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Department of Transportation

RCW 47

The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDIT) is the steward of a multimodal transportation system and responsible for ensuring that people and goods move safely and efficiently. In addition to building, maintaining and operating the state highway system, WSDOT is responsible for the state ferry system, and works in partnership with others to maintain and improve local roads, railroads and airports, and to support alternatives to driving, such as public transportation, bicycles and pedestrian programs.

Agency Mission

The Washington State Department of Transportation provides and supports safe, reliable and cost-effective transportation options to improve livable communities and economic viability for people and businesses.
Request 10,477,101,000
Net change from current biennium 713,077,000 Increase
Percent change from current biennium 7.3% Increase

Operating Budget: Summary

Appropriated Funds

2023-25 Appropriations Appropriated Funds Expenditures
Amount Estimated Balance   2021-23 Actual 2023-25 Estimated 2025-27 Proposed
(1,332,926,000) Connecting WA account - 1,332,926,000 1,990,579,000
Puget Sound Gateway Facility Acct - 80,000,000
I-405 and SR-167 Express Toll Lanes - 333,935,000
5,764,026 185,026 Aeronautics Account - Federal 1,049,874 5,579,000 2,600,000
(1,500,000) Highway Infrastructure Account - Federal 1,500,000 1,500,000
(87,047,000) Puget Sound Capital Construction - Federal 87,047,000 31,829,000
46,654,000 (1,180,078,000) Motor Vehicle Account - Federal 37,814,071 1,226,732,000 1,148,145,000
198,650,000 Puget Sound Ferry Operations Acct - Federal 157,198,794 198,650,000 115,315,000
43,630,000 (26,743,000) Multimodal Transportation Account - Federal 4,745,110 70,373,000 147,357,000
(373,155,000) Move Ahead WA Account - Federal 373,155,000 466,147,000
Move Ahead WA Flexible Account - Federal 888,082 7,466,000
60,000 Aeronautics Account - Private/Local 37,294 60,000 60,000
(2,150,000) Puget Sound Capital Construction - Private/Local 2,150,000 1,679,000
1,711,000 (126,108,000) Motor Vehicle Account - Private/Local 471,541 127,819,000 138,323,000
121,000 Puget Sound Ferry Operations Acct - Private/Local 121,000 121,000 121,000
260,058 14,058 Multimodal Transportation Account - Private/Local 210,526 246,000 246,000
(137,500,000) Move Ahead WA Account - Private/Local 137,500,000 223,250,000
WA State Aviation Account - Nonappropriated 27,210
Public Use Gen Aviatn Airprt Loan - Nonappropriated 12,000
(157,962,000) Transportation Equipment Account - Nonappropriated 124,215,545 157,962,000 150,650,000
Miscellaneous Program Account - Nonappropriated 39,087
Misc Transportation Programs Acct - Nonappropriated 138,662,458
500,000 500,000 General Fund - State
(1,412,000) Essential Rail Assistance Account - State 1,412,000 1,518,000
17,449,000 Aeronautics Account - State 7,002,375 17,449,000 14,175,000
