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Account titles starting with I

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2 - 4 - 9 - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - R - S - T - U - V - W - Y
Account Code Account Title
14V Ignition Interlock Device Revolving Account
470 Imaging Account
281 Impaired Driving Safety Account
821 Impaired Physician Account
12R Independent Youth Housing Account
23L Indian Health Improvement Reinvest Acct
17M Indivi-Based/Portable Background Check Clearance Acct
08E Individual Development Account Program Account
03K Industrial Insurance Premium Refund Account
446 Industrial Insurance Rainy Day Fund Acct
28V Inflation Reduction Elective Pay Account
447 Information Technology Investment Revolving Account
149 Inst of HI ED-Operating Fees Acct
457 Inst of Hi-Ed Retire Benefits Revol
143 Inst of Higher Educ Morrill-Bankhead-Jones Act Acct - Federal Approps Account
857 Institution of Higher Education - Annuity and Life Income Account
752 Institutional Clearing/Transmittal Account
01N Institutional Impact Account
651 Institutional Residents' Deposit Account
512 Institutional Stores Account
800 Institutional Welfare/Betterment Account
840 Institutions of Higher Education - Agency Account
522 Institutions of Higher Education - Associated Students' Account
524 Institutions of Higher Education - Bookstore Account
443 Institutions of Higher Education - Data Processing Account
148 Institutions of Higher Education - Dedicated Local Account
859 Institutions of Higher Education - Endowment Local Account
569 Institutions of Higher Education - Food Services Account
145 Institutions of Higher Education - Grant and Contracts Account
573 Institutions of Higher Education - Housing and Food Account
460 Institutions of Higher Education - Motor Pool Account
570 Institutions of Higher Education - Other Enterprises Account
450 Institutions of Higher Education - Other Facilities Account
528 Institutions of Higher Education - Parking
147 Institutions of Higher Education - Plant Accounts
448 Institutions of Higher Education - Printing Account
440 Institutions of Higher Education - Stores Account
849 Institutions of Higher Education - Student Loan Account
850 Institutions of Higher Education - Work Study Account
860 Institutions of Higher Education -Institutional Financial Aid Account
24P Insurance Commissioner's Fraud Account
138 Insurance Commissioners Regulatory Account
22R Internet Consumer Access Account
595 Interstate 405 and State Route Number 167 Express Toll Lanes Account
20F Invest in Washington Account
409 Investment Income Account