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Display position eligibility status

Use the My Modern Work Environment tile to display your position’s eligibility status.

Step 1

Select the My Modern Work Environment tile.

MyPortal page with tiles for my earnings statements, my tax forms, my addresses, my emergency contacts, my communication data, my demographic data, my modern work environment, myportal help

Step 2

Select the My Position Eligibility Status tab.

My modern work environment tabs for my modern work environment status and my position eligibility status

The My Position Eligibility Status page will display information about your position’s eligibility for telework, compressed workweek, and flextime.

My position eligibility status includes valid from date and telework (position eligible), compressed work week (position eligible), flextime (position eligible)

If you have questions about the position eligibility status, contact your HR office.

If there are no records found, contact your HR office. After your HR office creates a new record in the HR/Payroll system (HRMS), you will be able to display your information.

My position eligibility status with no records found  (empty open folder image)

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