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On-line recruiting system standardization checklist

Step 1: Applied

  • Job seeker applies to agency job.


  • Review applicants as pass/fail and move the passing applicants to the next evaluation step or directly to the Eligible List Step.


Step 2: Eligible List

  • Assess applications. Move individuals who meet the minimum qualifications to the Eligible List Step.


Step 3: Referred

  • Move selected individuals to the Referred Step.



Step 4: Interviewed

  • The hiring manager selects individuals to Interview. Schedule interviews using the OHC. Move to the Interview Step.

Hiring Manager/Recruiter       

  • Move individuals to the Interview Step even if OHC is not used to schedule the interviews. This identifies individuals as being interviewed.


Step 5: Offered

  • Move selected individual to the Offered Step. Note whether the candidate accepted or declined the offer.

Hiring Manager/Recruiter

Step 6: Hired

  • Move individual to the hired Step once an offer has been accepted. The hire is approved in the OHC. The recruiter authorizes hire.

Hiring Manager/Recruiter        



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