News archive
Publication Date | Title |
12/18/2018 | Interactive visualization of Gov. Inslee's proposed 19-21 budget |
12/13/2018 | Gov. Inslee's proposed 19-21 budget |
12/13/2018 |
Investing in Washington’s continuing success – Inslee releases biennial budget Gov. Jay Inslee released his 2019–21 biennial budget today that makes significant investments in clean energy, behavioral health, orca recovery, education, statewide broadband and other crucial budget investments. “Washington is the only state that consistently ranks as a top state for business and ranks as the top state for workers. But we know that prosperity is not shared equally and we must make investments to grow our economy, protect the most vulnerable and ensure that everyone has access to opportunity,” Inslee said. |
11/28/2018 |
One Washington Integrations Update On November 27, 2018 One Washington presented to state chief financial officers, chief information officers, application owners and information technology staff a recap of the state’s initial integrations analysis. |
11/21/2018 | 2018 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report |
11/20/2018 |
State revenue projection for 2017–19 increased by $163 million Revenue forecast for 2019–21 budget increased by $196 million OLYMPIA – Washington’s projected Near General Fund revenue collections for the 2017–19 state budget have increased by about $163 million, according to estimates released today by the Washington State Economic and Revenue Forecast Council. “Revenue collections are essentially the same as forecast and the economy is behaving as anticipated, so the latest revisions are relatively small,” said Steve Lerch, forecast council executive director. |
11/15/2018 |
2019–21 tentative agreements now posted online In accordance with RCW 43.88.583, OFM has posted tentative collective bargaining agreements for the 2019–21 biennium: 2019–21 tentative agreementsThe tentative agreements posted are not yet funded and therefore not in effect. If the Legislature funds the agreements in the 2019–21 biennial budgets, they will go into effect on July 1, 2019. |
11/06/2018 |
New support website for HRMS users WaTech and OFM are very excited to announce the launch of the HRMS Support Hub website, designed to create a user-friendly support experience for our Human Resource Management System (HRMS) professional user community. |
10/12/2018 |
Governor Inslee launches the Complete Count 2020 Census Committee “The U.S. census count is as American as apple pie, and you can’t make a good pie without the right ingredients. A correct census count gives our state appropriate representation in Congress and our fair share of federal funding.” - Gov. Jay Inslee |
10/03/2018 | 2019–21 collective bargaining agreement status report and submittal |
10/03/2018 |
Governor Inslee to formally launch the state's 2020 Census effort Governor Jay Inslee will launch Washington’s effort to ensure a fair and accurate census in 2020 on Monday, October 8, 2018, 2–5:30 p.m., at the Brockey Center of South Seattle College. Gov Insleewill open the inaugural meeting of the statewide Complete Count Committee, composed of more than 30 representatives from the private, nonprofit, and public sectors across the state. Under the leadership of former Governor and former Commerce Secretary Gary Locke, the Washington State Complete Count Committee will provide high-level, high-visibility leadership to efforts intended to: |
10/02/2018 | The Connection Newsletter, Fall 2018 - news & info from Statewide Accounting |
10/01/2018 | NYT op-ed, Sept. 30, 2018 - A demographer's perspective on the proposed citizenship question |
09/26/2018 |
State revenue projection for 2017–19 increased by $348 million Revenue forecast for 2019–21 budget increased by $443 million OLYMPIA – Washington’s projected Near General Fund revenue collections for the 2017–19 state budget have increased by nearly $348 million, according to estimates released today by the Washington State Economic and Revenue Forecast Council. “With positive adjustments to both state personal income and employment, we have revised the latest forecast upward slightly,” said Steve Lerch, forecast council executive director. |
09/21/2018 | SAAM Directive 18A-05 issued September 21, 2018 |
09/13/2018 |
Agency budget requests now available online You can now view operating budget requests that state agencies and higher education institutions have submitted to us for consideration in Gov. Inslee's 2019–21 biennial budget proposal: The website is best viewed in Google Chrome browser. |
09/12/2018 |
State’s new health care website receives national award OLYMPIA – The state of Washington is being nationally recognized for a new website that gives consumers access to vast amounts of information about health care costs and quality. The National Association of Health Data Organizations announced last week it has given its annual Innovation in Data Dissemination Award to the state for its Washington HealthCareCompare website. |
