requirement


Definition: (Department of Enterprise Services Only) Assignment pay for work assigned on and/or testing high voltage distribution systems of 751 volts or more. Employees receive basic salary plus five (5) percent, rounded up to the nearest hour.

Group ‘A’ Job Class: 608F

AP REF53 LEO FTO (1864)

Definition: (Liquor and Cannabis Board and the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission Only) Assignment pay for performing duties as a Field Training Officer (FTO), as assigned in writing and as directed by management. Employee receives basic pay plus seven and one-half (7.5) percent.

Group ‘A’ Job Classes: 390G, 398B, 398C


Definition: (Department of Fish and Wildlife Only) Assignment pay for designated employees who are licensed spray operators. The designated employees are responsible for actual mixing, record keeping, and spraying of pesticide as documented by completion and signature of a “Pesticide Application Record.” Employees receive basic salary plus ten (10) percent for actual hours of operation that continues for at least one hour. Mixing, record keeping, and application of pesticides that last for less than one hour shall not qualify employees for assignment pay. 

Group ‘B’ Pesticide Spraying Requirement


Definition: (Department of Social and Health Services Only) Assignment pay for Security Guards and Residential Rehabilitation Counselors assigned to the Special Commitment Center (SCC) firefighting response team. Employee receives two and one-half (2.5) percent.

Group ‘A’ Job Classes: 347F - 347H, 385L, 385M


Definition: (Department of Labor and Industries Only) Assignment pay given to Industrial Hygienists and Safety & Health Specialists for each hour they are required to use personal protective equipment (excluding hard hat, boots, hearing and eye protection) to enter a hazardous worksite to conduct, inspect or investigate where hazards are present. Employees receive basic salary plus ten (10) percent.

Group ‘A’ Job Classes: 392E - 392H, 406A - 406F


Definition: (Department of Labor and Industries only) Assignment pay given to Electrical Construction Inspector, Electrical Construction Inspector Lead, Electrical Inspector Field Supervisor/Technician Specialist, Electrical Plans Examiner, and Factory & Mobile Home Plan Examiner for each hour they are required to use personal protective equipment (excluding hard hat, boots, hearing and eye protection) to enter a hazardous worksite to consult, inspect or investigate where serious hazards are present. Employee receives basic salary plus ten percent (10%)

Group ‘A’ Job Classes: 391I - 391L, 391R 


Definition: (Department of Fish and Wildlife Only) Assignment pay for employees who are certified instructors of the Motorboat Operator Certification Course (MOCC) or firearms.

Employees will be compensated an additional ten dollars ($10.00) per hour for every hour engaged in giving instruction to or in receiving re-certification training.

Group ‘B’ MOCC or Firearms Requirement

AP REF58 BFOQ (1769)

Definition: Assignment pay given to Corrections and Custody Officers for all hours worked in a BFOQ position if and only if the facility in question assigned more than 30% more mandatory overtime hours to female Corrections and Custody Officers than to male Corrections and Custody Officers during the preceding calendar quarter (January through March, April through June, July through September and October through December). Employee receives basic salary plus two (2) ranges.

Group ‘A’ Job Classes: 384A - 384C

AP REF59 Speclty Teams (1868)

Definition: Assignment pay given to trained and qualified employees who are assigned members of the following designated specialty teams: Emergency Response Team (ERT), Special Emergency Response Team (SERT), Inmate Recovery Team (IRT), Crisis Negotiation Team (CRT) and Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM). Assignment pay shall be paid on an hour for hour basis for every hour worked during an authorized team related assignment or training. Employee receives basic salary plus five (5) percent.

Group ‘B’ Specialty Teams Requirement

AP REF62 NW High Int Drug (1869)

Definition: (Washington State Patrol Only) Assignment pay for employees assigned to Northwest High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area performing criminal intelligence and investigative analysis work. Activities include de-confliction communications with other government public safety agencies for officer safety, developing criminal link to associates and family members for known or potential criminal activities, and interviewing individuals and their attorneys. Employee receives basic salary plus five (5) percent.

Group ‘B’ Criminal Intelligence and Investigative Analysis Requirement

AP REF63 Tree Felling (1870)

Definition: (Department of Transportation Only) Assignment pay for employees in positions permanently assigned duties that include tree evaluation and felling. Employee receives an additional three dollars and twenty-one cents ($3.21) per hour for each hour evaluating and/or tree felling trees greater than six inches in diameter.

Group ‘B’ Tree Felling Duties Requirement

AP REF64 NW Reg Traff Mgm (1871)

Definition: (Department of Transportation Only) Assignment pay for employees in the Northwest Region Traffic Management Center permanently assigned to independently operate and integrate Active Traffic Management Systems, Tolling/Managed Lane Systems, and/or Tunnel Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Systems. Employee receives basic salary plus five (5) percent.

Group ‘A’ Job Classes: 530K - 530M, 538S, 538T

AP REF66 Pharmacists Clin (1873)

Definition: (Department of Social and Health Services Only) Assignment pay for Pharmacists, Clinical within a state facility who are approved to practice under a Collaborative Practice Agreement when performing recognized patient treatment to include anticoagulation treatment and management; Hepatitis C treatment and monitoring; medication management during palliative care; medication management for patients in the community to maintain stability; and prescribing for chronic conditions for patients in the state facilities once acuity is stabilized. Employee receives basic salary plus ten (10) percent.

Group ‘A’ Job Class: 295L

AP REF67 DFW Detective (1887)

Definition: (Department of Fish and Wildlife Only) Assignment pay for employees who are assigned by the Chief as Detective. Employee receives basic salary plus four and one-half (4.5) percent.

Group 'A' Job Class: 388B

AP REF68 Instruc DT/Fire (1890)

Definition: (Department of Fish and Wildlife Only) Assignment pay for employees who are assigned by the Chief as a Master Instructor of Defensive Tactics and Firearms. Employee receives basic salary plus five (5) percent.

Group 'A' Job Class: 388B

AP REF69 Instruc Other (1891)

Definition: (Department of Fish and Wildlife Only) Assignment pay for employees who are assigned by the Chief as a Master Instructor of EVOC, First Aid, and Boating. Employee receives basic salary plus two and one-half (2.5) percent.

Group 'A' Job Class: 388B

AP REF70A DFW FTO (1888)

Definition: (Department of Fish and Wildlife Only) Assignment pay for employees who are assigned by the Chief as a Field Training Officer (FTO). Employee receives an additional ten  (10) percent for all time worked while assigned a student officer and completing daily observation and end of phase reports.

