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<<Fund Reference Manual

Account Code Admn Agency Agency Titlesort descending Fund Type Code Fund Type Title SAAM Budget Type Cash Type Inactive Date
11K Washington Auto Theft Prevention Authority Account 0550 Administrative Office of the Courts BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
177 Judicial Retirement Administration Account 0550 Administrative Office of the Courts AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
16A Judicial Stabilization Trust Account 0550 Administrative Office of the Courts BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
543 Judicial Information Systems Account 0550 Administrative Office of the Courts FA Enterprise Funds Appropriated (A) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
729 Judicial Retirement Principal Account 0550 Administrative Office of the Courts HC Pension Trust Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 1-Treasury Fund
21M Distracted Driving Prevention Account 0550 Administrative Office of the Courts BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
09T Washington Main Street Trust Fund Account 3550 Archaeology & Historic Preservation BA Special Revenue Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 1-Treasury Fund
14P Skeletal Human Remains Assistance Account 3550 Archaeology & Historic Preservation AA General Fund Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
614 Volunteer Firefighters' Relief and Pension Principal Fund 2200 Bd for Vol Firefighter and Res Off HC Pension Trust Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 1-Treasury Fund
624 Resrv Officers' Relief/Pension Prin Fund 2200 Bd for Vol Firefighter and Res Off HC Pension Trust Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 1-Treasury Fund
204 Volunteer Firefighters' and Reserve Officers' Administrative Account 2200 Bd for Vol Firefighter and Res Off BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
024 Professional Engineers' Account 1660 Bd of Reg-Prof Engineers/Land Surveyors BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
025 Pilotage Account 2050 Board of Pilotage Commissioners BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
739 Certificates of Participation and Other Financing Account - State 0100 Bond Retirement and Interest GA Internal Service Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
303 Highway Bond Retirement Account 0100 Bond Retirement and Interest CA Debt Service Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
304 Ferry Bond Retirement Account 0100 Bond Retirement and Interest CA Debt Service Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
03A Excess Earnings Account 0100 Bond Retirement and Interest AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
305 Trans Improvement Board Bond Retirement Account 0100 Bond Retirement and Interest CA Debt Service Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
380 Debt-limit General Fund Bond Retirement Account 0100 Bond Retirement and Interest CA Debt Service Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
381 Debt-Limit Reimbursable Bond Retire Account 0100 Bond Retirement and Interest CA Debt Service Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
382 Nondebt-Limit General Fund Bond Retirement Account 0100 Bond Retirement and Interest CA Debt Service Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
383 Nondebt-Limit Reimbursable Bond Retirement Account 0100 Bond Retirement and Interest CA Debt Service Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
384 Nondebt-Limit Proprietary Appropriated Bond Retirement Account 0100 Bond Retirement and Interest CA Debt Service Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
385 Nondebt-Limit Proprietary Nonappropriated Bond Retirement Account 0100 Bond Retirement and Interest CA Debt Service Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
386 Nondebt-Limit Revenue Bond Retirement Account 0100 Bond Retirement and Interest CA Debt Service Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
449 Certificates of Participation and Other Financing Account - Local 0100 Bond Retirement and Interest FA Enterprise Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
389 Toll Facility Bond Retirement Account 0100 Bond Retirement and Interest CA Debt Service Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
275 CWU Operating Fees Account 3750 Central Washington University BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
063 Central Washington University Capital Projects Account 3750 Central Washington University DA Capital Projects Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
783 CWU License Plate Account 3750 Central Washington University BA Special Revenue Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
060 Community/Technical College Capital Projects Account 6990 Community/Technical College System DA Capital Projects Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
743 College Faculty Awards Trust Account 6990 Community/Technical College System AA General Fund Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
17C Opportunity Express Account 6990 Community/Technical College System AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
15R Evergreen Jobs Training Account 6990 Community/Technical College System AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
20F Invest in Washington Account 6990 Community/Technical College System AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
147 Institutions of Higher Education - Plant Accounts 6990 Community/Technical College System BA Special Revenue Funds Nonapprop/Nonallot (Higher Educ Special) (H) 3-Local Fund
246 Comm/Tech College Forest Reserve Account 6990 Community/Technical College System DA Capital Projects Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
11A Employment Training Finance Account 6990 Community/Technical College System BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
561 Comm/Tech College Innovation Account 6990 Community/Technical College System BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
102 Rural Arterial Trust Account 4060 County Road Administration Board BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
23M County Rd Admin Brd Emergency Loan Acct 4060 County Road Administration Board BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
186 County Arterial Preservation Account 4060 County Road Administration Board BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
19H Center for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Youth Account 3530 Deaf and Hard of Hearing Youth BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
21N Northeast Washington Wolf-Livestock Management Account 4950 Department of Agriculture BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
24G Hemp Regulatory Account 4950 Department of Agriculture BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
131 Fair Account 4950 Department of Agriculture AA General Fund Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
516 Fruit and Vegetable Inspection Account 4950 Department of Agriculture BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
823 Livestock Nutrient Management Account 4950 Department of Agriculture BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
687 Rural Rehabilitation Account 4950 Department of Agriculture BA Special Revenue Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
126 Agricultural Local Account 4950 Department of Agriculture BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
128 Grain Inspection Revolving Account 4950 Department of Agriculture BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
28T Agricult Pest & Disease Response Account 4950 Department of Agriculture AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
21R DCYF Contracted Services Performance Improvement Account 3070 Department of Children, Youth, and Famil AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
17B Home Visiting Services Account 3070 Department of Children, Youth, and Famil BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
133 Children's Trust Account 3070 Department of Children, Youth, and Famil BA Special Revenue Funds Mixed (Part Approp Or Allot/Part Nonapprop) (M) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
755 Programs for Children and Families Account 3070 Department of Children, Youth, and Famil BA Special Revenue Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 3-Local Fund
17M Indivi-Based/Portable Background Check Clearance Acct 3070 Department of Children, Youth, and Famil BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
20L Early Start Account 3070 Department of Children, Youth, and Famil AA General Fund Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
22H Foster Parent Shared Leave Pool Account 3070 Department of Children, Youth, and Famil BA Special Revenue Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
25H Fair Start for Kids Account 3070 Department of Children, Youth, and Famil AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
636 Foster Care Trust Account 3070 Department of Children, Youth, and Famil HD Custodial Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 3-Local Fund
205 Mobile Home Park Relocation Account 1030 Department of Commerce BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
26V Capital Community Assistance Account 1030 Department of Commerce AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
05M Tourism Development and Promotion Account 1030 Department of Commerce AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
26W Renewable Fuels Accelerator Account 1030 Department of Commerce BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
21P Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Account 1030 Department of Commerce AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
12R Independent Youth Housing Account 1030 Department of Commerce AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
799 Washington Achieving a Better Life Experience Program Account 1030 Department of Commerce HA Private Purpose Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
746 Hanford Area Economic Investment 1030 Department of Commerce BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