08/30/2018 |
GAO report: Actions needed to address challenges to enumerating hard-to-count groups In a report released August 27, 2018, the U.S. Government Accountability Office finds that the Census Bureau is behind on finalizing planning for efforts to reach minorities and hard-to-count populations in the 2020 census. Read the report and the GAO recommendations |
08/13/2018 | 2018 general election ballot fiscal information |
08/03/2018 |
One Washington program update, summer 2018 One Washington provided an update to state employees in a live presentation on July 30 and a repeat presentation on July 31, 2018. The update provided a fresh orientation to the effort. |
07/17/2018 | State Auditor's Office - Post Audit Report for the 2015-2017 Biennium |
07/16/2018 |
Request for proposal: organizations interested in 2020 census The Washington State Department of Commerce is initiating a Request for Proposals (RFP) to solicit proposals from organizations interested in helping ensure a complete count of people in Washington during the 2020 census. Proposals are due by August 24. Questions?Contact Jaclyn Woodson, RFP coordinator, at or 360-725.4049. |
07/12/2018 | Q&A related to the Janus decision by the U.S. Supreme Court |
07/12/2018 | One Washington July Newsletter |
06/29/2018 |
One Washington Program Blueprint is released The One Washington Program Blueprint The final edition of the One Washington Program Blueprint was released June 29, 2018. This document is the go-to resource to understand where the state is headed. At the time of publishing, no other state has implemented a complete Software as a Service (SaaS) enterprise resource planning system across all of its core business domains – so Washington will be leading the curve. |
06/29/2018 |
Washington launches online tool that lets patients compare prices for medical procedures Washington HealthCareCompare allows consumers to compare costs for more than 80 common health care services. In addition to helping Washingtonians find affordable, high-quality health care, the database will be a valuable tool for health plan managers, consumer advocates, hospitals, physician organizations, business leaders and policymakers, who can use the site to check cost and quality performance across the state. |
06/26/2018 |
Strong population growth in Washington continues OLYMPIA, Wash. – As of April 1, 2018, an estimated 7,427,600 people resided in the state of Washington, according to annual estimates prepared by the Washington State Office of Financial Management. The state’s population grew by 117,300 persons, a 1.6 percent increase over the past year. While state population growth remains strong by historical standards, the growth rate is down slightly from last year. |
06/19/2018 |
State revenue projection for 2017–19 increased by $298 million OLYMPIA – Washington’s projected Near General Fund revenue collections for the 2017–19 state budget have increased by a net $298 million, according to estimates released today by the Washington State Economic and Revenue Forecast Council. “With collections once again running above the previous forecast, particularly given the increase in housing values, we revised the forecast upward,” said Steve Lerch, forecast council executive director. |
06/14/2018 | Inslee honors 20 state government managers for outstanding performance |
06/14/2018 |
Census Bureau now recruiting for 2020 Census jobs The US Census Bureau has begun recruiting for a variety of jobs related to the 2020 Census. Job postings will change over time, and you can check out the current openings in Washington here:
Census Bureau - Washington Employment Opportunities
06/12/2018 | 2019–21 operating and capital budget instructions |
06/11/2018 |
New system to streamline, modernize state budgeting processes A new system that will both streamline and modernize budget development and reporting operations for Washington state agencies and for state government as a whole was launched today. The new Agency Budget System (ABS) is a collaborative project between the state’s Office of Financial Management (OFM), which manages the state’s budgeting processes, and Washington Technology Solutions (WaTech), which lent about two dozen staff to the project through its inception in September 2016. |
05/23/2018 |
ERDC studies link between financial aid, graduation rates OLYMPIA – College students with fewer of their financial needs met through aid are less likely to finish their degree than those who received more financial aid. That, and other findings about the relationship between financial need and college graduation rates, are included in a report released recently by the Washington Office of Financial Management’s Education Research and Data Center. |
05/21/2018 | SAAM Directive 18A-02 issued May 21, 2018 |