Group 'A' Job Class: 388B

AP REF70B DFW FTO (1889)

Definition: (Department of Fish and Wildlife Only) Assignment pay for employees who are assigned by the Chief as a Senior Field Training Officer (FTO). Employee receives an additional three (3) percent for all time worked when assigned as Senior FTO for a student officer while the student officer is in field training status.

Group 'A' Job Class: 388B

AP REF71 CVEO Compl Rev (1895)

Definition: (Washington State Patrol only)  Assignment pay for Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Officers (CVEO) permanently assigned to Compliance Review. Employee receives basic salary plus five percent (5%).

Group ‘A’ Job Classes: 457K - 457N

AP REF72 CVEO New Entrant (1896)

Definition: (Washington State Patrol only) Assignment pay for CVEOs permanently assigned to the New Entrant program completing duties to include performing the safety investigations on motor carriers in the State of Washington. Employee receives basic salary plus five percent (5%).

Group ‘A’ Job Classes: 457K - 457N

AP REF73 CVEO FTO (1897)

Definition: (Washington State Patrol only) Assignment pay for employees who are assigned by the appointing authority to work as a Field Training Officer (FTO).  Employee is compensated for up to one (1) hour at the overtime rate (.5x) for each duty day worked as an FTO, and up to one (1) hour at the overtime rate (.5x) for time spent on the end of phase report.

Group 'B' Field Training Officer Requirement

AP REF74 CVEO Cert Cargo (1898)

Definition: (Washington State Patrol only) Assignment pay for Commercial Vehicle Officers and Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Officers of the Washington State Patrol. Instructors of Hazardous Materials/Dangerous Goods, defensive tactics, post collision/brake technician, CVSA course materials, firearms and EVOC will be compensation an additional $10.00 (ten dollars) per hour over and above regular salary and benefits for every hour engaged in giving instruction to or receiving re-certification or instructor training.

Group 'B' Certified Cargo Tank or Level VI Radioactive Materials Requirement

AP REF75 Heavy Equip (1932)

Definition: Assignment pay for heavy equipment mechanics, within the Equipment Technician series, required to regularly perform as part of their assigned duties hands-on mechanical maintenance, diagnostics, fabrication, calibration, and repair work on heavy equipment and vehicles greater than 26,000 GVW. Employee receives base salary plus twenty percent (20%).

Group 'B' Heavy Equipment Mechanic Work Greater Than 26,000 GVW Requirement

AP REF75 Hvy Equip BasePy (1942)

Definition: Assignment pay for heavy equipment mechanics, within the Equipment Technician series, required to regularly perform as part of their assigned duties hands-on mechanical maintenance, diagnostics, fabrication, calibration, and repair work on heavy equipment and vehicles greater than 26,000 GVW. Employee receives base salary plus twenty percent (20%).

Group 'B' Heavy Equipment Mechanic Work Greater Than 26,000 GVW Requirement


Definition: (Washington State Patrol only) Assignment pay for required work at heights above four feet at communication tower sites or at the same remote location supervising an employee performing these duties. Employee receives basic salary plus ten percent (10%) for a minimum of four (4) hours on each day they perform work at a remote communication tower site or are at the same remote location supervising an employee performing these duties. The higher rate of pay is not to be paid for travel to/from remote tower locations, and does not include administrative time. 

Group 'B' Communications Tower Maintenance Requirement

AP REF77A DSHS (1933)

Definition: (Department of Social and Health Services only) Assignment pay for Social Service Specialists 3, 4 and 5s who perform unannounced visits in unregulated environments, such as private residences, to conduct investigations for allegations of abuse and/or neglect of vulnerable adults. Employee receives base salary range plus ten percent (10%)

Group ‘A’ Job Classes: 351M, 351Q, 351R

AP REF77B DCYF (1934)

Definition: (Department of Children, Youth and Family Only) Assignment pay for Social Service Specialists 3, 4 and 5s who perform visits in unregulated environments, such as private residences, to conduct investigations for allegations of abuse and/or neglect to assess the safety of vulnerable children. Employee receives base salary range plus ten percent (10%).

Group ‘A’ Job Classes: 351M, 351Q, 351R

AP REF78 CJTC (1935)

Definition: (Criminal Justice Training Commission Only) Assignment pay for certified instructors of defensive tactics, firearms, taser, verbal tactics, and pistol maintenance. Employee will receive basic salary plus ten dollars ($10.00) per hour for every hour engaged in giving instruction in certification and re-certification training. 

Group ‘B’ Training Certification and Re-Certification Requirement

AP VAR Exceptions Base (1775)

Definition: Variable amount assignment pay added to an employee’s base salary when the employee’s salary has been Y-rated and the existing range based AP wage type would create an inaccurate computation. This exception may also be used by Department of Labor and Industries for apprentices and by Department of Ecology for WMS spill responders.

AP VAR Exceptions Hrly (1776)

Definition: Variable amount assignment pay given to an employee when the employee’s salary has been Y-rated and the existing hourly AP wage type would create an inaccurate computation. This exception may also be used for:

  • Department of Labor and Industries apprentices,
  • Department of Ecology WMS spill responders, and
  • State Lottery Commission District Sales Representatives incentives.

Associates Degree (1019)

Definition: (Washington State Patrol & Department of Fish and Wildlife Only) Education incentive paid to qualifying employees who have an Associates degree from an accredited institution. Employee receives an additional two percent (2%) of monthly base rate of pay.

Bachelors Degree (1028)

Definition: (Washington State Patrol & Department of Fish and Wildlife Only) Education incentive paid to qualifying employees who have a Bachelors degree from an accredited institution. Employee receives an additional four percent (4%) of monthly base rate of pay.

Board Certification ARNP (1899)

Definition: (Department of Social & Health Services only) Additional pay for DSHS Behavior Health Administration ARNPs who obtain the ANCC Psychiatric Mental Health Board Certification. Employee receives one-time payment of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00). Applies to ARNP Behavioral Health only.

Board Certification (1797)

Definition: Additional compensation for current board certification in an area relevant to patient care from an accredited program. Employee receives ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) added to base rate and paid out in twelve (12) equal monthly installments each fiscal year and prorated based on one (1.0) full-time equivalent.

Cash Recognition (1146)

Definition: Use this wage type to award cash recognition to an employee as a one-time payment. This wage type pays the recognition award through HRMS.

Cash recognition awards paid under this wage type are included in the legislatively-mandated annual Performance Based Incentives and Recognition Report prepared by State Human Resources.

Note: Agencies should indicate the reason for the recognition, such as "Longevity", "Safety", or "EE Suggestion" in the Assignment Number text field on the Additional Payments (0015) infotype record.