15J Building Communities Fund Account 1030 Department of Commerce AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
27A Energy Efficiency Revolving Loan Capital 1030 Department of Commerce AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
285 Growth Management Planning and Environmental Review Account 1030 Department of Commerce BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
27B Electric Vehicle Incentive Account 1030 Department of Commerce AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
195 Energy Account 1030 Department of Commerce BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
27C Community Reinvestment Account 1030 Department of Commerce AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
15T Broadband Mapping Account 1030 Department of Commerce BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
17L Foreclosure Fairness Account 1030 Department of Commerce BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
28B Employee Ownership Rev Loan Program Acct 1030 Department of Commerce AA General Fund Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
263 Community and Economic Development Fee Account 1030 Department of Commerce BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
27E Equitable Access to Credit Program Acct 1030 Department of Commerce AA General Fund Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
08E Individual Development Account Program Account 1030 Department of Commerce AA General Fund Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
27F State Lands Dev Authority Capital Acct 1030 Department of Commerce AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
28D Down Payment Assistance Account 1030 Department of Commerce BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund 01/01/2034
23H Defense Community Compatibility Account 1030 Department of Commerce AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
27G State Lands Dev Authority Operating Acct 1030 Department of Commerce AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
06K Lead Paint Account 1030 Department of Commerce BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
23J Statewide Broadband Account 1030 Department of Commerce AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
887 Public Facility Construction Loan Revolving Account 1030 Department of Commerce BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
27K Digital Equity Account 1030 Department of Commerce AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
28G Covenant Homeownership Account 1030 Department of Commerce BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
22C Early Learning Facilities Revolving Account 1030 Department of Commerce AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
22D Early Learning Facilities Development Account 1030 Department of Commerce AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
532 Washington Housing Trust Fund 1030 Department of Commerce BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
833 Developmental Disabilities Endowment Trust Account 1030 Department of Commerce BA Special Revenue Funds Mixed (Part Approp Or Allot/Part Nonapprop) (M) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
689 Rural Washington Loan Account 1030 Department of Commerce BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
10B Home Security Fund Account 1030 Department of Commerce BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
777 Prostitution Prevention and Intervention Account 1030 Department of Commerce BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
14H Community Preservation and Development Authority Account 1030 Department of Commerce AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
28Q Port District Equity Fund 1030 Department of Commerce AA General Fund Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
12C Affordable Housing for All Account 1030 Department of Commerce BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
18A Investing In Innovation Account 1030 Department of Commerce BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
14M Financial Fraud and Identity Theft Crimes Investigation and Prosecution Account 1030 Department of Commerce BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund 01/07/2030
28S Stadium World Cup Capital Account 1030 Department of Commerce BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
22M Energy Efficiency Account 1030 Department of Commerce BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
25G Manufacturing Cluster Acceleration Account 1030 Department of Commerce AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
19V Andy Hill Cancer Research Endowment Fund Match Transfer Account 1030 Department of Commerce BA Special Revenue Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 1-Treasury Fund
551 Washington Youth and Families Account 1030 Department of Commerce AA General Fund Mixed (Part Approp Or Allot/Part Nonapprop) (M) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
731 Child Care Facility Revolving Acct 1030 Department of Commerce BA Special Revenue Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
22S Landlord Mitigation Program Account 1030 Department of Commerce AA General Fund Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
058 Public Works Assistance Account 1030 Department of Commerce BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
150 Low-Income Weatherization and Structural Rehab. Assistance Account 1030 Department of Commerce BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
22T Statewide Tourism Marketing Account 1030 Department of Commerce AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
21L Low-Income Home Rehabilitation Account 1030 Department of Commerce AA General Fund Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
26U Apple Health and Homes Account 1030 Department of Commerce AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
206 Cost of Supervision Account 3100 Department of Corrections BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
644 Community Services Revolving Account 3100 Department of Corrections BA Special Revenue Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 3-Local Fund
575 Vocational Education Revolving Account - Correctional Institutions 3100 Department of Corrections FA Enterprise Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 3-Local Fund
01N Institutional Impact Account 3100 Department of Corrections AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
401 Correctional Industries Account 3100 Department of Corrections FA Enterprise Funds Mixed (Part Approp Or Allot/Part Nonapprop) (M) 1-Treasury Fund
16V Water Rights Processing Account 4610 Department of Ecology AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
032 State Emergency Water Projects Revolving Account 4610 Department of Ecology AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
11J Electronic Products Recycling Account 4610 Department of Ecology BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
564 Water Pollution Control Revol Admin 4610 Department of Ecology BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
25Q Clean Fuels Program Account 4610 Department of Ecology BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
25R Recycled Content Account 4610 Department of Ecology BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
207 Hazardous Waste Assistance Account 4610 Department of Ecology BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
565 Yakima Integ Plan Implem Revenue Recovery Account 4610 Department of Ecology BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
25S Recycling Enhancement Account 4610 Department of Ecology BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
176 Water Quality Permit Account 4610 Department of Ecology BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
408 Coastal Protection Account 4610 Department of Ecology BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 1-Treasury Fund
15H Cleanup Settlement Account 4610 Department of Ecology BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
25T Refrigerant Emission Management Account 4610 Department of Ecology BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
05W State Drought Preparedness Account 4610 Department of Ecology BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
20C Yakima Integrated Plan Implem Taxable Bond Account 4610 Department of Ecology AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
15K Columbia River Water Delivery Account 4610 Department of Ecology AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
222 Freshwater Aquatic Weeds Account 4610 Department of Ecology BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
28C Responsible Battery Management Account 4610 Department of Ecology BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
223 Oil Spill Response Account 4610 Department of Ecology BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
199 Biosolids Permit Account 4610 Department of Ecology BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
160 Wood Stove Education and Enforcement Account 4610 Department of Ecology BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
28E Emergency Drought Response Account 4610 Department of Ecology AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
28F Clean Fuels Trans Investment Account 4610 Department of Ecology BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
26B Climate Investment Account 4610 Department of Ecology BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
26C Climate Commitment Account 4610 Department of Ecology BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
20R Radioactive Mixed Waste Account 4610 Department of Ecology BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
26D Natural Climate Solutions Account 4610 Department of Ecology BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
366 Watershed Restoration and Enhancement Bond Account 4610 Department of Ecology DA Capital Projects Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
23N Model Toxics Control Capital Account 4610 Department of Ecology BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
27P Price Ceiling Unit Emission Reduction in 4610 Department of Ecology BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
