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Bid - WAAM -

An offer, proposal, or quote for goods or services in response to a solicitation issued for goods or services by an agency.

Basic design services - WAAM -

Architectural/Engineering (A/E) Basic Design Services consist of those services described in the Guidelines for Determining Architect/Engineer Fees for Public Works Building Projects in Washington State. These design services include normal architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical and civil engineering services for the project. See: Form C-100 (2014) Section B2.

Base bid - WAAM -

An offer to do construction work for payment, the acceptance of which constitutes a contract between the contractor who made the bid (the bidder) and the agency or institution who accepted it exclusive of adjustments for additive alternates. Also know as a proposal or a tender; often called a prime bid when made by a construction company that hopes to become the prime contractor, or a sub-bid when made by a company that hopes to become a subcontractor.

Award - WAAM -

This is a phase within the contract life cycle. Activities include; the Competitive Solicitation procurement process; negotiating (where permissible) with successful bidders; and contract execution.

Automated Clearing House (ACH) - WAAM -

Electronic payments commonly referred to as direct deposit and automatic debit. ACH is a low cost, safe and green payment method utilized by most state agencies to take advantage of economies of scale by processing transactions in batches rather than sending each payment separately.

Assignee - WAAM -

Allows for identifying and reporting on financial activity and balances for which the individual is responsible. Defaults from another element such as the Grant (referred to below).

Artwork allowance - WAAM -

The cost of artwork for original construction of any building excluding storage sheds, warehouses, or buildings of a temporary nature, as provided in RCW 43.17.200. Universities and colleges must compute artwork allowances on the cost of original construction and on the cost of major renovation or remodeling work exceeding $200,000, as provided in RCW 28B.10.027.

Architect/Engineer (A/E) - WAAM -

A party to a contract to provide professional architectural and/or engineering design services to an agency or institution.

Appropriation - WAAM -

A legal authorization to make expenditures and incur obligations for specific purposes from a specific account over a specific time period. Appropriations typically limit expenditures to a specific amount and purpose within a fiscal year or biennial timeframe. Only the Legislature can make appropriations in Washington State.

Apparent Successful Bidder (ASB) - WAAM -

The lowest responsive and responsible Bidder as determined by the bid evaluation process and prior to Bidder negotiations.
