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Publication Date Title
12/27/2019 One Washington Newsletter, December 2019 (PDF)
12/18/2019 Gov. Inslee's proposed 2020 supplemental budget
12/18/2019 Inslee’s budget proposal lays out aggressive plan to combat homelessness statewide

Gov. Jay Inslee released his 2020 supplemental budget proposal Wednesday with substantial investments that address the statewide homelessness crisis, expand early learning and strengthen the foster care system, and enhance diversity, equity and inclusion efforts in government, schools and communities.

12/10/2019 Register now for the Diversity Equity and Inclusion Summit 2020
12/10/2019 Faster, more efficient and more secure: Washington state’s business systems will get some major tech updates

Gov. Jay Inslee recently signed an executive order that directs Washington state agencies to update many of the state’s technology systems — some of them from the dinosaur era, in computer years. These systems help the state continue uninterrupted services to Washingtonians and are overdue for important and more current technology updates.

12/10/2019 See all statewide workforce DEI events in one calendar
12/09/2019 News from Gov. Jay Inslee
12/06/2019 2020 Census promotional materials available for order or download
12/02/2019 OFM makes available limited Census 2020 funds for cities, counties and libraries

The Office of Financial Management announces the availability of $2 million for Washington state cities, counties and libraries to support their efforts to reach out to residents regarding the 202

11/27/2019 New agency resources page is now available
11/26/2019 2019 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report published
11/21/2019 Report: Feasibility of a Single Point-of-Contact Firearm Background Check System
11/20/2019 State revenue projection for 2019–21 increased by $299 million

Washington’s projected Near General Fund revenue collections for the 2019–21 state budget have increased by nearly $299 million, according to estimates released today by the Washington State Economic and Revenue Forecast Council.

“The Washington economic and revenue outlook remains positive without significant changes since our previous forecast,” said Steve Lerch, forecast council executive director. “This update reflects these modest changes.”

11/07/2019 Governor Inslee signs Executive Order 19-04, One Washington: Modernization of State Administrative Business and Systems
10/29/2019 Lunch and Learn sessions offer collaboration opportunity for state HR community

The  Lunch and Learn series is a bi-monthly hour-long workshop that provides training and resources to state human resource professionals. These sessions are intended to promote collaboration and learning within the state’s human resources community.

10/28/2019 Agency budget officers forum series
09/30/2019 2019 Small Area Estimate Program and special area population estimates now available

The following data products are now available on our website:

09/25/2019 State revenue projection for 2019–21 increased by $447 million

OLYMPIA – Washington’s projected Near General Fund revenue collections for the 2019–21 state budget have increased by nearly $447 million, according to estimates released today by the Washington State Economic and Revenue Forecast Council.

“The economic forecast is relatively similar to what we expected in June, but higher than expected collections, including estate tax collections, have resulted in an increase in the revenue forecast for the 2019–21 biennium,” said Steve Lerch, forecast council executive director.

09/23/2019 Agency 2020 supplemental budget requests now available online

You can now view operating budget requests that state agencies and higher education institutions have submitted to us for consideration in Gov. Inslee's 2020 supplemental budget proposal:

Agency Budget Requests

The website is best viewed in Google Chrome browser.

For help in using the online system, check out this guide:

08/30/2019 2020 Supplemental budget instructions related to One Washington
08/05/2019 One Washington Highlights - July 2019
07/22/2019 One Washington agency points of contacts list [pdf]
07/22/2019 Guide to creating an agency-level One Washington point of contact [pdf]
07/18/2019 Census 2020 toolkits now available for state agencies, nonprofits and more
06/28/2019 Washington tops 7.5 million residents in 2019

As of April 1, 2019, an estimated 7,546,400 people reside in the State of Washington, according to annual estimates prepared by the Office of Financial Management.

06/25/2019 State revenue projection for 2019–21 increased by $432 million

OLYMPIA – Washington’s projected Near General Fund revenue collections for the 2019–21 state budget have increased by nearly $432 million, according to estimates released today by the Washington State Economic and Revenue Forecast Council. The increase is due in large part to measures passed during the 2019 legislative session that adjourned in April.

“Revenues and economic activity are tracking very closely to the previous forecast,” said Steve Lerch, forecast council executive director. “And this update reflects these modest changes.”

06/24/2019 Request for Proposals for 2020 Census

On June 21 OFM issued Request for Proposals for 2020 Census Education and Outreach.

06/20/2019 Washington Nonprofits releases its 2020 Census Action Kit for Nonprofits

The Nonprofit Census Action Kit is designed to provide basic tools that can be used to build awareness about the census and encourage the people to be counted. The kit includes:

06/18/2019 SAAM Directive 19A-03 issued June 18, 2019
05/29/2019 New Washington health data dashboards show access to preventative care and more

Important health data from the Washington State All-Payer Claims Database (WA-APCD) is now available in three data dashboards, enabling you to delve into measures such as access to preventative care, and costs of treating chronic conditions.