044 Waste Reduction/Recycling/Litter Control 4610 Department of Ecology BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
10A Aquatic Algae Control Account 4610 Department of Ecology BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
26E Air Qual Health Disparities Impvmt Acct 4610 Department of Ecology BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
367 Chehalis Basin Taxable Account 4610 Department of Ecology DA Capital Projects Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
23P Model Toxics Control Operating Account 4610 Department of Ecology BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
182 Underground Storage Tank Account 4610 Department of Ecology BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund 01/07/2030
22G Photovoltaic Module Recycling Account 4610 Department of Ecology BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
027 Reclamation Account 4610 Department of Ecology BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
23R Model Toxics Control Stormwater Account 4610 Department of Ecology BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
216 Air Pollution Control Account 4610 Department of Ecology BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
19K Yakima Integrated Plan Implementation Account 4610 Department of Ecology AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
072 State and Local Improvements Revolving Account (Water Supply Facilities) 4610 Department of Ecology AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
377 Watershed Restoration and Enhancement Taxable Bond Account 4610 Department of Ecology DA Capital Projects Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
125 Site Closure Account 4610 Department of Ecology AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
217 Oil Spill Prevention Account 4610 Department of Ecology BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
10G Water Rights Tracking System Account 4610 Department of Ecology BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
08R Waste Tire Removal Account 4610 Department of Ecology BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
22K Watershed Restoration and Enhancement Account 4610 Department of Ecology BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
23V Voluntary Cleanup Account 4610 Department of Ecology BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
219 Air Operating Permit Account 4610 Department of Ecology BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
10P Columbia River Basin Water Supply Development Account 4610 Department of Ecology AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
19N Diesel Idle Reduction Account 4610 Department of Ecology AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
23W Paint Product Stewardship Account 4610 Department of Ecology BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
18B Columbia River Basin Tax Bond Water Supply Dev Acct 4610 Department of Ecology DA Capital Projects Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
21B Chehalis Basin Account 4610 Department of Ecology AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
727 Water Pollution Control Revolv Acct 4610 Department of Ecology BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
28U Clean Fuels Credit Account 4610 Department of Ecology BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
02P Flood Control Assistance Account 4610 Department of Ecology AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
116 Basic Data Account 4610 Department of Ecology BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 1-Treasury Fund
21H Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Certification Account 4610 Department of Ecology BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
500 Perpetual Surveillance and Maintenance Account 4610 Department of Ecology BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
296 Columbia River Basin Water Supply Revenue Recovery Acct 4610 Department of Ecology BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
16T Mercury-Containing Light Product Stewardship Programs Account 4610 Department of Ecology BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund 01/01/2035
036 Capitol Building Construction Account 1790 Department of Enterprise Services DA Capital Projects Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
084 Building Code Council Account 1790 Department of Enterprise Services BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
289 Thurston County Capital Facilities Account 1790 Department of Enterprise Services DA Capital Projects Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
24R Energy Independence Act Special Account 1790 Department of Enterprise Services BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
422 Enterprise Services Account 1790 Department of Enterprise Services GA Internal Service Funds Mixed (Part Approp Or Allot/Part Nonapprop) (M) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
045 State Vehicle Parking Account 1790 Department of Enterprise Services BA Special Revenue Funds Mixed (Part Approp Or Allot/Part Nonapprop) (M) 1-Treasury Fund
28L WA State Eastern WA Cult Land Feat Acct 1790 Department of Enterprise Services BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
546 Risk Management Administration Account 1790 Department of Enterprise Services GA Internal Service Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
547 Liability Account 1790 Department of Enterprise Services GA Internal Service Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
733 Capitol Campus Reserve Account 1790 Department of Enterprise Services BA Special Revenue Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 1-Treasury Fund
07T Commemorative Works Account 1790 Department of Enterprise Services BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
07V Fish & Wildlife Enforcement Reward Account 4770 Department of Fish and Wildlife BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
18L Hydraulic Project Approval Account 4770 Department of Fish and Wildlife BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
507 Oyster Reserve Land Account 4770 Department of Fish and Wildlife BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
209 Regional Fisheries Enhancement Group Account 4770 Department of Fish and Wildlife BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
21S Aquatic Invasive Species Management Account 4770 Department of Fish and Wildlife BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
09J Washington Coastal Crab Pot Buoy Tag Account 4770 Department of Fish and Wildlife BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
24N Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Account 4770 Department of Fish and Wildlife BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
320 Puget Sound Crab Pot Buoy Tag Account 4770 Department of Fish and Wildlife BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
104 Limited Fish and Wildlife Account 4770 Department of Fish and Wildlife BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
14A Wildlife Rehabilitation Account 4770 Department of Fish and Wildlife BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
259 Coastal Crab Account 4770 Department of Fish and Wildlife BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
071 Warm Water Game Fish Account 4770 Department of Fish and Wildlife BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
14G Ballast Water and Biofouling Management Account 4770 Department of Fish and Wildlife BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
444 Fish and Wildlife Equipment Revolving Account 4770 Department of Fish and Wildlife GA Internal Service Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
04M Recreational Fisheries Enhancement 4770 Department of Fish and Wildlife BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
25F Forest Resiliency Account 4770 Department of Fish and Wildlife AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
110 Special Wildlife Account 4770 Department of Fish and Wildlife BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
22N Fish and Wildlife Federal Lands Revolving Account 4770 Department of Fish and Wildlife BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
07F Commercial Fisheries Buyback Account 4770 Department of Fish and Wildlife AA General Fund Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
12G Rockfish Research Account 4770 Department of Fish and Wildlife BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
19W Wolf-Livestock Conflict Account 4770 Department of Fish and Wildlife BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
200 Regional Fisheries Enhancement Salmonid Recovery Account 4770 Department of Fish and Wildlife BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
098 Eastern Washington Pheasant Enhancement Account 4770 Department of Fish and Wildlife BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
05R Drinking Water Assistance Administrative Account 3030 Department of Health BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
002 Hospital Data Collection Account 3030 Department of Health BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
235 Youth Tobacco and Vapor Products Prevention Account 3030 Department of Health BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
11P Large On-Site Sewage Systems Account 3030 Department of Health BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
21T Suicide-safer Homes Project Account 3030 Department of Health AA General Fund Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
15M Biotoxin Account 3030 Department of Health BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
03C Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Care Systems Trust Account 3030 Department of Health BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
09L Nursing Resource Center Account 3030 Department of Health BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
319 Public Health Supplemental Account 3030 Department of Health BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
821 Impaired Physician Account 3030 Department of Health BA Special Revenue Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
