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Washington State Human Resources Community


The purpose of the Washington State HR Community is to provide strategic planning leadership and guidance on human resource issues affecting the state workforce and government operations.

Roles and responsibilities

The Washington State HR Community is comprised of agency or higher education institution Human Resources Managers or Directors.  Members will serve as an advisory body to State Human Resources, the Department of Enterprise Services and the management teams within state agencies.  

HR community objectives

  • Provide leadership for the Washington State HR Community through alignment of agency HR objectives and activities with enterprise objectives and processes.
  • Support enterprise HR initiatives by representing customer agencies perspectives, providing resources when necessary, championing the outcome and advocating for success.
  • Recommend priorities, identify opportunities for collaboration and enterprise service improvements and provide cross-agency staff to work on issues as needed.
  • Commit to open communication between agencies, State HR and the Department of Enterprise Services to ensure collaboration.
  • Provide a forum to discuss and brainstorm strategic opportunities and ideas regarding HR process improvements.
  • Provide oversight to the development of human resource professionals within state government.
  • Serve as a forum to raise critical issues and seek resolution. 
  • Make appropriate human resource related decisions that impact the state human resource system and contributes to administrating HR programs in a fair and equitable manner.


The HR Community utilizes a structure of working committees to facilitate and coordinate the sharing of advice and expertise and to formulate recommendations and decisions on specified workforce issues.  

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