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Inactive account listing by account title

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Account Code Account Title Inactive Date
10J Special Purpose District Research Services Account 07/01/2010
07G 2005 NCSL Host Committee Account 12/31/2005
06V 211 Account 07/01/2012
715 Agency Payroll Revolving Account 01/03/2007
451 Agency Self-Insurance Liability Premium Revolving Account 07/01/1991
720 Agency Vendor Payment Revolving Account 07/01/2012
130 Agricultural Commodity Commission Fund
040 Aircraft Search and Rescue Safety and Education Account 07/01/2005
07H Airport Impact Mitigation Account 07/01/2012
13J Alfalfa Seed Revolving Account
14J Ambulatory Surgical Facility Account 06/09/2016
742 American Indian Endowed Scholarship Trust Account 07/26/2009
04K Americans With Disabilities Special Revolving 07/01/2012
15L Annual Property Revaluation Grant Account 07/01/2014
13A Apple Advertising Account
03H Applied Technology Reserve Account, 1991 07/01/1991
135 Aquaculture Disease Control Account 07/01/2001
09M Aquatic Invasive Species Enforcement Account 10/19/2017
09N Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention Account 10/19/2017
770 Assessor's Assistance Account 08/08/1995
428 Attorney General Salary Increase Revolving Account 11/06/2006
140 Automatic Fingerprint Information System Account 06/07/2012
156 Banking Examination Account 07/01/2003
437 Basic Health Plan Self-Insurance Reserve Account 06/30/2013
17K Basic Health Plan Stabilization Account 06/01/2024
13K Beef Commission Account
20S Behavioral Health Innovation Account 07/01/2019
282 Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Account 06/30/2007
487 Biometric Security Account 06/07/2012
13P Blueberry Account
265 Bond Issue Fund-Community College
745 Border Area Assistance Account 02/14/1996
20B Brownfield Redevelopment Trust Fund Account 06/01/2024
013 Budget Stabilization Account 03/26/1996
13D Bulb Account
889 Business Enterprises Revolving Acct
350 Capital Historic District Construction Account 07/01/2012
481 Capitol Arts Account
043 Capitol Purchase and Development Account 07/26/1995
998 Cash Management Account - Current Accounts
03G Cedar River Channel Construction and Operation Account 07/01/2001
004 Cemetery Account 07/26/2009
02T Centennial Commission Account 06/30/1991
531 Centennial Partnership Account
231 Central Puget Sound Public Transportation Account 07/01/1999
425 Central Stores Revolving Account 07/01/1999
151 Chief Joseph Recreation Development 01/07/2016
18T Child and Family Reinvestment Account 10/19/2017
794 City and County Advance Right-of-Way Revolving Account 07/01/2010
06C City and Town Research Services 07/01/2012
221 City Hardship Assistance Account 07/01/1999
894 City Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax Revolving Account
05V City Police and Fire Protection Assistance Account 07/01/2003
03V Clean Washington Account 07/01/2001
434 College Savings Program Account 07/01/2012
563 Columbia River Crossing Project Account 12/31/2015
16H Columbia River Recreational Salmon and Steelhead Endorsement Program Account 06/30/2019
362 Columbia River Toll Bridge Account in Highway Bond Retirement Account 12/17/1987
090 Commercial Feed Account
756 Commission Merchants Act Account 05/21/2005
311 Common School Building Bond Redemption Account, 1967 01/09/1996
247 Common School Reimbursable Construction Account 07/01/2012
791 Community and Technical College Fund for Innovation and Quality Account 07/01/2010
068 Community College Capital Construction Account, 1975 07/01/2012
349 Community College Capital Construction Bond Retirement Account, 1975
059 Community College Capital Improvements Account 07/01/1991
331 Community College Capital Improvements Bond Redemption Account, 1972
11C Community Health Care Collaborative Account 06/30/2009