828 Tobacco Prevention and Control Account 3030 Department of Health AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
03R Safe Drinking Water Account 3030 Department of Health BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
893 Radiation Perpetual Maintenance Account 3030 Department of Health BA Special Revenue Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 1-Treasury Fund
11R Hospital Infection Control Grant Account 3030 Department of Health AA General Fund Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
214 Temporary Worker Housing Account 3030 Department of Health BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
27R Med for People Living W/HIV Rebate Rev 3030 Department of Health BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
704 Covid-19 Public Health Response Account 3030 Department of Health AA General Fund Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
02G Health Professions Account 3030 Department of Health BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
16G Universal Vaccine Purchase Account 3030 Department of Health BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
04R Drinking Water Assistance Account 3030 Department of Health BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
04W Waterworks Operator Certification 3030 Department of Health BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
24B Foundational Public Health Services Acct 3030 Department of Health BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
202 Medical Test Site Licensure Account 3030 Department of Health BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
22U Secure Drug Take-back Program Account 3030 Department of Health BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund 01/01/2030
25N Stwd 988 Behav Hlth & Suicide Prev Line 3030 Department of Health BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
234 Public Works Administration Account 2350 Department of Labor and Industries BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
03B Asbestos Account 2350 Department of Labor and Industries BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
21V Construction Registration Inspection Account 2350 Department of Labor and Industries BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
881 Supplemental Pension Account 2350 Department of Labor and Industries FA Enterprise Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 1-Treasury Fund
262 Manufactured Home Installation Training Account 2350 Department of Labor and Industries BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
596 Self-Insurance Reserve Fund 2350 Department of Labor and Industries FA Enterprise Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 1-Treasury Fund
27D Driver Resource Center Fund 2350 Department of Labor and Industries BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
03K Industrial Insurance Premium Refund Account 2350 Department of Labor and Industries BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
01F Crime Victims' Compensation Account 2350 Department of Labor and Industries BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
883 Second Injury Account 2350 Department of Labor and Industries FA Enterprise Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 1-Treasury Fund
885 Plumbing Certificate Account 2350 Department of Labor and Industries BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
162 Farm Labor Contractor Account 2350 Department of Labor and Industries BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
163 Worker and Community Right-to-Know Account 2350 Department of Labor and Industries BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
28H Homeowner Recovery Account 2350 Department of Labor and Industries BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
892 Pressure Systems Safety Account 2350 Department of Labor and Industries BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
608 Accident Account 2350 Department of Labor and Industries FA Enterprise Funds Mixed (Part Approp Or Allot/Part Nonapprop) (M) 1-Treasury Fund
609 Medical Aid Account 2350 Department of Labor and Industries FA Enterprise Funds Mixed (Part Approp Or Allot/Part Nonapprop) (M) 1-Treasury Fund
610 Accident Reserve Account 2350 Department of Labor and Industries FA Enterprise Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 1-Treasury Fund
28N Surgical Smoke Evacuation Account 2350 Department of Labor and Industries AA General Fund Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
445 Self-Insured Employer Overpayment Reimbursement Account 2350 Department of Labor and Industries FA Enterprise Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
446 Industrial Insurance Rainy Day Fund Acct 2350 Department of Labor and Industries FA Enterprise Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
095 Electrical License Account 2350 Department of Labor and Industries BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
737 High Occupancy Vehicle Account 2400 Department of Licensing HD Custodial Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
298 Geologists' Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
18M Music Matters Awareness Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
003 Architects' License Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
18R Seattle Sounders FC Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
20A State Flower Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
082 Motorcycle Safety Education Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
24K Agency Financial Transaction Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
281 Impaired Driving Safety Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
25U DOL Wage Lien Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
25W Driver Licensing Technology Support Acct 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
23C Department of Licensing Tuition Recovery Trust Fund 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
20G Washington Farmers and Ranchers Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
06G Real Estate Appraiser Commission Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
15V Funeral and Cemetery Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
08C Gonzaga University Alumni Association Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
757 Maritime Historic Restoration and Preservation Account 2400 Department of Licensing HD Custodial Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
24S Seattle Nhl Hockey Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
08F Lighthouse Environmental Programs Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
106 Highway Safety Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
06L Business and Professions Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
17V Volunteer Firefighters Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
19E 4-H Programs Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
06R Real Estate Research Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund 30/09/2025
17W Limousine Carriers Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
27N Washington Wine License Plate Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
19F Seattle Seahawks Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
06T License Plate Technology Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
08L Ski & Ride Washington Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
20W Washington Tennis Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
026 Real Estate Commission Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
16B Landscape Architects' License Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
048 Marine Fuel Tax Refund Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
25A Washington Apples Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
10F Share the Road Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
22J Abandoned Recreational Vehicle Disposal Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
23T Congestion Relief Traffic Safety Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
04E Uniform Commercial Code Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
19M Seattle University Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
04F Real Estate Education Program Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
21A Washington State Wrestling Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
07B Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
08W Washington's National Park Fund Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
21E Concealed Pistol License Renewal Notification Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
19T DOL Tech Improve and Data Mgmnt Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
21F Fred Hutch Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
22Q Seattle Mariners Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
498 Washington State Council of Firefighters Benevolent Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
07J Helping Kids Speak Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
16M Appraisal Management Company Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 1-Treasury Fund
21G Washington State Aviation Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
14V Ignition Interlock Device Revolving Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
499 Law Enforcement Memorial Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
07K Special License Plate Application Trust Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
201 DOL Services Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
26S Patches Pal License Plate Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
24C San Juan Islands Programs Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
24D Seattle Storm Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
09A We Love Our Pets Account 2400 Department of Licensing BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
11H Forest and Fish Support Account 4900 Department of Natural Resources BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
158 Aquatic Land Dredged Material Disposal Site Account 4900 Department of Natural Resources BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
25P Wildfire Resp Forest Restor & Comm Resil 4900 Department of Natural Resources AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
