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Contractor - WAAM -

The firm, its employees and affiliated agents. Contractor also includes any firm, provider, organization, individual, or other entity performing the business activities of the agency. It will also include any subcontractor retained by Contractor as permitted under the terms of the Contract. (OCIO) Contractor" means an individual or entity awarded a contract with an agency to perform a service or provide goods.


Contract management - WAAM -

Entire lifecycle from conception to end life of a contract. Includes development, tracking, monitoring and updating contracts throughout their lifecycle to proactively manage supplier and user adherence to negotiated terms and conditions.

Contract documents - WAAM -

The drawings, specifications, conditions, agreement, and other documents prepared by the designer that illustrate and describe the work of the construction contract and the terms and conditions under which it shall be done and paid.

Contract (procurement) - WAAM -

A contract is a promise that is a legally enforceable agreement between two or more parties.

Contingency - WAAM -

The need for cost contingency is generated by a lack of information, at a particular point in time, for the task being estimated. Appropriate contingency amounts are dependent on the degree of risk present and the extent of the technical challenge surrounding the task. The design contingency legitimately covers uncertainties in a project and should be reduced through each phase of the design. Construction contingencies should be limited to 5 percent on new construction and 10 percent on remodeling work.

Consultant - WAAM -

An independent individual or entity contracting with an agency to perform a professional service or render an opinion or recommendation according to the consultant's methods and without being subject to the control of the agency except as to the result of the work. The agency monitors progress under the contract and authorizes payment.

Construction management (CM) - WAAM -

A contractual arrangement in which an owner employs an agent-consultant called a construction manager to coordinate and manage all of the construction trades. This additional management expertise is usually used on larger, more complex construction projects. However, an owner on a smaller project may retain a construction manager for that person's construction expertise to act as the representative for the owner on the project.

Construction document phase - WAAM -

The phase of the A/E's services in which the architect prepares the construction documents from the approved design development documents and assists the agency/institution in preparation of the bidding documents.

Constructability review - WAAM -

The cost for an independent consultant or contractor to determine if a unique or unusual project can physically be built as designed. This is to reduce construction change orders and claims. This review should be conducted at 75 percent completion of the construction documents.

Complaint response - WAAM -

The soliciting agency's written response to a Complaint.