329 Community/Technical College Refund Bond Retirement, 1974
23U Compostable Products Revolving Account 06/09/2022
166 Conservation Area Account 07/01/1991
07M Consolidated Prescription Drug Purchasing Account
530 Convention Center Improvement Account
241 COP Account - Ecology Building 06/30/2017
04T County Public Health Account 07/01/2012
05K County Research Services Account 07/01/2012
02B County Sale/Use Tax Equalization Account 07/01/2012
13N Cranberry Account
157 Credit Union Examination Account 07/01/2003
01A Criminal Justice Training Account 07/01/1985
272 CTCS Operating Fees Account 07/01/1993
01J Cultural Facilities Construction Account 06/30/1991
287 D P Building Construction Account 07/01/2010
21D Dairy Nutrient Infrastructure Account 06/01/2024
13C Dairy Products Account
419 Data Processing Revolving Account 01/01/2016
617 David Account
212 Decontamination Account 06/30/2013
702 Dedicated McCleary Penalty Account 06/09/2022
412 Department of General Administration Management Account 07/01/1999
03T Dependent Care Administrative Account 01/01/2009
426 Digital Government Revolving Account 07/01/2012
152 Disability Accommodation Revolving Account 07/01/2012
100 Displaced Workers Account 07/01/2012
05T Distressed County Assistance Account 07/01/2012
05P Distressed County Facilities Construction Loan Account 07/01/2009
191 DNR Local Trust Account
435 Donable Foods Revolving Account
07R Drinking Water Assistance Repayment Account 06/09/2016
13R Dry Pea and Lentil Account
824 DSHS Client Trust Account
723 DSHS Court Payment Suspense Account 10/27/2006
754 DSHS Support Enforcement Account 07/26/1994
261 Dungeness Crab Appeals Account 07/01/2012
02F DWI Impact Account
240 East Capitol Campus Construction Account 02/03/2000
810 Eastern Washington Historical Association Account 02/09/1990
648 Eastern Washington State Historical Trust Account 02/09/1990
079 Economic Development Account of the Motor Vehicle Fund 07/01/1999
858 Economic Development Account of the Public Facil. Construction Loan Revolv. Fund 07/01/2009
735 Economic Development Finance Authority
20V Economic Gardening Pilot Project Account 07/01/2020
765 Education Technology Account 07/01/2010
171 Educational Outcomes Assessment Account 11/04/1994
04N Emergency Reserve Account 06/30/2007
758 Employment & Training Trust Account 06/30/1999
454 Employment Relations Account 06/30/1997
725 Endangered Landmarks Preservation Account
208 Energy Code Training Account 07/01/1996
238 Energy Efficiency Construction Account 07/01/2010
452 Energy Efficiency Services Account
10R Energy Freedom Account 06/30/2016
15P Energy Recovery Act Account 06/30/2016
766 Environmental & Forest Restoration 07/01/2001
194 Environmental Excellence Account 07/01/2012
19G Environmental Legacy Stewardship Account 07/01/2019
769 Environmental Settlement Account 05/03/2007
09V Equal Justice Subaccount of the Public Safety and Education Account 07/01/2009
178 Essential Rail Banking Account 07/27/1995
270 EWU Operating Fees Account 07/01/1993
10W Family and Medical Leave Enforcement Account 12/31/2019
14F Family Leave Insurance Account 10/19/2017
129 Federal Interest Payment Account 07/01/2012
886 Federal Revenue Sharing Trust Account
012 Feed and Fertilizer Account 06/09/1988
520 Ferry System Account 11/04/1994
52F Ferry System Improvement Account 07/01/1987
52E Ferry System Insurand Claims Reserve Account 11/04/1994
52D Ferry System Operating and Maintenance Account 11/04/1994
52A Ferry System Revenue Account 11/04/1994
52C Ferry System Revenue Bond Account 11/04/1994
521 Ferry System Revolving Account 07/01/1991
52B Ferry System Transfer Account 07/18/1990
089 Fertilizer, Agricultural Mineral and Lime Account 06/09/1988
05N Film and Video Promotion Account 07/01/2012
033 Fire Training Construction Account 07/01/1991
01D Fire Training Construction Account