21Q Forest Health Revolving Account 4900 Department of Natural Resources BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
566 Community Forest Trust Account 4900 Department of Natural Resources BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
513 Derelict Vessel Removal Account 4900 Department of Natural Resources BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
190 Forest Fire Protection Assessment Account 4900 Department of Natural Resources BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
014 Forest Development Account 4900 Department of Natural Resources BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
411 Natural Resources Equipment Account 4900 Department of Natural Resources GA Internal Service Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
193 State Forest Nursery Revolving Account 4900 Department of Natural Resources BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
087 Park Land Trust Revolving Account 4900 Department of Natural Resources BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 1-Treasury Fund
660 Natural Resources Deposit Account 4900 Department of Natural Resources HD Custodial Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
01B ORV & Nonhighway Vehicle Account 4900 Department of Natural Resources BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
01E Geothermal Account 4900 Department of Natural Resources AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
198 Access Road Revolving Account 4900 Department of Natural Resources BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
19C Forest Practices Application Account 4900 Department of Natural Resources BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
830 Agricultural College Trust Management Account 4900 Department of Natural Resources AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
041 Resource Management Cost Account 4900 Department of Natural Resources BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
167 Natural Resources Conservation Areas Stewardship Account 4900 Department of Natural Resources BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
28M Land Bank Account 4900 Department of Natural Resources BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
02A Surveys and Maps Account 4900 Department of Natural Resources BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
27T Derelict Structure Removal Account 4900 Department of Natural Resources BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
04B Nat Res Real Property Replacement 4900 Department of Natural Resources EA Permanent Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
16E Specialized Forest Products Outreach and Education Account 4900 Department of Natural Resources BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
28P Fallen Firefighter Memorial Account 4900 Department of Natural Resources BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
189 Clark-McNary Account 4900 Department of Natural Resources BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
04H Surface Mining Reclamation Account 4900 Department of Natural Resources BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
07E Contract Harvesting Revolving Account 4900 Department of Natural Resources BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
22P Natural Resources Federal Lands Revolving Account 4900 Department of Natural Resources BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
02R Aquatic Lands Enhancement Account 4900 Department of Natural Resources BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
16P Marine Resources Stwdship Trust 4900 Department of Natural Resources BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
030 Landowners Contingency Forest Fire Suppression Account 4900 Department of Natural Resources BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 1-Treasury Fund
641 Public Employees' Retirement System Combined Plan 2 and 3 Account 1240 Department of Retirement Systems HC Pension Trust Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 1-Treasury Fund
642 Teachers' Combined Retirement Plan II and III 1240 Department of Retirement Systems HC Pension Trust Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 1-Treasury Fund
874 OASI Revolving Account 1240 Department of Retirement Systems BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 1-Treasury Fund
661 Higher Ed Rtmt Plan Sppl Ben Fund - UW 1240 Department of Retirement Systems HC Pension Trust Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 1-Treasury Fund
819 Washington Law Enforcement Officers & Firefighters' System Plan I RetirementAcc 1240 Department of Retirement Systems HC Pension Trust Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 1-Treasury Fund
662 Higher Ed Rtmt Plan Sppl Ben Fund - WSU 1240 Department of Retirement Systems HC Pension Trust Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 1-Treasury Fund
882 Washington Judicial Retirement Account 1240 Department of Retirement Systems HC Pension Trust Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 1-Treasury Fund
600 Department of Retirement Systems Expense Account 1240 Department of Retirement Systems BA Special Revenue Funds Mixed (Part Approp Or Allot/Part Nonapprop) (M) 1-Treasury Fund
663 Higher Ed Rtmt Plan Sppl Ben Fund - EWU 1240 Department of Retirement Systems HC Pension Trust Funds Nonapprop/Nonallot (Higher Educ Special) (H) 1-Treasury Fund
664 Higher Ed Rtmt Plan Sppl Ben Fund - CWU 1240 Department of Retirement Systems HC Pension Trust Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 1-Treasury Fund
665 Higher Ed Rtmt Plan Sppl Ben Fund - TESC 1240 Department of Retirement Systems HC Pension Trust Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 1-Treasury Fund
667 Higher Ed Rtmt Plan Sppl Ben Fund - WWU 1240 Department of Retirement Systems HC Pension Trust Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 1-Treasury Fund
829 Washington Law Enforcement Officers & Firefighters' System Plan II Retirement Ac 1240 Department of Retirement Systems HC Pension Trust Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 1-Treasury Fund
668 Higher Ed Rtmt Plan Sppl Ben Fund -SBCTC 1240 Department of Retirement Systems HC Pension Trust Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 1-Treasury Fund
888 Deferred Compensation Administrative Account 1240 Department of Retirement Systems BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 1-Treasury Fund
615 Washington State Patrol Retirement System Plan 1 Account 1240 Department of Retirement Systems HC Pension Trust Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 1-Treasury Fund
616 The Judges' Retirement Account 1240 Department of Retirement Systems HC Pension Trust Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 1-Treasury Fund
844 Money-Purchase Retire Savings Admin Acct 1240 Department of Retirement Systems BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 1-Treasury Fund
722 Deferred Compensation Principal Account 1240 Department of Retirement Systems HC Pension Trust Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 1-Treasury Fund
630 Washington State Patrol Retirement System Plan 2 Account 1240 Department of Retirement Systems HC Pension Trust Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 1-Treasury Fund
631 Public Employees' Retirement System Plan I Account 1240 Department of Retirement Systems HC Pension Trust Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 1-Treasury Fund
632 Teachers' Retirement System Plan I Account 1240 Department of Retirement Systems HC Pension Trust Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 1-Treasury Fund
633 School Employees Combined Plan 2 & 3 1240 Department of Retirement Systems HC Pension Trust Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 1-Treasury Fund
635 Public Safety Employees' Retirement System Plan 2 Account 1240 Department of Retirement Systems HC Pension Trust Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 1-Treasury Fund
034 Local Sales And Use Tax Account 1400 Department of Revenue HD Custodial Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 1-Treasury Fund
797 Local Tourism Promotion Account 1400 Department of Revenue HD Custodial Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
17A County 911 Excise Tax Account 1400 Department of Revenue HD Custodial Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
09P City-County Assistance Account 1400 Department of Revenue BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
196 Unclaimed Personal Property Account 1400 Department of Revenue HA Private Purpose Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
03N Business License Account 1400 Department of Revenue BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
20M Puget Sound Tax Accountability Account 1400 Department of Revenue BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
527 Administrator for Intestate Estates Account 1400 Department of Revenue HA Private Purpose Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 3-Local Fund
107 Liquor Excise Tax Account 1400 Department of Revenue BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
06N Local Tax Administration Account 1400 Department of Revenue AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
768 Local Real Estate Excise Tax Account 1400 Department of Revenue HD Custodial Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 1-Treasury Fund
01T Local Leasehold Excise Tax Account 1400 Department of Revenue HD Custodial Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 1-Treasury Fund
28J Renewable Energy Local Benefit Account 1400 Department of Revenue BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
16C Real Estate and Property Tax Administration Assistance Account 1400 Department of Revenue HD Custodial Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
25D Manufac and Warehousing Job Ctrs Acct 1400 Department of Revenue AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
02W Timber Tax Distribution Account 1400 Department of Revenue BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
511 Tacoma Narrows Toll Bridge Account 4050 Department of Transportation BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
