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CARES Act allocations

This is a list of federal funds allocated by OFM from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act between 2020 and 2021.

Funds from other federal legislation, like the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act, are not included here as they were appropriated directly by the state Legislature. 

Date Recipient Amountsort descending Purpose Memo
08/21/2020 Evergreen State College $1,119,809 Support continued operations, and emergency support funds. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to the Evergreen State College
09/08/2020 Dept. of Natural Resources $1,126,000 For state General Fund expenses incurred in response to the coronavirus pandemic in fiscal year 2020. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Dept. of Natural Resources
09/08/2020 Dept. of Ecology $1,134,000 For state General Fund expenses incurred in response to the coronavirus pandemic in fiscal year 2020. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Dept. of Ecology
09/08/2020 Office of the Attorney General $1,180,000 For state General Fund expenses incurred in response to the coronavirus pandemic in fiscal year 2020. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Office of the Attorney General
08/21/2020 Washington State University $1,329,228 Support continued operations, and emergency support funds. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Washington State University
11/02/2020 Office of Public Defense $1,500,000 To reimburse public defense attorneys and contractors for COVID-19-related expenses. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Office of Public Defense
09/08/2020 Dept. of Revenue $1,828,000 For state General Fund expenses incurred in response to the coronavirus pandemic in fiscal year 2020. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Dept. of Revenue
08/21/2020 University of Washington $1,903,699 Support continued operations, and emergency support funds. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to University of Washington
12/23/2020 Administrative Office of the Courts $1.5 million For trial court COVID-19 expenses, including court staff, judges pro tempore, jury selection, court technology and protective personal equipment. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Administrative Office of the Courts
08/07/2020 Dept. of Social and Health Services $10 million To continue funding the Disaster Cash Assistance Program to support individuals who face an emergency and do not have the money to meet their basic needs. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to DSHS for Disaster Cash Assistance Program
08/19/2020 Dept. of Health $10,211,000 To assist with expenditures beyond appropriated levels for coronavirus response activities related to contact tracing efforts for local health jurisdictions. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Dept. of Health for contact tracing by local health jurisdictions
06/29/2020 Administrative Office of the Courts $11,820,000 The purpose of this allocation is to assist trial courts with limited audio and video technology purchases, pay for costs related to access to Supreme Court and Court of Appeals oral arguments, and provide staff support for video capabilities; and to ensure that Washington courts can continue to meet their constitutional obligations by paying for unavoidable court administration costs directly associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to the Administrative Office of the Courts
08/31/2020 Dept. of Commerce (for local governments) $125.9 million To provide assistance to local governments for eligible expenses under the CARES Act. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Dept. of Commerce for local governments
10/30/2020 Dept. of Social and Health Services $13,200,000 For increased testing in nursing homes per guidance from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which requires testing of all staff and residents every 3-7 days until no new cases are found for 14 days. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Dept. of Social and Health Services for nursing home testing costs
12/23/2020 Health Care Authority $13.4 million For providers with an emphasis on those who treat Medicaid and state-only populations, including: opioid outpatient providers, evaluation and treatment centers and residential treatment facilities, community mental health centers and other licensed behavioral health therapy providers, primary care provides, including internal medicine and family practice providers, and dentists and dental care providers. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Health Care Authority
06/29/2020 Dept. of Agriculture $15.2 million The purpose of this allocation is to increase the capacity of the state’s Emergency Food Assistance Program and to purchase food, PPE and supplies for distribution to non-profit food banks and food pantries. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds and Disaster Response Account to Dept. of Agriculture
05/20/2020 Dept. of Social and Health Services $15.27 million The purpose of this allocation is to pay for nursing home beds to isolate residents who have tested positive for COVID-19. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Dept. of Social and Health Services
06/29/2020 Dept. of Commerce $163 million The purpose of this allocation is to support more than 11,000 households with foreclosure, credit counseling and legal assistance; to provide emergency operations grants to nonprofits across the state who are helping address inequity and disparities exacerbated by the COVID crisis; to assist low-income renters experiencing hardship related to COVID-19 for up to three months; and to provide business support grants to help small businesses navigate the immediate hurdles to reopening. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Dept. of Commerce
09/08/2020 Dept. of Corrections $17,216,000 For state General Fund expenses incurred in response to the coronavirus pandemic in fiscal year 2020. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Dept. of Corrections
08/21/2020 Office of the Governor $175,000 (CRF) + $225,000 (DRA-Fed) Reimbursement of expenditures associated with COVID-19 costs, including communication services, management of our state's health system response and other response resources and supports. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to the Office of the Governor
06/15/2020 Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction $195.2 million (ESSER funds) The purpose of this allocation is to provide emergency relief funds to local education agencies to address the impact of COVID-19 on elementary and secondary schools. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction
12/14/2020 Washington State Arts Commission $2 million For the Creative Districts program to help stabilize, recover, and preserve arts and culture organizations during the pandemic. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to the Washington State Arts Commission
08/21/2020 Eastern Washington University $2,596,703 Support continued operations, and emergency support funds. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Eastern Washington University
09/18/2020 Employment Security Dept. $2,811,926 For the state’s share of the administrative expenses associated with the federal Lost Wages Assistance program. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Employment Security Department
06/29/2020 Office of Civil Legal Aid $2.3 million The purpose of the allocation is to enable OCLA to provide a comprehensive response to the problems and corresponding civil legal needs of families and individuals in four core areas of primary need during the COVID-19 pandemic: employment, shelter preservation, individual and family safety and security, and economic security. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to the Office of Civil Legal Aid
10/06/2020 Employment Security Dept. $209,713 For the state’s share of the administrative expenses associated with the federal Lost Wages Assistance program for the sixth week of benefits (Aug. 30 – Sept. 5) Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Employment Security Department
12/23/2020 Dept. of Social and Health Services $22.6 million For the Washington COVID-19 Immigrant Relief Fund, which provides grants to residents who have experienced hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic and are ineligible for federal stimulus payments and/or unemployment insurance because of their immigration status. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Dept. of Social and Health Services
09/08/2020 Dept. of Social and Health Services $223,143,000 For state General Fund expenses incurred in response to the coronavirus pandemic in fiscal year 2020 and for March to June 2020 Aging and Long-Term Support Administration and Development Disability Administration provider rates, and to the Economic Services Administration for coronavirus response activities. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Dept. of Social and Health Services
10/30/2020 Office of Financial Management and Dept. of Enterprise Services $24,000,000 For computer devices to allow K-12 students to learn remotely. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to OFM and DES for K-12 computers
10/27/2020 Dept. of Social and Health Services $247,017,000 To increase rates associated with residential and in-home providers between July – Dec. 2020. Also for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) caseload impacts, and required match for the Food Assistance Program (FAP) to mirror the maximum Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefit amount per a federal waiver. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Dept. of Social and Health Services
05/14/2020 University of Washington $25 million The purpose of this allocation is for testing equipment, staff and supplies associated with the state’s response to the coronavirus outbreak. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to University of Washington
11/18/2020 Employment Security Dept. $25,000,000 To the COVID-19 Unemployment Account. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Employment Security Department for administrative expenses associated with LWA program
06/29/2020 University of Washington $25.8 million The purpose of this allocation is to pay for testing expenditures, including test development, triage and testing sites, and public health partnerships for contact tracing; pay for COVID-related cleaning services; to pay for increased training for epidemiology students to support local virus response; increased PPE; capital upgrades to improve patient safety; required field learning for nursing, dental, and social work students; and virtual training costs for dental and medical students; and to pay for increased training for epidemiology students to support local virus response; increased PPE; capital upgrades to improve patient safety; required field learning for nursing, dental, and social work students; and virtual training costs for dental and medical students. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds and Disaster Response Account funds to the University of Washington
05/14/2020 Dept. of Commerce $297 million The purpose of this allocation is to provide assistance to local governments for eligible expenses under the CARES Act. (Listed above and not included in the $1.87 billion.) Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Dept of Commerce
08/07/2020 Dept. of Corrections $3 million To assist with expenditures beyond appropriated levels for coronavirus response activities, including equipment and supplies, staff positions and overtime costs, and other coronavirus response resources and supports. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to DOC for COVID-19 response activities
08/17/2020 Dept. of Commerce $3 million To create the Washington COVID-19 Food Production Paid Leave Program, which offers temporary financial protection to our state’s food production system by providing up to 80 hours of paid sick leave when an employee who works for an employer with 500 or more employees is quarantined and/or experiencing symptoms of COVID-19. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Dept. of Commerce to create COVID-19 Food Production Paid Leave Program
10/16/2020 Dept. of Commerce $3,000,000 To serve American Indian/Alaska Native individuals living in urban areas who have been excluded from federal Coronavirus Relief Funds provided to tribal governments. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Dept. of Commerce
11/02/2020 Dept. of Health $3,000,000 To fund the ongoing media campaign related to prevention of the spread of COVID-19. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Dept. of Health for COVID-19 media campaign
12/14/2020 Dept. of Social and Health Services $3.48 million For nursing home transition, long-term care staffing, and personal protective equipment (PPE) fit testing for individual providers. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Dept. of Social and Health Services
10/20/2020 Central Washington University $312,000 For technology costs associated with shifting coursework, advising, tutoring, labs and other essential online student services. Allocation of federal CARES Act funds to Central Washington University for technology costs


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