State funds distributed for COVID-19 outbreak response
May 26, 2020
State funds totaling $171.7 million have been distributed to state agencies and institutions to use to respond to the COVID-19 outbreak crisis. This is part of a total $200 million in funds budgeted by the Legislature in Engrossed House Bill 2965. The current allocations are listed below. Click the column headings to sort by that column, or use the search box to filter by keyword:
Date![]() |
Recipient | Amount | Purpose | Memo | |
06/11/2021 | Dept. of Social and Health Services | $5 million | To provide assistance to individuals and families without children and to all eligible participants for more than one period of time within any 12-month period pursuant to Governor’s Proclamation 20-63.9 and the expanded eligibility of the Family Emergency Assistance Program. | Disaster Response Account allocation to DSHS for DCAP | |
05/27/2021 | Dept. of Commerce | N/A | To redirect $2.5M for the purpose of incentivizing individuals to receive the COVID-19 vaccination. | Revision of previous Disaster Response Account-State allocation to Dept. of Commerce (vaccine incentives) | |
02/15/2021 | Dept. of Social and Health Services | $2.5 million | To provide critical assistance to skilled nursing facilities and one-time grants to nursing care facilities operating as public hospital districts. | Disaster Response Account allocation to DSHS | |
02/11/2021 | Dept. of Commerce | $87 million | Additional business assistance grants to cover expenses such as rent, mortgage and utilities, and eviction rental assistance to prevent future evictions due to nonpayment of rent. | Disaster Response Account allocation to Dept. of Commerce | |
02/11/2021 | Health Care Authority | $2.5 million | To support behavioral health providers, particularly those serving Medicaid and state-only clients. | Disaster Response Account allocation to Health Care Authority | |
12/21/2020 | Superintendent of Public Instruction | $3 million | For distribution to school districts to meet COVID-19 health and safety protocols. | Disaster Response Account allocation to SPI | |
11/18/2020 | Office of the Attorney General | +$500,000 CRF (federal), -$500,000 DRA (state) | To address the backlog of cases related to the eviction moratorium. | CARES Act allocation and DRA reduction for Office of the Attorney General | |
11/18/2020 | University of Washington | +$21,875,000 CRF (federal), -$21,875,000 DRA (state) | For UW Medicine to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, including managing an emergency operations center; procuring personal protective equipment, medical supplies and other equipment; disposing medical waste; cleaning and disinfecting state-owned facilities and equipment; disseminating information to the public; making temporary modifications to health care facilities; and developing triage, intake and testing facilities. | CARES Act allocation and DRA reduction for University of Washington | |
11/18/2020 | Dept. of Enterprise Services | +$360,000 CRF (federal), -$360,000 DRA (state) | To translate COVID-19 documents into 37 languages for 40 state agencies. | CARES Act allocation and DRA reduction for Dept of Enterprise Services | |
11/18/2020 | Dept. of Health | +$35,600,000 CRF (federal), -$35,600,000 DRA (state) | To pay for costs associated with the state and local government response to the coronavirus outbreak. | CARES Act allocation and DRA reduction for Dept. of Health | |
11/18/2020 | Dept. of Commerce | +$5,000,000 CRF (federal), -$5,000,000 DRA (state) | To continue the Working Washington Small Business Grant program. These grants of up to $10,000 are available to businesses that have up to 10 employees and have been in business for at least one year. | CARES Act allocation and DRA reduction for Dept. of Commerce | |
11/18/2020 | Dept. of Commerce | +$250,000 CRF (federal), -$250,000 DRA (state) | To install infrastructure hardware for drive-in WiFi locations at schools and libraries. | CARES Act allocation and DRA reduction for Dept. of Commerce for drive-in WiFi locations | |
11/18/2020 | Health Care Authority | +$260,000 CRF (federal), -$260,000 DRA (state) | To pay the sales tax portion of the Washington State Hospital Association’s (WSHA) purchase of personal protection equipment for hospitals, long-term care facilities, and other providers of services to vulnerable populations. | CARES Act allocation and DRA reduction for Health Care Authority | |
11/18/2020 | Dept. of Social and Health Services | +$19,500,000 CRF (federal), -$19,500,000 DRA (state) | To pay for costs associated with moving patients from hospitals to long-term care settings and purchasing a long-term care facility. | CARES Act allocation and DRA reduction for Dept. of Social and Health Services for long-term care costs | |
11/18/2020 | Dept. of Social and Health Services | +$13,900,000 CRF (federal), -$13,900,000 DRA (state) | TANF extension and sanction reduction, Disaster Cash Assistance Program, Food Assistance Program. | CARES Act allocation and DRA reduction for Dept. of Social and Health Services | |
11/06/2020 | Dept. of Social and Health Services | -$400,000 | Allocation reduced to $1.1. million. This allocation enabled the department to reduce non-compliance sanctions for TANF recipients in April while many WorkFirst services were suspended due to the coronavirus pandemic. It also temporarily extended the 60-month lifetime limit during the outbreak. | Amendment of previous April 20 allocation of funds to Dept. of Social and Health Services | |
11/05/2020 | University of Washington | $450,000 | To assess the implementation, value and population impact of a smartphone application for COVID-19 exposure notification. | Allocation of Disaster Response Account funds to UW for smartphone app | |
09/09/2020 | Dept. of Social and Health Services | N/A | Amends allocation time frame to include expenses through July 31, 2020. | Disaster cash assistance funding from Disaster Response Account - amending allocation time frame | |
08/21/2020 | Office of the Governor | $225,000 | Reimbursement of expenditures associated with COVID-19 costs, including communication services, management of our state's health system response and other response resources and supports. | Disaster Response Account allocation to the Office of the Governor | |