571 Multiuse Roadway Safety Account 4050 Department of Transportation BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
039 Aeronautics Account 4050 Department of Transportation BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
09H Transportation Partnership Account 4050 Department of Transportation BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
410 Transportation Equipment Account 4050 Department of Transportation GA Internal Service Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 1-Treasury Fund
880 Advance Right-Of-Way Revolving Account 4050 Department of Transportation BA Special Revenue Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
595 Interstate 405 and State Route Number 167 Express Toll Lanes Account 4050 Department of Transportation BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
20H Connecting Washington Account 4050 Department of Transportation BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
20J Electric Vehicle Account 4050 Department of Transportation BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
17N Complete Streets Grant Program Account 4050 Department of Transportation BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
17P State Route Number 520 Civil Penalties Account 4050 Department of Transportation BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
26A Carbon Emissions Reduction Account 4050 Department of Transportation BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
20N Transportation Future Funding Program Account 4050 Department of Transportation BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
432 King Street Railroad Station Facility Account 4050 Department of Transportation BA Special Revenue Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 3-Local Fund
108 Motor Vehicle Account 4050 Department of Transportation BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
688 Federal Local Rail Service Assistance 4050 Department of Transportation BA Special Revenue Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
109 Puget Sound Ferry Operations Account 4050 Department of Transportation BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
535 Alaskan Way Viaduct Replacement Project Account 4050 Department of Transportation BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
215 Special Category C Account 4050 Department of Transportation BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
490 Regional Transportation Investment District Account 4050 Department of Transportation AA General Fund Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
23S Puget Sound Gateway Facility Account 4050 Department of Transportation BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
218 Multimodal Transportation Account 4050 Department of Transportation BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
08T Transportation Innovative Partnership Account 4050 Department of Transportation AA General Fund Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
22L Public Use General Aviation Airport Loan Revolving Account 4050 Department of Transportation BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
495 Toll Collection Account 4050 Department of Transportation BA Special Revenue Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
16J State Route Number 520 Corridor Account 4050 Department of Transportation BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
26M Climate Active Transportation Account 4050 Department of Transportation BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
26N Climate Transit Programs Account 4050 Department of Transportation BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
02M Essential Rail Assistance Account 4050 Department of Transportation BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
094 Transportation Infrastructure Account 4050 Department of Transportation BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
26P Move Ahead WA Account 4050 Department of Transportation BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
784 Miscellaneous Transportation Programs 4050 Department of Transportation BA Special Revenue Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
26Q Move Ahead WA Flexible Account 4050 Department of Transportation BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
550 Transportation 2003 Account (Nickel Account) 4050 Department of Transportation BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
096 Highway Infrastructure Account 4050 Department of Transportation BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
25J DOT Purple Heart State Account 4050 Department of Transportation AA General Fund Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
097 Recreational Vehicle Account 4050 Department of Transportation BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 1-Treasury Fund
11B Regional Mobility Grant Program Account 4050 Department of Transportation BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
07N Produce Railcar Pool Account 4050 Department of Transportation BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
789 Advanced Environmental Mitigation Revolving Account 4050 Department of Transportation BA Special Revenue Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
099 Puget Sound Capital Construction Account 4050 Department of Transportation BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
18J Capital Vessel Replacement Account 4050 Department of Transportation BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
153 Rural Mobility Grant Program Account 4050 Department of Transportation BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
24F Veterans Service Officer Account 3050 Department of Veterans Affairs AA General Fund Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
21U Veterans' In-State Service Shared Leave Pool Account 3050 Department of Veterans Affairs BA Special Revenue Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
526 Veterans' Memorial Account 3050 Department of Veterans Affairs BA Special Revenue Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 3-Local Fund
27H Veterans & Mil Mmbrs Suicide Prev Acct 3050 Department of Veterans Affairs AA General Fund Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
11V Veteran Estate Management Account 3050 Department of Veterans Affairs BA Special Revenue Funds Mixed (Part Approp Or Allot/Part Nonapprop) (M) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
213 Veterans' Emblem Account 3050 Department of Veterans Affairs BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
10K Veterans Innovations Program Account 3050 Department of Veterans Affairs AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
08V Veterans Stewardship Account 3050 Department of Veterans Affairs BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
16N Disabled Veterans Assistance Account 3050 Department of Veterans Affairs BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
25K DVA Purple Heart State Account 3050 Department of Veterans Affairs AA General Fund Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
300 Financial Services Regulation Account 1020 Dept of Financial Institutions BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
06J Securities Prosecution Account 1020 Dept of Financial Institutions BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
07A Mortgage Lending Fraud Prosecution Account 1020 Dept of Financial Institutions BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund 30/06/2027
16K Mortgage Recovery Fund Account 1020 Dept of Financial Institutions AA General Fund Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
02H Business Enterprises Revolving Account 3150 Dept of Services for the Blind BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 1-Treasury Fund
562 Skilled Nursing Facility Net Trust Fund 3000 Dept of Social and Health Services BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
738 DSHS Trust Account 3000 Dept of Social and Health Services HA Private Purpose Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
07W Domestic Violence Prevention Account 3000 Dept of Social and Health Services BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
274 Adult Family Home Account 3000 Dept of Social and Health Services BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
12T Traumatic Brain Injury Account 3000 Dept of Social and Health Services BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
283 Juvenile Accountability Incentive Account 3000 Dept of Social and Health Services BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
753 DSHS Child Support Service Account 3000 Dept of Social and Health Services AA General Fund Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 3-Local Fund
20P Nursing Facility Quality Enhancement Account 3000 Dept of Social and Health Services BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
042 Charitable, Educational, Penal, and Reformatory Institutions Account 3000 Dept of Social and Health Services BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
075 State Social and Health Services Construction Account 3000 Dept of Social and Health Services DA Capital Projects Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
12E Assisted Living Facility Temporary Management Account 3000 Dept of Social and Health Services BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
19R Residential Services and Support Account 3000 Dept of Social and Health Services BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
732 Nursing Home Civil Penalties Account 3000 Dept of Social and Health Services BA Special Revenue Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
851 Developmental Disabilities Community Services Account 3000 Dept of Social and Health Services BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
185 Local Museum Account - Eastern Washington State Historical Society 3950 East Wash State Historical Society BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 3-Local Fund
061 Eastern Washington University Capital Projects Account 3700 Eastern Washington University DA Capital Projects Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
779 EWU License Plate Account 3700 Eastern Washington University BA Special Revenue Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