CDL Renewal Reimb (1900)

Definition: Provide CDL renewal fee reimbursement; positions where a CDL is required. Employees recieve reimbursement up to two hundred dollars ($200.00).

CDL Wellness Incentive (1188)

Definition: Payment for additional wellness incentive for bargaining unit employees required to have a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) and who earn the annual wellness incentive in accordance with the Public Employee Benefits Board requirements. Employees receive one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125.00).

Civil Commitment Unit (1920)

Definition: (Department of Corrections Only) Additional pay for eligible employees assigned to the Civil Commitment Unit. Employee receives basic salary plus five percent (5%).

Community Response Unit (1919)

Definition: (Department of Corrections Only) Additional pay for eligible employees assigned to the Community Response Unit. Employee receives basic salary plus ten percent (10%).

COVID19 Up-to-Date-Dues (1940)

Definition: Lump sum payment for providing proof of being up-to-date with COVID-19 vaccinations, based on terms contained within applicable bargaining agreements or Title 357 WAC. Payment subject to union dues. Employee receives one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) paid in one-lump sum.

COVID19 Up-to-Date-No Due (1901)

Definition: Lump sum payment for providing proof of being up-to-date with COVID-19 vaccinations, based on terms contained within applicable bargaining agreements or Title 357 WAC. Payment not subject to union dues. Employee receives one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) paid in one-lump sum.

DFW Longev prem 5-9 yrs (1906)

Definition: (Department of Fish and Wildlife Only) Additional longevity pay as outlined in the CBA shall be added for all employees with five (5) through nine (9) years of commissioned service as a DFW enforcement officer. Employee receives base salary plus three percent (3%) based upon the top pay step of the salary schedule.

DFW Longev prem 10-14 yrs (1902)

Definition: (Department of Fish and Wildlife Only) Additional longevity pay as outlined in the CBA shall be added for all employees with ten (10) through fourteen (14) years of commissioned service as an DFW enforcement officer. Employee will receive base pay plus five percent (5%).

DFW Longev prem 15-19 yrs (1903)

Definition: (Department of Fish and Wildlife Only) Additional longevity pay as outlined in the CBA shall be added for all employees with fifteen (15) through nineteen (19) years of commissioned service as an DFW enforcement officer. Employee receives base salary plus seven percent (7%).

DFW Longev prem 20-24 yrs (1904)

Definition: (Department of Fish and Wildlife Only) Additional longevity pay as outlined in the CBA shall be added for all employees with twenty (20) through twenty-four (24) years of commissioned service as an DFW enforcement officer. Employee receives base salary plus nine percent (9%).

DFW Longev prem 25 yrs+ (1905)

Definition: (Department of Fish and Wildlife Only) Additional longevity pay as outlined in the CBA shall be added for all employees with twenty-five (25) or more years of commissioned service as an DFW enforcement officer. Employee receives base salary plus ten percent (10%).

DFW Pierce (1907)

Definition: (Department of Fish & Wildlife only) Premium pay for employees assigned to a permanent duty station in Pierce county. Employee receives base salary plus two percent (2%).

DFW Snohomish (1908)

Definition: (Department of Fish & Wildlife only) Premium pay for  employees assigned to a permanent duty station in Snohomish county. Employee receives base salary plus three percent (3%).

Dog/Equine Handler Day Off (1768)

Definition: Compensation payable to eligible service dog and equine handlers for the care of the animal on the handler’s scheduled day off. Employees receive twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per day.

Dog Handler (1782)

Definition: Compensation equivalent to the State’s minimum wage payable to employees required to care for the dog in their charge while they are off duty. Paid time includes, but is not limited to, time required for daily feeding, exercising, grooming and emergency health care of the dog, and care and cleaning of the kennel. Employees receive sixteen dollars twenty-eight cents ($16.28) per hour.

Dog Handler OT (1884)

Definition: Compensation equivalent to the State’s minimum wage multiplied by 1.5 payable to employees required to care for the dog in their charge while they are off duty and in overtime status. Paid time includes, but is not limited to, time required for daily feeding, exercising, grooming and emergency health care of the dog, and care and cleaning of the kennel. Employees receive twenty-four dollars forty-two cents ($24.42) per hour.

DSHS Preceptor Pay (1806)

Definition: (Department of Social and Health Services Only) Additional pay given to experienced nurses assigned and performing precepting duties. Employee receives basic salary plus one dollar fifty cents ($1.50) per hour when engaged in precepting duties.

Duty Pay 10% of Base-4051 (1909)

Definition: (WSDOT Marine Only) Additional pay for employees required to participate in Duty rotation. The daily rate of pay is ten percent (10%) of monthly base wage across a seven day week.

EMS Performance Comp (1151)

Definition: Use this wage type to award a one-time payment to an at-will employee to recognize outstanding performance for the achievement of predefined work goals.

Performance compensation paid under this wage type are included in the legislatively-mandated annual Performance Based Incentives and Recognition Report prepared by State Human Resources.

Extra Duty Hrs workd 1.25 (1693)

Definition: (Department of Social and Health Services Western State and Eastern State Hospital Only) Additional pay for psychiatrists covered by the Coalition Master Agreement for working “extra duty” hours for 180 days beginning December 1, 2015, and may be extended for an additional 180 days by DSHS if the psychiatrist vacancies are not filled. Employees receive one hundred twenty-five percent (125%) of their regular rate of pay.

Float Pool Premium Pay (1807)

Definition: Additional pay given to employees in designated float pool positions. Employee receives basic salary plus three dollars ($3.00) per hour for all hours in pay status.

Higher Lvl Duties 2 Rng (1783)

Definition: Additional pay for employees who have been assigned the full scope of duties and responsibilities of a higher classification in accordance with their collective bargaining agreement. Employee receives basic salary range plus two (2) ranges.

Higher Lvl Duties 4 Rng (1784)

Definition: Additional pay for employees who have been assigned the full scope of duties and responsibilities of a higher classification in accordance with their collective bargaining agreement. Employee receives basic salary range plus four (4) ranges.

Higher Lvl Duties Var (1785)

Definition: Additional pay for employees who have been assigned the full scope of duties and responsibilities of a higher classification in accordance with their collective bargaining agreement. Employee receives basic salary range plus a variable percent as appropriate.

IBU Passenger Counting (1714)

Definition: (WSDOT Marine Only) Compensation for counting passengers. Employee receives an additional five percent (5%) of base rate per hour.

Intern Watch Crew (1097)

Definition: (WSDOT Marine Only) $1.50 per hour for all hours worked when a WSF employee is assigned to an internship watch crew.

