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Voluntary layoff/furlough

Voluntary layoff and furlough are staffing reduction strategies that involve requesting or allowing employees to voluntarily give up employment or benefits.

Some employees may be considering the pursuit of other work/life goals. They may also welcome an opportunity for change, especially if it helps co-workers.

Common options include:

  • Voluntary Layoff
  • Voluntary Demotion
  • Temporary Layoff
  • Reduction of Hours

Factors to consider with voluntary layoff or furlough include:

  • Strategy. What business purpose does the strategy serve? Will key knowledge and skills be retained? Will loss of certain individuals disrupt business?
  • Layoff Lists. Employees who participate in the above opportunities in lieu of layoff may be eligible to have their names placed on layoff lists for classes in which they have held permanent status.
  • Change Management. How will employee perceptions be managed? Will impacts on layoff rights look like 'gaming the system?'
Last updated
Wednesday, May 31, 2023
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