24H Career Connected Learning Account 5400 Employment Security Department AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
567 Long-Term Services & Supports Trust Acct 5400 Employment Security Department FA Enterprise Funds Mixed (Part Approp Or Allot/Part Nonapprop) (M) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
877 OASI Contribution Account 5400 Employment Security Department HD Custodial Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 1-Treasury Fund
134 Employment Service Administrative Account 5400 Employment Security Department BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
22E Family and Medical Leave Enforcement Account 5400 Employment Security Department FA Enterprise Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
22F Family and Medical Leave Insurance Account 5400 Employment Security Department FA Enterprise Funds Mixed (Part Approp Or Allot/Part Nonapprop) (M) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
703 Covid-19 Unemployment Account 5400 Employment Security Department AA General Fund Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
120 Administrative Contingency Account 5400 Employment Security Department BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
25B Unemployment Insurance Relief Account 5400 Employment Security Department AA General Fund Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
620 Unemployment Compensation Account 5400 Employment Security Department FA Enterprise Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 3-Local Fund
622 Unemployment Compensation Federal Employees' Benefit Payment Account 5400 Employment Security Department FA Enterprise Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 3-Local Fund
16L Accessible Communities Account 5400 Employment Security Department BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
119 Unemployment Compensation Administration Account 5400 Employment Security Department BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
26G Energy Facility Site Eval Council Acct 4630 Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
09E Freight Mobility Investment Account 4110 Freight Mobility Strategic Invest BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
11E Freight Mobility Multimodal Account 4110 Freight Mobility Strategic Invest BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
14N Legislative Oral History Account 0110 House of Representatives AA General Fund Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
21J Gina Grant Bull Memorial Legislative Page Scholarship Account 0110 House of Representatives AA General Fund Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
838 LEOFF Retirement System Benefits Improvement Account 3410 LEOFF Plan 2 Retirement Board HC Pension Trust Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
548 Law Enforcement Officers' and Firefighters Retirement System Plan 2 Expense Acct 3410 LEOFF Plan 2 Retirement Board AA General Fund Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 1-Treasury Fund
315 Dedicated Cannabis Account 1950 Liquor and Cannabis Board BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
775 Seized Contraband Account 1950 Liquor and Cannabis Board HD Custodial Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 3-Local Fund
501 Liquor Revolving Account 1950 Liquor and Cannabis Board BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
857 Institution of Higher Education - Annuity and Life Income Account LCL0 Locally by each agency EA Permanent Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 3-Local Fund
569 Institutions of Higher Education - Food Services Account LCL0 Locally by each agency FA Enterprise Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 3-Local Fund
859 Institutions of Higher Education - Endowment Local Account LCL0 Locally by each agency EA Permanent Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 3-Local Fund
457 Inst of Hi-Ed Retire Benefits Revol LCL0 Locally by each agency GA Internal Service Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 3-Local Fund
508 Miscellaneous Enterprise Activities Account LCL0 Locally by each agency FA Enterprise Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 3-Local Fund
570 Institutions of Higher Education - Other Enterprises Account LCL0 Locally by each agency FA Enterprise Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 3-Local Fund
860 Institutions of Higher Education -Institutional Financial Aid Account LCL0 Locally by each agency BA Special Revenue Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 3-Local Fund
645 Washington State Historical Trust Account LCL0 Locally by each agency BA Special Revenue Funds Mixed (Part Approp Or Allot/Part Nonapprop) (M) 3-Local Fund
460 Institutions of Higher Education - Motor Pool Account LCL0 Locally by each agency GA Internal Service Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 3-Local Fund
512 Institutional Stores Account LCL0 Locally by each agency FA Enterprise Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 3-Local Fund
573 Institutions of Higher Education - Housing and Food Account LCL0 Locally by each agency FA Enterprise Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 3-Local Fund
800 Institutional Welfare/Betterment Account LCL0 Locally by each agency BA Special Revenue Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 3-Local Fund
649 Discrete Component Units Processing Account LCL0 Locally by each agency MA Discrete Component Unit - Proprietary Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 3-Local Fund
651 Institutional Residents' Deposit Account LCL0 Locally by each agency HD Custodial Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 3-Local Fund
752 Institutional Clearing/Transmittal Account LCL0 Locally by each agency HD Custodial Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 3-Local Fund
522 Institutions of Higher Education - Associated Students' Account LCL0 Locally by each agency FA Enterprise Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 3-Local Fund
524 Institutions of Higher Education - Bookstore Account LCL0 Locally by each agency FA Enterprise Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 3-Local Fund
759 Miscellaneous Program Account LCL0 Locally by each agency BA Special Revenue Funds Mixed (Part Approp Or Allot/Part Nonapprop) (M) 3-Local Fund
145 Institutions of Higher Education - Grant and Contracts Account LCL0 Locally by each agency BA Special Revenue Funds Nonapprop/Nonallot (Higher Educ Special) (H) 3-Local Fund
528 Institutions of Higher Education - Parking LCL0 Locally by each agency FA Enterprise Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 3-Local Fund
148 Institutions of Higher Education - Dedicated Local Account LCL0 Locally by each agency BA Special Revenue Funds Nonapprop/Nonallot (Higher Educ Special) (H) 3-Local Fund
149 Inst of HI ED-Operating Fees Acct LCL0 Locally by each agency BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 3-Local Fund
252 Higher Education Non-Proprietary Local Capital Accounts LCL0 Locally by each agency DA Capital Projects Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 3-Local Fund
997 General Capital Assets Subsidiary LCL0 Locally by each agency IA General Capital Assets Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 3-Local Fund
999 General Long Term Obligations Subsidiary LCL0 Locally by each agency JA General Long-Term Obligations Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 3-Local Fund
FH1 Higher Education Blended Component Units LCL0 Locally by each agency FA Enterprise Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 3-Local Fund
440 Institutions of Higher Education - Stores Account LCL0 Locally by each agency GA Internal Service Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 3-Local Fund
FH2 Higher Education Internal Lending Account LCL0 Locally by each agency FA Enterprise Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 3-Local Fund
840 Institutions of Higher Education - Agency Account LCL0 Locally by each agency HD Custodial Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 3-Local Fund
443 Institutions of Higher Education - Data Processing Account LCL0 Locally by each agency GA Internal Service Funds Nonapprop/Nonallot (Higher Educ Special) (H) 3-Local Fund
843 Exceptional Faculty Awards Endowment Account LCL0 Locally by each agency EA Permanent Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 3-Local Fund
846 Grant-In-Aid Scholarship/Fellowship LCL0 Locally by each agency BA Special Revenue Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 3-Local Fund
448 Institutions of Higher Education - Printing Account LCL0 Locally by each agency GA Internal Service Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 3-Local Fund
849 Institutions of Higher Education - Student Loan Account LCL0 Locally by each agency BA Special Revenue Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 3-Local Fund
850 Institutions of Higher Education - Work Study Account LCL0 Locally by each agency BA Special Revenue Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 3-Local Fund
450 Institutions of Higher Education - Other Facilities Account LCL0 Locally by each agency GA Internal Service Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 3-Local Fund
790 Community College Clearing Account LCL0 Locally by each agency HD Custodial Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 3-Local Fund
03F 911 Account 2450 Military Department BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
28A State Hazard Mitigation Revl Loan Acct 2450 Military Department BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
08H Military Department Rent and Lease Account 2450 Military Department BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
364 Military Department Capital Account 2450 Military Department DA Capital Projects Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
14R Military Department Active State Service Account 2450 Military Department BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
12H Uniformed Service Shared Leave Pool Account 2450 Military Department BA Special Revenue Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
