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Delete (cancel) future dated modern work environment record

Use this procedure to delete your future dated modern work environment settings and revert back to your previous settings.

Step 1

Select the My Modern Work Environment tile.

MyPortal page with tiles for my earnings statements, my tax forms, my addresses, my emergency contacts, my communication data, my demographic data, my modern work environment, myportal help

Step 2

Select Delete.

My modern work environment status page with information about telework, compressed work week, flextime, flex work hours and includes tab for my position eligibility status and link to edit  or delete (located on right side of page)

The delete option will only be available if your future dated record has been approved.

If you want to change your future dated settings, use the edit option instead of the delete option.

The delete option allows you to cancel your future dated settings to revert back to your previous settings. A cancellation request will be sent to your supervisor for approval.

Step 3

Select OK to confirm.

Confirmation for do you want to delete the record (select ok or cancel)

A cancellation request will be sent to your supervisor for approval.

Your supervisor will receive an email when you submit your request and you will receive an email when your request is approved or rejected. Email notifications are sent to the email address maintained in the MyPortal My Communications module.

Date Updated
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