07/01/2020 | Office of the Attorney General | $500,000 | Address the backlog of cases related to the eviction moratorium extended in Proclamation 20-19.2. | Disaster Response Account allocation to the Office of the Attorney General | |
06/24/2020 | Dept. of Social and Health Services | Reduction of $1.3 million | For the Disaster Cash Assistance Program. | Amendment of previous April 20 allocation of funds to Dept. of Social and Health Services | |
05/26/2020 | Office of the Secretary of State | $1,668,755 | To provide the required 20 percent state match for the $8.3 million Help America Vote Act (HAVA) CARES Act grant received by the State of Washington. In accordance with the federal grant requirements, these matching funds must be used to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, domestically or internationally, for the 2020 federal election cycle. | Allocation of funds related to coronavirus (EHB 2965) to Secretary of State | |
05/18/2020 | Dept. of Commerce | $5 million | To distribute to the 29 federally recognized tribes in Washington to assist them in responding to the COVID-19 outbreak. | Fifth allocation of funds related to coronavirus (EHB 2965) to Dept. of Commerce | |
05/12/2020 | University of Washington | $21,875,000 | For UW Medicine to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, including managing an emergency operations center; procuring personal protective equipment, medical supplies and other equipment; disposing medical waste; cleaning and disinfecting state-owned facilities and equipment; disseminating information to the public; making temporary modifications to health care facilities; and developing triage, intake and testing facilities. | Second allocation of funds related to coronavirus (EHB 2965) to University of Washington | |
04/29/2020 | Dept. of Health | $11.7 million (GF-Federal) | To pay for costs associated with the state and local government response to the coronavirus outbreak in Washington. | Second allocation of General Fund-Federal funds related to coronavirus to Dept. of Health | |
04/29/2020 | Dept. of Commerce | $250,000 | For Consolidated Technology Services (WaTech) and Washington State University to install infrastructure hardware for drive-in WiFi locations at schools and libraries. | Fourth allocation of funds related to coronavirus (EHB 2965) to Dept. of Commerce | |
04/29/2020 | Office of Civil Legal Aid | $3 million | To pay for legal assistance for unemployment insurance claimants whose claims have been lost or denied and for tenants who face eviction upon termination of federal, state, and local eviction moratoria. | Allocation of funds related to coronavirus (EHB 2965) to Office of Civil Legal Aid | |
04/29/2020 | Health Care Authority | $260,000 | To pay the sales tax portion of the Washington State Hospital Association’s purchase of personal protection equipment for hospitals, long-term care facilities, and other providers of services to vulnerable populations. | Second allocation of funds related to coronavirus (EHB 2965) to Health Care Authority | |
04/29/2020 | Dept. of Enterprise Services | $360,000 | To translate COVID-19 documents into 37 languages for 40 state agencies. | Allocation of funds related to coronavirus (EHB 2965) to Dept. of Enterprise Services | |
04/20/2020 | Dept. of Commerce | $5 million | To continue the Working Washington Small Business Grant program administered by the Department of Commerce. | Third allocation of funds related to coronavirus (EHB 2965) to Dept. of Commerce | |
04/20/2020 | Dept. of Social and Health Services | $15.6 million | To address various needs related to the coronavirus pandemic, including to reduce non-compliance sanctions for TANF recipients in April while many WorkFirst services are suspended due to the coronavirus. It also temporarily extends the 60-month lifetime limit during the outbreak. Also to provide assistance to individuals and families without children in April, pursuant to Governor’s Proclamation 20-18 which expanded eligibility for the Family Emergency Assistance Program. Also to fund the required match for the Food Assistance Program in March and April for the benefit level of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). | Second allocation of funds related to coronavirus (EHB 2965) to Dept. of Social and Health Services | |
04/03/2020 | Dept. of Commerce | $5 million | To distribute to the 29 federally recognized tribes in Washington to assist them in responding to the COVID-19 outbreak. | Second allocation of funds related to coronavirus (EHB 2965) to Dept. of Commerce | |
04/03/2020 | Dept. of Agriculture | $10 million | To purchase food and food distribution supplies for food banks and other non-profit organizations. | Allocation of funds related to coronavirus (EHB 2965) to Dept. of Agriculture | |
04/01/2020 | Dept. of Health | $30 million | To pay for costs associated with the state and local government response to the coronavirus outbreak in Washington. | Second allocation of funds related to coronavirus (EHB 2965) to Dept. of Health | |
03/18/2020 | Dept. of Commerce | $23 million | To address the public health needs of individuals experiencing homelessness, including social distancing measures, sanitation efforts, and shelter staffing needs. | Allocation of funds related to coronavirus (EHB 2965) to Dept. of Commerce | |
03/18/2020 | Dept. of Health | $20 million (Disaster Response Account) + $13.3 million (General Fund-Federal) | To pay for costs associated with the state and local government response to the coronavirus outbreak in Washington. | Allocation of funds related to coronavirus (EHB 2965) to Dept. of Health | |
03/18/2020 | University of Washington | $10 million | To pay solely for the costs incurred by University of Washington Medicine for coronavirus testing. | Allocation of funds related to coronavirus (EHB 2965) to University of Washington | |
03/18/2020 | Health Care Authority | $2 million | To establish a rural hospital emergency fund. | Allocation of funds related to coronavirus (EHB 2965) to Health Care Authority | |
03/18/2020 | Dept. of Social and Health Services | $19.5 million | To pay for costs associated with moving patients from hospitals to long-term care settings ($6.0 million) and purchasing a long-term care facility ($13.5 million). | Allocation of funds related to coronavirus (EHB 2965) to Dept. of Social and Health Services |