05/16/2018 | Budget systems modernization project update, May 2018 |
05/14/2018 |
We're hiring a Census 2020 Complete Count Committee Coordinator The 2018-19 supplemental budget required and funded work at OFM to promote a complete count of Washingtonians in the 2020 census. Based on a Census Bureau recommendation and experience in other states in 2010, OFM is assembling a “Complete Count Committee” of key stakeholders and prominent individuals, particularly among hard to count communities, to develop strategies, activities and documents to promote a complete count of Washington residents. |
04/20/2018 |
Join us for the One Washington recruitment open house, April 25 What: One Washington Recruitment Open House When: Wednesday, April 25, 2018 | 12:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. [add to your calendar] |
04/16/2018 | One Washington April newsletter |
04/10/2018 |
Results are in — 2017 Employee Engagement Survey This message from Governor Jay Inslee was sent out to all state employees on April 10, 2018: Dear fellow state employee, |
04/09/2018 | The Connection Newsletter, Spring 2018 - news & info from Statewide Accounting |
03/27/2018 |
Gov. Inslee's veto messages for 2018 supplemental budgets Governor Jay Inslee signed the 2018 supplemental operating, capital and transportation budgets on March 27, 2018, while vetoing some sections. See the letters below for details. |
03/27/2018 | Allotment instructions for 2018 supplemental budgets |
03/20/2018 | We answer your questions about the IT classification & compensation restructure |
03/15/2018 |
Budget systems modernization project update, March 15, 2018 The project team is working diligently to replace the enterprise Budget Development System (BDS) with the new Agency Budget System (ABS). In case you missed it, One Washington held a statewide system preview event on Oct 27, 2017 to provide information about ABS. The first release is scheduled for early June, just in time for agencies to prepare 2019-21 budget requests. The new system streamlines several paper-based processes and establishes a new digital framework to submit and share biennial and supplemental budget requests. Features include: |
02/28/2018 |
Concerns with House/Senate 2018 supplemental budgets See our "Memos to agencies and the Legislature" page for OFM concerns with House and Senate 2018 supplemental budgets |
02/26/2018 | New edition of Washington Data Book presents diversity of information about our state |
02/15/2018 |
State revenue projections for 2017–19 increase by $628 million Washington’s projected Near General Fund revenue collections for the 2017–19 state budget have increased by nearly $628 million, according to estimates released today by the Washington State Economic and Revenue Forecast Council. “With collections running above the previous forecast and continued positive signs in the underlying economy, we revised the forecast upward,” said Steve Lerch, forecast council executive director. Today’s forecast is the largest quarterly increase for the state since before the Great Recession. |
02/12/2018 | Inslee, Murray, Jayapal to be recognized for support of national service |
02/09/2018 |
Arlington mayor: Local governments need to get involved early in 2020 Census planning and outreach In an op-ed in The Marysville Globe this week, Arlington Mayor Barb Tolbert outlines why her city is engaging early on outreach and data preparation for the 2020 Census: |
01/31/2018 | Uninsured rate at record low, according to study of ACA impacts |
01/26/2018 | Allotment instructions and temporary spending authority for 2018 supplemental capital budget |
01/24/2018 |
One Washington Program Blueprint v2 The One Washington program has been busy working with stakeholders in a variety of interviews and workshops. This work has been summarized throughout version two of the Program Blueprint. This document is the second of three versions, which describes the timeline and budget for modernizing and improving aging administrative systems and related business processes that are common throughout state government. |
01/22/2018 | How the success of the 2020 Census is at risk and what we plan to do about it |
01/19/2018 | Status update on the IT classification and compensation restructure |
01/09/2018 | The Connection Newsletter, Winter 2018 - news & info from Statewide Accounting |
01/08/2018 |
Nominations open for Governor's Awards for Leadership in Management The Governor's Award for Leadership in Management is an annual award that recognizes managers in state government who demonstrate extraordinary leadership through performance results in the previous year. The governor is seeking nominees who have achieved results, demonstrated leadership competencies and prioritized cultivating an innovative and inclusive work environment. The criterion has a focus on utilizing continuous process improvement principles. Nominations are due March 5, 2018. |