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Numeric listing by account code

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Account Code Account Title
28B Employee Ownership Rev Loan Program Acct
28C Responsible Battery Management Account
28D Down Payment Assistance Account
28E Emergency Drought Response Account
28F Clean Fuels Trans Investment Account
28G Covenant Homeownership Account
28H Homeowner Recovery Account
28J Renewable Energy Local Benefit Account
28K Crime Victim and Witness Assistance Acct
28L WA State Eastern WA Cult Land Feat Acct
28M Land Bank Account
28N Surgical Smoke Evacuation Account
28P Fallen Firefighter Memorial Account
28Q Port District Equity Fund
28R Family Medicine Workforce Development Account
28S Stadium World Cup Capital Account
28T Agricult Pest & Disease Response Account
28U Clean Fuels Credit Account
28V Inflation Reduction Elective Pay Account
28W Fern Lodge Maintenance Account
290 Savings Incentive Account
291 Education Savings Account
296 Columbia River Basin Water Supply Revenue Recovery Acct
297 Pipeline Safety Account
298 Geologists' Account
29A Tribal Opioid Prevention and Treatment Account
300 Financial Services Regulation Account
303 Highway Bond Retirement Account
304 Ferry Bond Retirement Account
305 Trans Improvement Board Bond Retirement Account
315 Dedicated Cannabis Account
319 Public Health Supplemental Account
320 Puget Sound Crab Pot Buoy Tag Account
328 CJTC Firing Range Maint Acct
347 Washington State University Bond Retirement Account
348 University of Washington Bond Retirement Account
355 State Taxable Building Construction Account
357 Gardner-Evans Higher Education Construction Account
359 School Construction and Skill Centers Building Account
364 Military Department Capital Account
366 Watershed Restoration and Enhancement Bond Account
367 Chehalis Basin Taxable Account
373 Coronavirus Capital Projects Account
377 Watershed Restoration and Enhancement Taxable Bond Account
380 Debt-limit General Fund Bond Retirement Account
381 Debt-Limit Reimbursable Bond Retire Account
382 Nondebt-Limit General Fund Bond Retirement Account
383 Nondebt-Limit Reimbursable Bond Retirement Account
384 Nondebt-Limit Proprietary Appropriated Bond Retirement Account
385 Nondebt-Limit Proprietary Nonappropriated Bond Retirement Account
386 Nondebt-Limit Revenue Bond Retirement Account
387 University of Washington Facilities Bond Retirement Account
389 Toll Facility Bond Retirement Account
401 Correctional Industries Account
403 Self-Insurance Revolving Account
404 State Treasurer's Service Account
405 Legal Services Revolving Account
407 Secretary of State's Revolving Account
408 Coastal Protection Account
409 Investment Income Account
410 Transportation Equipment Account
411 Natural Resources Equipment Account
413 Municipal Revolving Account
415 Personnel Service Account
416 Surplus & Donated Food Commodities Revolving Account
418 St Health Care Authority Admin Acct
421 Education Technology Revolving Fund
422 Enterprise Services Account
424 Anti-Trust Revolving Account
432 King Street Railroad Station Facility Account
433 Shared Game Lottery Account
436 OFM Labor Relations Service Account
438 Uniform Dental Plan Benefits Administration Account
439 Uniform Medical Plan Benefits Administration Account
440 Institutions of Higher Education - Stores Account
441 Local Government Archives Account
442 Legislative Gift Center Account
443 Institutions of Higher Education - Data Processing Account
444 Fish and Wildlife Equipment Revolving Account
445 Self-Insured Employer Overpayment Reimbursement Account
446 Industrial Insurance Rainy Day Fund Acct
447 Information Technology Investment Revolving Account
448 Institutions of Higher Education - Printing Account
449 Certificates of Participation and Other Financing Account - Local
450 Institutions of Higher Education - Other Facilities Account
453 OMWBE Enterprises Account
455 Higher Education Personnel Services Account
456 Separately Managed State Treasurer's Service Account
457 Inst of Hi-Ed Retire Benefits Revol
458 Washington Technology Solutions Revolving Account
460 Institutions of Higher Education - Motor Pool Account
462 Gov Central Service Account
463 Washington College Savings Program Account
466 Statewide Information Technology System Development Revolving Account
468 OFM Central Service Account
470 Imaging Account
471 State Patrol Nonappropriated Airplane Revolving Account
472 Statewide Information Tech System Maintenance & Operations Revolving Account
473 School Employees' Benefits Board Insurance Reserve Fund
474 School Employees' Benefits Board Flexible Spending and Dependent Care Admin Acct