306 Fisheries Bond Retirement Account - 1977
352 Fisheries Bond Retirement Account, 1976 01/09/1996
078 Fisheries Capital Projects Account 07/01/1991
06F Forest and Fish Account 07/01/2012
188 Forest Insect and Disease Control Fund
103 Forest Reserve Account
767 Forest Utility Bond Redemption Clearing Account - State Treasurer
14K Freight Congestion Relief Account 06/30/2013
288 Fruit Commission Facilities Account 07/01/2010
13G Fryer Account
227 Funeral Directors And Embalmers Account 07/26/2009
187 Game Farm Alternative Account 11/04/1994
257 Gasohol Exemption Holding Account 03/28/1996
301 General Administration Bond Redemption Account 11/09/1987
302 General Administration Bond Redemption Guarantee Fund 11/09/1987
414 General Administration Facilities and Services Revolving Account 07/01/1999
170 Grain Indemnity Account 07/01/1997
12B Green Energy Incentive Account, subaccount of the Energy Freedom Account 06/30/2016
14T Green Industries Jobs Training Account 07/01/2012
01K Handicapped Facilities Construction Account 1979 07/01/1991
04C Hanford Sublease Rent Account 07/01/1992
015 Harbor Improvement Account
02L Hazardous Waste Control/Elimination 12/11/1987
10M Health Care Declarations Registry Account 06/30/2013
10L Health Insurance Partnership Account 10/19/2017
760 Health Services Account 07/01/2009
554 Health System Capacity Account 07/01/2012
11N Heritage Barn Preservation Account 06/01/2024
161 High Capacity Transportation Account 07/01/2003
09F High-Occupancy Toll Lanes Operations Account 06/30/2019
646 Higher Ed Retirement Plan Supplemental Benefit Account 06/30/2021
365 Higher Education Bond Retirement Account, 1979
01L Higher Education Construction Account 07/01/2023
832 Higher Education Coordinating Board Teachers Training Pilot Account 01/30/2005
652 Higher Education Facilities Account 01/30/1995
417 Higher Education Personnel Board Service Account
248 Higher Education Reimbursable Construction Account 07/01/2003
067 Higher Education Reimbursable Short-TermBond Account 03/12/1992
069 Highway Construction Stabilization Account 07/01/1999
11G Hood Canal Aquatic Rehabilitation Account 07/01/2012
083 Hood Canal Bridge Account
13S Hop Account
127 Horticultural Districts Account
124 Hospital and Medical Facility Construction Account 07/01/1992
179 Hospital Data Collection Account 09/02/1998
03J Human Resources Reserve Account, 1991
077 Indian Cultural Center Construction Account
351 Indian Cultural Center Construction Bond Redemption Account, 1976
370 Institution of Higher Education Refunding Bond Retirement Account, 1977
375 Institutions of Higher Education - Bond Retirement Account
10V Invasive Species Council Account 06/30/2022
10H Job Development Account 07/01/2009
009 Judiciary Education Account 07/01/1985
326 Juvenile Correctional Institutional Bldg Bond Redemption
05B K-20 Technology Account 07/01/2010
242 Labor and Industries Construction Account 07/01/1998
574 Law Reports Publication Revolving Account 02/05/2002
560 Legislative Systems Revolving Account 07/01/2007
06B Lewis and Clark Bicentennial Account 06/30/2007
20K Lic & Enforce Sys Modern proj acct 09/01/2023
335 Liquor Control Board Construction and Maintenance Account 07/01/2012
502 Liquor Customs Brokering Account
136 Livestock Security Interest Account 07/01/1987
376 Loan Principal and Interest Account
399 Loan Principal and Interest Account 11/09/1987
890 Lobbyists' Booklet Revolving Account
085 Local Governance Study Commission Account 07/01/1991
01C Local Jail Improvement and Construction Account 07/01/1991
15F Local Public Safety Enhancement Account 05/13/2019
01S Local Sales & Use Tax Account
174 Local Toxics Control Account 07/01/2019
192 Log Patrol Revolving Fund
576 Lottery Administration Revolving Fund 12/12/1986
477 Lottery Investment Account
728 Manufactured Housing Account 07/22/2011
