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Statewide Accounting glossary

This is a list of terms used within the Washington Administrative and Accounting Manual (WAAM) and within Workday. To find a term, enter it in in the search box, and select 'Apply'.

Termsort descending Category Definition
Deny Cross Application

Designated participants in business processes, with a defined responsibility in this type of event, indicate that they deny the proposed action The business process is not authorized to proceed to the next step. In some cases, the entire business process may be terminated, and all Workday data is restored to its state before the business process started.

Depreciation Profile Financial

Determines how a resource will be depreciated, and specifies the depreciation method and depreciation start date. Each resource category is assigned one depreciation profile, and each resource depreciation profile is defaulted by its resource category.

Derived Roles Cross Application

Roles can be assigned to a user when he is given a responsibility within a functional area, such as HR partner or compensation partner for a particular organization. You can have different roles in relationship to different organizations. For example, you could be a compensation partner for one organization and an HR business partner for another organization.

Dimension Cross Application

Some aspect of or perspective on data that you want to use as the basis for analysis. For example, for financial accounting, you can analyze revenue by customer, by channel, or by marketing campaign. For expenses, you can analyze costs by cost center or by project. All of these are dimensions. Dimensions are usually created with worktags.

Direct debit

Method to make a payment directly from a bank account using an Automated Clearing House (ACH).

Directors' reviews

An application used to track requests for director review of job classification assignment to a position.


The final settlement of a matter as to whether your agency will retire or retain a computer system/application.

Domain Cross Application

A domain is a collection of related securable items such as actions, reports, report data, report data sources, or custom report fields. Each domain is secured by a domain security policy.

Domain Security Policy Cross Application

A domain security policy is a collection of related securable elements of different types and user-specified security groups that have access to elements of each type.

Drilldown Cross Application

Matrix reports enable you to drill down to see underlying data. When you click on a drillable element (such as a drillable field in the table view or a column, line, or pie segment in the chart view), a context menu appears that enables you to select a new View By field. If the Enable Drilldown to Detail Data check box is selected on the Advanced tab of the report definition, you can also select Details associated with the selected report element.

Economic life

Economic life in the context of cost/benefit analysis refers to the span of years necessary to compare similar costs of operating and maintaining alternative solutions. It may not equate to the time required to fully depreciate the structure. The economic life span should be the same for each alternative for a project. The period of time, extending from the date of installation to the date of retirement for the intended service, over which a prudent owner expects to retain the property in order to obtain a minimum cost.

Efficiency measure

A measure that shows the relationship between inputs (dollars or FTEs) to output or outcome.

eMarket Center

The shopping experience for the users to include search engine, price lists, punch out catalog, hosted catalog.


A set of unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of the agency that either: (a) Presents a real, immediate, and extreme threat to the proper performance of essential functions; or (b) May reasonably be expected to result in material loss or damage to property, bodily injury, or loss of life, if immediate action is not taken.

Employee self-service

An application used by general government employees to access their earning statements and submit leave. Not all general government agencies use ESS.


Commitments related to unperformed (executory) contracts for goods or services. Used in budgeting, encumbrances are not GAAP expenditures or liabilities, but represent the estimated number of expenditures ultimately to result if unperformed contracts in process are completed. An encumbrance is often recorded at the time a purchase order is processed.

End-to-End (E2E) Testing

The collaborative effort to thoroughly test functionality and integration, ensuring business processes operate as intended from start to finish.


Person or organization that actually uses a product, as opposed to the person or organization that authorizes, orders, procures, or pays for it.


Encompassing the entire state of Washington as a single organization, rather than separate groups, departments, agencies or functions.

Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW)

An enterprise data warehouse (EDW) is a modern reporting and data analysis solution that is scalable to meet current and future business needs. The new OFM EDW will help to set the foundation for strategic information and analysis across multiple data sources to support emerging data needs. 

Enterprise Integration Crosswalk (EIC) Integration

The Enterprise Integration Crosswalk (EIC) maps legacy AFRS values to Workday values and vice versa (aka forward/reverse crosswalks). This is a temporary solution for agencies that are unable to remediate their legacy system for interacting with the new Workday financial information prior to deployment, including FDM work tags and alignment with business process workflows.

Enterprise Interface Integration

The process of exporting data out of Workday to an external system or importing data into Workday from an external system. An Enterprise Interface consists of an integration system, an integration data source, an integration transformation, and an integration transport protocol.

Enterprise Interface Builder (EIB)

The Enterprise Interface Builder (EIB) is a Workday tool used to import and update data in bulk within the OneWA Workday system without any programming. EIBs are available for agencies to upload mass data and transactions.  These important factors need to be considered when using an EIB: Must use default Excel spreadsheet templates for uploading data, related to a given area, and customized for only columns needed; Use of EIB initiates the same business processes as if manually entering data through the user interface; Upload bulk data using spreadsheet templates populated in Workday Data Format.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is the integrated management of common business practices across the enterprise and the technology that supports them. A complete ERP system combines data on an organization's main resources and provides decision makers with real time, enterprise information.


A service or grant that, under state or federal law, must be provided to all eligible applicants.


Tangible property other than land, buildings, improvements other than buildings, or infrastructure which is used in operations and with a useful life of more than one year. Examples are furnishings, equipment, and software. Equipment may be attached to a structure for purposes of securing the item, but unless it is permanently attached to or an integral part of the building or structure, it is classified as equipment and not buildings.

Event Cross Application

A transaction that occurs within your organization, such as hiring or terminating an employee.

Expenditure authority

Permission for agencies to disburse moneys or accrue liabilities during specific fiscal periods, up to specified amounts, from specific accounts. Authority is provided by the Legislature, through appropriations or inclusion of nonappropriated account moneys in the legislative budget, and by the executive through allocations, approval of unanticipated receipts, or across-the-board spending reductions.

Expenditure authority code

The three-character code assigned by OFM to identify each legislative or executive authorization to incur expenditures. Agencies are to use only those expenditure authority codes that have been authorized in writing by OFM. The assigned codes are valid only for the biennium for which they are established.

Expenditure authority schedule

A listing prepared by OFM of all dollar appropriations (by agency and account) contained in legislation, along with an assigned code for use in allotment preparation and other accounting requirements.


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