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Improvement - WAAM -

A legal term referring to anything erected on and affixed to land (e.g., buildings, roads, fences, and services), which legally becomes part of the land, according to common law and statutory definition.

Hosted catalogue - WAAM -

Supplier catalogs hosted on DES website—master contract portal pages.

Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning balancing - WAAM -

The cost to test and balance designed heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, including water flows, at the completion of construction.

Grant - WAAM -

Awards of financial assistance, including cooperative agreements, in the form of money or property in lieu of money to an eligible grantee. Capital grants are restricted for the acquisition, constructions, or renovation of capital assets associated with a specific program. Operating grants support all or a portion of current operating expenses within a certain program.

Governor's emergency fund - WAAM -

An appropriation made available to the Governor for unforeseen expenditure requirements in state agencies.

Governmental purposes - WAAM -

As used in the context of use of bond/COP proceeds to pay the costs of facilities expected to be owned or used by, or to make any loan or grant to, a state and local government unit as defined in Treas. Reg. 1.103-1. This includes any state or political subdivision thereof that has been delegated substantial taxing, police, or condemnation power under state law or any instrumentality thereof

Governmental funds - WAAM -

A fund classification used to account for most typical governmental functions. The acquisition, use, and balance of the state's resources and related current liabilities, unless required to be accounted for in proprietary funds or fiduciary funds, are accounted for in this classification of funds. There are five types of governmental funds: General Fund, Special Revenue funds, Capital Projects funds, Debt Service funds and Permanent funds.

Governance - WAAM -

An organizational structure to set the responsibilities and practices exercised by the governing bodies to provide strategic direction, ensure that objectives are achieved, appropriately manage risks and change, and ensure good stewardship of state resources.

Goals - WAAM -

Broad, high-level, issue-oriented statements of an organization's desired future direction or desired state.

Go-live - WAAM -

Go-live is the date on which the new ERP system becomes operational. For the entirety of the One Washington program, there will be several go-lives as different phases replace different systems and processes (i.e. phase 1 will replace AFRS).
