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Cloud - WAAM -

As opposed to systems maintained on-premise, the Cloud is a network of remote, internet-based systems hosted on the internet used to store and process data.

Client-specific procurement processes (i.e., DSHS/L&I) - WAAM -

Client Purchases - Client Service Contracts are for services provided directly to agency clients by contractors, including but not limited to, medical and dental services, employment and training programs, residential care, education and subsidized housing. Clients are those individuals whom the agency has statutory responsibility to serve, protect or oversee. Clients are the targeted individuals in the public that an agency is responsible to serve.

Client services (purchases) - WAAM -

Client Service Contracts are for services provided directly to agency clients by contractors, including but not limited to, medical and dental services, employment and training programs, residential care, education and subsidized housing. Clients are those individuals whom the agency has statutory responsibility to serve, protect or oversee. Clients are the targeted individuals in the public that an agency is responsible to serve.

Click-through agreement - WAAM -

A legally binding electronic agreement with terms of service to be accepted with caution by the user in the middle of an installation process requiring the clicking of acceptance on-screen to proceed.

Classification & Compensation Jobs (CCJobs) - WAAM -

An application used by OFM State HR to manage salary schedule and job class specifications. Interfaces with HRMS and facilitates backend transfer of salary schedule & job class data to other systems (SPS & CIM).

Chart of Accounts (COA) - WAAM -

A chart of accounts (COA) is a financial organizational tool that provides a complete listing of every account in an accounting system. An account is a unique record for each type of asset, liability, equity, revenue and expense.

Change order - WAAM -

A written authorization provided to a contractor approving a change from the original plans, specifications, or other contract documents, as well as a change in the cost. With the proper signatures, a change order is considered a legal document.

Certified Women Owned Business (CWOB) - WAAM -

Proof of woman's status. Each woman owner of a business applying for certification shall submit with the application form a copy of her birth certificate, valid driver's license, or other document which shows that the owner is a woman. The final determination will be in the sole discretion of the office. Business must be able to independently perform the services necessary to fulfill the contract. Business must be A for-profit business. A small business according to the U.S. Small Business Administration. Eligible owner(s) must: Be a U.S. Citizen or permanent resident.

Certified Minority Owned Business (CMOB) - WAAM -

Proof of minority status. Each minority owner of a business applying for certification who is visibly identifiable as a minority shall submit with the MWBE application form a photograph or copy of documentation containing the owner's photograph. Each minority owner who is not visibly identifiable as a minority shall submit a copy of his or her birth certificate, tribal enrollment papers, or other document which shows that the owner meets the definition of minority" as set forth in these rules. The final determination will be in the sole discretion of the office.
