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2025 (7) | 2024 (39) | 2023 (32) | 2022 (27) | 2021 (38) | 2020 (60) | 2019 (51) | 2018 (56) | 2017 (37) | 2016 (11)
Publication Date Title
12/16/2021 Gov. Inslee's proposed 2022 supplemental budgets
12/16/2021 Inslee's 2022 budget highlights poverty, climate, salmon recovery and transportation investments

Gov. Jay Inslee’s 2022 supplemental budget proposes significant funding to reduce poverty, increase housing and resources for homeless individuals, expand K-12 learning supports, invest in clean transportation and green economy, decarbonize buildings, and protect salmon habitat.

11/19/2021 State revenue projection for 2021–23 increased by $898 million
Washington’s projected Near General Fund revenue collections for the 2021–23 state budget have increased by nearly $898 million, according to estimates released today by the Washington State Economic and Revenue Forecast Council.
10/18/2021 Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS)/WA Cares Fund employee premium
10/06/2021 One Washington Newsletter for Sept. 2021: new executive director, spotlight on Dept. of Health
09/24/2021 State revenue projection for 2021–23 increased by $927 million

Washington’s projected Near General Fund revenue collections for the 2021–23 state budget have increased by more than $927 million, according to estimates released today by the Washington State Economic and Revenue Forecast Council.

“Trends in collections are still improving though there are some uncertainties on the horizon,” said Steve Lerch, executive director of the Economic and Revenue Forecast Council.

Total Near General Fund revenues are now projected at $59.3 billion for the current two-year state budget cycle, which began July 1.

09/15/2021 SAAM Directive 21A-04 issued September 15, 2021
09/15/2021 SAAM Directive 21A-05 issued September 15, 2021
09/14/2021 Agency supplemental budget requests now available online

View operating budget requests that state agencies and higher education institutions have submitted to us for consideration in Gov. Inslee's 2022 supplemental budget proposal:

Agency Budget Requests

The website is best viewed in either Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome browser.

For help in using the online system, check out this guide:

09/02/2021 Contractor vaccination requirements - guidance for agencies

Proclamation 21-14.1 requires contractors who have goods, services, or public works services contracts with a Washington state agency to ensure that their personnel (including subcontractors) who perform contract activities on-site comply with COVID-19 vaccination requirements, by requiring such personnel to be fully vaccinated, unless properly exempted for disability or sincerely held religious beliefs, as set forth

09/01/2021 2022-23 tentative agreements
09/01/2021 One Washington newsletter - August 2021
08/31/2021 Recovery plan performance report tracks results of Coronavirus State Fiscal Relief Funds
State of Washington Recovery Plan Performance Report: Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Funds - August 2021 [PDF]
08/13/2021 2020 Census redistricting data for Washington now available
08/03/2021 One Washington newsletter for July 2021 [PDF]
07/06/2021 Employee space use guidance for re-entering the workplace [PDF]
06/30/2021 SAAM Directive 21A-03 issued June 30, 2021
06/30/2021 State population steadily increases, tops 7.7 million residents in 2021

Washington’s population growth steadily increased by 61,600 people in 2021, launching the state into one of the most unique population estimate years because of delayed census data and COVID-19 impacts. As of April 1, 2021, Washington now tops 7,766,925 residents, with most of the growth concentrated in larger cities across the state.

06/23/2021 State revenue projection for 2021–23 increased by $1.8 billion

Washington’s projected Near General Fund revenue collections for the 2021–23 state budget have increased by nearly $1.8 billion, according to estimates released today by the Washington State Economic and Revenue Forecast Council.

“Trends in collections and the steady re-opening of the economy suggest some positive improvements in the revenue forecast this quarter,” said Dr. Steve Lerch, executive director of the Economic and Revenue Forecast Council.

05/26/2021 Healthy Washington - Roadmap to Recovery Guide for State Agencies [PDF]
05/26/2021 2021-23 enacted budgets
04/27/2021 2020 Census apportionment data release
04/08/2021 One Washington Newsletter - April 2021 [pdf]
03/17/2021 State revenue projection for 2021–23 increased by $1.9 billion
Washington’s projected Near General Fund revenue collections for the 2021–23 state budget have increased by more than $1.9 billion, according to estimates released today by the Washington State Economic and Revenue Forecast Council.
03/16/2021 2020 census geographic boundary files released
03/16/2021 Small Area Estimates Program 2010-2020 population estimates for 2010 census blocks
02/26/2021 State Auditor’s Office data security incident
What happened?

We recently learned that someone may have gained unauthorized access to personal information for more than 1 million Washingtonians, including many state employees. The data breach involved Accellion, a private software service provider the State Auditor’s Office was using to transfer data. Accellion, the Auditor’s Office and law enforcement are investigating the incident.

02/26/2021 One Washington Newsletter - February 2021 [pdf]
02/17/2021 New Washington Input-Output Model released - important tool in calculating economic impacts
02/09/2021 Information for state employees regarding payroll direct deposit

Notify your payroll office if you choose to make changes to your banking information and use this form:

Form: Direct deposit - authorization for automated clearing house (ACH) direct deposit of wages [Word doc]

If you decide to make a change, here are some things to note:

02/09/2021 Guidance for state agency employers when updating an employee’s electronic fund transfer (direct deposit) information
Employees should notify their payroll office if they choose to make changes to their banking information by submitting a direct deposit - authorization for automated clearing house (ACH) direct deposit of wages form [Word doc]. If the employee changes their bank account, the pre-note process is 5 business/banking days following the date entered. This means that changes made this week will not pre-note in time for the Feb. 10, 2021 payday.
02/04/2021 Updated April 1, 2020 population estimates
02/04/2021 One Washington Newsletter - January 2021 [pdf]
01/29/2021 SAAM Technical Correction 01-21 Federal issued January 29, 2021
01/21/2021 SAAM Technical Correction 01-21 issued January 21, 2021
01/15/2021 Healthy Washington – Roadmap to Recovery guide for state agencies [PDF]
01/08/2021 SAAM Directive 21A-01 issued January 8, 2021
01/05/2021 One Washington Newsletter - December 2020 [PDF]