Local Update of Census Addresses (LUCA)

The Local Update of Census Addresses operation or LUCA, is a voluntary decennial census operation. LUCA is the only opportunity prior to the 2020 Census for tribal, state, and local governments to review and update the U.S. Census Bureau’s residential address list and flag group quarters for their jurisdiction.

The Census Bureau relies on a complete and accurate address list to reach every living quarters and associated population for inclusion in the census. The census data has numerous applications and impacts our state in many ways. See Governor Inslee’s LUCA promotion letter for more information:

Local jurisdictions will have one last chance to add to the Census Bureau’s address list during the New Construction program. Registration for this program will occur April-July of 2019. The work will occur between September and November of 2019. See New Construction Program for details.

LUCA appeals (summer of 2019)

LUCA participants will receive feedback materials from the Census Bureau during the summer of 2019. Participants will have 30 days to appeal rejected changes. The appeals will be reviewed by the LUCA appeals office, a temporary federal entity managed by the Office of Management and Budget

How did the state participate?

OFM signed up as a LUCA participant. We used a list of approximately 3.4 million residential addresses from administrative records in our review process. We focused on high growth areas within jurisdictions that were not already participating in LUCA. We reviewed as many jurisdictions and addresses as we could with the time we had. We also reviewed group quarters statewide.

Here are the results of the Washington State 2020 Census LUCA submittal.

Type Address
Group Quarters  
Added 856
Corrected 54
Deleted 14
Housing units  
Added 13, 682
Corrected 59,185
Deleted 3,349

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