Step 7: Write your decision

State HR - Comp & Class

Contact information

Jefferson Building
1500 Jefferson Street SE, PO Box 47500
Olympia, WA 98501

In many cases, the Human Resource (HR) Consultant writes the position review decision for the HR Manager’s approval and signature.    

A quality position review write-up:

  • Helps the employee know your decision was based on a thorough analysis.
  • Uses simple, clear, and concise language so the employee understands the decision.
  • Provides documentation if a request for a director’s review is filed.

If a request is granted

If a request to reallocate a position is granted, the review letter will likely be shorter than if the request is denied.  The employee’s letter will include:

  • New job class
  • Effective date of action
  • Incumbent status
  • Right to request a director’s review

If a request is denied

If a request to reallocate a position is denied, or you determine a different class than what was requested, key points for the decision letter include: 

  • Determination decision -- a brief statement of your allocation decision.  Include steps taken in the review process and a list of related classes that were examined.
  • Effect on employee -- statement of any class, salary, and Periodic Increment Date changes (if applicable) and the effective dates.
  • Purpose of a position review -- to determine the class which best describes the overall duties and responsibilities of a position.
  • Employee’s duties -- with percentages of time taken from the current position description and Position Review Request form.
  • Analysis/rationale:
    • Comparison of duties and analysis of class specifications considered that don’t match the position.
    • Comparison of duties and analysis of class specification that best matches the position.
      • State in detail why you believe the classification is the correct allocation; stick to the facts you have on record and write the decision in a neutral tone; back statements up with specific references to the class specification.
      • Use links if necessary to the Glossary of Classification Terms.
      • State the decision is not intended to be an evaluation of the incumbent’s capabilities, an assessment of performance, etc.
  • Right to request director’s review -- include the right to request a review and timelines.

Additional tips and considerations

Position allocation guidance steps 

  1. Ensure current and accurate position description
  2. Determine relevant class specifications
  3. Understand allocating criteria
  4. Understand duties in position description
  5. Conduct desk audit
  6. Determine appropriate allocation
  7. [Current page] Write your decision
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