784,000 State Vehicle Parking Account - State 726,848 784,000 784,000
Waste Tire Removal Account - State 4,999,998
(16,621,000) Transportation Infrastructure Acct - State 16,621,000 6,082,000
(1,060,000) Highway Infrastructure Account - State 1,060,000 1,152,000
1,100,000 (769,000) Recreational Vehicle Account - State 1,869,000 1,851,000
(388,304,000) Puget Sound Capital Construction - State 388,304,000 349,493,000
(21,847,000) Freight Mobility Investment Account - State 21,847,000 17,917,000
1,550,000 (18,461,000) Transportation Partnership Account - State 1,485,632 20,011,000 26,335,000
5,529,000 Highway Safety Account - State 5,529,000 10,621,000
1,084,366,000 (327,524,000) Motor Vehicle Account - State 953,834,996 1,411,890,000 1,289,927,000
572,654,000 Puget Sound Ferry Operations Acct - State 440,278,248 572,654,000 679,850,000
120,177,000 120,177,000 Regional Mobility Grant Program - State 60,630,949 136,126,000
(27,216,000) Freight Mobility Multimodal Account - State 27,216,000 23,752,000
33,077,000 Rural Mobility Grant Program Acct - State 32,342,493 33,077,000 32,223,000
72,610,000 (7,934,000) SR #520 Corridor Account - State 43,896,968 80,544,000 61,597,000
4,178,000 SR 520 Civil Penalties Account - State 485,029 4,178,000 2,378,000
(21,688,000) Capital Vessel Replacement Account - State 21,688,000 207,726,000
452,000 (117,410,000) Connecting WA account - State 196,155 117,862,000 150,754,000
4,746,000 4,746,000 Electric Vehicle Account - State 9,108,962
(32,811,000) Special Category C Account - State 32,811,000 9,884,000
257,225,000 (257,653,000) Multimodal Transportation Account - State 176,031,720 514,878,000 412,215,000
Puget Sound Gateway Facility Acct - State 11,358,000
Agency Financial Transaction Accoun - State 93,508
231,950,000 (280,765,000) Carbon Emissions Reduction Account - State 512,715,000 664,139,000
(171,442,000) Climate Active Transportation Acct - State 171,442,000 214,360,000
410,645,000 Climate Transit Programs Account - State 49,345,417 410,645,000 436,186,000
75,622,000 (1,022,052,000) Move Ahead WA Account - State 48,391,205 1,097,674,000 474,263,000
17,894,000 (68,000,000) Move Ahead WA Flexible Account - State 2,222,679 85,894,000 83,582,000
3,520,000 3,520,000 SW Info Tech Sys Dev Rev Acct - State 3,560,468
36,206,000 (12,202,000) Tacoma Narrows Toll Bridge Account - State 31,842,480 48,408,000 42,237,000
32,580,000 (25,456,000) Alaskan Way Viaduct Replacement Pro - State 27,034,389 58,036,000 49,399,000
1,488,000 Transportation 2003 Acct (Nickel A) - State 1,461,000 1,488,000 1,488,000
1,230,000 Multiuse Roadway Safety Account - State 7,967 1,230,000 450,000
28,341,000 (334,647,000) I-405 and SR-167 Express Toll Lanes - State 23,328,302 362,988,000 224,065,000
Salary/Insurance Contrib Increase R - State 1,441,002
3,312,723,084 (6,451,300,916) Total Appropriated Funds 2,385,229,382 9,764,024,000 10,477,101,000