ITPS Supervisor Premium (1115)

Definition: Premium pay for employees within the Information Technology Professional Structure in the Entry, Journey, Senior/Specialist levels who are permanently assigned supervisory duties. Employee receives basic salary plus five (5) percent.

Note: Employees receiving this supervisor premium must have reporting relationships setup on their position identifying the positions they supervise.

King Co Premium Pay (1102)

Definition: Premium pay for employees permanently assigned to a duty station located in King County. Employee receives basic salary plus five (5) percent.

L&I Risk Class Code (1103)

Definition: Additional pay given annually to eligible employees assigned to Labor and Industries risk class code 7200 or 7201. Employee receives five hundred dollars ($500.00) and payment is treated as wages.

Lump Sum - No Union Dues (1912)

Definition: Additional lump sum payment to eligible employees, based on terms contained within applicable bargaining agreements, Title 357 WAC, or enacted budgets. Payment not subject to union dues. 

MEBA Wage Supplement (1168)

Definition: (WSDOT Marine Only) Employee receives wage supplement of an additional sixty dollars ($60) per day for up to 90 days.

Nurse Preceptor Premium (1914)

Definition: (Teamsters 117 DOC only) Nurse preceptor premium pay for Nurses while they are assigned as mentors. Employee will receive additional two dollars fifty cents ($2.50) per hour. 

Oiler License - 4051 (1915)

Definition: (WSDOT Marine Only) Premium pay for oilers who have their Assistant Engineer license or above. Employee receives basic salary plus ten percent (10%).

OT Shift Df 1.50 all (1916)

Definition: Supplemental shift premium paid to eligible employees assigned to specific job classifications or related job classes requiring licensures. Employee receives additional one dollar fifty cents ($1.50) per eligible hour worked in overtime status.

OT Shift Df 2.50 all (1941)

Definition: Use this wage type to pay:

  • shift premium paid to employees in overtime status; or
  • supplemental shift premium paid to eligible employees assigned to specific job classifications or related job classes requiring licensures.

Employee receives additional two dollar fifty cents ($2.50) per eligible hour worked in overtime status.

OT Shift Df 4.00 all (1917)

Definition: Supplemental shift premium paid to eligible employees assigned to specific job classifications or related job classes requiring licensures. Employee receives additional four dollars ($4.00) per eligible hour worked in overtime status.

PE Licensure Lump Sum (1108)

Definition: (Department of Transportation Only) Additional pay given to employees in Transportation Engineer 2 and Transportation Engineer 3 job classes who achieve their Professional Engineer license. Employee receives five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) paid in one-lump sum.

Prison Backfill Rentention (1921)

Definition: (Department of Corrections Only) Retention bonus awarded to employees identified as essential and could be deployed to backfill in prisons. Employee recieves retention bonus of three percent (3%) of base pay.

Psych Hiring Incentive (1113)

Definition: (Department of Social and Health Services Only) Additional pay for newly hired psychiatrists as part of a recruitment incentive. Up to ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) will be paid upon hiring into a permanent appointment. Payment is made following a prescribed schedule within a permanent position.

Qualified Assessor (1098)

Definition: (WSDOT Marine Only) $2.00 per hour when a WSF employee has received a Qualified Assessor’s endorsement through the National Maritime Center and has an intern on their watch.

Rec/Ret Over 15% Base (1771)

Definition: Compensation approved by the State HR Director which exceeds 15% of the employee’s base salary to support the recruitment and/or retention of a specific position. Additional pay is not part of base salary and is to be used only as long as the circumstances it is based on are in effect.

Rec/Ret Over 15% Lump (1774)

Definition: Compensation approved by the State HR Director which exceeds 15% of the employee’s base salary to support the recruitment and/or retention of a specific position. In advance of authorizing a lump sum recruitment or retention payment, employers must establish express conditions in writing for the payment, including a specified period of employment or continue employment.

Rec/Ret Up to 15% Base (1770)

Definition: Compensation up to 15% of the employee’s base salary as approved by the agency to support the recruitment and/or retention of a specific position. Additional pay is not part of base salary and is to be used only as long as the circumstances it is based on are in effect.

Rec/Ret Up to 15% Lump (1773)

Definition: Additional lump sum payment up to 15% of the employee’s base salary as approved by the agency to support the recruitment and/or retention of a specific position. In advance of authorizing a lump sum recruitment or retention payment, employers must establish express conditions in writing for the payment, including a specified period of employment or continue employment.

WMS Only: OFM State HR Director approval required.

Recog Cash Equiv (1131)

Definition: Use this wage type to tax an employee who has been awarded recognition in the form of cash and cash-equivalent benefit, paid outside of HRMS, such as a separate award check, gift card, or gift certificate. This wage type allows HRMS to appropriately tax the value of the amount without adding additional funds to their paycheck.

Cash and cash-equivalent recognition awards taxed under this wage type are included in the legislatively-mandated annual Performance Based Incentives and Recognition Report prepared by State Human Resources.

Note: Agencies should indicate the reason for the recognition, such as "Longevity", "Safety", or "EE Suggestion" in the Assignment Number text field on the Additional Payments (0015) infotype record.

Recruitment/Retention (1132)

Definition: Recruitment and retention incentive based on terms contained within applicable bargaining agreements. 

Recruit/Ret Inc-No Union (1913)

Definition: Additional lump sum payment to eligible employees for recruitment and/or retention purposes, based on terms contained within applicable bargaining agreements, Title 357 WAC, or enacted budgets. Payment not subject to union dues. 

Recruit/Ret Inc-No Un/Ret (1538)

Definition: Additional lump sum payment to eligible employees for recruitment and/or retention purposes, based on terms contained within applicable bargaining agreements, Title 357 WAC, or enacted budgets. Payment not subject to union dues and not reportable to retirement systems. 

Referral Incentive (1133)

Definition: Referral incentive based on terms contained within applicable bargaining agreements.

Relief WCSupr 4% - 4051 (1781)

Definition: (WSODT Marine Only) Compensation when a Watch Center Supervisor (WCS) relieves another WCS who is on leave. Employee receives an additional four percent (4.0%) of base rate per hour.

Remote Work Allowance (1119)

Definition: Compensation payable to eligible employees for an authorized remote work allowance.

Note: This wage type is not to be used for employees in executive branch entities that report to the Governor and/or employees who fall within the scope and authority of the State Human Resources Director to establish and adjust compensation plans. If you have questions, please contact State Human Resources. 

