Revenue received which has not been appropriated by the Legislature. The Governor has the authority to approve the allotment of such money within the guidelines of the intent in which they were received and the statutory guidelines of RCW 43.79.270.
Accounts that have cash on deposit in and under the control of the State Treasurer and are disbursed by means of a warrant of electronic means. Treasury accounts are subject to appropriation unless specifically exempted.
Creation of a biennial plan for the revenues and expenditures necessary to support the administrative and service functions of (state) transportation agencies including (operations, safety) and the long-term financing and expenditure plan of capital assets.
Efforts to support learning and develop capabilities to help individuals adopt a particular skill or type of behavior related to OCM, the new system, or new business processes.
A process in accounts payable where the invoice from the vendor is matched against the purchase order and shipping documents before it is posted. The goal is to highlight any discrepancies in the purchasing process in order to save agencies from overspending or paying for an item that they did not receive.
This system enables agencies to develop allotment packets online. It supports allotment development, management, review, reporting and monitoring needs for state agencies, OFM and the Legislature.