An agreement between government agencies, entities or departments that defines cooperative work or services to be performed between them. The agreement defines the parties involved, the work performed and the transfer of resources, technologies and funds.
Each integration requires an integration design and field mapping documentation. The integration team is offering agencies a crosswalk integration option to aid with remediation work of some legacy systems during the implementation timeframe or excessive temporary remediations to bridge gaps between phase 1a and phase 1b functionality. The integration team is providing the crosswalk for legacy AFRS COA to/from Workday FDM. These field mappings will be used by OFM to create updated Data Sharing Agreements (DSA).
An integration component that specifies how values in Workday map to values in an external system. For example, Pay Rate Frequency is a type of map in third-party payroll integrations.
A law on state budget restrictions approved by voters in the November 1993 general election. Its primary requirements are: an expenditure limit based on inflation and population growth (applicable to state General Fund expenditures only); an emergency reserve account for any GF-S revenues above the expenditure limit; a percentage limit on how much state fees can be raised without legislative approval; and a two-thirds legislative vote requirement on certain state tax increases.
All electronic technology systems, products and services. Equipment, software, services, and products used in processing information, office automation, and telecommunications (voice, data and/or video).