Non-Appropriated Funds

Capital Budget: Summary

  Appropriated Funds Expenditures
Amount Estimated Balance   Actual Estimated Proposed
1,500,000 1,500,000 Highway Infrastructure Account - Federal
87,047,000 87,047,000 Puget Sound Capital Construction - Federal 96,949,422
1,182,308,000 1,182,308,000 Motor Vehicle Account - Federal 746,342,197
38,190,000 38,190,000 Multimodal Transportation Account - Federal 803,038
373,155,000 373,155,000 Move Ahead WA Account - Federal 7,200,000
337,144,000 337,144,000 Coronavirus St Fiscal Recovery Fund - Federal 62,856,047
2,150,000 2,150,000 Puget Sound Capital Construction - Private/Local 234,934
126,625,000 126,625,000 Motor Vehicle Account - Private/Local 66,002,118
12,000 12,000 Multimodal Transportation Account - Private/Local
137,500,000 137,500,000 Move Ahead WA Account - Private/Local
Public Use Gen Aviatn Airprt Loan - Nonappropriated 2,916,694
Misc Transportation Programs Acct - Nonappropriated 562,983,421
Advance Right-of-Way Revolving - Nonappropriated
1,412,000 1,412,000 Essential Rail Assistance Account - State 387,869
State Building Construction Account - State
5,000,000 Public Works Assistance Account - State 5,000,000 5,000,000
16,621,000 16,621,000 Transportation Infrastructure Acct - State 3,965,525
1,060,000 1,060,000 Highway Infrastructure Account - State
769,000 769,000 Recreational Vehicle Account - State 641,195
388,304,000 388,304,000 Puget Sound Capital Construction - State 95,438,843
21,847,000 21,847,000 Freight Mobility Investment Account - State 5,126,569
68,640,000 68,640,000 Transportation Partnership Account - State 185,753,156
Highway Safety Account - State
328,224,000 328,224,000 Motor Vehicle Account - State 330,619,977
27,216,000 27,216,000 Freight Mobility Multimodal Account - State 7,948
7,934,000 7,934,000 SR #520 Corridor Account - State 71,011,900
10,000,000 10,000,000 SR 520 Civil Penalties Account - State
21,688,000 21,688,000 Capital Vessel Replacement Account - State 2,869,470
2,148,396,000 2,148,396,000 Connecting WA account - State 1,771,966,970
52,000,000 52,000,000 Judy Transp Future Funding Prog Acc - State
143,917,000 143,917,000 Special Category C Account - State 60,930,575
259,286,000 259,286,000 Multimodal Transportation Account - State 57,156,510
15,000,000 15,000,000 Model Toxics Control Stormwater Acc - State
Puget Sound Gateway Facility Acct - State 8,400,000
284,765,000 284,765,000 Carbon Emissions Reduction Account - State
171,442,000 171,442,000 Climate Active Transportation Acct - State 203,583
1,024,163,000 1,024,163,000 Move Ahead WA Account - State 55,835,217
68,000,000 68,000,000 Move Ahead WA Flexible Account - State
12,202,000 12,202,000 Tacoma Narrows Toll Bridge Account - State 2,267,202
25,456,000 25,456,000 Alaskan Way Viaduct Replacement Pro - State 666
71,517,000 71,517,000 Transportation 2003 Acct (Nickel A) - State 32,912,556
334,647,000 334,647,000 I-405 and SR-167 Express Toll Lanes - State 31,670,820
7,795,137,000 7,790,137,000 Total Appropriated Funds 4,263,454,422 5,000,000 5,000,000

Operating Budget: Program Summary

Program Title Actual Estimated Proposed
Actual Estimated Estimated Proposed Proposed
Toll Operations and Maintenance 54,777,035 65,545,503 25,277,712 84,595,000 88,294,000
Information Technology 64,727,774 60,071,606 27,972,151 67,473,000 68,549,000
Facility Maintenance, O and Cons-O 21,122,351 20,738,883 8,089,790 22,198,000 21,978,000
Transportation Equipment Fund 82,247,809 76,698,950 32,914,417 85,325,000 85,325,000
Aviation 5,454,868 7,559,127 2,566,046 8,809,000 8,037,000
Program Delivery Mgmt and Support 25,644,272 32,362,152 13,187,653 34,879,000 36,094,000
Public Private Partnerships-Op 11,836,673 17,468,789 4,774,225 80,969,000 80,984,000
Highway Maintenance and Operations 321,642,216 303,825,790 105,914,302 327,088,000 329,020,000
Transportation Operations-Operating 43,453,804 42,260,978 19,737,842 55,523,000 57,175,000
Transportation Management & Support 24,945,242 43,908,525 20,485,864 33,519,000 28,139,000
Transportation Planning, Data and R 37,343,803 31,299,322 14,983,356 40,328,000 43,080,000
Charges From Other Agencies 51,090,936 57,460,772 35,191,926 69,715,000 57,146,000
Public Transportation 202,430,675 299,439,906 65,870,318 278,017,000 292,498,000
Washington State Ferries 330,488,711 354,295,745 140,511,495 361,208,000 433,017,000
Rail - Operating 18,958,583 34,881,372 12,778,802 41,581,000 41,611,000
Local Programs - Operating 7,459,088 8,025,833 3,455,093 9,210,000 9,311,000
Annual Total 1,303,623,840 1,455,843,251 533,710,990 1,600,437,000 1,680,258,000

Operating Budget: Change from Preceding Biennium

Actual Estimated Proposed
Amount Percent Amount Percent Amount Percent
335,476,924 17.6% (256,973,596) (11.4%) 1,291,140,758 64.9%

Employment Summary

  Actual Estimated Proposed
  2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Estimated 2024-25 Estimated 2025-26 Proposed 2026-27 Proposed
FTE Staff Years 4,625.4 4,867.6 4,747.0 7,284.0 7,390.5