05/21/2019 New IT classification & compensation restructure to take effect July 1
05/21/2019 Gov. Inslee signs 2019–21 budgets

Gov. Inslee signed the 2019–21 operating, capital and transportation budgets on May 21, 2019. For more information on what's in the budgets, see this Governor's Office story:

Inslee signs budgets that give big boosts to behavioral health, education, orcas, homelessness and clean energy

For text of the budgets as passed the Legislature, along with partial veto letters, see our website:

05/17/2019 SAAM Directive 19A-02 issued May 17, 2019
05/04/2019 One Washington Highlights - May 2019
04/09/2019 2018 State Employee Engagement Survey results

This message from Governor Jay Inslee was sent out to all state employees on April 9, 2019:

Dear Fellow State Employee,

03/29/2019 2018 Single Audit Report
03/27/2019 New resources available in March from the state, Census Bureau and US organizations

OFM Census team adds lots of new resources in March, including:

03/20/2019 State revenue projection for 2019–21 increased by $554 million

Revenue forecast for 2017–19 budget increased by $307 million

OLYMPIA – Washington’s projected Near General Fund revenue collections for the 2019–21 state budget have increased by nearly $554 million, according to estimates released March 20 by the Washington State Economic and Revenue Forecast Council.

“Despite fairly small changes to the economic forecast, stronger-than-expected taxable activity has resulted in moderate increases to forecasted revenue,” said Steve Lerch, forecast council executive director.

03/19/2019 Status of IT classification & compensation restructure - March 2019 update
02/28/2019 One Washington provides orientation to budget, HR and payroll stakeholders

Throughout the month of February 2019, One Washington began orientation sessions for state employees who serve in the budget, human resource and payroll divisions of agencies. The orientation was developed in response to the November 2018 One Washington reset, which was based on stakeholder feedback and new information acquired from the enterprise systems marketplace.

02/11/2019 Complete Count Committee Quarterly Meeting, Jan. 24, 2019

The Washington state Complete Count Committee met for the second time on January 24, 2019. In addition to reviewing and approving the Factsheet on Census and Confidentiality, the CCC reviewed the work of various subcommittees and discussed the Governor's budget request for 2020 Census promotions.

The agenda, minutes and other products are now available on our website.

02/08/2019 2020 Census Barriers, Attitudes, and Motivators Study Survey Report

In January 2019, the U.S. Census Bureau released its 2018 survey report and focus group research, which will drive creative strategy and media planning.

02/08/2019 2020 Census hard-to-count areas - printable maps

Now available: printable color-coded county maps showing hard-to-count populations.

02/08/2019 Are my Census answers safe and secure?

The Washington Complete Count Committee developed a two-page Factsheet on the Census and Confidentiality, which provides information about the legal protections of Title 13 mandating the U.S. Census Bureau to safeguard the confidentiality of your responses and legal obligations of U.S residents under Title 13.

02/01/2019 Nominations open for 2019 Governor's Awards for Leadership in Management

The Governor's Award for Leadership in Management is an annual award that recognizes managers in state government who demonstrate extraordinary leadership through performance results in the previous year. The governor is seeking nominees who have achieved results, demonstrated leadership competencies and prioritized cultivating an innovative and inclusive work environment. The criterion has a focus on utilizing continuous process improvement principles. Nominations are due March 4, 2019.

01/29/2019 IT systems information moves from WaTech to OFM

Web pages related to enterprise IT systems have moved from the WaTech website to the OFM website:

IT Systems

These web pages include instructions, reference materials, links to training and other information related to systems that are used by multiple state agencies. These include accounting systems, budget and legislative systems, reporting systems and the Employee Self-Service (ESS) system for earnings statements and leave requests.

01/24/2019 New tool makes it easier to track high school graduate outcomes

A new and improved version of an online dashboard that makes it even easier to monitor postsecondary outcomes for Washington high school graduates is now available.

The High School Graduate Outcomes dashboard, created by the Education Research and Data Center in the state Office of Financial Management, has displayed first-year college enrollment, persistence, completion and earnings of high school graduates by school district and individual school.

01/16/2019 New information about internet access in Washington's cities and counties

OFM posts data about household internet access by county, city/town and census designated place based on the 2013-2017 American Community Survey. The excel sheets highlight households (number and percentage): (1) with no internet access, and (2) with access to the internet only through their cellphones.

01/15/2019 New Census 2020 job fliers

Census Bureau is recruiting. OFM posts recruiting fliers for Adams, Clark, King, Kitsap, Pierce and Thurston counties. It is an easy process and can provide you with extra income and helps your community. Apply today!

01/11/2019 New report studies options for possible Washington public bank
01/02/2019 SAAM Directive 19A-01 issued January 2, 2019