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CARES Act allocations

This is a list of federal funds allocated by OFM from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act between 2020 and 2021.

Funds from other federal legislation, like the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act, are not included here as they were appropriated directly by the state Legislature. 

Date Recipientsort descending Amount Purpose Memo
09/08/2020 Health Care Authority $8,172,000 For state General Fund expenses incurred in response to the coronavirus pandemic in fiscal year 2020. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Health Care Authority
11/18/2020 Health Care Authority +$260,000 CRF (federal), -$260,000 DRA (state) To pay the sales tax portion of the Washington State Hospital Association’s (WSHA) purchase of personal protection equipment for hospitals, long-term care facilities, and other providers of services to vulnerable populations. CARES Act allocation and DRA reduction for Health Care Authority
01/22/2021 Health Care Authority N/A The allocation for transitioning Medicaid clients out of acute care hospitals into appropriate nursing home settings is extended from 12/30/20 to 6/30/21.  Amendment of previous Dec 14, 2020 allocation of funds to Health Care Authority
09/08/2020 Joint Legislative Services Committee $883,000 For state General Fund expenses incurred in response to the coronavirus pandemic in FY 2020. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Joint Legislative Services Committee
06/29/2020 Office of Civil Legal Aid $2.3 million The purpose of the allocation is to enable OCLA to provide a comprehensive response to the problems and corresponding civil legal needs of families and individuals in four core areas of primary need during the COVID-19 pandemic: employment, shelter preservation, individual and family safety and security, and economic security. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to the Office of Civil Legal Aid
06/30/2020 Office of Financial Management $39,775,000 (CRF) + $225,000 (DRA-Fed) The purpose of these allocations is to assist state agencies in closing out the 2020 fiscal year by covering the cost of their COVID-19 response activities and to expand the Disaster Cash Assistance Program for individuals who face an emergency and do not have the money to meet their basic needs. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds and Disaster Response Account funds to the Office of Financial Management
09/04/2020 Office of Financial Management -$225,000 (Disaster Response Account-Federal) Rescinded for the reason it is more appropriate for the Office of the Governor to receive these funds and apply for expedited FEMA-Public Assistance reimbursement. Rescinding DRA-Federal allocation to Office of Financial Management
12/18/2020 Office of Financial Management -$17,257,120 ($39,775,000 reduced to $22,517,880) To assist state agencies in closing out the 2020 fiscal year by covering the cost of their COVID-19 response activities and to expand the Disaster Cash Assistance Program for individuals who face an emergency and do not have the money to meet their basic needs. Amended allocation of federal CARES Act funds to the Office of Financial Management
10/30/2020 Office of Financial Management and Dept. of Enterprise Services $24,000,000 For computer devices to allow K-12 students to learn remotely. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to OFM and DES for K-12 computers
08/05/2020 Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction $8.8 million Internet access contracts and connectivity needs. Allocation of federal CARES Act Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund funds to school districts and OSPI
08/21/2020 Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction $8.1 million For competitive grants to community-based organizations (CBOs) to support student learning in partnership with school districts. Allocation of federal CARES Act Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund funds
11/18/2020 Office of the Attorney General +$500,000 CRF (federal), -$500,000 DRA (state) To address the backlog of cases related to the eviction moratorium. CARES Act allocation and DRA reduction for Office of the Attorney General
09/08/2020 Office of the Attorney General $1,180,000 For state General Fund expenses incurred in response to the coronavirus pandemic in fiscal year 2020. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Office of the Attorney General
10/16/2020 Office of the Attorney General $652,000 To continue to enforce Governor Proclamation 20-19: COVID-19 Moratorium on Evictions. Funding may be used for the cost of retaining contract attorneys, as well as assistant attorney general and other support staff costs. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Office of the Attorney General to enforce eviction moratorium
10/16/2020 Office of the Governor $401,000 To provide funds to the Washington State Equity Office for its coronavirus efforts, Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to the Office of the Governor
08/21/2020 Office of the Governor $175,000 (CRF) + $225,000 (DRA-Fed) Reimbursement of expenditures associated with COVID-19 costs, including communication services, management of our state's health system response and other response resources and supports. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to the Office of the Governor
12/18/2020 Office of the Governor -$371,000 ($401,000 reduced to $30,000) To provide funds to the Washington State Equity Office for its coronavirus efforts. Amendment of previous Oct. 16 allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Office of the Governor
09/08/2020 Office of the Governor -$225,000 (Disaster Response Account-Federal) Rescinded for the reason it is more appropriate for the Office of the Governor to apply for expedited FEMA-Public Assistance reimbursement from the Military Department. Rescinding DRA-Federal allocation to Office of the Governor
12/14/2020 Office of the Secretary of State $325,000 To support TVW, which has experienced an unprecedented number of individuals accessing pandemic-related content. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Office of the Secretary of State
06/15/2020 Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction $195.2 million (ESSER funds) The purpose of this allocation is to provide emergency relief funds to local education agencies to address the impact of COVID-19 on elementary and secondary schools. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction
08/21/2020 State Board for Community and Technical Colleges $44,027,389 Support continued operations, emergency support funds, and restart professional technical programs. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
06/29/2020 University of Washington $25.8 million The purpose of this allocation is to pay for testing expenditures, including test development, triage and testing sites, and public health partnerships for contact tracing; pay for COVID-related cleaning services; to pay for increased training for epidemiology students to support local virus response; increased PPE; capital upgrades to improve patient safety; required field learning for nursing, dental, and social work students; and virtual training costs for dental and medical students; and to pay for increased training for epidemiology students to support local virus response; increased PPE; capital upgrades to improve patient safety; required field learning for nursing, dental, and social work students; and virtual training costs for dental and medical students. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds and Disaster Response Account funds to the University of Washington
04/19/2021 University of Washington -$21,875,000 Due to the Presidential memorandum directing FEMA to reimburse 100% of eligible expenses, the state’s contribution is no longer required. Revision of previous allocation of Coronavirus Relief Funds to University of Washington
08/21/2020 University of Washington $1,903,699 Support continued operations, and emergency support funds. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to University of Washington
09/08/2020 University of Washington -$1,866,000 Rescinded for the reason it is more appropriate for the University of Washington to apply for expedited FEMA-Public Assistance reimbursement from the Military Department. Rescinding DRA-Federal allocation to University of Washington
05/14/2020 University of Washington $25 million The purpose of this allocation is for testing equipment, staff and supplies associated with the state’s response to the coronavirus outbreak. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to University of Washington
11/18/2020 University of Washington +$21,875,000 CRF (federal), -$21,875,000 DRA (state) For UW Medicine to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, including managing an emergency operations center; procuring personal protective equipment, medical supplies and other equipment; disposing medical waste; cleaning and disinfecting state-owned facilities and equipment; disseminating information to the public; making temporary modifications to health care facilities; and developing triage, intake and testing facilities. CARES Act allocation and DRA reduction for University of Washington
12/14/2020 Washington State Arts Commission $2 million For the Creative Districts program to help stabilize, recover, and preserve arts and culture organizations during the pandemic. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to the Washington State Arts Commission
08/21/2020 Washington State University $1,329,228 Support continued operations, and emergency support funds. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Washington State University
08/21/2020 Western Washington University $5,456,837 Support continued operations, and emergency support funds. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Western Washington University


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