10C Manufactured/Mobile Home Investigations Account 01/01/2006
15E Manufacturing Innovation and Modernization Account 06/30/2013
519 Marine Operating Account 07/01/2000
04G Marketplace Account 06/30/1997
02E Medical Disciplinary Account 07/01/1997
724 Mental Sports Activities Account
258 Metals Mining Account 07/01/2012
13Q Mint Account
538 Mobile Home Park Purchase Account 07/01/2012
137 Morrill Account 07/01/2010
236 Mortgage Brokers' Licensing Account 07/17/1995
037 Motor Transport Account 07/01/1999
02C Municipal Sale/Use Tax Equalization 07/01/2012
792 National World War II Memorial Account 07/01/2010
309 Nisqually Earthquake Account 07/01/2012
092 Nursery Inspection Account 07/01/1987
332 Office-Laboratory Facilities Bond Redemption Account 01/09/1996
020 Opticians Account
021 Optometry Account
896 Organized Crime Prosecution Revolving Account 07/01/2012
346 Outdoor Recreation Bond Redemption Account, 1967 01/09/1996
345 Outdoor Recreational Bond Redemption Fund
203 Passenger Ferry Account 10/19/2017
04P Pension Funding Account 07/01/1998
556 Personal Health Services Account 07/01/2010
249 Personnel Data Revolving Account 11/06/2006
01G PNW Festival Construction Account 06/30/1985
13E Potato Account
15G Prevent or Reduce Owner-Occupied Foreclosure Program Account 06/30/2011
022 Pub Fac Const Loan/Grant Revolving 07/01/2012
12V Public Employees' Benefits Board Medical Benefits Administration Account 06/09/2022
04L Public Health Services Account 07/01/2023
420 Public Printing Revolving Account 06/30/2013
02V Public Safety and Education Account 07/01/2009
321 Public School Building Bond Redemption Account, 1965 04/17/1990
317 Public School Building Bond Redemption Fund-1961
318 Public School Building Bond Redemption Fund-1963
18W Public Transportation Grant Program Account 07/01/2015
232 Public Transportation Systems Account 06/30/2013
02S Public Works Assistance Account
115 Puget Sound Reserve Account 07/01/1987
736 Puyallup Tribal Settlement Account 06/30/2013
13M Raspberry Account
10N Reading Achievement Account 07/01/2012
798 Real Estate Excise Tax Electronic Technology Account 06/30/2013
10E Real Estate Excise Tax Grant Account 07/01/2012
338 Recreation Improvements Bond Redemption Account 01/09/1996
11F Reinvesting in Youth Account 07/01/2023
557 Retired School Employ Insurance Res 01/01/1995
559 Retired School Employees' Insurance 01/01/1995
558 Retired School Employees' Subsidy 01/01/1995
611 Retirement System Account-Public Employee 01/16/1991
047 Revenue Accrual Account 07/01/1989
02D Revenue Accrual Account
750 Rural Health Access Account 06/30/2013
406 Salary and Insurance Increase Revolving Account 07/01/2012
053 Salmon Enhancement Construction Account 07/01/1991
363 Salmon Enhancement Construction Bond Retirement Account
028 Sanitarian's Licensing Account
224 Satellite System Management Account 06/30/2013
03W Savings Recovery Account 06/30/1997
744 School Construction Revolving Account 07/01/2010
751 School-To-Work Transition Program 06/30/1999
168 Schools for the Twenty-First Century Pilot Program Account 11/04/1994
294 Sea Cucumber Dive Fishery Account 01/01/2018
295 Sea Urchin Dive Fishery Account 01/01/2018
233 Securities Regulation Account 07/01/2001
091 Seed Account 06/09/1988
13F Seed Potato Account
533 Self-Insurers' Insolvency Trust 11/01/2006
461 Shared Information Technology System Revolving Account 06/01/2024
18P Shelter to Housing Project Account 12/31/2014
872 SIB Active Equity Account 07/15/1993
871 SIB Bond Account 07/15/1993
869 SIB LBO Account 07/15/1993
876 SIB Money Market Account 07/15/1993
870 SIB Real Estate Account 07/15/1993
875 SIB Stock Index Account 07/15/1993
873 SIB Venture Capital Account 07/15/1993
21K Skilled Worker Outreach, Recruitment, and Career Awareness Grant Program Account 07/01/2022
764 Small Business Bond Assist Program 07/01/2005
856 Small Business Export Finance Assistance Center Account
