Inclusion in Washington Management Service

Who Decides?

Agencies determine if a position is appropriate for Washington Management Service. They are required to have policies in place detailing the process used for Washington Management Service position(s) inclusion.

For questions regarding agency Washington Management Service policy and procedures, please contact the agency human resources office.

What is the criteria?

Positions are included in the Washington Management Service (WMS) if they meet the definition of manager as outlined in RCW 41.06.500 and WAC 357-58-035:

  • Formulates statewide policy or directs the work of an agency or agency subdivision;
  • Is responsible to administer one or more statewide policies or programs of an agency or agency subdivision;
  • Manages, administers, and controls a local branch office of an agency or agency subdivision, including the physical, financial, or personnel resources;
  • Has substantial responsibility in personnel administration, legislative relations, public information, or the preparation and administration of budgets; OR
  • Functionally is above the first level of supervision and exercises authority that is not merely routine or clerical in nature and requires the consistent use of independent judgment.

Are there other constraints besides the criteria?

Washington State's HR Management Performance and Accountability Plan sets standard performance measures for statewide workforce management. In the plan is a measure for the Washington State Management Service headcount to remain at or below 7.5% of the overall workforce.

To meet the states 7.5% goal, each agency is limited to the number of Washington Management Service employees by an agency control point established in July 2007. The control point is the percentage of the agency Washington Management Service staff to total agency staff.

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