Represented Lump Sum Pmt (1194)

Definition: Additional lump sum payment to represented staff as authorized within collective bargaining agreements and payable upon applicable contract terms.

SCC Work Premium Pay (1104)

Definition: Additional pay given to employees assigned to work on McNeil Island at the Special Commitment Center when physically working on the island. Employee receives ten dollars ($10.00) per day physically working on the island.

Shft Dff $2.50 all Agys (1924)

Definition: Shift premium paid to eligible employees for hours worked entitled to shift premium. Employee receives additional two dollars fifty cents ($2.50) per eligible hour worked.

Shift df $2.50 Nurses (1106)

Definition: (Teamsters Local 117 Only) Shift premium paid to employees assigned Certified Nursing Assistant, Medical Assistant, Nurses, and related job classes requiring licensure as a nurse, and licensed practical nurses. Employee receives additional two dollars fifty cents ($2.50) per hour shift differential for evening shift and night shift work.

Shift df $2.50 Nurses OT (1111)

Definition: (Teamsters Local 117 Only) Shift premium paid to employees assigned Certified Nursing Assistant, Medical Assistant, Nurses, and related job classes requiring licensure as a nurse, and licensed practical nurses in overtime status. Employee receives additional two dollars fifty cents ($2.50) per hour shift differential for evening shift and night shift work in overtime status.

ShipyrdCmpt OT 1.5-4051 (1885)

Definition: (WSDOT Marine Only) Shipyard competent employees receive a ten percent (10%) per hour premium while performing such duties. While performing this work in OT-1.5 status, employee receives the OT rate, and this becomes a fifteen percent (15%) premium on the hourly rate (1.5 x 10%).

ShipyrdCmpt OT 2.0-4051 (1886)

Definition: (WSDOT Marine Only) Shipyard competent employees receive a ten percent (10%) per hour premium while performing such duties. While performing this work in OT-1.5 status, employee receives the OT rate, and this becomes a twenty percent (20%) premium on the hourly rate (2.0 x 10%).

Specialty Team Premium (1925)

Definition: (Teamsters 117 DOC only) Additional pay for being a member of a specialty team. Employee receives basic salary plus two (2) ranges.

Standby $100/day (1112)

Definition: Additional payment given to overtime-exempt health services classes identified within collective bargaining agreement(s) when placed into standby status. Employee receives one hundred dollars ($100.00) per day placed in standby status.

Student Loan Repayment (1809)

Definition: (Department of Social and Health Services Only) Tuition loan repayments for medical physicians and psychiatrists employed between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2021 at Western State Hospital or Eastern State Hospital. Up to twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) per qualified employee is allowed upon proof of debt.

Supplement Shift Df (1937)

Definition: Supplemental shift premium paid on the basic pay screen (0008) instead of by hour on the CATS screen.

Supplement Shift Df 1.50 (1926)

Definition: Supplemental shift premium paid to eligible employees assigned to specific job classifications or related job classes requiring licensures. Employee receives additional one dollar fifty cents ($1.50) per eligible hour worked in regular pay status.

Supplement Shift Df 2.50 (1927)

Definition: Supplemental shift premium paid to eligible employees assigned to specific job classifications or related job classes requiring licensures. Employee receives additional two dollars fifty cents ($2.50) per eligible hour worked in regular pay status.

Supplement Shift Df 4.00 (1928)

Definition: Supplemental shift premium paid to eligible employees assigned to specific job classifications or related job classes requiring licensures. Employee receives additional four dollars ($4.00) per eligible hour worked in regular pay status.

Term Lead Acting as Supv (1789)

Definition: (WSDOT Marine Only) Compensation for Terminal Lead Positions when acting on behalf of an unavailable supervisor. Employee receives an additional five and one-quarter percent (5.25%) of base rate per hour.

Tool Allowance (Variable) (1939)

Definition: Tool allowance for employees who are required by their employer to provide their own tools to perform their work. Employee can receive up to one thousand two hundred dollars ($1,200) per fiscal year as allowed by CBA language.

Training Premium-4051 (1892)

Definition: (WSDOT Marine Only) Premium pay for employees assigned to train another employee. Employee receives an additional one dollar ($1.00) per hour.

Training Sergeant Premium (1929)

Definition: (Department of Corrections only) Premium pay for trainers in the COFTD program. Employee receives base salary plus three percent (3%)

Travel Notice Penalty (1918)

Definition: (PROTEC17 only) If the employer requires overnight travel of an overtime-eligible employee without giving at least seven (7) days’ notice, employees will be paid one and one-half (1.5) times their base rate for the duration of the notice period not to exceed eight (8) hours.

VAR Draw Duty (1780)

Definition: (State Lottery Commission Only) (Special Range J) Hourly pay awarded to employees assigned to draw lottery numbers.

VAR Emergency Ops/Fire (1778)

Definition: Additional pay for performing fire suppression duties or other emergency/disaster duties. The amount is added to an employee’s regular rate for each hour worked.

VAR Emergency Ops/Fire OT (1779)

Definition: Additional pay for performing fire suppression duties or other emergency/disaster duties while in overtime status. The amount is added to an employee’s regular rate for each hour worked.

WFSE-Maint of Membership (4575)

Definition: Payment to the Washington Federation of State Employees (WFSE) for union dues. WFSE must provide authorization to cease payment of dues through this deduction code.

WSP Auto Theft of the YR (1048)

Definition: (Washington State Patrol Only) Specialty pay for the WSP Trooper selected as Auto Theft Trooper of the Year. Employee receives an additional three percent (3%) of monthly base rate of pay for twelve months.

Recognition awards paid under this wage type are included in the legislatively-mandated annual Performance Based Incentives and Recognition Report prepared by State Human Resources.

WSP BAC Technician (1794)

Definition: (Washington State Patrol Only) Specialty pay for employees designated as Breath Alcohol Concentration (BAC) Technicians. Employees receive an additional three percent (3%) of monthly base rate of pay.

WSP Cert Recon (1099)

Definition: (Washington State Patrol Only) Specialty pay for employees who are certified reconstructionist. Employees receive an additional three percent (3%) of monthly base rate of pay.

WSP Cert Tech of the Year (1025)

Definition: (Washington State Patrol Only) Specialty pay for the WSP Trooper selected as Certified Technician of the Year. Employee receives an additional three percent (3%) of monthly base rate of pay for twelve months.

Recognition awards paid under this wage type are included in the legislatively-mandated annual Performance Based Incentives and Recognition Report prepared by State Human Resources.