486 Small Business Incubator Account 07/01/2012
254 Small City Account 07/01/1999
726 Small County Assistance Account 11/04/1994
339 Social and Health Services Facilities Bond Redemption Account 01/09/1996
827 Soldiers' Home Revolving Account 05/23/1995
183 Solid Waste Management Account 07/01/2001
427 Special Account Retirement Contribution Increase Revolving Account 07/01/2012
250 Special Fund Agency Legal Service Augmentation Revolving Account
714 Special Fund Semi-Monthly Payroll Revolving Account 07/01/1988
023 Special Grass Seed Burning Research Account 07/01/2012
488 Special Personnel Litigation Revolving Account 06/09/2022
11T Special Technology Funding Revolving Account 07/01/2012
740 Special Vehicle License Plate Emblem Account 05/05/1994
361 Spokane River Toll Bridge Account in Highway Bond Retirement Account 10/14/1991
542 Spokane River Toll Bridge Fund - Operating and Maintenance Account 07/01/1991
541 Spokane River Toll Bridge Fund - Revolving Account 07/01/1991
371 St High Educ Bond Retire Acct 1988
817 Stadium and Exhibition Center Construction 07/01/2023
820 Stadium Escrow Account 07/13/1999
051 State and Local Improvements Revolving Account 06/01/2024
073 State and Local Improvements Revolving Account (Recreation Facilities) 07/01/2001
074 State and Local Improvements Revolving Account (Social & Health Serv Facilities) 07/28/2009
055 State and Local Improvements Revolving Account - Waste Facilities 1980 06/01/2024
050 State Board of Psychological Examiners Account
307 State Building and Higher Education Bond Redemption Account, 1965 07/16/1988
314 State Building and Higher Education Bond Redemption Account, 1967
316 State Building and Parking Bond Redemption Account, 1969
327 State Building Authority Bond Redemption Account 01/09/1996
313 State Building Bond Redemption Account, 1967 01/09/1996
323 State Building Bond Redemption Account, 1973 01/09/1996
322 State Building Bond Redemption Account, 1973 01/09/1996
354 State Building Bond Redemption Account, 1975 01/09/1996
325 State Building Construction Bond Redemption Fund
333 State Building Refunding Bond Redemption Account 12/17/1987
038 State Capitol Historical Association Museum Account 11/04/1994
504 State Clearinghouse for Educational Information Revolving Account 05/21/2005
01V State Convention & Trade Center Account
537 State Convention and Trade Center Operating Account
011 State Educational Grant Account 07/01/2000
17E State Efficiency & Restructuring Account 06/01/2024
358 State Emergency Water Projects Bond Redemption Account, 1977 01/09/1996
088 State Facilities Renewal Account 07/01/2012
369 State Fire Service Training Center Bond Retirement Account, 1977
372 State General Obligation Bond Retirement Account, 1979
324 State Higher Education Bond Redemption Account, 1973 01/09/1996
334 State Higher Education Bond Redemption Account, 1974 01/09/1996
353 State Higher Education Bond Retirement Account, 1975 01/09/1996
360 State Higher Education Bond Retirement Account, 1977
056 State Higher Education Construction Account 07/01/2023
867 State Investment Board Active Bond Account 07/15/1993
868 State Investment Board Global Markets Account 07/15/1993
27Q State Opioid Settlement Account 07/01/2023
114 State School Equalization Account 10/14/1991
356 State Social and Health Services Bond Redemption Account, 1976
029 State Timber Tax Account
019 State Timber Tax Reserve Account
173 State Toxics Control Account 07/01/2019
132 State Trade Fair Account 10/19/2017
506 State Water Rights Trust Account 06/30/2003
04A State Wildlife/Recreation Lands Management Account 07/01/2001
14L Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Mitigation Account 10/01/2019
299 Student Achievement Account 07/01/2009
796 Students with Dependents Grant Account 07/01/2012
787 Sulfur Dioxide Abatement Account 07/01/2012