475 School Employees' Benefits Board Dental Benefits Administration Account
480 Financial Education Public-Private Partnership Account
482 Dairy/Forage Facility Revolving Account
483 Auditing Services Revolving Account
484 Administrative Hearings Revolving Account
485 Horse Racing Commission Washington Bred Owners Bonus Fund and Breeder Awards
489 Pension Funding Stabilization Account
490 Regional Transportation Investment District Account
492 School Employees' Insurance Admin Acct
493 School Employees' Insurance Account
494 School Employees' Benefits Board Medical Benefits Administrative Account
495 Toll Collection Account
496 Educator Conditional Scholarship Account
497 Horse Racing Commission Class C Purse Fund Account
498 Washington State Council of Firefighters Benevolent Account
499 Law Enforcement Memorial Account
500 Perpetual Surveillance and Maintenance Account
501 Liquor Revolving Account
503 Tuition Recovery Trust Account
505 University of Washington Hospital
507 Oyster Reserve Land Account
508 Miscellaneous Enterprise Activities Account
511 Tacoma Narrows Toll Bridge Account
512 Institutional Stores Account
513 Derelict Vessel Removal Account
514 Agricultural Conservation Easements Account
515 DNA Data Base Account
516 Fruit and Vegetable Inspection Account
522 Institutions of Higher Education - Associated Students' Account
523 Public Funds Investment Account
524 Institutions of Higher Education - Bookstore Account
525 Washington State Combined Fund Drive Account
526 Veterans' Memorial Account
527 Administrator for Intestate Estates Account
528 Institutions of Higher Education - Parking
532 Washington Housing Trust Fund
534 Washington Graduate Fellowship Trust Account
535 Alaskan Way Viaduct Replacement Project Account
536 Federal Food Service Revolving Account
543 Judicial Information Systems Account
544 Pollution Liability Insurance Program Trust Account
545 Heating Oil Pollution Liability Trust Account
546 Risk Management Administration Account
547 Liability Account
548 Law Enforcement Officers' and Firefighters Retirement System Plan 2 Expense Acct
549 Election Account
550 Transportation 2003 Account (Nickel Account)
551 Washington Youth and Families Account
552 Conservation Assistance Revolving Account
553 Performance Audits of Government Account
561 Comm/Tech College Innovation Account
562 Skilled Nursing Facility Net Trust Fund
564 Water Pollution Control Revol Admin
565 Yakima Integ Plan Implem Revenue Recovery Account
566 Community Forest Trust Account
567 Long-Term Services & Supports Trust Acct
569 Institutions of Higher Education - Food Services Account
570 Institutions of Higher Education - Other Enterprises Account
571 Multiuse Roadway Safety Account
573 Institutions of Higher Education - Housing and Food Account
575 Vocational Education Revolving Account - Correctional Institutions
577 State Lottery Account
578 Lottery Administrative Account
595 Interstate 405 and State Route Number 167 Express Toll Lanes Account
596 Self-Insurance Reserve Fund
600 Department of Retirement Systems Expense Account
601 Agricultural Permanent Account
603 Millersylvania Park Trust Account
604 Normal School Permanent Account
605 Permanent Common School Account
606 Scientific Permanent Account
607 State University Permanent Account
608 Accident Account
609 Medical Aid Account
610 Accident Reserve Account
614 Volunteer Firefighters' Relief and Pension Principal Fund
615 Washington State Patrol Retirement System Plan 1 Account
616 The Judges' Retirement Account
620 Unemployment Compensation Account
622 Unemployment Compensation Federal Employees' Benefit Payment Account
624 Resrv Officers' Relief/Pension Prin Fund
630 Washington State Patrol Retirement System Plan 2 Account
631 Public Employees' Retirement System Plan I Account
632 Teachers' Retirement System Plan I Account
633 School Employees Combined Plan 2 & 3
635 Public Safety Employees' Retirement System Plan 2 Account
636 Foster Care Trust Account
641 Public Employees' Retirement System Combined Plan 2 and 3 Account
642 Teachers' Combined Retirement Plan II and III
644 Community Services Revolving Account
645 Washington State Historical Trust Account
649 Discrete Component Units Processing Account
651 Institutional Residents' Deposit Account
653 Washington Distinguished Professor Trust Account
660 Natural Resources Deposit Account
661 Higher Ed Rtmt Plan Sppl Ben Fund - UW
662 Higher Ed Rtmt Plan Sppl Ben Fund - WSU
663 Higher Ed Rtmt Plan Sppl Ben Fund - EWU
664 Higher Ed Rtmt Plan Sppl Ben Fund - CWU
665 Higher Ed Rtmt Plan Sppl Ben Fund - TESC
667 Higher Ed Rtmt Plan Sppl Ben Fund - WWU