WSP Cert Tech Specialist (1100)

Definition: (Washington State Patrol Only) Specialty pay for employees certified as technical specialists. Employees receive an additional two percent (2%) of monthly base rate of pay.

WSP Drug Recog Expert (1096)

Definition: (Washington State Patrol Only) Specialty pay for employees certified as Drug Recognition Experts (DRE). Employees receive an additional two percent (2%) of monthly base rate of pay.

WSP FTOP Lt. 5% (1101)

Definition: (Washington State Patrol Only) Premium pay for Lieutenants when performing the work of a field training officer. Employee receives an additional five percent (5%) of monthly base rate of pay for hours worked as a FTO.

WSP FTOP Lt. OT (1114)

Definition: (Washington State Patrol Only) Premium pay for Lieutenants when performing the work of a field training officer in overtime status. Employee receives overtime rate plus five percent (5%) for hours worked in overtime status as a FTO.

WSP FTOP Sgt (1651)

Definition: (Washington State Patrol Only) Premium pay for Sergeants when performing the work of a field training officer. Employee receives an additional ten percent (10%) of their regular rate of pay for all hours worked as a FTO.

WSP FTOP Sgt OT(1664)

Definition: (Washington State Patrol Only) Premium pay for Sergeants when performing the work of a field training officer in overtime status. Employee receives overtime rate plus ten percent (10%) for hours worked in overtime status as a FTO.

WSP RDF (1931)

Definition: (Washington State Patrol Only) Premium pay for employees assigned to the Rapid Deployment Force (RDF). Employee receives an additional five percent (5%) for all hours deployed with RDF.

WSP Trooper of the year (1024)

Definition: (Washington State Patrol Only) Specialty pay for the WSP Trooper selected as Trooper of the Year. Employee receives an additional three percent (3%) of monthly base rate of pay for twelve months.

Recognition awards paid under this wage type are included in the legislatively-mandated annual Performance Based Incentives and Recognition Report prepared by State Human Resources.

WTO R Alt Staff Chief Eng (1671)

Definition: (WSDOT Marine Only) Stipend given to Alternate Staff Chief Engineer for performing running watch turnover duties. Employee receives eight dollars and eighty-five cents ($8.85) per hour.

WTO R Asst Engineer (1674)

Definition: (WSDOT Marine Only) Stipend given to Assistant Engineer for performing running watch turnover duties. Employee receives seven dollars and twenty-nine cents ($7.29) per hour.

WTO R Chief Engineer (1672)

Definition: (WSDOT Marine Only) Stipend to Chief Engineer for performing running watch turnover duties. Employee receives eight dollars and sixty-eight cents ($8.68) per hour.

WTO R Oiler (1676)

Definition: (WSDOT Marine Only) Stipend given to Oilers for performing running watch turnover duties. Employee receives four dollars and ninety-five cents ($4.95) per hour.

WTO R Relief Asst Eng (1675)

Definition: (WSDOT Marine Only) Stipend given to Relief Assistant Engineer for performing running watch turnover duties. Employee receives eight dollars and seventy cents ($8.70) per hour.

WTO R Relief Chief Eng (1673)

Definition: (WSDOT Marine Only) Stipend given to Relief Chief Engineer for performing running watch turnover duties. Employee receives ten dollars and forty-seven cents ($10.47) per hour.

WTO R Relief Oiler (1677)

Definition: (WSDOT Marine Only) Stipend given to Relief Oilers for performing running watch turnover duties. Employee receives five dollars and ninety-eight cents ($5.98) per hour.

WTO R Relief Yard Oiler (1668)

Definition: (WSDOT Marine Only) Stipend given to Relief Yard Oiler for performing running watch turnover duties. Employee receives six dollars and twenty-seven cents ($6.27) per hour.

WTO R Staff Chief Eng (1670)

Definition: (WSDOT Marine Only) Stipend given to Staff Chief Engineer for performing running watch turnover duties. Employee receives eleven dollars and thirty cents ($11.30) per hour.

WTO R Wiper (1679)

Definition: (WSDOT Marine Only) Stipend given to Wipers for performing running watch turnover duties. Employee receives four dollars and thirty-seven cents ($4.37) per hour.

WTO R Yard Oiler (1678)

Definition: (WSDOT Marine Only) Stipend given to Yard Oilers for performing running watch turnover duties. Employee receives five dollars and twenty-three cents ($5.23) per hour.

WTO R Yard Wiper (1680)

Definition: (WSDOT Marine Only) Stipend given to Yard Wipers for performing running watch turnover duties. Employee receives four dollars and fifty-nine cents ($4.59) per hour.

WTO S Alt Staff Chief Eng (1682)

Definition: (WSDOT Marine Only) Stipend given to Alternate Staff Chief Engineer for performing commercial shipyard or Eagle Harbor watch turnover duties. Employee receives four dollars and forty-three cents ($4.43) per hour.

WTO S Asst Engineer (1685)

Definition: (WSDOT Marine Only) Stipend given to Assistant Engineer for performing commercial shipyard or Eagle Harbor watch turnover duties. Employee receives three dollars and sixty-four cents ($3.64) per hour.

WTO S Chief Engineer (1683)

Definition: (WSDOT Marine Only) Stipend given to Chief Engineer for performing commercial shipyard or Eagle Harbor watch turnover duties. Employee receives four dollars and thirty-four cents ($4.34) per hour.

WTO S Oiler (1687)

Definition: (WSDOT Marine Only) Stipend paid to Oilers for performing commercial shipyard or Eagle Harbor watch turnover duties. Employee receives two dollars and fifty-three cents ($2.53) per hour.

WTO S Relief Asst Eng (1686)

Definition: (WSDOT Marine Only)  Stipend given to Relief Assistant Engineer for performing commercial shipyard or Eagle Harbor watch turnover duties. Employee receives four dollars and thirty-seven cents ($4.37) per hour.

WTO S Relief Chief Eng (1684)

Definition: (WSDOT Marine Only) Stipend given to Relief Chief Engineer for performing commercial shipyard or Eagle Harbor watch turnover duties. Employee receives five dollars and twenty-three cents ($5.23) per hour.

WTO S Relief Oiler (1688)

Definition: (WSDOT Marine Only) Stipend given to Relief Oilers for performing commercial shipyard or Eagle Harbor watch turnover duties. Employee receives two dollars and ninety-nine cents ($2.99) per hour.

WTO S Relief Yard Oiler (1669)

Definition: (WSDOT Marine Only) Stipend given to Relief Yard Oiler for performing commercial shipyard or Eagle Harbor watch turnover duties. Employee receives three dollars and fourteen cents ($3.14) per hour.