430 Surplus Property Purchase Revolving 07/01/1999
705 Suspense Account
772 Teachers Retirement System Plan III Defined Contribution Account 07/01/1996
612 Teachers' Retirement Account 01/17/1991
540 Telecommunications Devices for the Hearing and Speech Impaired 08/01/2013
539 Telephone Assistance Account 08/01/2013
276 TESC Operating Fees Account 07/01/1993
010 Timber Tax Distribution Guarantee Account
517 Tobacco Securitization Trust Acct 07/01/2012
402 Tort Claims Revolving Account 07/01/1999
239 Tort Defense Service Revolving Account
12A Tourism Enterprise Account 06/12/2014
175 Toxics Control Reserve Account 06/27/1990
046 Traffic Safety Education Account
220 Transfer Relief Account 03/28/1996
15A Transitional Housing Operating and Rent Account 07/23/2023
230 Transportation Account 11/06/2006
243 Transportation Capital Facilities Account 07/01/1999
255 Transportation Revolving Loan Account 07/27/1995
400 Treasurer's Trust Account
13B Tree Fruit Advertising Account
13L Tree Fruit Research Account
005 Trust Land Purchase Account 02/26/1996
836 Two Year Student Child Care in Higher Education Account 07/01/2010
164 U.S. Department of Energy Administration Account 07/01/1989
229 Underwater Park Account 07/01/2001
621 Unemployment Compensation Benefit Account
330 University of Washington Hospital Bond Retirement Account, 1975 01/09/1996
112 Urban Arterial Trust Account 07/22/2011
122 Vehicle Tire Recycling Account 07/01/2001
06P Vendors in Good Standing Account 12/31/2009
07C Vessel Response Account 07/01/2020
093 Vessel, Gear, License and Permit Reduction Account 07/01/1989
12W Veterans Conservation Corps Account 06/09/2022
826 Veterans' Home Revolving Account 05/23/1995
181 Violence Reduction and Drug Enforcement Account 07/01/2009
101 Voluntary Action Center Account 07/01/2001
17H WA Global Health Technologies and Product Development account 10/19/2017
286 Wa St Dairy Products Comm Facility 07/01/2010
264 WA State Economic Dev Commission Account 06/12/2014
555 WA State Group Purchase Association 06/30/1999
741 Warren G. Magnuson Institute Trust Account 07/01/2010
762 Wash Service Corps Scholarship Acct 07/01/2010
15C Washington Community Technology Opportunity Account 07/28/2019
509 Washington Fruit Express Account 07/01/2010
650 Washington Health Care Facilities Trust Account 01/30/1995
831 Washington International Exchange Scholarship Endowment Account 07/01/2012
782 Washington International Exchange Trust Account 07/01/2012
879 Washington Law Enforcement Officers' and Fire Fighters' Retirement Account 01/16/1991
06W Washington Natural Science, Wildlife, & Environmental Education Partnership Acct 07/01/2012
837 Washington Promise Scholarship Account 07/28/2019
21C Washington Sexual Assault Kit Account 06/30/2022
529 Washington State Expo 86 Participation Account
368 Washington State University Bond Retirement Account, 1977
049 Washington State University Construction Account 07/01/1991
211 Washington Thoroughbred Racing Account 06/30/1999
336 Waste Disposal Facilities Bond Redemption Account
518 Water Conservation Account 07/01/2012
312 Water Pollution Control Facilities Bond Redemption Account, 1967 01/09/1996
139 Water Quality Account 07/01/2009
11W Water Quality Capital Account 07/01/2023
123 Water Right Permit Processing Account 07/01/2001
06M Water Storage Projects and Water Systems Facilities Subaccount 07/01/2012
337 Water Supply Facilities Bond Redemption Account
228 Water Trail Program Account 06/30/2003
256 Watershed Restoration Account
03E Weights and Measures Account 06/27/1996
891 Western Library Network Computer System Revolving Account 10/14/1991
13H Wheat Account
142 Wildlife Conservation Reward Account 07/01/2001
251 Wildlife Reimbursable Construction Account
13T Wine Account 07/01/1987
280 WWU Operating Fees Account 07/01/1993
429 Year 2000 Contingency Revolving Account