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Price lists - WAAM -

Supplier pricing hosted on DES website—master contract portal pages for ordering, in absence of a full catalog.

Preventive maintenance - WAAM -

A maintenance strategy where inspections are made or actions are taken on a scheduled basis to reduce service interruptions, reduce the premature failure of facilities, systems, and equipment, and continue efficient operations. Actual inspection and maintenance is performed on pre-specified schedules established by manufacturer or facility manager.

Preservation project - WAAM -

Projects that maintain and preserve existing state facilities and assets, and do not significantly change the program use of a facility. Examples would include roof replacement and exterior renovation, utility system upgrade, and repairing streets and parking lots.

Pre-encumbrance - WAAM -

A commitment of budgeted funds that is typically recorded when processing a purchase requisition for goods and services. A preencumbrance can be converted into an encumbrance once a purchase order has been generated from the requisition.

Predictive maintenance - WAAM -

A refinement to preventive maintenance that integrates scheduled maintenance with system monitoring and analysis (e.g., vibration analysis, thermal/energy analysis) to identify inefficient operation or imminent breakdown. Predictive maintenance ideally reduces the cost of maintaining components that are working adequately.

Predesign study - WAAM -

A report and process completed at the beginning of a project that clearly and accurately defines the need/problem to be addressed. The predesign study provides an analysis of alternatives and describes the selected alternative in detail with cost estimates. This study is the basis for large stand-alone capital projects.

Pre-award - WAAM -

This is a phase within the contract life cycle. Typically, the Agency is working with stakeholders to develop the requirements and initiate a solicitation. Activities include; defining the scope, product, or service, vendor, market review, budget, procurement documents and drafting the contract.

Post-award - WAAM -

This is a phase within the contract life cycle. Typically, the Agency is administering, monitoring and managing the parties to obtain business objectives in the delivery of the goods and/or services. Activities include; implementation, documentation, contract changes and payment.

Positive pay - WAAM -

An automated fraud detection tool offered by most banks. In its simplest form, it is a service that matches the account number, check number and dollar amount of each check presented for payment against a list of checks previously authorized and issued by the agency. All three components of the check must match exactly, or it will not pay.

Political subdivision - WAAM -

Local governments, including counties, cities, special districts, and public benefit non-profit 501(c)3 organizations.