25L Mil Purple Heart State Account 2450 Military Department AA General Fund Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
05H Disaster Response Account 2450 Military Department BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
453 OMWBE Enterprises Account 1470 Off of Minority & Women's Business GA Internal Service Funds Appropriated (A) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
484 Administrative Hearings Revolving Account 1100 Office of Administrative Hearings GA Internal Service Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
180 Local Gov Administrative Hearings 1100 Office of Administrative Hearings BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
405 Legal Services Revolving Account 1000 Office of Attorney General GA Internal Service Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
27V WA ST Atg Humane Detention Account 1000 Office of Attorney General BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
27W Opioid Abatement Settlement Account 1000 Office of Attorney General BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
25V WA ST Atg Charitable Asset Prtcn Acct 1000 Office of Attorney General BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
19A Medicaid Fraud Penalty Account 1000 Office of Attorney General BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
424 Anti-Trust Revolving Account 1000 Office of Attorney General BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
19P Child Rescue Fund 1000 Office of Attorney General BA Special Revenue Funds Mixed (Part Approp Or Allot/Part Nonapprop) (M) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
12F Manufactured/Mobile Home Dispute Resolution Program Account 1000 Office of Attorney General BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
22R Internet Consumer Access Account 1000 Office of Attorney General BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
154 New Motor Vehicle Arbitration Account 1000 Office of Attorney General BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
24M Climate Resiliency Account 1050 Office of Financial Management AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
466 Statewide Information Technology System Development Revolving Account 1050 Office of Financial Management GA Internal Service Funds Appropriated (A) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
749 Governor's ICSEW Account 1050 Office of Financial Management BA Special Revenue Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
816 Stadium and Exhibition Center Account 1050 Office of Financial Management BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
468 OFM Central Service Account 1050 Office of Financial Management GA Internal Service Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
415 Personnel Service Account 1050 Office of Financial Management GA Internal Service Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
472 Statewide Information Tech System Maintenance & Operations Revolving Account 1050 Office of Financial Management GA Internal Service Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
421 Education Technology Revolving Fund 1050 Office of Financial Management GA Internal Service Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
22A State Agency Office Relocation Pool Account 1050 Office of Financial Management AA General Fund Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
436 OFM Labor Relations Service Account 1050 Office of Financial Management GA Internal Service Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
14B Budget Stabilization Account 1050 Office of Financial Management AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
373 Coronavirus Capital Projects Account 1050 Office of Financial Management DA Capital Projects Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
706 Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund 1050 Office of Financial Management AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
707 Washington Rescue Plan Transition Acct 1050 Office of Financial Management AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
245 Public Safety Reimbursable Bond Account 1050 Office of Financial Management DA Capital Projects Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
447 Information Technology Investment Revolving Account 1050 Office of Financial Management AA General Fund Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
28V Inflation Reduction Elective Pay Account 1050 Office of Financial Management BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
26R Clean Energy Transition Workforce Acct 1050 Office of Financial Management AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
16R Multiagency Permitting Team Account 1050 Office of Financial Management AA General Fund Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
455 Higher Education Personnel Services Account 1050 Office of Financial Management GA Internal Service Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
793 Health Insurance Pool Account 1600 Office of Insurance Commissioner AA General Fund Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
138 Insurance Commissioners Regulatory Account 1600 Office of Insurance Commissioner BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
24P Insurance Commissioner's Fraud Account 1600 Office of Insurance Commissioner BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
15W Guaranteed Asset Protection Waiver Account 1600 Office of Insurance Commissioner BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
442 Legislative Gift Center Account 0370 Office of Legislative Support Services FA Enterprise Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
07L Legislative International Trade Account 0800 Office of Lieutenant Governor BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
413 Municipal Revolving Account 0950 Office of State Auditor FA Enterprise Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
483 Auditing Services Revolving Account 0950 Office of State Auditor GA Internal Service Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
553 Performance Audits of Government Account 0950 Office of State Auditor BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
404 State Treasurer's Service Account 0900 Office of State Treasurer BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
456 Separately Managed State Treasurer's Service Account 0900 Office of State Treasurer FA Enterprise Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
409 Investment Income Account 0900 Office of State Treasurer HD Custodial Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
523 Public Funds Investment Account 0900 Office of State Treasurer HB Investment Trust Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 4-Local Government Investment Pool
03L County Criminal Justice Assistance Account 0900 Office of State Treasurer AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
03M Municipal Criminal Justice Assistance Account 0900 Office of State Treasurer AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
01R Undistributed Receipts Account 0900 Office of State Treasurer HD Custodial Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 1-Treasury Fund
28K Crime Victim and Witness Assistance Acct 0900 Office of State Treasurer AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
26F Billy Frank Jr Nat Statuary Hall Fund 0900 Office of State Treasurer AA General Fund Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
845 Separately Managed Public Funds Investment Account 0900 Office of State Treasurer HB Investment Trust Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 4-Local Government Investment Pool
847 Sep Managed State Agency Invest Acct 0900 Office of State Treasurer HD Custodial Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
734 Centennial Document Preservation and Modernization Account 0900 Office of State Treasurer HD Custodial Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
462 Gov Central Service Account 0750 Office of the Governor GA Internal Service Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
09K Life Sciences Discovery Account 0750 Office of the Governor BA Special Revenue Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
09R Economic Development Strategic Reserve Account 0750 Office of the Governor AA General Fund Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
407 Secretary of State's Revolving Account 0850 Office of the Secretary of State FA Enterprise Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 1-Treasury Fund
006 Public Records Efficiency, Preservation & Access Acct 0850 Office of the Secretary of State GA Internal Service Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
470 Imaging Account 0850 Office of the Secretary of State FA Enterprise Funds Mixed (Part Approp Or Allot/Part Nonapprop) (M) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
06H Washington State Legacy Project, State Library, and Archives Account 0850 Office of the Secretary of State BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
525 Washington State Combined Fund Drive Account 0850 Office of the Secretary of State HD Custodial Funds Nonappropriated/Nonallotted (N) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
27M WA State Global War on Terror Memor Acct 0850 Office of the Secretary of State AA General Fund Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
441 Local Government Archives Account 0850 Office of the Secretary of State BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
14E Washington State Library Operations Account 0850 Office of the Secretary of State BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
16F Washington State Flag Account 0850 Office of the Secretary of State AA General Fund Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
549 Election Account 0850 Office of the Secretary of State BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
12M Charitable Organization Education Account 0850 Office of the Secretary of State BA Special Revenue Funds Appropriated (A) 1-Treasury Fund
24E WA State Library-Archives Building Acct 0850 Office of the Secretary of State BA Special Revenue Funds Budgeted (Nonappropriated/Allotted) (B) 2-Treasury Trust Fund
001 General Fund 7000 OFM Financial Statement Control AA General Fund