WTO S Staff Chief Eng (1681)

Definition: (WSDOT Marine Only) Stipend given to Staff Chief Engineer for performing commercial shipyard or Eagle Harbor watch turnover duties. Employee receives eleven dollars and thirty cents ($11.30) per hour.

WTO S Wiper (1690)

Definition: (WSDOT Marine Only) Stipend given to Wipers for performing commercial shipyard or Eagle Harbor watch turnover duties. Employee receives two dollars and seventeen cents ($2.17) per hour.

WTO S Yard Oiler (1689)

Definition: (WSDOT Marine Only) Assignment pay given to Yard Oilers for performing commercial shipyard or Eagle Harbor watch turnover duties. Employee receives two dollars and fifty-nine cents ($2.59) per hour.

WTO S Yard Wiper (1691)

Definition: (WSDOT Marine Only) Stipend given to Yard Wipers for performing commercial shipyard or Eagle Harbor watch turnover duties. Employee receives two dollars and thirty-two cents ($2.32) per hour.

Obsolete Wage Types

To retain data integrity in reporting, the following obsolete Wage Types must not be used under any circumstance:

  • Acting Assistant Chief (1660)
  • AP REF 1 Pat Res S/T/C (1696)
  • AP REF 3A SCUBA (1698)
  • AP REF 4 PBX/Tel Suprvsn (1700)
  • AP REF 7 171-H/28-D (1705)
  • AP REF 9 Floor Care Crew (1708)
  • AP REF10 Out of State (1709)
  • AP REF11 Core Curriculum (1710)
  • AP REF14 Bridge Paint Ins (1713)
  • AP REF17 Non Truck Dr (1717)
  • AP REF 3A SCUBA (1698)
  • AP REF19 Bus Driver (1722)
  • AP REF20 Asbestos (1724)
  • AP REF21 Tacoma Narrows (1726)
  • AP REF22 UBIT/Bridge Deck (1728)
  • AP REF24A Perm Spill (1730)
  • AP REF25 CrimeLab Support (1732)
  • AP REF26 Fish Hauling (1733)
  • AP REF29 GroupC Loc  3 Rg (1738)
  • AP REF29 GroupC Loc  4 Rg (1739)
  • AP REF29 GroupC Loc  5 Rg (1740)
  • AP REF29 GroupC Loc  6 Rg (1741)
  • AP REF29 GroupC Loc  7 Rg (1742)
  • AP REF29 GroupC Loc  8 Rg (1743)
  • AP REF29 GroupC Loc  9 Rg (1744)
  • AP REF29 GroupC Loc 10 Rg (1745)
  • AP REF29 GroupC Loc 11 Rg (1746)
  • AP REF29 GroupC Loc 12 Rg (1799)
  • AP REF29 GroupC Loc 13 Rg (1800)
  • AP REF29 GroupC Loc 14 Rg (1801)
  • AP REF29 GroupC Loc 15 Rg (1802)
  • AP REF29 GroupC Loc 16 Rg (1755)
  • AP REF30 Computer Audit (1747)
  • AP REF31 Sandstone (1748)
  • AP REF32 McNeil Fuel Oil (1750)
  • AP REF33 Tech Audit (1752)
  • AP REF34 Firearm (1753)
  • AP REF35 Pres Steward (1754)
  • AP REF36 Back Flow (1756)
  • AP REF40 I-90 Tunnel (1762)
  • AP REF40 I-90 Tunnel (1859)
  • AP REF41 Flt/ClassB Drug (1763)
  • AP REF43 EDL Course (1767)
  • AP REF48 Illeg Encamp (1692)
  • AP REF51 HIGH VOLTAGE (1791)
  • AP REF53 LEO FTO (1792)
  • AP REF54 LIC SPRAY OPS (1793)
  • AP REF59 Speclty Teams (1706)
  • AP REF60 FTO (1707)
  • AP REF61 CISM WFSE-DOC (1712)
  • AP REF65 Specialty Teams (1872)
  • Assignment Pay $2.44-4610 (1612)
  • Assignment Pay $5 SM all (1016)
  • Assignment Pay $7.5-all (1609)
  • Assignment pay $8.5-all (1610)
  • Assignment Pay 10.0%-all (1603)
  • Assignment Pay 12.5%-all (1604)
  • Assignment Pay 2.5% all (1011)
  • Assignment Pay 2.5%-all (1601)
  • Assignment Pay 3% all (1015)
  • Assignment Pay 5% all (1012)
  • Assignment Pay 5.0%-all (1602)
  • Assignment Pay 7.5% all (1013)
  • Assignment Pay by Range (1007)
  • Assignmnt Pay Vry Amt-all (1611)
  • Assn pay $7.5 OT-all agys (1639)
  • assn pay $8.5 OT-all agys (1640)
  • Assn Pay 10.0% OT-all agy (1633)
  • Assn Pay 12.5% OT-all agy (1634)
  • Assn Pay 2.5% OT -all agy (1631)
  • Assn Pay 3.0% OT-all agys (1635)
  • Assn Pay 5.0% OT-all agys (1632)
  • Assn Pay Vry Amt OT-all (1641)
  • Assn/Act pay Ot Var % (1636)
  • Bike Patrol – 5500 (1619)
  • Bike Patrol 0.5 OT-5500 (1649)
  • Dual Language 5% all (1018)
  • Dual Language 5% OT-all (1638)
  • Dual Language 5%-all agys (1608)
  • DutyPay 5 - $80 - 4051 (1815)
  • DutyPay 4 - $100 - 4051 (1816)
  • DutyPay 3 - $133 - 4051 (1817)
  • DutyPay 2 - $200 - 4051 (1818)
  • DutyPay 1 - $400 - 4051 (1819)
  • Frway park Garage.50 5500 (1615)
  • Frway prk Garg.50 OT-5500 (1645)
  • GrpC Loc AssignPy by Rng (1008)
  • Hazardous Materials Prem (1077)
  • Hrly Var Assignment Pay (1045)
  • Instructor - 10.00 (1622)
  • Lead assign pay 1.25 5500 (1616)
  • Lead Assign pay 2.5 5500 (1623)
  • Lead assn py 1.25 OT-5500 (1646)
  • Machinists CDL Prem Pay (1078)
  • OT Prem Assn- 4050 (1637)
  • OT Shift Df Hrly all Agys (1079)
  • Painter sp chem 1.00-5500 (1617)
  • Performance Recognition (1170)
  • Penalty confined sp 4051 (1074)
  • Pnter spc chm 1.0 OT-5500 (1647)
  • Recruit/Retent Premium (1621)
  • Reg prm hrs Assn-4050 (1607)
  • Salaried Var Assign Pay (1046)
  • Schedule Chg Penalty Pay (1264)
  • Scrty Ctrl rm 1.1 OT-5500 (1648)
  • Sec Control rm 1.35-5500 (1618)
  • Shift Diff $0.65 all Agys (1058)
  • Qualified Moving Expense (1512)
  • WMS Lumpsum recognition (1141)
  • WSP Assignment Pay 3.0% (1605)

Work Schedule Rule

Definition: Identifies an employee’s scheduled working hours and how the hours are distributed for a specific period.
This field, in conjunction with Employment Percent, establishes the employee’s daily work schedule. The daily work schedule sets the number of hours available for work or leave taken each day.

