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Certificate of Participation (COP) - WAAM -

Alternative financing method authorized by the Legislature and administered by the State Treasurer. (COPs for equipment do not require legislative authorization.) A COP typically has a revenue stream to pay the debt service for the capital project.

Cash receipts - WAAM -

Cash receipts are any moneys (e.g., checks, cash, warrants, credit or debit card amounts, or EFTs) received by the state during a period regardless of when the moneys are earned.

Cash disbursements - WAAM -

Cash disbursements are any moneys (e.g., checks, cash, warrants, credit or debit card amounts, or Electronic Fund Transfers (EFTs)) paid by the state during a period regardless of when the related obligations are incurred.

Carry-forward level - WAAM -

A projected expenditure level created by calculating the biennialized cost of decisions already recognized in appropriations by the Legislature. These adjustments include workload and service changes directed by the Legislature and deletion of costs considered nonrecurring

Capital outlays - WAAM -

Expenditures for the acquisition of, addition to, or major repair of fixed assets intended to benefit future periods. In the operating budget, this label typically refers to equipment.

Capital Budgeting System (CBS) - WAAM -

An enterprise application that allows development and submittal of agency capital budget requests online.

Capital budget preparation - WAAM -

Creation of the long-term financing and expenditure pan for acquisition, construction, or improvement of capital assets such as land and buildings, and for programs that accomplish facility improvements. The capital budget is included in an appropriation bill for a specific biennium; the Ten-Year Capital Plan is proposed by the Governor but not enacted into law.

Capital budget and ten-year capital plan - WAAM -

The long-term financing and expenditure plan for acquisition, construction, or improvement of capital assets such as land and buildings, and for programs that accomplish facility improvements. The capital budget is included in an appropriation bill for a specific biennium; the Ten-Year Capital Plan is proposed by the Governor but not enacted into law.

Capital assets - WAAM -

Tangible or intangible assets held and used in state operations which have a service life of more than one year and meet the state's capitalization policy. Capital assets of the state include land, infrastructure, improvements to land, buildings, leasehold improvements, vehicles, furnishings, equipment, collections and all other tangible and intangible assets that are used in state operations.

Capital addition - WAAM -

An addition expands or extends an existing fixed asset. An example of an addition would be the construction of a new wing for a correctional institution. New construction attached to an existing structure as an extension is an addition. Generally, additions involve alterations within existing buildings to make connections.
