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Revised Code of Washington (RCW) - WAAM -

The Revised Code of Washington is the compilation of all permanent state laws now in effect. It is a collection of session laws (enacted by the Legislature and signed by the Governor or enacted via the initiative process), arranged by topic, with amendments added and repealed laws removed. It does not include temporary laws, such as appropriation acts.

Reversion - WAAM -

Unused appropriation authority. If an agency does not spend all of its appropriation in the timeframe specified by the budget, the authorization to spend that dollar amount expires.

Revenue category - WAAM -

Granular view of revenue for goods and services provided. Defaults from a sales item.

Revenues - WAAM -

Cash receipts and receivables of a governmental unit derived from taxes and other sources.

Retainage - WAAM -

Those portions of cash amounts due to be paid to a contractor for work completed that are held back (retained) by the agency/institution and not paid until some later date; often at substantial completion or at final completion of the work, according to the terms and conditions of the contract and any relevant legal statue; as a security for proper performance of work and fulfillment of contractor's requirements.

Retain - WAAM -

To continue using a computer system/application instead of utilizing Workday functionality. Note: A decision to retain a computer system/application may require extensive conversation and integration work.

Results Washington - WAAM -

Results Washington combines the best aspects of previous performance management and performance budgeting efforts such as Government Management Accountability and Performance (GMAP) and Priorities of Government (POG) with a significantly expanded Lean initiative that will involve all state agencies.

Responsive bidder - WAAM -

An entity that has submitted a bid that fully conforms to the requirements stated in the Competitive Solicitation.

Reserved allotment status - WAAM -

The portion of expenditure authority not expected to be used because of circumstances such as the Governor's across-the-board allotment reductions, technical corrections, or proviso compliance.

Reserve or fund balance - WAAM -

In budget terminology, the difference between budgeted resources and expenditures.