Note: There will not be a Work Schedule Rule in HRMS for every possible work schedule. When an employee’s schedule does not exist in HRMS, use a Work Schedule Rule that best fits.


  • An employee is scheduled to work Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Their Work Schedule Rule is set to 5-8s: M-F 8 hpd (FULL). With Employment Percent set to 100%, their daily work schedule would be Sun 0, Mon 8, Tues 8, Wed 8, Thurs 8, Fri 8, and Sat 0 each week.
  • An employee is scheduled to work 80 hours over two weeks, with every other Friday off. Their Work Schedule Rule is set to 2Wk:M-Th 9, F 8, 2nd F 0 (R045). With Employment Percent set to 100%, their daily work schedule would be Sun 0, Mon 9, Tues 9, Wed 9, Thurs 9, Fri 8, and Sat 0 the first week and Sun 0, Mon 9, Tues 9, Wed 9, Thurs 9, Fri 0, and Sat 0 the second week.
    Note: For employees on a two-week schedule, the Work Schedule Rule will depend on the start date and the week of the employee’s flex day. Use the Work Schedule button on the Planned Working Time (0007) infotype to display the work schedule in a calendar view; and determine which Work Schedule Rule aligns with the employee’s work schedule, including flex days off.
  • An employee is scheduled to work varying hours. Their Work Schedule Rule is set to 24/7: M-Sn, 24 hpd (R030). With Employment Percent set to 100%, their daily work schedule would be Sun 24, Mon 24, Tues 24, Wed 24, Thurs 24, Fri 24, and Sat 24 each week.

Infotype: Planned Working Time (0007) – included in HRMS F1 Help

Workforce Indicator

Definition: Use Workforce Indicator to identify a job's type of employment.  The Workforce Indicator is assigned to each job class code in HRMS by State Human Resources. Positions and employees inherit the Workforce Indicator from the Job.

Workforce Indicator is the primary source of data for "types of employment" headcounts in enterprise reports.

Infotype: Job Relationships (1001)

Relationship Type: Is assigned to (A 108)

At-Will (80148586)

Definition: Positions exempt from RCW 41.06 Civil Service Law. Incumbents serve at the pleasure of the appointing authority and are not covered under a bargaining agreement or regulation.

Abbreviation: AW

At-Will Governor’s Pool (80148587)

Definition: Positions under RCW 41.06.070(3) which provides for additional exempt positions limited to 1% of employees in classified service for the identified agencies.

Abbreviation: AWGP

At-Will State Officials’ Salaries (80171189)

Definition: Positions exempt from RCW 41.06 Civil Service Law and administered under the salary setting authority of RCW 43.03.028(1). Incumbents serve as the Agency Head at the pleasure of the appointing authority.

Abbreviation: AWSOSA

Classified WA General Service (80148588)

Definition: All positions in state service not exempt from the provisions of RCW 41.06 Civil Service Law. (WAC 357-01-085)

Abbreviation: CWGS

Classified WMS (80148589)

Definition: Positions under the jurisdiction of the Washington Management Service personnel system, RCW 41.06.022 and 41.06.500. (WAC 357-01-365)

Abbreviation: CWMS

Non Classified Covered (80148590)

Definition: Positions exempt from RCW 41.06 Civil Service Law but covered under a bargaining agreement or regulation.

Abbreviation: NCC

Not Assigned (80148591)

Definition: Positions for Board/Commission members and non-state employees such as Washington Conservation Corp, retired fire fighters, reservists, and work study students who receive payment(s) from the state payroll system (HRMS).

Abbreviation: NA

Working Hours per Payroll Period (WkHrs/period)

Definition: The average number of hours an employee works in one payroll period based on 2,088 full-time working hours in a calendar year. For indirectly valued employees with an hourly Employee Subgroup, this field calculates their Annual Salary and Base Rate / Hourly Wage once the range and step are entered.

Note: Capacity Utilization Level and Working Hours per Payroll Period should be aligned.


  • A full-time employee has a Capacity Utilization Level of 100%. Their Working Hours per Payroll Period is 87.00 semi-monthly, and their Annual Salary should reflect 100% of the full-time salary.
  • A part-time employee with a monthly Employee Subgroup is expected to work thirty hours per week. Their Capacity Utilization Level is 75%, and their Working Hours per Payroll Period is 65.25 semi-monthly. Their Annual Salary and Pay Period Salary (wage type 1003) should reflect 75% of the full-time salary.
  • A part-time employee with an hourly Employee Subgroup has a varying schedule but is estimated to work approximately twenty-four hours per week. The employee also receives a 2-range group C assignment pay. Their Capacity Utilization Level is 100%, and their Working Hours per Payroll Period is 87.00 semi-monthly. Their Annual Salary should reflect the full-time equivalent salary, their Base Rate / Hourly Wage (wage type 1001) should reflect their full hourly rate, and their assignment pay amount should reflect the full hourly rate equivalent of two-ranges.

Infotype: Basic Pay (0008) – included in HRMS F1 Help


Definition: Identifies the employee’s work location. 

Notes: For employees under the jurisdiction of Washington unemployment insurance and workers compensation programs or a state not configured in HRMS, when the Unemployment State (0209) Tax Authority is set to WA, the Worksite field should reflect the employee’s primary work location.

For employees under the jurisdiction of Oregon or Idaho unemployment insurance and workers compensation programs, when the Unemployment State (0209) Tax Authority is set to OR or ID, there is only one valid Worksite selection option for each. 

Prior to the addition of the Unique Facility Identifier (UFI) address field in HRMS in 2016, Worksite was the primary field used to identify the employee’s work location. It is still shared with several downstream systems including, Statewide HR Database (SWHR), Salary Projection System (SPS), and Compensation Impact Model (CIM). 

Infotype: Unemployment State (0209) 

Last updated
Wednesday, October 9, 2024
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