668 Higher Ed Rtmt Plan Sppl Ben Fund -SBCTC
687 Rural Rehabilitation Account
688 Federal Local Rail Service Assistance
689 Rural Washington Loan Account
703 Covid-19 Unemployment Account
704 Covid-19 Public Health Response Account
706 Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund
707 Washington Rescue Plan Transition Acct
708 Salary/Insurance Contrib Increase Revolv
721 Public Employees' and Retirees Insurance Account
722 Deferred Compensation Principal Account
727 Water Pollution Control Revolv Acct
729 Judicial Retirement Principal Account
730 Public Employee/Retiree Ins Reserve
731 Child Care Facility Revolving Acct
732 Nursing Home Civil Penalties Account
733 Capitol Campus Reserve Account
734 Centennial Document Preservation and Modernization Account
737 High Occupancy Vehicle Account
738 DSHS Trust Account
739 Certificates of Participation and Other Financing Account - State
743 College Faculty Awards Trust Account
746 Hanford Area Economic Investment
747 Health Professionals Loan Repayment and Scholarship Program Account
748 WA Career and College Pathways Innovation Challenge Program Account
749 Governor's ICSEW Account
752 Institutional Clearing/Transmittal Account
753 DSHS Child Support Service Account
755 Programs for Children and Families Account
757 Maritime Historic Restoration and Preservation Account
759 Miscellaneous Program Account
761 Basic Health Plan Subscription Acct
763 Center Improvement Of Student Learn
768 Local Real Estate Excise Tax Account
773 Com on Higher Education Professional Student Exchange Program Trust Acct
774 UW License Plate Account
775 Seized Contraband Account
776 WSU License Plate Account
777 Prostitution Prevention and Intervention Account
778 WWU License Plate Account
779 EWU License Plate Account
780 School Zone Safety Account
781 Cross-State Trail Account
783 CWU License Plate Account
784 Miscellaneous Transportation Programs
785 State Educational Trust Fund Account
786 The Evergreen State College License Plate Account
788 Advanced College Tuition Payment Program Account
789 Advanced Environmental Mitigation Revolving Account
790 Community College Clearing Account
793 Health Insurance Pool Account
795 State Investment Board Commingled Monthly Bond Account
797 Local Tourism Promotion Account
799 Washington Achieving a Better Life Experience Program Account
800 Institutional Welfare/Betterment Account
801 Opportunity Scholarship Cust Acct
802 School Employees' Benefits Board Salary Reduction Account
816 Stadium and Exhibition Center Account
818 Youth Athletic Facility Account
819 Washington Law Enforcement Officers & Firefighters' System Plan I RetirementAcc
821 Impaired Physician Account
823 Livestock Nutrient Management Account
825 Tobacco Settlement Account
828 Tobacco Prevention and Control Account
829 Washington Law Enforcement Officers & Firefighters' System Plan II Retirement Ac
830 Agricultural College Trust Management Account
833 Developmental Disabilities Endowment Trust Account
834 Capitol Furnishings Preservation Committee Account
835 Four Year Student Child Care in Higher Education Account
838 LEOFF Retirement System Benefits Improvement Account
840 Institutions of Higher Education - Agency Account
841 G. Robert Ross Endowment Account
842 American Indian Scholarship Endowment Account
843 Exceptional Faculty Awards Endowment Account
844 Money-Purchase Retire Savings Admin Acct
845 Separately Managed Public Funds Investment Account
846 Grant-In-Aid Scholarship/Fellowship
847 Sep Managed State Agency Invest Acct
849 Institutions of Higher Education - Student Loan Account
850 Institutions of Higher Education - Work Study Account
851 Developmental Disabilities Community Services Account
852 Foster Care Scholarship Endowment Account
857 Institution of Higher Education - Annuity and Life Income Account
859 Institutions of Higher Education - Endowment Local Account
860 Institutions of Higher Education -Institutional Financial Aid Account
865 SIB Commingled Trust Account
874 OASI Revolving Account
877 OASI Contribution Account
878 Federal Forest Revolving Account
880 Advance Right-Of-Way Revolving Account
881 Supplemental Pension Account
882 Washington Judicial Retirement Account
883 Second Injury Account
884 Gambling Revolving Account
885 Plumbing Certificate Account
887 Public Facility Construction Loan Revolving Account
888 Deferred Compensation Administrative Account
892 Pressure Systems Safety Account
893 Radiation Perpetual Maintenance Account
997 General Capital Assets Subsidiary
999 General Long Term Obligations Subsidiary
FH1 Higher Education Blended Component Units
FH2 Higher Education Internal Lending Account
